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toise [twa:z], f., fathom. toit [twa], m., roof.

toiture [twaty:r], f., roofing, roof. tombeau [tɔ̃bo], m., tomb, grave. tomber [tobe], to fall.

ton, ta, tes [to, ta, te], thy, your. ton [to], m., tone, voice. tonnerre [tone:r], m., thunder coup de - peal of thunder. torrent [torã], m., torrent. tort [to:r], m., wrong; avoir —, to be (in the) wrong. tôt [to], soon; plus toucher [tufe], to touch; — à, to be near, approach; n'y touchez pas, do not touch it, hands off. toujours [tuzu:r], always, still, at all events; disait, kept saying; pour -, for ever. tour [tu:r], f., tower.

-, sooner.

tour [tu:r], m., turn, trick, feat; fermer à double to lock fast; in his (her, its) turn; faire le de, to go round.

à son -,

tourner [turne], to turn. tourte [turt], f., pie.

Tourville [turvil], a celebrated French naval officer, born 1642, died 1701.

Toussaint [tuse], f., All-saints' Day. tout, tous [tu, tu(s)], all, any, every, everything; quite; le

monde, everybody; le jour, toute la journée, the whole day; -s les jours, every day; toutes (les) deux, both; -es les années, every year; à fait, altogether; à l'heure, a little ago; ce que, all that, whatever;

de même, all the same; -à coup, suddenly; rien du nothing at all; le —, the whole; - à leur furie, intent on their fury.

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tracer [trase], § 156, to trace. tradition [tradisjõ], f., tradition. tragique [traзik], tragical.

train [tr], m., train, noise; en

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- de derrière, hind

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tranche [tra:], f., slice, edge (of book). tranquille [trakil], quiet, calm, easy in mind; soyez don't be uneasy, don't worry. tranquillement [trãkilmã], calmly. transformer [trãsforme], to transform.

transport [trãspɔ:r], m., transport-ship.

transporter [trãsporte], to convey, bring.

travail [trava:j], m., work, labour. travailler [travaje], to work. travers [trave:r], m., breadth; à —, through, across; en — de,

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to run across. treize [tre:z], thirteen. tremblement [trãblemã], m., trembling; de terre, earthquake. trembler [trable], to tremble. trente [trã:t], thirty.

très [tre], very, very much. trésor [trezo:r], m., treasure. tressaillir[tresaji:r], togive a start. trève [tre:v], f., truce. tricorne [trikorn], m., three-cor

nered hat.

tringle [tre:gl], f., rod.

triomphal [triofal], triumphal triomphe [triɔ̃f], m., triumph. triste [trist], sad.

tristement [tristma], sadly. tristesse [tristes], f., sadness. trois [trwa], three.

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troubler [truble], to disturb.
troupeau [trupo], m., flock.
trouver [truve], to find; aller
to go to; se, to find one's self,
be, feel.

truite [tryit], f., trout.
tu [ty], thou, you.
tuer [tчe], to kill.

tue-tête [ty te:t]; à —, as loud as possible.

tuile [tчil], f., tile.

tuileries [tuilri], f. pl., Tuileries (once a royal palace). tulipe [tylip], f., tulip. tumulte [tymylt], m., tumult. tyrannie [tirani], f., tyranny.


un [*], one, a, an; l'-, one; l'— (et) l'autre, both; les uns les autres, one another.

unir [yni:r], to unite, join; unissezvous les uns aux autres, join yourselves together.

univers [ynive:r], m., universe.
universel [yniversel], universal.
usage [yza:3], m., use.
utile [ytil], useful.

utilité [ytilite], f., utility, use.


va [va], 3 sg. pres. indic. and 2 sg. impve. aller.

vacances [vakã:s], f. pl., holidays. vache [val], f., cow.

vagabondage [vagabɔ̃da:3], m., vagrancy. vague [vag], f., wave.

vain [ve], vain; en-, in vain. vaincre [ve: kr], § 209, to conquer. vaincu [věky], vanquished (one). vainement [venmã], vainly.

vainqueur [vēko:r], m., victor, winner.

vais [ve], 1 sg. pres. indic. aller. vaisseau [vεso], m., ship. vaisselle [vesel], f., dishes. Valère [vale:r], the name of a suitor for the hand of Harpagon's daughter, who enters his service as steward, and is anxious to ingratiate himself into the favour of Harpagon.

valet [valɛ], m., servant. valeur [valo:r], f., value. vallée [vale], f., valley. vallon [valɔ̃], m., dale, valley. valoir [valwa:r], § 223, to be worth; -mieux, to be better; -la peine, to be worth the trouble (while). vas [va], 2 sg. pres. indic. aller. vase [va:z], m., vase, vessel. vaste [vast], vast, mighty. vaudrai [vodre], 1 sg. fut. valoir. vaut [vo], 3 sg. pres. indic. valoir. vautour [votu:r], m., vulture. vautrer (se) [se votre], to wallow. veau [vo], m., calf, veal.

vécu [veky], p. part. vivre.

veiller [vɛje], to watch (over, à or sur).

vendre [vã:dr], § 210, to sell. vendredi [vãdredi], m., Friday; saint, Good Friday.

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vengeur [vã30:r], avenging. venir [vəni:r], § 178, to come; vint à passer, happened to go by; de, to have just; on venait de lui donner, they had just given him; il venait voir, he came to see; lui à l'esprit, to occur to him.

vent [vã], m., wind; il fait du it is windy.

ventre [võitr], m., belly; terre, at full speed.

ver [ve:r], m., worm.

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verdure [verdy:r], f., verdure,

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vérité [verite], f., truth. verrai [vɛre], 1 sg. fut. voir. vers [ve:r], towards, about. Versailles [versa:j], m., a city of about 50,000 inhabitants, situated about twelve miles southwest of Paris. It contains the great château which was the chief residence of Louis XIV. verser [verse], to pour out. verset [versɛ], m., verse (Bible, etc.).

vert [ve:r], green.

verveine [vervɛ:n], f., verbena. veste [vest], f., jacket. vestibule [vestibyl], m., vestibule, hall.

vêtement [vεtmã], m., clothes, suit. vêtir [veti:r], § 179, to clothe. veulent [væ:1], 3 pl. pres. ind. vouloir.

veut [vø], 3 sg. pres. ind. vouloir. veux [vø], 1 sg. pres. ind. vouloir. viande [vjã:d], f., meat. victime [viktim], f., victim. victoire [viktwa:r], f., victory. vide [vid], empty. vider [vide], to empty. vie [vi], f., life, living. vieil [vje:j], see vieux. vieillard [vjɛja:r], m., old man. viendrai [vjedre], 1 sg. fut. venir. viens [vje], 1 sg. pres. ind. and 2 sg. impve. venir.

vierge [vjer3], f., virgin; la sainte Vierge, the Virgin Mary. vieux, vieil, vieille [vjø, vje:j, vje:j], old, aged; un vieux, an old man, an old fellow.

vignette [viɲɛt], f., vignette, ornamental design. vigoureux [vigurø], vigorous. village [vila:3], m., village.

ville [vil], f., town, city; en —, down town.

vin [ve], m., wine. vingt [ ve], twenty; twenty-eight.


vint [ve], 3 sg. p. def. venir. vint [ve], 3 sg. impf. subj. venir. violet [vjǝlɛ], violet.

Virgile [vir3il], m., Virgil (Vergil). vis [vi], 1 sg. p. def. voir. vision [vizjɔ̃], f., vision. visite [vizit], f., visit. visiter [vizite], to visit. vit [vi], 3 sg. p. def. voir. vitalité [vitalite], f., vitality. vite [vit], quick, quickly. vivant [viva], living. vivre [vi:vr], § 211, to live; faire —, to maintain; vive!, long live!, hurrah for !

vœu [vø], m., vow, wish. voici [vwasi], see here, here is, here are; nous, here we are. voilà [vwala], behold, there is, there are, that is; que, behold, lo; - ce que c'est, that's how things go; en — un, that's one; la here (there) it is!

nous, here we are! voile [vwal], f., sail. voiler [vwale], to veil. voir [vwa:r], § 224, to see; lui · faire des tours, to see him play tricks; faire-, to show; se —, to be seen.

voisin [vwaze], neighbouring; m., neighbour.

voisinage [vwazina: 3], m., neighbourhood, vicinity.



voiture [vwaty:r], f., carriage, car; ‚ in a carriage; se promener to take a drive. voix [vwa], f., voice. vol [vǝl], m., theft, robbery. volaille [vola:j], f., poultry. voler [vǝle], to fly.

voler [vǝle], to steal, rob. volet [vǝlɛ], m., shutter.

voleur [vǝlæ:r], m., thief, robber; au!, stop thief!

volière [volje:r], f., pigeon-house. volonté [vǝlɔ̃te], f., will.

volubilité [volybilite], f., volubility. volume [volym], m., volume. vont [v], 3 pl. pres. indic., aller. votre, vos [vǝtr, vo], your. vôtre (le) [lə vo:tr], yours. voudrai [vudre], 1 sg. fut. vouloir. vouloir [vulwa:r], § 225, to will,

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Waterloo [vaterlo or waterlo], Waterloo.

Wathier [vatje], name of a French officer.

Wellington [velegton], the Duke of Wellington.


y [i], there, in it, to it, at it, on it,
of it; il- a, there is, there are;
il - en a, there is (are) some.
yeux [jø], plur. of œil, eyes.
Yves [iv], name of a sailor friend
of Loti, mentioned in several of
his works, such as Mon frère Yves.

zébré [zebre], striped.
zéphire, zéphyr [zefi:r], zephyr.

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