The Names and Use of the FRENCH LETTERS, with their various Combinations, exemplified in a large and select Variety of Words, digefted into Classes, according to the Number of Syllables each Word contains: to which are respectively annexed, short and pleasing Essays on Reading, calculated chiefly to lead young Beginners, with Eafe, from the Knowledge of single Letters, to the reading of the longest and most difficult Polysyllables.. ALSO, An INTRODUCTION to French Grammar, by Way of Question and Answer, illustrated by Examples; a VOCABULARY of the Words moft generally used in both Languages; common FORMS OF SPEECH upon Familiar Subjects; the CATECHISM, &C. BY MR. PORNY, FRENCH-MASTER AT ETON-COLLEGE. THE ELEVENTH EDITION, CORRECTED. LONDON. PRINTED FOR G. AND J. ROBINSON, IN PATERNOSTER-ROW; AND F. WINGRAVE, SUCCESSOR TO MR. NOURSE, IN THE STRAND. M.DCCC,II. |