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2. Parse the following words, and give the corresponding Hebrew forms::

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Write out the Kethibh and Qerî of each word marked by an asterisk in the above passages, and distinguish between them.

3. Decline the following nouns, giving the principal inflections (sing. and pl.-abs., cons., emph., and with 3 m. s. and p. suffixes) :

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4. Give the principal parts Aphel of p; Ittaphal of DP; and Pael of 7.


5. Translate into pointed Hebrew :

And whilst I was still speaking with him, behold, one of the angels who stood nigh, more glorious than the glory of that angel, who had raised me up from the world, showed me a book, and he opened it, and the book was written, but not as a book of this world. And he gave it to me and I read it, and lo! the deeds of the children of Israel were written therein, and the deeds of those whom I know not. And I said: In truth there is nothing hidden in the seventh heaven, which is done in this world.' And I saw there many garments laid up, and many throues and many crowns. And I said to the angel : • Whose are these garments ? ? And he said unto me: These garments many from that world will receive, believing in the words of That One, who shall be named, regarding whom I told thee, and they will observe these things, and believe in His cross: for them are these garments laid up.'





1. The essential element in human speech is its symbolic character.' Explain this statement and indicate its

bearing on logic.

2. Discuss the leading theories that have been put forward with reference to the relation of S and P in a logical proposition.

3. Examine the following inferences :

(a) No traveller who has returned home to tell the story of his adventures has reached the North Pole: therefore, some who have not returned to tell the tale have reached the North Pole.'

(b) Every duty on imports is either protective, or a source of revenue; therefore, some taxes which are not duties on imports are neither protective, nor increase the revenue.'

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In a chain of reasoning in the first figure as above determine the quantity and quality of each proposition. preceding the conclusion, according as some A is or is not D. Prove the validity of your answer.

5. Explain and discuss :

(a) In induction the attribute to be generalized may be new or the class over which it is to be generalized may be new; and thus there are many difficulties in this variety of inference besides the mere formal process of generalization.

(b) Induction proves the Major of the Middle by the Minor.'

6. Compare the Logic of co-existence with the Logic of sequence.' Or,

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Discuss this statement:- If all the co-existent elements except one be repeated, then this one also will necessarily be secured.'


PROFESSOR MAGENNIS; REV. DR. MAGILL; PROFESSOR PARK. [Candidates will answer on two sections only, ONE of which must be section A.]


1. Discuss one of the following assertions of Newman with special reference to the italicised words :



(a) In certain cases an assent may be called a perception, and a truth a certainty.'

(b) The "cogito ergo sum

was not an argument, but

was the expression of a ratiocinative instinct.'

2. Examine in detail the following statement:—

'It seems to me that introspectively at any moment, with a certain exercise of memory, I perceive that I exist and perdure through changing states of consciousness. know that I am, though I do not know what I am.'

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3. It is quite a universal optical illusion that, other things equal, vertical lines seem longer than horizontal lines of the same objective length. But no one would ever think of using this fact as the basis of a necessary, or a universally valid, system of knowledge.'

Discuss, in view of this objection, the value of common consent as a criterion of truth.


[For candidates taking Course I. in Calendar.]

4. Define dualism. Is St. Thomas a dualist?


Examine this statement: The dualism so prominent in European thought of the seventeenth century is foreign to the genuine spirit of scholasticism.'

5. Write a short note on the psychology of interest in relation to attention.

6. Give a brief résumé of what you consider the most cogent arguments in favour of Personal Immortality.


[For candidates taking Course II. in Calendar.]

7. Examine one of these assertions:

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(a) Oneself, or the Ego, is the summum genus of cognition.'

(b) Both Contiguity and Similarity may enter into the association of Contrast.'

8. Give an account, with brief criticism, of Sir William Hamilton's doctrine of Remembrance, or of Thought.

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9. We are told that a note of sceptical arguments is that they admit of no answer and produce no conviction.' Examine this view.


REV. PROFESSOR DARLINGTON; REV. PROFESSOR WOODBURN. [Candidates will answer on two sections only, ONE of which must be Section A.]


1. Explain and discuss :

"Whatever standard we adopt as the touchstone of the rightness of an action-say we are Utilitarians, for example, or even Egoistic Hedonists,-the ultimate judgment which enjoins the realization of that standard must contain an unconditional and irreducible 'ought.' There is no passage from 'is' to 'ought.""

2. "In the history of the Freewill Controversy, the truth has been ignored,-that in being determined by a strongest motive, a man is determined by himself, by an object of his own making, and not by causes external to his will." Examine this statement.

8. "It is important to understand that while the enforcement (by law) of obligations is possible, that of purely moral duties is impossible."

In what sense may this be affirmed, and why is it so ?


[For candidates who take Course I in Calendar.]

4. What makes an act human, virtuous, moral ?

Comment on the following-'He who does virtuous actions is not virtuous, but he who does them as a virtuous man would do them.'

5. "By a responsible agent,' we mean a person who can furnish a complete explanation of a moral act, as regards its efficient, and its final causes."

Explain the foundation and conditions of moral responsibility, pointing out also on what grounds the moral agent has a right to merit or demerit as a consequence of his actions.

6. Explain and criticise the following:

(a) Obligation imposes a duty to do, and supposes a duty to be.'

(b) Custom is second nature, and nature itself is the first custom.'

(c) 'Where there is self-denial there is no virtue.'


[For Candidates who take Course II in Calendar.]

7. Is it correct to say that Butler has only taken account of the faculty of virtue, and neglected the criterion?


Explain: "The view of human nature, against which Butler preached, is not properly Hobbist, though Butler fairly treats it as having a philosophical basis in Hobbes's Psychology."

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