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For the Catechumens.

ALMIGHTY God, our heavenly Father, who dost, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord, accept the intercessions of Thy people; remember in Thy great mercy, we beseech Thee, the Catechumens in this congregation and throughout Thy whole Church. By Thy Holy Spirit inwardly enlighten and instruct them in the knowledge of Thee and divine things; open the ears of their hearts to be occupied with Thy law day and night; strengthen and confirm them in religion; unite them more closely with Thyself and Thy flock; deliver them from all iniquity, and give no place to the Adversary to get advantage against them. Cleanse them from all pollution of flesh and spirit, and let he indwelling of Thy grace be evermore their strength and safety. Prepare them for the full communion of Thy Church here, and for Thy presence and glory in heaven; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For the Opening of the Year.

ALMIGHTY and eternal God, with whom one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day; we bring Thee thanks and praise for Thy blessings, nore than we can number, with which Thou hast crowned our lives during the year now past; and since Thy mercies are ever new, let the year which has now begun, be to us a year of grace and salvation. Haye pity upon us in our misery, whose days are as the grass. Deliver us from the vanity of our old fallen nature; and establish us in the fellowship of that life which is the same yesterday and to-day


and forever.


Graciously protect and conduct us through the uncertainties of this new year of our earthly pilgrimage. Prepare us for its duties and trials, its joys and sorrows. Help us to watch and pray, and to be always ready like men that wait for their Lord; and grant that every change, whether it be of prosperity or adversity, of life or of death, may bring us nearer to Thee and to that great eternal year of joy and rest, which, after the years of this vain earthly life, awaits the faithful in Thy blissful presence; where we shall unite, from everlasting to everlasting, with angels and saints, in ascribing blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, unto Him who sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, for ever and ever. Amen.

In Time of Dearth.

O GOD, heavenly Father, whose gift it is that the rain doth fall, and the earth bring forth her increase; behold, we beseech Thee, the afflictions of Thy people. Visit the earth with Thy heavenly benediction; and grant that the scarcity and dearth, which we now most justly suffer for our sins, may, through Thy goodness, be mercifully turned into plenty; that we, receiving thy bountiful liberality, may use the same to Thy glory, the relief of those that are needy, and our own comfort: for the love of Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honor and glory, now and forever. Amen.

In Time of Pestilence.

HOLY Lord God Almighty, who of old didst stay the angel of pestilence at the cry of Thy repenting

children, and bring back health to a dying people; hear us, Thy suppliants, returning unto Thee, as in sackcloth, dust, and ashes, and mercifully lift from us the heavy hand of Thy righteous visitation; that the people may live before Thee, and not die in their sins, and that the land may no longer mourn by reason of Thy judgments, O Lord, who for our iniquities art justly displeased. We humbly ask it for Christ's sake.


In Time of War.

O ALMIGHTY GOD, Supreme Ruler and Governor of all things, who art a strong tower of defence to them that fear Thee, and whose power no creature is able to resist; unto Thee do we make our humble cry in this the hour of our country's need. To Thee it belongeth justly to punish sinners and to be merciful to those who repent. Save and deliver us, we humbly beseech Thee, from the hands of our enemies; abate their pride, assuage their malice, and confound their devices; that we, being armed with Thy defence, may be preserved evermore from all perils, to glorify Thee, who art the only Giver of all victory; through the merits of Thy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For the Conversion of the Jews.

ALMIGHTY God, the God of Abraham, of Isaac d of Jacob, who didst first send Thy Son to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and hast not shut out from Thy mercy even the most hardened offenders; hear our prayers for Thine ancient people in their dispersion and blindness, that, the veil being taken

from their hearts, they may know, through Thy Holy Spirit, both Thee and Him whom Thou hast sent, the only Messiah and Saviour; and so, according to Thy most gracious promise, be gathered again into the true fold, under one Shepherd, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For a Sick Person.

ALMIGHTY GOD, our heavenly Father, of Thine infinite goodness grant unto the soul of thy servant the anointing of the Holy Ghost, who is the Spirit of all strength, comfort, relief and gladness. Vouchsafe for Thy great mercy, if it be Thy blessed will, to restore unto him bodily health and strength to serve Thee; and send him release of all his pains, troubles, and diseases, both in body and mind. And howsoever Thy goodness, by Thy divine and unsearchable Providence, may dispose of him, we, Thine unworthy servants, humbly beseech Thy eternal Majesty to do with him according to the multitude of Thine innumerable mercies, and to pardon all his sins and offences committed by his bodily senses, passions and carnal affections. Vouchsafe also mercifully to grant unto him ghostly strength, by Thy Holy Spirit, to withstand and overcome all temptations and assaults of the Adversary, that in no wise he prevail against him, but that he may have perfect victory and triumph against the devil, sin and death: through Christ our Lord, who by His death hath overcome the prince of death, and, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, evermore liveth and reigneth God, world without end. Amen.

Or this.

Holy Father, Healer of souls and bodies, who didst send Thine only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, healing every disease and redeeming from death; heal Thy servant also of the sickness of soul and body which encompasses him, and quicken him through the grace of Thy Christ; for Thou, O Christ our God, art the Fountain of healing, and to Thee, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, we ascribe all honor and praise. Amen.


A General Thanksgiving.

O GOD, Giver of all good and Fountain of all mercies, in whom are the springs of our life: all glory, thanks and praise be unto Thee for Thine ever-flowing goodness; for Thy faithfulness which is from one generation to another; for Thy mercies which are new every morning, fresh every moment, and more than we can number; for seed-time and harvest, and sum mer and winter, and nights and days throughout the year; for food and raiment and shelter; for health and reason; for childhood and age, and youth and manhood; for Thy fatherly hand ever upon us in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, in life and in death; for friends and kindred and kind benefactors; for home and country; for Thy Church and for Thy gospel; yea, Lord, for that there is nothing for which we may not bless and thank Thee. And therefore do


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