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made a passage, he rushed into the street, with a sword in one hand, and a purse in the other, to purchase provisions. On learning these treacherous proceedings, Weddell levied open war, laying waste the adjacent towns and villages, attacking and burning several vessels belonging to the imperial fleet. These cogent arguments brought the authorities once more to their senses. The merchants were requested to write to him, desiring that he would forbear any further acts of hostility, and "all would be well." They themselves were set at liberty, and allowed to conclude their transactions, which they did with all despatch, though much thwarted by the Portuguese. Mounteney is said to have entered into an agreement, by which his constituents were to pay annually 2000 taëls, (£666,) in return for free trade and residence. Rumour seems to have represented this voyage as highly profitable, since the company's agent at Masulipatam wrote, "They have been to China, at a place called Canton, where they made such a voyage, that we conceive never Englishmen were so richly laden as they are with goods, and yet they flow with gold and silver in abundance." There is no mention in the captain's despatch of any such splendid success; nor do the association appear to have taken any steps to follow up the advantage.

The trade continued for some time in a state of depression. In 1664, the trade in tea commenced, that article being imported to the amount of one hundred pounds. On the 13th of February, the directors wrote thus to Madras: "In regard thea is grown to be a commodity here, and we have occasion to make presents therein to our great friends at court, we would have you send us yearly five or six canisters of the very best and freshest thea. That which will colour the water in which it is infused most of a greenish complexion, is generally best accepted." The import for general use had, it appears, been chiefly a private concern of the officers; but the market had thereby been so much over-stocked, that "trash thea from Bantam" had been sold for 4d. and 6d. a-pound. The trade was now, therefore, to be carried on altogether by the company themselves. Its progress, however, was severely checked by the imposition, in 1689, of an enormous duty of 5s. a-pound, which rendered it impossible to introduce with advantage any teas except those of the very finest description. In 1693 the staple commodities are said to have been Nan-king silks, damasks, satins, velvets, gold thread, raw-silk, China and lacquered ware, a good quantity of fine tea, some fans and screens. In 1699, there were ordered 300 tubs (chests) of the finer green teas, and eighty of Bohea.

In the month of November in this last-mentioned year, the East India company appointed a president with a council or select committee of four, two factors, and five writers, under whose commercial jurisdiction were placed "the whole empire of China and the adjacent islands." In 1701 Chusan, Amoy, and Canton, were the ports with which the company's trade was carried on; the first was deemed the most desirable, but they were compelled to quit it the following year, though afterwards induced to return. The company soon, however, acknowledged that "they were weary of the trade to Chusan and Amoy ;" and they seem at one time to have intended to forsake those ports, and use Banjarmassin, in the island of Borneo, as a depôt. It was found, however, that at Canton the traffic could be conducted on a considerable scale; the factors were, indeed, exposed to many hardships, and had ground for heavy complaints, but the increasing importance of the tea-trade made the company willing to encounter many difficulties.

In 1715 the intercourse with Canton, according to Mr. Auber, had assumed somewhat of the character of a regular trade. At stated seasons ships were despatched from England, each having a supercargo, to conduct the sales and purchases. These vessels proceeded first to Macao, and thence to the Bocca Tigris, where the supercargoes were admitted to an audience with the hoppo, or Chinese commissioner of customs, with whom they stipulated for certain privileges, such as the enjoyment of free trade with all Chinese, without distinction, liberty to hire Chinese servants, to purchase provisions, &c., for their factory and ships, and other similar articles.

In 1720 the formidable confederacy of the cohong first appeared, but only as a combination of private merchants endeavouring to procure a monopoly price for their goods. Our countrymen refused to treat with them, and complained to the viceroy, when the parties were called into his presence and publicly reprimanded. In 1728 the merchants were driven almost to despair, by an addition of ten per cent, on their cargoes, while they were studiously excluded

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from all appeal to persons in power. Yet, as on recent occasions, when a small party acted with determination, and paid no regard to any prohibition, they found little' difficulty in penetrating even to the palace of the Isong-tou, or viceroy. This was twice effected during that disastrous year. On the first occasion they saw his excellency himself, and received some fair promises; but on the second, a chung-ya, or subordinate mandarin, was deputed to receive them. He treated them roughly, upbraiding them with their very unceremonious mode of entry; and, on their threatening to leave Canton unless redress was obtained, said, "they might go if they pleased; other ships would come." He complained much of their troubling him about such a trifling affair. They replied, "that their trade, and the wrongs endured, were no trifles to them;" but he told them "they must apply to the merchants to get them a hearing." They answered very reasonably, "that as the grievances arose from the merchants, how could it be supposed that they would become instruments in any just accusations against themselves; the present case witnessed they would not." To this no reply was made, but the chung-ya finally promised that he would order his people to adjust the disputed points in an equitable manner. He dismissed them with a strict injunction "never to trouble him again on such trifling occasions."

In the year 1736 the emperor, Keen-lung, (who reigned till 1796,) ascended the throne, and the year of his accession was marked by the abolition of an oppressive duty of 4 per cent.,-although the boon was coupled with conditions utterly inadmissible, and which the Chinese were therefore bribed to connive at the neglect of. About this time, also, commenced the security-system, from which the British trade has so severely suffered. A few merchants, called the Hong, were nominated, one of whom was required, on the arrival of every English ship, to become security for the regular payment of the duties; in return for which the representatives of the company were obliged to allow him a corresponding advantage. These persons, burdened by the above obligation, and having also 10,000l. to remit in presents to the imperial court, found it necessary to indemnify themselves by an exorbitant price laid on the commodities. The increasing annoyance to which the English trade at Canton was exposed, led the company to seek to re-open the communication with Amoy. But they found their condition still worse at that port; and were prevented from continuing the attempt, if they had been disposed to do so, by the decree which Keën-lung issued in 1757, strictly limiting the intercourse of Europeans to Canton. This made no change in the actual course of the English trade, which had long centred in that port; yet it acted unfavourably on the interest of the factory. Hitherto, amid all their grievances, the threat of removing to another, and thus depriving the mandarins of the emoluments which they derived from the traffic, had been used with the most beneficial effect. Now, the only menace left to them was, that of quitting China altogether,—a design which neither party could believe to be seriously entertained.

In 1759, two years after Canton had obtained a monopoly of the trade, when the authorities were no longer restrained by the apprehension that foreigners would resort elsewhere, the limitation of our dealings to a few licensed Chinese was made part of the established system of trade, and those individuals, designated Security or Hong merchants, were regularly incorporated under the name of the "Cohong," with whom Europeans were permitted to deal; all trans actions with other Chinese, excepting, indeed, petty shopkeepers, being declared illegal.

In 1771, the supercargoes congratulate themselves on having procured the dissolution of this obnoxious cohong, at the cost of 100,000 taëls, (from £30,000 to £35,000,) which they actually expended on the occasion. In 1779-80, however, the same cohong appears again in full operation, and was made the instrument, as it has continued ever since, of levying an additional tax on foreign trade, under the designation of Consoo Fund, the origin of which is thus related. Debts amounting to 3,808,075 Spanish dollars, were owing by Chinese to British subjects, which the latter were unable to recover; and on their representation of the fact to the Madras government, Captain Panton, of his Majesty's ship, Sea-horse, was requested to proceed to China, in order to urge payment, and having instructions from Admiral Sir Edward Vernon, as well as from Sir Edward Hughes, to insist on an audience with the viceroy. This audience, after some delay, and not without the use of threats on the part of the British commander, was obtained,

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when Captain Panton received a fair and satisfactory answer to his application.

"This measure," says Captain King, who visited Canton at the period in the Discovery, "had occasioned very serious alarm at Canton. The Chinese merchants who had incurred the debt contrary to the commercial laws of their own country, and denied, in part, the justice of the demand, were afraid that intelligence of this would be carried to Peking; and that the emperor, who has the character of a just and rigid prince, might punish them with the loss of their fortunes, if not of their lives. On the other hand, the select committee, to whom the cause of the claimants was strongly recommended by the presidency of Madras, were extremely apprehensive lest they should embroil themselves with the Chinese government at Canton, and, by that means, bring, perhaps, irreparable mischief on the company's affairs in China. For I was further informed that the mandarins were always ready to take occasion, even on the slightest grounds, to put a stop to their trading; and, that it was often with great difficulty, and never without certain expense, that they could get such restraints taken off. These impositions were daily increasing; and, indeed, I found it a prevailing opinion in all the European factories, that they should soon be reduced either to quit the commerce of that country, or to bear the same indignities to which the Dutch are subjected in Japan."

The result was, that the emperor published an edict, ordering the debts to be paid, but intimating great displeasure at their having been contracted, and prohibiting any such transaction from taking place in future. To guard against it, he directed that no communication should henceforth be held between the British and the merchants, unless through the medium of certain mandarins whom he named. The dealers alleging, doubtless with truth, that these officers would not perform this duty without a consideration, raised the prices of their teas, while they lowered those of the company's imports. The hong monopoly, in spite of every remonstrance, has been ever since maintained; though it has undergone much practical mitigation. These privileged individuals have lent their name to others, called outside merchants, who are thus enabled to traffic with the English. For this accommodation, however, a liberal compensation is, of course, exacted, which must be laid on the price of the goods.


Ever since this period the system of conducting the trade has been through hong merchants. In 1828, in consequence of the prohibition, under severe penalties, of dealings between Europeans and native traders not belonging to the privileged body, some foreigners petitioned the hoppo This functionary gave them a very decisive answer, in the usual style of Chinese courtesy: "The said barbarians," he observed, a short time ago, repeatedly presented dunning petitions for things contrary to the law, which shows their stupid rashness. From pity to the remote barbarians I did not inflict chastisement, but ordered the merchants to deliberate safely and manage. I likewise ordered them to communicate my orders to the said barbarian merchants, to obey the fixed regulations in their trade. If the said shopmen dare to stir up the barbarian merchants to confused petitioning, or if they presume to trade with the barbarians, the moment they are discovered and caught, their crime shall positively be punished with severity. Their perverseness and stupidity have reached the acmé."


In the year 1808, when Buonaparte nad developed his designs for securing the kingdoms of Spain and Portugal, an English force was landed at Macao, in order to occupy that settlement, and prevent its seizure by the French. This event, as Mr. Auber remarks, is deserving of particular attention, as it not only shows that we have recocognised the right of the Portuguese to the settlement of Macao, but marks the jealousy with which the Chinese view any approach to their territories by a foreign force, although with no hostile intention towards their nation, and evinces their determination to have withstood, however ineffectually, the extreme measures to which Admiral Drury, (then in command of the naval force in India,) manifested his intention to resort, in the prosecution of the service in which he was engaged.

It was in the month of March 1808 that the select committee of supercargoes at Canton communicated to the Bengal government, a vague report which had reached them, of the intention of the French with regard to the settlement of Macao. It was suggested that Macao ought

to be placed in a better state of defence, and an opinion was offered, that no apprehension need be entertained of embarrassment from the Chinese government, if permission were obtained from the Portuguese for that purpose, although in fact, as it afterwards appeared, the Portuguese were under a pledge to the Chinese government, not to admit the troops of any nation into Macao without their previous consent. The Bengal government, however, upon the receipt of this information, resolved that a military force should be sent to occupy Macao; but the commanding officer was directed not to take any steps without the knowledge and concurrence of the select committee, who were cautioned to bear in mind the orders issued by Lord Wellesley in 1801, for guarding against the effect of jealousy on the part of the Chinese government.

About the middle of September, Admiral Drury, who commanded the naval part of the expedition, learnt that a considerable French force was off Java, and suggested the expediency of applying to the Chinese authorities for leave to land the troops at Macao. To this the select committee objected; and on the 18th of September they resolved, in opposition to the declared sentiments of the governor of Macao, and to the known feelings of the Chinese, to land the troops at once. When the landing took place, a letter was received from the hoppo, or chief officer of customs, protesting decidedly against the step. The admiral wrote to the viceroy, explaining the motives which had led to it; the reply of the viceroy contained a strong remonstrance against the adoption of such a measure without permission, and a threat of representing the whole affair to the emperor. The Chinese local authorities issued an order for the withdrawal of the troops, and declared that they would entreat the emperor to interdict in future the commerce of our ships. The Chinese troops, too, were ordered down to compel our troops to evacuate the town; and an intimation was given that in the event of non-compliance, they would burn the ships at Whampoa, secure the English, and put to death or otherwise punish them. A second division of troops was' landed in October; and the select committee asserted "the impossibility of giving way to the Chinese so long as they persevered in their haughty conduct." They afterwards sent a letter to the viceroy, requesting that a person might be appointed to receive their representation upon the whole question; and, in reply, were informed that the viceroy had seen the letter, but did not think a compliance necessary, "as the troops must be removed, their remaining on shore being contrary to the law of the empire." In a subsequent conference with two of the Chinese merchants, the committee stated, that during the haughty conduct of the viceroy, the admiral could not remove any troops," as it might have the appearance of fear.”

The admiral then demanded an audience of the viceroy, who did not return any answer. Addresses were subsequently sent to him, but he remained firm in declaring the absolute necessity of removing the troops. The admiral declined advancing any further, " as the sword was half out of the scabbard, and his duty forbade him making war with China." At length the president of the select committee intimated his intention of ordering all British subjects to quit Canton in eight-and-forty hours; and declared it to be his opinion that the best effects would follow if his majesty's ships wero brought to an anchorage higher up the river. Two days afterwards the president received a communication, in which the viceroy stated, that his (the viceroy's) conduct had been marked by the greatest forbearance; that he should not commence hostilities, though if we ventured to make war with China he was quite prepared for it; and that if the committee thought proper to remove the ships, he had no objection, only they must not expect to be permitted to return. At the same time, troops were brought, and encamped on the neighbouring hills; and it was threatened that fire-vessels should be sent down amongst the company's shipping. On the 4th of December the select committee assembled at Macao, to receive the emperor's edict for withdrawing the troops before the continuance of the trade could be permitted. Knowing, as you ought to know," said this boasting document, "that the Portuguese inhabit a territory belonging to the celestial empire, how could you suppose that the French should ever venture to molest them? If they dared, our warlike tribes should attack, defeat, and chase them from the face of the country. Aware of this truth why did you bring your soldiers here? Repent and withdraw immediately; permission to trade shall then be restored. But should you persist and remain, the hatches of your ships shall not be opened."


A chop was addressed by the viceroy to the admiral, with the emperor's decree. A similar document was also addressed by him to the senior commander, captains, officers, petty-officers, and others belonging to the English ships at the port of Whampoa, and "delivered to the said senior commander, Captain Milliken Craig, of the Elphinstone, by the mandarins deputed by the Tsung-tuh, under a canopy of state, surrounded by Chinese guards, under arms, erected for the occasion on French Island, on the side of a hill, having a Chinese camp on each side on hills, each about one mile distant, and all in view from the van ships of the Hon. Company's fleet, moored in line of battle within gunshot." This curious document is worthy of perusal.

"I, the mandarin Vu, by favour of my prince Tsung-tuh of the two provinces of Kwang-tung and Kwang-se, member of the Tribunal of War, &c., direct this letter to the captains, officers, passengers, and others, belonging to the English ships, to warn you, that being certain that your bad kingdom is situated on an island of the sea, and that you originally employed yourselves in making watches, to enable you to pay your taxes; afterwards, by the especial and profound goodness of our great emperor, who was desirous of benefiting you, he granted you permission to come to this empire to trade. Behold, what exalted and profound virtues belong to him!!! Notwithstanding this, the admiral of your kingdom, regardless of the laws, has brought here, for the first time, foreign soldiers, and, without leave, introduced them into Macao, and your chief supercargo uniting with him, they are with one accord making distur bances. This being the case, I informed the emperor, from whom I have just received a decree, in virtue of which I again send mandarins deputed to inform them that if they persist in detaining the soldiers, a great many troops shall be immediately despatched to destroy and extinguish them, and to terminate this business; for the consequences of which, the admiral and chief supercargo will be responsible; but you, captains, officers, passengers, and others, people of the ships, shall be free from all responsibility, if you remain quietly in the observance of the laws; and, after the soldiers of your nation shall be entirely withdrawn, I shall feel it my duty to inform the emperor, praying him to have the goodness to permit you to carry on your trade as formerly. But if you, giving ear to and obeying the admiral and chief supercargo, unite yourselves to them to create disturbances, when afterwards our innumerable soldiers shall arrive, who shall destroy and burn you, even if you were as hard as stone or jasper, I shall then not be able to use you with any indulgence, nor free you from the net of the law in which you will be ensnared; and in order that you may be obedient and discreet, I direct this chop to you. In the 13th year of the emperor Kia-king, on the 17th day of this 10th moon." (3rd December, 1808.)

The commanders of the company's ships at Whampoa, in their reply stated, that they had the exalted honour to acknowledge the receipt of his excellency's most gracious letter, delivered to them on French Island, by the two mandarins, whom, they were informed, it had been his condescending pleasure to send to them-that their only object in visiting China wa's commerce-that they endeavoured to venerate and obey its laws, but durst not, however, depart from allegiance to their own country, or to those who were dignified with its most exalted representation-that they understood that their admiral, at the request of the Portuguese, had landed some troops at Macao, to help them to defend it against attacks from the French-that that wicked nation, ever since they murdered their sovereign, had waged war upon all nations within their reach, and were understood to be then marching by land to make war upon the celestial empire, as the British navy prevented them by sea-and that they therefore most humbly implored his excellency to order the trade to be opened, that they might thereby find employment in the quiet habits of industry, &c. The viceroy, in his answer told them that, seeing they did not think proper to alter their way of thinking, he plainly knew that they had joined their opinions with those of their superiors, the admiral and president,-that if they did not wish to trade they might take away their ships as they thought proper, and if they did they must remain peaceable and obey the laws.

In the meanwhile the president, instead of relaxing, had begun to be more active in his preparations for defence; the batteries of the Bocca Tigris had fired upon the ships going up and down, and obliged one of them to return the fire, and on the 6th of December another camp had been observed to be formed upon the heights of French Island. It was upon

the following day that the viceroy sent his answer to the commanders of the company's fleet; and on that day also he wrote to the admiral that he would cause all debts to be paid, stating for the last time "that while there remained a single soldier in Macao and the laws disobeyed, they should not trade,” and if he hesitated for a moment, "innumerable troops would be sent to destroy him." On the 8th the president gave way, the admiral remonstrating against holding out any longer; a convention was concluded on the 10th, and the troops were embarked on the 15th.

"Thus," says Mr. Auber, the late secretary of the East India company, "after fruitless discussion for weeks, and the adoption of every measure short of hostilities to support the original plan of occupying Macao, the Chinese adhered to the demand with which they set out, namely, the withdrawal of the troops, to which the committee were obliged to submit before the trade was permitted to be resumed. Thus affording another decided proof of the inflexibility with which the Chinese insist on the observance of their laws and regulations."

Other writers view the matter in a different light, and think we did not succeed because we did not go far enough. Mr. Gutzlaff thinks that the British national honour was stained for ever; and says that a pyramid, recording the victory of Chinese cowardice over British imprudence is erected near the spot whence the admiral retreated. "He withdrew with his garrison from Macao; the English nation was viewed with greater contempt; it was written down in the Chinese annals, We have beaten the English;' The undaunted veterans of the Nile and Trafalgar had retreated." Mr. Mc Leod remarks upon this event, that after the retreat of Admiral Drury, there was no end to the gasconading of the Chinese. "They considered his retiring as a great victory gained, and it is celebrated as such by an inscription in one of their pagodas :-an inscription, by the way, which ought to come down."

DISPUTES OF 1829 AND 1830.

THE years 1829 and 1830 were marked by a series of vexatious discussions, excited apparently, less by Chinese encroachment, than by a strong desire entertained by the committee to liberate themselves from certain annoyances to which they had long been exposed. The entry-duty, of 2780 dollars, on every vessel, which had not fallen heavy on the large ships from Europe, was almost prohibitory on the small craft which carried on the traffic with India. The refusal of permission to the English to bring their wives and families to Canton, and to use sedan-chairs, the only commodious vehicle which could be procured, was resented as a grievance. The exactions, too, levied from the hongmerchants, by which several of them had been reduced to bankruptcy, greatly embarrassed the trade. The committee seem to have been chiefly encouraged to assume a high tone by recent observations on the radical weakness of the native government, and the facility with which they yielded to displays of superior power. By a repetition of these it was conceived that they might be overawed into granting any reasonable demand. Application was made for a naval force from Bengal; but the governor-general declined interfering, and referred them to the directors at home. They had at one time formed, and even announced their resolution, to stop the trade and leave China; but this design was not carried into execution. The natives acceeded to the wishes of the English, so far as to create new hong-merchants in the room of those who had become insolvent. But every other demand was repelled with their usual determination, and even with contumely. In their replies and proclamations, the following expressions occur:-"Since the said foreigners come to trade, it is incumbent on them to obey implicitly the orders of government. If they dislike the restrictions, it is perfectly competent of them not to take the trouble to come from so great a distance. temptuous resisistance of the foreigners arises from no The conof their paying much duty. The celestial empire views other than a special design to coerce us by the circumstance these duties as really not of the importance of a fibre or particle of dust. How can the chief Baynes (the president of the select committee) resist the prohibition and orders, and bring with him a barbarian woman (Mrs. Baynes) to Canton! If she will remove early to Macao, he will avoid a severe scrutiny. As to sitting in sedan-chairs, it is in itself a small business; but foreigners being in the provincial city, have hitherto not been allowed to ascend sedanchairs. The said foreigners, ignorant how to be excited to

gratitude, turn round, and because of the proclamation disallowing them to bring barbarian women to Canton, and to sit in sedan-chairs, present whining petitions. The flowery nation and the barbarians must be distinctly divided; between those inside and outside there must be erected a great boundary. It is incumbent on the said chief and others to take the authoritative decisions which have been issued, and promulgate them for information. Why do they again, and a third time, obstinately refuse to transmit those injunctions, and dun us with requests to give a written document in return? Exceedingly does it indicate refractory stupidity. Hereafter it will be absolutely necessary to yield implicit obedience to the laws and regulations of the celestial empire, and adhere strictly to old arrangement. If, again, any dare to oppose or transgress, and again create disturbance, then, assuredly, in immediate adherence to the imperial will, a severe scrutiny will be made, and punishment inflicted. Decidedly, there will not be the least clemency or forbearance shown. Tremble at this! Intensely are these commands given!"

The court of directors, on these transactions being reported to them, disapproved so entirely of the conduct and views of their agents, that they came to the unanimous resolution of appointing a new committee. They decidedly abjured every intention of coercing the Chinese by threatening measures. In a subsequent despatch in 1832, they say, "The commerce between Great Britain and China is too important to be put to hazard without the most urgent and imperious necessity, and on no account upon considerations of a personal nature. It is a notion so commonly entertained and acted on by you, and encouraged by foreign merchants residing at Canton, that nothing is to be gained from the Chinese by obedience to their laws and edicts, but that much may be obtained by intimidation. You may have succeeded for the moment in setting the government at defiance; but that government has not only taken the first opportunity to assert its dominion, but also, with the view of making you feel the consequences of disobedience, it has almost invariably deprived you of some advantages which it had either tacitly or avowedly yielded to friendly remonstrances."


In the year 1833 an act was passed providing that the exclusive trade to China enjoyed by the East India Company should cease, from April 22, 1834, the company, indeed, being obliged to close all their commercial transactions from that day. In the same year another act was passed, regulating the manner in which the open trade, thus permitted, should be carried on; and this act provided for the appointment of a superintendent of the China trade; to whom, residing in China, were granted the powers deemed necessary for the purposes of commerce. The first person appointed to this office was the late Lord Napier, a captain in the navy; who received instructions to repair to Canton, for the purpose of discharging its duties. On the 14th of July, 1834, his lordship arrived, in the Andromache, at Macao; and soon after sailed for Canton, which he reached on the 25th.

In a former year, the viceroy of Canton, in an edict issued with reference to the approaching change in the trade, had said, "I hereby issue an order to the said hong-merchants, that they may forthwith enjoin my command on the said nation's chief, early to send a letter home, that if, indeed, after the thirteenth year of Taou-Kwang, the company be dissolved, it will, as heretofore, be incumbent to deliberate, and appoint a chief who understands the business, to come to Canton, for the general management of the commercial dealings; by which means affairs may be prevented from going to confusion, and benefits remain to commerce."

Before Lord Napier's arrival at Canton, all his movements had been closely watched by the Chinese government. A report was made that an English vessel of war, having on board a barbarian eye, (officer of rank,) had anchored at Cabreta Point, near Macao. Hereupon Loo, the governor of Canton, having understood that the English company was dissolved, and judging that this new officer was to supply the place of their tae-pan, or supercargo, issued an order that the hong-merchants should proceed to Macao, and ascertain what were the circumstances under which the trade was now to be conducted, and the regulations that would thence become necessary. Notice was given at the same time, that until a full report was made to the governor, and his consent obtained, the superintendent, though he

might reside at Macao, was by no means to present himself at Canton. In pursuance of this order, Hou-qua and Mouqua, deputed by the hong, proceeded to Macao, but before they could reach that place, Lord Napier had set out; and, notwithstanding all their efforts to overtake him, he arrived at Canton before them. Next day, a letter from him to the viceroy was presented at the city-gates, but was rejected on account of its not being in the form of a petition. The displeasure of the government was immediately manifested by the disappearance of all the native servants in the employ of the British.

A strong sensation was now created in the city, and a report was made to the hoppo, that, on the 18th of the present moon, about midnight, "a barbarian ship's boat had arrived at Canton, bringing four English devils," who took up their abode in the factory. This being connected with the appearance of a British man-of-war in the outer seas, was represented as a clandestine stealing into Canton. The governor issued an order, declaring the impossibility, that in conformity to the laws of China, this new eye or officer could continue in that city:-"Even England has its laws; how much more the celestial empire! How flaming bright are its great laws and ordinances, more terrible than the awful thunderbolt! Under this whole bright heaven, none dares to disobey them. Under its shelter are the four seas. Subject to its soothing care are the ten thousand kingdoms." Actuated, however, by feelings of clemency, and allowing for the ignorance of national laws and customs incident to a stranger, he ordains, that if the latter, after having despatched the business on which he came, shall immediately return to Macao, and promise never to resort to Canton without special permission, the past offence will be overlooked.


The hong merchants tried all the means in their p to induce Lord Napier to give way; but his lordship having been refused access to the imperial officers, declined to communicate with the merchants. The latter, frustrated in all their endeavours, resolved to secure the good-will of their own government by proposing a suspension of the trade. By taking this course they obviated the suspicion of collusion, which probably induced the government to lay upon them so heavy a load of responsibility. In an elaborate mandate, issued by Governor Loo, their conduct is declared to be most highly praiseworthy, "manifesting a profound knowledge of the great principles of dignity." Yet he does not proceed immediately to take the strong step recommended. He pretends, indeed, that the trade and the duties arising from it, "do not concern the celestial empire, to the extent of a hair or a feather's down." But knowing the divine wish of his great master to cherish both those within and those without, he was unwilling to involve thousands of the latter in ruin for the disobedience and obstinacy of one individual. He therefore allowed a short interval, that the barbarian eye, said to be "a man of very solid and expansive mind, and placid speech," might have an opportunity to reconsider his rash decision.

At length, on the 2nd of September, the long-threatened order for the entire suspension of the trade was issued. Its effects were immediately apparent. Fresh provisions could no longer be procured, and Lord Napier and his suite were obliged to live on salt meat conveyed from the ships of war. Matters being thus brought to extremities, the resolution was taken to order up his Majesty's ships, Andromache and Imogene, which were anchored without the Bogue. The ships began to move on the 7th, and the forts defending the entrance of the river fired upon them. A contest ensued for an hour and three quarters, the time occupied in the winding passage of the channel, and the ships then anchored, in consequence of the state of the wind, until the 9th. On that day they proceeded on their way, and a contest again ensued with the forts on the shore, which, of course, were unable to prevent the passage of the vessels, though they occasioned the death of one man in each.

On the 11th another order was issued, in which the former demands of the Chinese government were repeated, and the conduct of Lord Napier severely stigmatized. Yet it was still intimated to him that, if he would repent of his errors and even then obey the laws of the empire, indulgence would be extended to him. It is unnecessary for us to detail the occurrences of the few days following, which rendered Lord Napier's position a very difficult one. His difficulties now were increased by severe indisposition, caused by toil and anxiety. Under these circumstances, he shrunk from the calamities which would ensue from the

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continued suspension of intercourse; and on the 14th he | announced his determination to yield, and to quit Canton. The ships of war, also, on the demand of the native government, were ordered to move out to Lintin. It was at first intended to bring up a British cutter for his lordship; but, by arrangements afterwards made with the hong merchants, two chop-boats were provided, in which he embarked on the evening of the 21st. Although there had been a full understanding that he should be conveyed in a commodious manner, suited to his dignity and with the utmost possible despatch, it was soon discovered that they were under the convoy of several armed boats, which proceeded so very slowly that they anchored for the night still in sight of the town. They reached Heang-shan on the 23rd, at midnight, but were there detained for nearly two days, amid a tremendous beating of gongs, noise, and confusion, which severely aggravated his illness. It was not till after the most urgent representations, that Mr. Colledge, the surgeon, obtained a pass to proceed; nor did they reach Macao till the 28th. His lordship's weakness, however, which, at his departure was so great, that he required to be assisted into the boat, had increased so much, that the attentions of his family and medical attendants were of no avail, and he expired on the 11th of October. The functions of superintendent then devolved on Mr. Davis.

The Chinese authorities, according to eustom, transmitted to court a boastful account of this transaction; representing Lord Napier as having been admitted to mercy only after the most humble submission, and then ignominiously driven out of Canton. As it had, however, been previously necessary to intimate the fact of the ships having forced their way up the river in defiance of the forts, that proud government, unwilling to own its weakness, threw the whole blame on the officers employed. In the "vermillioncoloured reply," it was said, "it seems that all the forts are erected in vain; they cannot beat back two barbarian ships;

it is ridiculous, detestable. The military preparations being reduced to such a state as this, it is not surprising that the outside barbarians regard them slightingly." By a mandate from the tribunal of war, the naval officer immediately in command, was degraded, and condemned to wear the cangue, or wooden pillory, in public at the maritime entrance. All the officers on duty at the forts were to carry the same disgraceful badge; he, the naval commander-in-chief, had, by gross negligence, shown himself wholly unworthy of employment, and was therefore deprived of it. Even Governor Loo must have his two-eyed peacock's feather plucked out and lose some of his titles; but, as he had announced certain active measures as now in operation for expelling the barbarians, he was allowed to retain the command, with injunctions, to carry his plan into effect.

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The departure of Lord Napier was immediately followed by the re-opening of the trade, which took place on the 27th of December following. Speaking of Lord Napier, Mr. Reynolds, the historian of the Voyage of the United States' Frigate, Potomac, says, that his name will be remembered as that of a benefactor to the commercial world. "The English," continues this American writer, "have made a good beginning by battering down the Chinese forts on the river Canton; we hope they will follow it up, and with increased force teach the Chinese a still more impressive lesson of barbarian justice and prowess.' A certain amount of fighting is necessary, and the sooner it is done the better.' To this sentence there is a note appended, rather curious for its amusing candour. "The English," says Mr. Reynolds, "who have so often fought the battles of their continental neighbours, will most probably perform this service, from which we shall be equally benefited; and should they now, as formerly, be content with the glory they may acquire for their pay, we cannot object, provided we increase our trade, and increase it we will."


LONDON: Published by JOHN WILLIAM PARKER, WEST STRAND; and sold by all Booksellers.

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