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un enseigne, a flag bearer, the ensign.

le garde, the guardian.
le guide, the guide.
le manche, the handle.

un office, a religious service, a responsible situation.

le vapeur, steamboat.

le voile, the veil.

le livre, book.

le moule, mold, cast.

le mousse, sailor boy.

le page, page (servant). le poêle, stove.

le poste, position, post (military).

le somme, nap.

le tour, trip, trick.

le vase, vase.

une enseigne, a sign.
la garde, the watch.

la guide, the bridle, reins.
la manche, the sleeve.

la Manche, the English Channel.
une office, a pantry.

la vapeur, steam.
la voile, the sail.
la livre, pound.
la moule, mussel.
la mousse, moss.
la page, page.
la poêle, pan.

la poste, post office.

la somme, sum.

la tour, tower.

la vase, mire.


8. a. Irregularities in the formation of the feminine of


turc, Turkish, turque.

caduc, decrepit, caduque.

conducteur, conducing, conductrice.

benin, benign, bénigne.

malin, malicious, maligne.

coi, still, coite.

roux, red, red-headed, rousse.

b. The word grand is invariable in such expressions as

grand'mère, grandmother.

grand'route, highway.

la grand'messe, high mass.

avoir grand'peur, be very much frightened.

à grand'peine, with great difficulty.

ne pas valoir grand'chose, not to be worth much.

Note that the apostrophe takes the place of e in the femi


9. a. Some adjectives have no feminine.

Aquilin, aquiline, dispos, nimble, fat, conceited, sot-

b. Canine, canine, is never used in the masculine.
c. Hébreu, Hebrew, has no feminine.

Hebraïque is used in both genders.


10. Note the following irregular plural forms:
un Gallo-Romain, Gallo-Roman, des Gallo-Romains.
une grand❜mère, grandmother, des grand'mères.
un timbre-poste, postage stamp, des timbres-poste.
un pied-à-terre, small home, des pied-à-terre.
un pot-au-feu, a French dish, des pot-au-feu.
un garde-malade, nurse, des gardes-malades.
un garde-fou, railing, des garde-fous.

un garde-manger, pantry, des garde-manger.

un va-et-vient, a going and coming, des va-et-vient. II. Proper nouns may take an s in the plural. Les deux Corneilles vivaient au XVIIe siècle.

Il y a de superbes Raphaëls au Louvre.

The only exception being found in sentences where the article has been added before the name of the person itself.

Les Racine, les Corneille, les Voltaire, et les Hugo ont illustré les trois derniers siècles de notre histoire (in which case only one Racine, one Corneille, one Voltaire, and one Hugo are meant).

12. Names of metals, sciences and arts, abstract nouns, and some words used as nouns, are not found in the plural. Such are l'argent, la justice, l'agriculture, le beau, le bien, et le vrai, le boire, et le manger.

Exception. les mathématiques.

13. Note the change of meaning in the plural of the fol

lowing nouns :

la lunette, spyglass.
le ciseau, sculptor's chisel.

les lunettes, spectacles.

les ciseaux, scissors.

14. Gens most frequently occurs in the expression les jeunes gens, young people, young men.

The adjective immediately preceding gens is feminine. The adjective which follows it or does not immediately precede it is masculine.

Les bonnes gens sont rares!
Heureux les gens qui travaillent!
Ces gens-là sont ennuyeux!


15. a. Le landau, carriage, is regular, les landaus. b. Le bal, le carnaval, le chacal, le régal are regular. c. The adjectives fatal, final, glacial, naval, théâtral, frugal, jovial, natal, automnal, colossal, pascal are not often used in the plural.

16. a. Irregular plurals are:

le bail, the lease, les baux.

le soupirail, the air hole, les soupiraux.

le vitrail, the glass window, les vitraux. (See also §88.)

b. Ciel is regular in the expressions:

les ciels (des tableaux), the skies (of the paintings).

les ciels de lit, bed canopies.

Eil is regular in the expression, des œils-de-bœuf, little oval windows.

Ail, garlic, has two plurals, aulx and ails.

17. a. Maximum, minimum, erratum form their plural by changing um to a as in Latin, maxima, minima,


b. Words of foreign origin are now regular except

post-scriptum, statu-quo, in-pace, te-deum, credo, ave, magnificat, etc., which are invariable.



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Il l'a comparé à un mirage. He compared it to a mirage.

Croyez-vous à la sincérité de ses paroles? Do

you believe in the sincerity of his words? J'ai échappé au danger. I have escaped the danger.

Ne vous fiez pas aux apparences. Don't trust appearances.

Vous intéressez-vous à cette affaire? Are you interested in that affair?

Il se met à pleurer. He begins to weep. Obéissez à votre tante. Obey your aunt. Pardonnez-lui son impolitesse. Excuse him for his impoliteness.

Je n'y ai jamais pensé. I never thought of it. Avez-vous pris part à cette campagne? Did you take part in that campaign?

Vous êtes-vous plu au spectacle? Did you enjoy the play?

Vous avez pourvu à tout? You have provided for everything?

Ils ont renoncé à leurs projets. They gave up their plans.

Nous nous sommes soustraits à ses questions. We evaded his questions.

Qui succéda à Louis XIV ? Who succeeded Louis XIV?

Elle a survécu à tous les dangers. She survived all the dangers.

Ne touchez pas à ce vase; il est brisé. Don't touch that vase; it is broken.

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