2. But when the adjective ends in y preceded by a consonant they becomes i; as: steadi-ly, weari-ly, angri-ly. Except in the case of monosyllables, which often retain the y; as: dry-ly (as well as drily), slyly, shyly. 3. Daily from day, gaily as well as gayly. 4. When an adjective of more than one syllable ends in le, the le is usually dropped before ly; as: gentle, gent-ly, probab-ly, nob-ly. 5. Sometimes a finale is dropt; as: true, tru-ly; due, du-ly; whol-ly. 6. Full makes fully, dropping an . Adjectives formed by the ending ful drop the final 1; so that adverbs are formed from them regularly,―careful-ly, skilful-ly. MISPRONOUNCED WORDS. The following is a list of words frequently mispronounced, or wrongly accentuated. When a word has more than one correct form of pronunciation or accentuation, the preferable form is given either alone, or first. The long vowels when accented are marked with a horizontal line over them-a (as in lake), ē (complete), i, ō, ū (=yū). When unaccented, they are marked with a crescent —ă (railwăy), ĕ (select), i, o, u. ä represents the a in father, ärtist, ärtistic. aw or au represents the sound of a in all, alter. The short vowels are unmarked. The French nasal sound of ʼn is indicated by ñ. Diverse-di'vers Docile-do'sil Dolour-do'lor Dolorous-dol'or-us Drama-drä'ma Dramatis Persona-dram'a-tis per-sō'ně Drought-drowt Ducat-duk'at Ductile-duk'til Dulcamara-dul-ka-ma'ra Dysentery-dis'en-ter-i Ecce Homo-ek'se hō'mo Elysian-e-liz'i-an Employé―awñ-plwaw-yă Employée-em-ploi'ě Encore-awn-kōr' Eneid-'-ně-id Ennui-awn-wē Ensemble-awñ-säñ-bl Ephod-ef'od Equable-'kwa-bl Erebus er'e-bus Espionage-es'pi-on-aj Esquimau-es'ki-mo Esther-es'ter Euripides-yu-rip'i-děz Eurydice-yu-rid'i-sẽ Exaggeration ex-aj'er-a'-shon Exquisite-eks'qui-zit Extant-ex'tant Extol-ex-tol' Facet-fas'et Facial-fa'shi-al Falchion-fawl'shon Falcon-fawkn Fantasia-fan-tä'zě-a Febrile-feb'ril Hautboy-hō'boi Hauteur-haw-ter (the pro- Jeddo (Japan)-yed'do longed) Hawaiian-ha-wi'yan Hearth-härth Iron-i'ern Isolate-i'so-lăt Jaundice-jän'dis Jocund-jok'und Jugular-ju'gu-lar Kiosk-ki-osk' Hearth-stone-härth'-stone Kraal-krawl Often-of'n Omega-ō'meg-a Onerous-on'er-us Onyx-on'ix Lethe-le'the Lethean-le-the'an Levee-lev'ĕ Lichen-li'ken Lien-li'-en Lithographer-li-thog'raf-er Lithography-li-thog'ra-phi Machiavelian--mak-i-a-vēl'i-an Macleod-mak-loud' Magna Charta-mag'na kär'ta Majolica-ma-jol'i-ca Marigold-mar'i-gold Matrix-ma'trix Mattress-mat'tres Mausoleum-maw-so-lē'um Medici-med'e-che Mediocre-me'di-o-ker Mélange-mă-lañzh Mesdames-mā-däm Mezzo-met'zo Miniature-min'i-a-tur Molecule-mol'ě-kul Monograph-mon'ō-graf Monomania-mon-o-ma'nia Mountainous-mount'ăn-us Murrain–mur'ăn Mushroom-mush'room Mythology-mith-ol'o-ji Naiad-na'yad Naive-nä-ēv Naiveté-nä-ēv-tă Nantes-nawnt Naomi-na-o'mi Negligée-neg-li-zha |