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the army of the Duke of York in the Netherlands. The issue of this unfortunate expedition is well known. The Duke retreated, followed by the enemy, and several severe encounters took place. The campaign terminated by the re-embarkation of the troops in the spring of 1795. During the retreat, Colonel Wellesley commanded a brigade, and on several occasions was engaged with the enemy. During these inglorious operations there were of course few honours to be gained; but his conduct was such as to attract the applause of Sir James Craig and several other generals of distinction. The fact is interesting, as it enables us to discern the first dawning of that reputation which subsequently filled the whole horizon with its light.

After his return to England, Colonel Wellesley did not long remain in the enjoyment of inglorious ease. The 33d regiment was ordered to the West Indies, and sailed with that destination. After being six weeks at sea, however, the fleet was driven back by tempestuous weather, and the regiment relanded. In a few weeks it embarked for India, and, with its commander, reached Bengal in February 1797.

It is evident, we think, from the facts above narrated, that from the very commencement of his military life, young Wellesley devoted himself with zeal and ardour to the duties of his profession. He was no holyday soldier; he did not belong to that numerous, and, we fear, increasing class, who seek in the army merely an agreeable mode of passing a few years, and quit it whenever they are ordered to an unpleasant station, or succeed to fortune by the death of a relation. Such men regard the service as a pastime rather than a profession. Their lot is not permanently cast in it, and they look upon its duties as things to be performed when necessary, and avoided when possible. Very different from that of such men was the course of Wellington's early life.

He en

tered the service with the true spirit of a soldier. We have seen that in Flanders his zeal and exemplary conduct were conspicuous: That he embarked for the West Indies, and subsequently accompanied his regiment to the East. It thus appears that even at an age when the love of

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pleasure is predominant in most men, he did not shrink from the dangers or hardships of the service, but was determined to seek distinction whereever it could be found.

When Colonel Wellesley arrived in India the Company's territories were in a state of profound peace. But the peace was treacherous, for never were our Eastern possessions in a state of greater peril than at that moment. Lord Wellesley, who arrived at Calcutta in the spring of the following year as Governor-general, fortunately possessed not only the sagacity to discover the secret machinations of the native powers, but the wisdom and decision to disconcert them. It becomes necessary that we should here briefly advert to the po litical events which gave rise to the second Mysore war, in order that the reader may fully understand the military services to which his attention will subsequently be directed.

The war of 1789, though it had greatly diminished the power of Tippoo Sultan, had neither converted him into a safe friend, nor deprived him of the power of becoming a formidable enemy. He had been compelled, it is true, to cede nearly one half of his territories to the Company and their allies, but he still ruled with absolute power over a country nearly two hundred thousand square miles in extent, with a revenue and population equal to maintaining an army of 150,000 men. Tippoo was a man of bold and martial temperament, though not of high talents, and the blow which fell on him at the termination of the former war in 1792, seems to have irritated him almost to madness. From that time his whole soul was occupied with schemes of vengeance, and he waited only for a favourable conjuncture to employ all his great resources in attacking the British. His territory was most favourably situated for the hostile purpose he entertained. The Mysore country occupied a central position between our settlements, and might be said to command their communication by land, while by a sudden irruption into the Carnatic, he could at any moment place Madras in a situation of great peril. Judging by the contents of the papers which fell into our possession by the capture of Seringapatam, this was the favourite project of Tippoo, and to promote its

success he had secretly kept up a friendly communication with the Nabob of the Carnatic, and of whose good wishes he felt secure.

Though the British Government in India were of course aware of Tippoo's character, and regarded him with some jealousy, still they appear to have been by no means apprehensive of any immediate demonstration of hostility from Mysore. For some time previous the Sultan had been occupied in reducing some refractory Poligars, and was therefore supposed to be in no condition to molest any of his neighbours. In case of aggression, however, there were few of the native powers whose fidelity could be relied


Our chief ally, the Nizam Soubahdar of the Deccan, had, in a recent war with the Peshwah, suffered great reverses, and retained in his service a corps of 14,000 men, commanded by a French adventurer named Raymond, and the subordinate officers of which were likewise French. These men were all eager partizans of the French Republic, and wore the tricolor cockade. It was even expected that they would quit the French standard at Hyderabad, the capital; and the Nizam, though personally faithful to his alliance with the Company, was of too feeble and irresolute a character to free himself from the domination of these mercenaries.

sued an invitation to all French citizens to join the standard of Tippoo, and it was speedily ascertained that a considerable number had actually been conveyed to Mangalore by a French frigate. Intelligence also reached Calcutta, that the Sultan had despatched envoys to Zemaun Shah, the sovereign of Cabul, urging him to invade the British territories from the north.

Lord Wellesley no sooner became aware of the hostile intentions of the Sultan, than he adopted the most vigorous measures to prevent their execution. He immediately sent orders to General Harris, the commander-inchief at Madras, to assemble all his disposable force in the Carnatic, and proceeded in person to Fort St George, in order to be nearer to the scene of action, and thus accelerate the arrangements. From thence he again wrote to Tippoo, expressing surprise that his former communications had remained unanswered, and threatening dangerous consequences in case he should not instantly furnish a satisfactory explanation of his intentions. Even this letter, however, drew forth no response, and the business of military preparation went vigorously on, notwithstanding the apprehensions of many of the most experienced officers, who assured Lord Wellesley that an immediate war with the Sultan must expose the Madras territory to imminent danger.

At this period the political horizon was dark beyond precedent. The Sultan had largely increased his army, and was a formidable enemy. The French in Egypt were in the full career of success. Zemaun Shah threatened invasion from the north. The army of our chief ally the Nizam was officered by French mercenaries, who, on the breaking out of hostilities, would undoubtedly join the Sultan, and the fidelity of the Nabob of the Carnatic, whose territories would most probably become the scene of immediate war, was not to be depended on.

All remained calm, however, when Lord Wellesley arrived at Calcutta. A slight difference, it is true, had arisen with the Sultan, relative to some frontier districts of little value, which he alleged had been unwarrantably occupied by the Company. On investigation the claim was discovered to be just, and the first communications of Lord Wellesley announced that these districts should be restored. The intentions of the Government, therefore, were decidedly pacific, but a circumstance at this moment occurred, by which the political aspect of India became entirely changed. A proclamation by General Malartic, governor of the Mauritius, reached Calcutta, Lord Wellesley, however, was not which announced the arrival of two appalled, and the policy with which he ambassadors from the Sultan of My-met these dangers was distinguished sore, proposing an offensive and defensive alliance, for the purpose of expelling the English from India. The authenticity of this document was at first doubted, but was soon abundantly onfirmed. General Malartic had is

by its wisdom and boldness. By negotiations with the Nizam, he succeeded in obtaining the consent of that sovereign to the disbanding of the corps of Raymond, and to a treaty containing a stipulation that all the French serving

in his army should be sent to Europe. To enforce the execution of this arrangement, he moved an additional force into the Deccan, and a mutiny having fortunately broken out in the French corps, it was immediately surrounded and disarmed. No bloodshed occurred, and Lord Wellesley had the satisfaction of perceiving that one of the dangers he had most dreaded was at once happily removed.

At length, the preliminary arrangements being complete, on the 3d of February the Governor-General issued an order for the advance of the army into the Mysore territory. The invasion took place simultaneously from different points. General Harris, with the main body of the army, entered from the Carnatic. General Stuart, with the Bombay force from the west; while two corps, amounting together to about 9000, and commanded by Colonel Brown and Colonel Read, advanced from the southern districts of the Carnatic and the Baramahl. The whole strength of the invading force may be estimated at 55,000 men.

The Sultan, alarmed by these powerful and combined demonstrations of hostility, at length endeavoured to temporize. He wrote to Lord Wellesley, consenting to receive a minister charged with the proposals of the British Government, a measure to which he had hitherto refused his consent.

But the concession came too late. The season for military operations had arrived, and further delay would have been at once impolitic and dangerous. It would have secured to Tippoo another year of impunity, and enabled him to consolidate and perfect his means of resistance. General Harris, therefore, was directed to continue his movement on Seringapatam, and the Sultan was informed that any further proposals he might be desirous of making must be addressed to General Harris, to whom full powers as a negotiator had been delegated.

The Sultan, thus attacked on all sides, seems to have been stricken with a presentiment of his approaching fate. It is certain, at least, that he displayed little of that skill and activity, so remarkable in his conduct of the former war, when it required the utmost efforts of Lord Cornwallis

and his army to bring the war to a successful termination.

The advance of General Harris was slow, for his army was encumbered with materials for siege, and delays were occasioned by the failure of the carriage bullocks, which died in great numbers during the march. It was the 27th of March before the army reached Mallavelly, where the army of Tippoo became for the first time visible. It was drawn up on some high ground, and manifested a disposition to attack. An engagement ensued. Colonel Wellesley's brigade, consisting of the 33d regiment, and some battalions of the Nizam's infantry, formed the left of the army, supported by the regular cavalry under General Floyd. The King's troops were stationed on the right. Tippoo observing an opening between two brigades, immediately attempted to penetrate with his cavalry. The British, on the right, however, succeeded in outflanking his left, and no bad consequences resulted from the movement. The right of the Mysore army was strongly posted on a rocky height. Against this, Colonel Wellesley advanced in echellon of battalions, supported by the cavalry. The ememy advanced to meet the attack, but were soon driven back in disorder, and General Floyd, taking advantage of the opportunity thus afforded, charged with his cavalry, and their confusion became complete. The conduct of the 33d regiment during this engagement was admirable. They charged gallantly with the bayonet, with complete success.

General Harris, instead of taking the usual route to Seringapatam, crossed the Cauvery at Sosilay. In the former war, Lord Cornwallis had been unable to discover a practicable ford to the southward of Seringapatam, and had been compelled, in consequence, to make a long detour to the north. This movement, therefore, disappointed the calculations of the Sultan. It is difficult otherwise to account for his total inaction at this critical juncture. He fell back on his capital; and, on the 5th of April, the army of General Harris took up its position for the siege. The ground selected was opposite the western face The right was posted on of the fort. elevated ground, gradually declining

towards the left flank, which was covered by the aqueduct and the river Cauvery. The aqueduct was of considerable importance as an intrenchment. For some distance it took an easterly direction, and then turned off towards a tope or thicket, which af forded cover to the enemy, and en

abled him to keep up an annoying fire of rockets on the camp. There were also several villages in front, from which it was deemed proper to dislodge him. We extract the following letter, which was found among the papers of the late General Lord Harris:

"Colonel the Hon. A. Wellesley to Lieut.-General Harris.


Camp, 5th April, 1799. "I do not know where you mean the post to be established, and I shall therefore be obliged to you if you will do me the favour to meet me this afternoon in front of the lines, and show it to me. In the mean time I will order

my battalion to be in readiness.


Upon looking at the tope as I came in just now, it appeared to me, that when you get possession of the bank of the Nullah, you have the tope as a matter of course, as the latter is in the rear of the former. However, you are the best judge, and I will be ready.

"I am, my dear Sir," &c.

The tope alluded to in the above letter was the same which Colonel Wellesley led a column to attack after nightfall. It consisted of the 33d regiment and a native battalion; and Colonel Shaw, with the 12th regiment, and two sepoy battalions, at the same time advanced to drive the enemy from the villages. attack of Wellesley on the tope failed, and Colonel Shaw, with great difficulty, was enabled to retain possession of one of the villages. All military men are aware that the success of night attacks is uniformly precarious. In the present instance, the


enemy fired under cover, and the 33d regiment, in particular, suffered scverely. The extreme darkness of the night rendered the smallest disorder in the assailants an irreparable misfortune, and Colonel Wellesley, finding it impracticable to carry the tope judiciously, confined his operations to causing a diversion in favour of Colonel Shaw. Admitting, therefore, that the attack failed, the follow ing extract from Lord Harris's private journal proves that, in his opinion, not the slightest blame attached to the conduct of Colonel Wellesley:

A literal extract from the private Diary of Lieut-General Harris, Commander-inChief of the British Army marching in the Mysore country in the year 1799, between the 4th and 8th of April.

"4th April. Commissioned General Baird to form a party of not less than the flank companies of his brigade, supported by the picquets, to beat up a tope in front of the ground the picquet was on, and said to have had parties of men with arms assembling on it. It appears to me, from the report, they are only intended for rocketing ; but our beating them up, instead of their attempting us, will have the best effect; for if our intelligence is true, his whole army are in a complete state of terror; of course we should keep it so. "5th April. Marched to Seringapatam; rocketed a little on the march. Took up our ground nearly for the siege. Concluded the arrangement for detaching General Floyd and General Stuart. Formed parties for the attack of the post occupied formerly by the Bombay troops, and the tope of Sultaunpettah. Lieut.-Colonel Shawe to command the detachment for the Bombay post; Colonel Wellesley that of the tope, as being composed of his own people. Remained under great anxiety till near twelve at night, from the fear our troops had fired on each other. Lieut.-Colonel Shawe very soon reported himself in possession of the post; but a second firing commenced, and as he had previously sent to know what had become of the two native battalions, I could not be satisfied but that, in the dark, they had mistaken each other. It proved

that all the firing was

from the enemy, his Majesty's 12th regiment scarcely firing a shot the whole night. Near twelve, Colonel Wellesley came to my tent in a good deal of agitation, to say he had not carried the tope. It proved that the 33d, with which he attacked, got into confusion and could not be formed, which was a great pity, as it must be particularly unpleasant to him. Altogether, circumstances considered, we got off very well. General Baird's expedition of last night so far answered our expectations, as he fell in with a small party of the enemy's horse, and cut up eight or ten of them, which will tend to prevent their plaguing us with rockets, I trust. He missed his road coming back, although one would have thought it impossible; no wonder night attacks so often fail.

"6th April. Determined to make another attack on the tope, Lieut.-Colonel Bowser's and Halyburton's corps, with the Scotch brigade (supported by the 25th dragoons and 2d regiment native cavalry, on seeing the Sultan's cavalry appearing from the fort), were destined to assist in this service, and, with scarcely any opposition, carried it.

Sunday the 7th. Yesterday evening walked down to the advanced post with Baird and Macleod. Found it very strong against so contemptible an enemy as we have to deal with; and such as may, with a little trouble, be made very strong against any. How fortunate thus to find a good parallel prepared to our hands! The fort fired a great deal yesterday, with no other effect than furnishing shot to us. A long line of cavalry seen coming out of the fort about twelve; reported at three, by Colonel Wellesley, to have come more round our right; and that he has therefore ordered the battalions we spoke of when looking what they were about, on the road which leads to Periapatam. Our foraging party coming in fast; but this cannot be their object, and they would move more rapidly than they have done. Great many of us much fatigued. Beatson, among the rest, very much relaxed and weak. Our duties pretty severe; but if the whole is not pressed on with vigour we shall fail; for no doubt there will be more difficulties to overcome than we yet forsee.

"Monday, 8th. Visited the post taken possession of by Colonel Wellesley on the 6th instant. Found it a continuation of the nullah which makes Shawe's post, but not so favourable in that part for keeping hold of. Directed a burnt village, on a rise above the Nullah, to be made the right hand post, by barricading the streets and cutting down the walls to six feet, thickening them next the fort, and putting a banquette within. Brisk cannonade from the fort. Colonel Close brought Dallas and Hart to speak about the bullock drivers, &c."

On the following day, General Harris directed three simultaneous attacks to be made, with a view to drive the enemy from the whole line of his outposts. That on the Sultaunpettah tope was again intrusted to Colonel Wellesley. On this occasion it was completely successful. The other columns likewise succeeded in dislodging the enemy on the right and left, and by these assaults General Harris was enabled to occupy a strong connected line, formed chiefly by the aqueduct, and extending from

the river to the village of Sultaunpettah.

We insert the following notes and letters, because they afford evidence of the general activity and vigilance displayed by Colonel Wellesley in the discharge of his duty. They are interesting, too, as Colonel Gurwood justly observes, from the illustration they afford of the degree in which even the details of the army he commanded were conducted by General Harris:—

"Colonel the Hon. A. Wellesley to Lieut.-General Harris.


Camp, 6th April, 1799. "I find that by moving Malcolm's corps to the rear a little, and by an arrangement of my posts on my right and rear, I shall be able to protect Meer Allum, the brinjarries, the park, and the cavalry from any attempts that may be made by horse and rocket boys, which alone seem to me to be destined to annoy us in that quarter.

"I shall now go out and see what support I can give to my post at Sultaunpettah, and will report to you on my return.

"I am, my dear Sir," &c.

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