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330. I. Verbs in -cer change c to ç before a and o.

Verbs in -ger change g to ge before a and o, thus preserving the soft sounds of c and g, throughout.

2. Most verbs in -eler, -eter, -ever change el, et, ev to èl, èt, èv before a mute e.

Exceptions. jeter, to throw; appeler, to call; étinceler, to sparkle; chanceler, to totter; double the consonant and the preceding e is pronounced è, thus avoiding also the succession of two mute sounds.

3. Verbs in -érer, -éter, -éler change ér, ét, él to èr, èt, èl before a mute e, except in the future and the conditional.

4. Verbs in -yer change y to i before a mute e. In essayer, to try, and payer, to pay, both forms are permitted.

331. I. The present tense is used to denote what is happening or what is habitually or universally true.

2. The present is used instead of a past tense in a vivid narration.

3. In familiar style the present may replace the future. 4. After words meaning when, as soon as, the future is used in French where English requires a present. 5. After si the present is used with a future meaning.

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2. He is raising his

332. Composition. 1. He is calling us. hand. 3. Let us eat rapidly, he is going to take us to Longchamps. 4. Let us pay. 5. I have paid already. little nearer, there is no danger.

6. Let us advance a

7. Let us try to find a better

position (place). 8. Which do you prefer, the uniform (uni

forme, m.) of the cavalry or that of the infantry?

10. Let us go home, it is too warm now.

your tickets (billet) for Versailles? Not yet.

9. I don't know. II. Have you bought

12. I shall buy them

this afternoon. 13. Let us first visit the Bois de Boulogne.

[blocks in formation]

1. Le voici. Les voilà. Faites-le. Regardez-les. Par


2. Quand vous êtes sorti, est-ce que vous avez mis un chapeau?

3. Le roi se mit à rire du jugement du maréchal.
4. Obéissez toujours aux ordres de vos parents.
5. N'avez-vous jamais assisté à un incendie?

6. Je l'enverrai prévenir la police.

7. Ils iront au Louvre tous les trois jours. 8. Vous devriez mettre des caoutchoucs. 9. Vous vous plaisez à me contredire.

10. Nommez les capitales des États Balkaniques.

334. Fill in correct form of word given in parentheses.
1. Elle (mourir) d'envie d'aller en France.
2. Où est l'échelle qu'il a (prendre)?

3. Où sont les 200 francs que je vous ai (prêter)?

4. Les dames se sont (promener) à cheval.

5. Pendant que vous (étudier) je lirai ce roman.

6. Voici des cartes postales; votre sœur en a-t-elle (acheter)?

335. Faites des phrases sur les sujets suivants.

I. Louis XIV.

2. Un madrigal.

3. L'Académie Française.

4. Le siècle de Louis XIV.

5. Le 14 juillet.

6. La Bastille.

7. La République Argentine.

8. L'Amérique du Sud.

9. Le Brésil.

336. Answer the following questions, using French sentences.

1. When do y and en follow the verb?

2. When is plus followed by de instead of que?

3. When is pas not used in negation?

4. When is de used instead of des in partitive expressions? 5. Give five verbs which require no preposition in English, but do require one in French.

6. What irregular verbs already learned have double r in the future?

7. Give five different ways of translating in.

8. Give three different ways of translating take.

[blocks in formation]

1. Where does one find the Père Lachaise cemetery?

2. Thousands of soldiers died at Waterloo.

3. They obeyed Napoléon's orders blindly.


Did you speak to them of the fire?

5. There is nothing extraordinary in that book.

6. A few men disappeared in the fire.

7. Every day we learn many new things.

8. Neither he nor she has seen London.


That is the very fable of which he was talking to us yesterday. 10. Everybody admires La Fontaine.

11. The more you read La Fontaine, the more you will admire

his style.

12. There were more than twenty mistakes in your exercise.

13. I shall tell you something new about South America.

14. After visiting Switzerland we shall go to Italy.

15. We must be present at the review of July 14th.

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