(d) Set down the third person plural of the future indicative and of the perfect subjunctive of-concutere, nolle, tondere, torquere, vetare. (e) Set down the Latin equivalents of the phrases in italics in the following sentences : (1) Gold is much heavier than silver. (2) He was twenty years in exile. (3) Through the whole night he awoke not more than once. (4) The more he has, the more he wastes. (5) How much did he pay for the book? SECTION B. MR. HENRY. Ten sesterces. 1. Translate, with brief notes on the words italicized: (a) Hic vir, hic est, tibi quem promitti saepius audis, 2. Translate into English: (a) Igneus est ollis vigor et caelestis origo. Seminibus. To what does ollis refer? (b) Continuo sontis ultrix accincta flagello Tisiphone quatit insultans. (c) Cnosius haec Rhadamanthus habet durissima regna. What is the reference in Cnosius? (d) Gemuit sub pondere cumba (e) Aspice ut insignis spoliis Marcellus opimis Who is the Marcellus referred to ? 3. (a) What is meant by Asianism in Roman oratory? (b) Write a short life of Propertius. (c) Mention two Roman authors famous for their letters. Give a short account of one of them. SECOND PAPER. SECTION A. MR. SEMPLE. UNPRESCRIBED PASSAGE. 1. Translate into English : Nunquam ab talibus consiliis abhorrebat regis animus. Itaque plurium assensu comprobata sententia, legati ad consulem missi, adhibito frequenti consilio, auditi sunt. Pacem petiere, vectigal, quantum Philippus pactus esset, daturum Persea Romanis pollicentes; urbibus, agris locisque, quibus Philippus cessisset, cessurum et ipsum. Haec legati. Summotis his, cum consultarent Romana constantia vicit in consilio. Ita tum mos erat in adversis vultum secundae fortunae gerere, moderari animo in secundis. Responderi placuit ita pacem dari si de summa rerum liberum senatui permittat rex de se deque universa Macedonia statuendi ius. и (a) As he did not think it worth while to keep his prisoner longer, he offered him his freedom, provided that he paid a ransom of twenty talents within a fortnight. (b) The tribunes of the plebs were doing everything in their power to secure the election of their friends to the curule offices in the city. (c) If these men act with such brutality while still dwelling beyond the sea, what are we to expect if they establish a fortress in the centre of our country? (d) This act of kindness cost the Achaeans twelve hundred drachmae, from which fact the number of the slaves may be conjectured. SECTION B. PROFESSOR DOUGAN. 1. Translate into English : (a) Cui non apparet inopiam et miseriam civitatis, et quia omnium privatorum pecuniae in usum publicum vertendae erant, istam legem scripsisse, tamdiu mansuram quamdiu causa scribendae legis mansisset? (b) Insimulavit fraudis Romanos, quod vano libertatis ostentato Chalcidem et Demetriadem praesidiis tenerent, qui Philippo, cunctanti deducere inde praesidia, obicere semper soliti sint numquam, donec Demetrias Chalcisque et Corinthus tenerentur, liberam Graeciam fore. (c) Missilibus enim Lacedaemonii pugnabant, a quibus se et magnitudine scuti perfacile Romanus tuebatur miles, et quod alii vani alii leves admodum ictus erant: nam propter angustias loci confertamque turbam non modo ad emittenda cum procursu, quo plurimum concitantur tela, spatium habebant, sed ne ut de gradu quidem libero ac stabili conarentur. Itaque ex adverso missa tela nulla in corporibus, rara in scutis haerebant: ab circumstantibus ex superioribus locis vulnerati quidam sunt; mox progressos iam etiam ex tectis non tela modo sed tegulae quoque inopinantes perculerunt. (d) Cum Antiocho quia longior disceptatio erat, decem legatis, quorum pars aut in Asia aut Lysimachiae apud regem fuerant, delegata est. T. Quinctio mandatum, ut adhibitis iis legatorum regis verba audiret, responderetque iis quae ex dignitate atque utilitate populi Romani responderi possent. (e) (Dixerunt) mali rem exempli esse de nihilo hospites corripi. 2. (a) How many praetors held office in the year 193 B.C., and what were their spheres of duty? (b) Where were Sellasia, Bargyliae, Heptagoniae, Lysimachia, Leptis? HISTORY. 3. (a) Why were military tribunes with consular powers elected on certain occasions at Rome ? How did this arrangement work in practice, and how was it brought to an end? (b) What was the object which Pyrrhus had in view in invading Italy? (c) Show the causes which brought about the war with Perseus. What settlement of the affairs of Macedonia was made by the Romans after that war? GREEK. FIRST PAPER. REV. PROFESSOR BROWNE. 1. Write down the plural in full ofἰχθύς, κέρας, ἀμείνων, ὅστις. 2. What is meant by enclitics? Give examples, and rules for their accentuation. 3. What peculiar constructions follow verbs expressing emotions of the mind, like Oavμázw? 4. Mention any three important peculiarities of Homeric syntax. 5. Mention two instances of prepositions taking one, two, and three cases, respectively. 6. Give the Greek for 20, 20th, and 20 times; Neither (of two); Whence: Whenever. He said that he had done the work as quickly as possible. They blamed the general on the ground that he had persuaded them to fight. I do not know whether I shall defend the man or not. They ought to deliberate whether they shall send assis tance or not. (α) ὤ μοι ἐγώ, τί πάθω! τί νύ μοι μήκιστα γένηται! 9. Translate, with notes: (a) μάλα πού σφισι θυμὸς αἰὲν ἐϋφροσύνῃσιν ἰαίνεται εἵνεκα σεῖο, (3) αὐτὰρ ἐπειδὴ πάντα λοέσσατο καὶ λίπ ̓ ἄλειψεν. |