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Surgeon. A man who sets bones, and cures people who are hurt, and cuts off limbs, if it be


Limb. A member-a part; legs and arms are limbs.

Benefit. What gives us pleasure, or is necessary for us is a benefit-our parents give us food and clothes. Food and clothes, are benefits. Benefactor. Whoever benefits us, is a benefactor. Our parents are our benefactors. God, who gives us our parents, and every thing else that we have, is our greatest benefactor.

Expose. To put in danger-a child who goes too near the fire is exposed to be burnt.

Humane. Kind to people in want, or in trouble. The man was humane to the chimney sweeper.

Grateful. To think of those who have been good to us, to try to do them good is to be grateful. The chimney sweeper was grateful.

Attentive. To be attentive, is to think of what we are about.

Behavior. The manner in which people act. Belong. What is a person's own belongs to him.

Blacksmith. A man who makes things of iron. Blow. To blow, is to make the air move; when the air moves it is called wind.

By degrees. Not all at once-step by step We come up stairs by degrees.

Care. To take care of a thing is to hinder it from being hurt.

Cobwebs Nets made by spiders

Conversation. Answering what people ask ;

listening to what others say; hearing from others what they know, and telling them what we know.

Directly. Soon.

Ecrn. To get any thing by working for it. Employ. To employ one's self, is to do something.

Endeavor. To try to do a thing.

Examine. To look at every part of a thing.
Nosegay. A bundle of flowers.

Pay. To give money for a thing.
At present. Now-at this time.
Proceed. To go forward.

Precede. To go before. Pre means before. Punish. To give pain to prevent the person punished from doing wrong any more.

Round. What has no corners.

your hand light from The dark Shadows can

Shadow. Hold your hand in the sun-you will see a dark place in the shape of on the floor. Your hand keeps the that place and makes it look dark. shape of the hand is a shadow. be made in the light of the fire, or candle, as well as in the light of the sun.

Soft. What you can press your finger into is soft. Butter is soft-iron is hard.

Soot. Is smoke collected together, and dried in little lumps, as we find it in chimneys.

Stalk. That part of a plant upon which Aowers or fruits grow.

Take notice. To pay attention.

Understand. To know the meaning of a



PEOPLE who take long journeys pass through towns full of men and houses; they cross rivers in boats, and they ride over roads and bridges; they see fields enclosed by walls and fences, and the fresh earth turned up by the plough; the cattle feeding in the pastures, and the mille grinding the corn.

If they go far enough they may come to places where there is no street, nor road, where the footsteps of men, and the print of the horse's hoof cannot be found; where the rocks are covered with briars, and the wild animals sport under the tall trees. Once the pleasant country which we live in was like this.

When there are too many people in the countries inhabited by men, when they have not all food enough, or clothes enough, or work enough, they suffer from hunger, from cold, and idleness. But they hear of the places where there are no men which God has provided for them.

Many of the poor go thither, with some wise and industrious persons to take care of them, and to tell them what they shall do. By working very hard for many years, they and their children raise houses over their heads, and get every thing comfortable to eat and to wear. At first there are no churches, nor schools, nor shops, nor coaches, nor fine clothes. In time the people get rich enough to have these things.

Mr. Barlow one day invented a play for his children on purpose to show them this; it was


called the Colonists. Colonists are the people who go to live together in a new country. Barlow was the founder of the colony. Founder is a beginner. Profession is a man's business or trade.


"Come," said Mr. Barlow, to his boys, “I have a new play for you. I will be the founder of a colony, and you shall be people of different trades and professions, coming to offer yourselves to go with me-- -What are you, Arthur ?" A. I am a farmer, sir.

M. B. Very well! Farming is the chief thing we have to depend upon. The farmer puts the seed into the earth, and takes care of it when it is grown to the ripe grain; without the farmer we should have no bread. But you must work very hard, there will be trees to cut down, and roots to drag, and a great deal of labor.

A. I shall be ready to do my part.

Mr. B. Well, then, I shall take you willingly, and as many more such good fellows as you can find. We shall have land enough, and you may fall to work as soon as you please. Now for the next.

Beverly. I am a miller, sir

Mr. B. A very useful trade! our corn must be ground, or it will do us little good, but what must we do for a mill, my friend?

B I suppose we must make one.

Mr. B. Then we must take a mill wright

with us, and carry mill stones.

Charles. I am a carpenter, sir.

Who is next?

offer. fear.

Mr. B. The most necessary man that could We shall find you work enough, never There will be houses to build, fences to make, and chairs and tables besides. But all our timber is growing; we shall have hard work to fell it, to saw planks, and to shape posts. C. I will do my best, sir.

Mr. B. Then I engage you, but you had better bring two or three able hands along with you. Delville. I am a blacksmith.

Mr. B. An excellent companion for the carpenter. We cannot do without either of you. You must bring your great bellows, and anvil, and we will set up a forge for you, as soon as we arrive. By the by, we shall want a mason for that.

Edward. I am one, sir.

Mr. B. Though we may live in log houses at first, we shall want brick work, or stone work, for chimneys, hearths, and ovens, so there will be employment for a mason. Can you make bricks, and burn lime?

E. I will try what I can do, sir.
Mr. B. No man can do more.

Who is the next?

Francis. I am a shoe maker.


engage you

Mr. B. Shoes we cannot do well without, but

I fear we shall get no leather.

F. But I can dress skins, sir

Mr. B. Can you?

Then you are a clever fellow. I will have you, though I give you double wages.

George. I am a tailor, sir.

Mr. B. We must not go naked, so there will be work for the tailor. But you are not above

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