a. Our, belonging to us a. Pale, destitute of colour n. Pair, a couple v. Pare, to cut off the surface n. Pear, a fruit n. Palate, the organ of taste n. Palette, a painter's mixing plate n. Pallet, a bed n. Pause, a stop, a delay n. Paws, the feet of an animal n. Peace, quietness n. Peas, plural of “pea" n. Pease, collective plural of "pea" n. Piece, a part, fragment n. Peak, top n. Pique, ill-will n. Peal, succession of sounds n. Peel, rind of fruit v. Peel, to take off the rind n. Peer, a nobleman n. Pier, a projecting wharf; a support of a bridge n. Pendant, a flag; an earring a. Pendent, hanging down n. Phrase, a mode of speech; an expression n. Frays, quarrels, plural of "fray" n. Place, rank, room, space n. Plaice, kind of fish a. Plain, simple n. Plain, level country n. Plane, joiner's tool; level surface n. Plait, fold n. Plate, wrought silver v. Please, to gratify, to delight n. Pleas, law suits, allegations n. Plum, a fruit a. Plumb, perpendicular n. Pole, a long, narrow, roundish piece of timber n. Poll, the head; register of voters, or act of voting v. Pore, to look closely and steadily n. Pore, an ofening (in the skin) v. Pour, to cause to flow n. Practice, habit, use v. Practise, to exercise v. Pray, to beseech v. Prays, does pray n. Praise, laudation, renown n. President, a presiding officer v. Prize, to set value on v. Pries, looks inquisitively into n. Profit, gain, benefit n. Prophet, one who foretells future events n. Prophecy, a prediction v. Prophesy, to predict n. Quartz, a kind of rock n. Quarts, plural of "quart" (a measure) n Quire, 24 sheets of paper n. Choir, a body of singers n. Rain, water falling from the clouds v. & n. Rest, repose n. Rest, the others v. Wrest, to pull violently away n. Right, justice n. Rite, ceremony v. Write, to communicate by letler, ᎤᏟ . n. Rime, hoarfrost n. & v. Rhyme, similarity of sound in endings of verses of poetry (also sometimes spelt "rime") n. & v. Ring, make sound as a bell n. Ring, a circle v. Wring, to press, squeeze hard, extort v. Sew, to connect with thread v. Sow, to scatter seed v. Shear, to cut, or clip ad. Sheer, completely a. Sheer, pure, complete; perpendicular, or unbroken (descent) n. Size, magnitude a. Slow, opposite of quick v. Soar, to mount on the wing n. Sore, an ulcer n. Sole, of the shoe, &c. n. Sole, a flat fish n. Soul, the immortal part of man v. Soled, furnished with a sole v. Sold, did sell a. Some, indefinite quantity or number n. Sum, an amount n. Son, a male child n. Sun, the luminary that enlightens the earth n. Stake, a wager; a stick n. Steak, a slice of flesh v. Stare, to look with fixed eyes n. Stair, a step; series of steps a. Stationary, fixed, settled n. Stationery, articles sold by a stationer n. Statute, law v. Steal, to take unlawfully n. Steel, refined iron n. Stile, steps for passing over a fence n. Style, manner v. Style, to designate a. Straight, not crooked a. Strait, narrow n. Strait, a narrow pass (of water), a difficulty n. Surplice, a clergyman's white robe n. Surplus, excess a. Sweet, pleasant to the taste n. Suite, followers, attendants n. Suite, a set of rooms n. Sword, a weapon v. Soared, did soar n. Tacks, small nails n. Tax, tribute n. Tail, the hinder part of anything n. Tale, a narrative n. Team, animals drawing together v. Teem, to be full of v. Tear, to rend n. Tare, a weed n. Teas, kinds of tea v. Tease, to torment, to vex pr. or a. Their, belonging to them adv. There, in that place v. Threw, did throw prep. Through, passing from side to side of n. Thyme, a fragrant plant n. Time, a part of duration n. Tier, a row (of guns, seats, &c.) n. Tear, from the eye prep. To, toward ad. Too, also a. Two, one and one n. Toe, part of the foot n. Ton, the weight of 20 cwts. n. Tun, a large cask n. Trait, a feature of one's character n. Tray, a shallow trough-like vessel v. Use, to practice, to apply in some purpose n. Ewes, plural of ewe n. Vale, a valley n. Veil, a thin covering v. Wade, to walk through water v. Weighed, did weigh n. Waist, part of the body v. Waste, to consume uselessly v. Wane, to decrease n. Wain, a waggon v. Waive, to relinquish n. Wave, a billow n. Ware, merchandize v. Wear, to have on the body n. Whey, the thin part of milk a. Weak, feeble n. Week, seven days n. Weald, a wooded country v. Wield, to handle n. Weather, state of the atmosphere n. Wether, male sheep c. Whether, if (implying two alternatives, usually) v. Ween, to think, to suppose v. Wean, to accustom (a child, &c.) to do without something n. Weight, heaviness v. Wait, to stay a. Wet, containing water, rainy v. Whet, to sharpen pron. Which, relating to things sorcery v. Witch, to charm ad. Whither, to what place v. Wither, to fade, to waste away n. Wood, timber v. Would, was willing n. Yew, an evergreen tree n. Yoke, couple, bondage VERBS AND THEIR PARTICIPLES, NOTE. It has been thought unnecessary to include in the subjoined list all those verbs whose infinitives end in single e. Their present participle is always formed by adding ing, the e be omitted. (See Rule 1.) The few exceptions that exist, are, however, given in their proper places, marked *. Generally, when there is anything particular to note about any of these verbs, they are quoted and the point is attended to, Where the past tense differs from the past participle it is given separately. The figures refer to the subjoined rules. Address, addressing, addressed 2 Aeal, annealing, annealed. 5 Adject, adjecting, adjected Adjourn, adjourning, 4 Annex, annexing, annexed 2 Adjoin, adjoining, adjoined Annul, annulling, annulled 8 Appeal, appealing, appealed. 5 9 Applaud, applauding, 4 Adopt, adopting, adopted af Affright, affrighting, affrighted Affront, affronting, affronted. Ail, ailing, ailed Aim, aiming, aimed Air, airing, aired Alarm, alarming, alarmed Alight, alighting, alighted 4 4 plauded 5 ap 5 9 Apply, applying, applied Approach, approaching, approached Arch, arching, arched *Arise, arising, arisen; past, arose 7 4 . 12 4 Arraign, arraigning, arraigned 4 2 2 Arm, arming, armed 5 5 5 Arrest, arresting, arrested Alkalify, alkalifying, alkalified 9 bushed . IO 72 Ascertain, ascertaining, ascertained Ask, asking, asked. Assail, assailing, assailed 5 4 ΙΟ 9 Assent, assenting, assented 4 Amend, amending, amended. 4 4 Astound, astounding, atounded 7 Attach, attaching, attached Attack, attacking, attacked 4 Attain, attaining, attained 4 • 4 5 |