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"Dr. Türck in his excellent work "The Man of Genius."" Professor Dr. LUDWIG BÜCHNER, in Internationale Literaturberichte.

"The whole character of the general lectures in Dr. Türck's book must be described as that of a polemic for idealism and against every kind of egoism. Hence the inner warmth in the work, for Türck is devoted to the matter in hand with all his mind and soul, and it is as if he had himself in his own mental life passed through all that he presents. Türck himself sees in his book only sketches that require further amplification, he desired to give only outlines, but he proves himself familiar with what is essential. We may point, for instance, to the manner in which he utilises the conception of play, of freedom, both in general and in particular. It is exactly this undivided connection of the whole that constitutes the charm and the suggestive value of the book." Professor Dr. RICHARD MARIA WERNER, in Jahresberichte für neuere deutsche Literaturgeschichte.

"One of the most interesting thinkers of the younger generation has hitherto made the problem of genius the chief subject of his scientific studies. His exceedingly clever and captivating book owes its origin to a number of lectures. The essays on 'Hamlet,' on Goethe's 'Faust,' on Byron's 'Manfred,' and especially also on Buddha and Christ stir not only our intellectual interest, but also our minds by the subtle, warm and ideal mode of presentation of their subjects. The reader will find his mind ever more elevated by them." Dr. HELMUTH MIELKE, in Barmer Zeitung.

"The convincing interpretations given by Dr. Türck of poems hitherto insufficiently understood, the now apparently self-evident solutions of difficult character problems seem to be the less essential portions of his book. The more essential are found rather in the simple yet imposing conception of life that does equal justice to the ethical sensation and the realistic mode of thinking of the modern mind." Dr. med. CARL WERNER, in Magazin für Literatur.

"In a comparatively short time the book has gone into a fifth edition and it has well earned this conspicuous success. Like few others of recent times it has emphatically promoted the extension of the doctrine of the essence of genius. It has done so by a mode of exposition carefully rounded, satisfactorily clear, lucid, and agreeable, so that the work is made accessible to the understanding of every educated reader and affords him not only real instruction, but also enjoyment." Dr. M. KRONENBERG, in Ethische Kultur

"Dr. Türck's book deserves attention and careful appreciation; it may be called one of the most interesting productions of modern sociological literature." B. M., in Sozialistische Monatshefte.

"Among the best portions of the book I count the study of Hamlet. It is a very interesting fact that the author, as he declares, was inspired with this very attractive and convincing solution of the problem by Matthew 12, 46 sq." Pfarrer J. HANS, in Theologische Literaturzeitung, edited by Professor Dr. E. SCHÜRER and Professor Dr. A. HARNACK.

"An honest fervour and a noble zeal pervade all the disquisitions in the book. Dr. Türck's total conception of the exalted subject is refreshingly sound and unsophisticated, and his mode of exposition very subtle." Die Post.

"Dr. Türck's book belongs to those which, written with a genuine love, afford instruction and permanent enjoyment to every reader." Professor Dr. G. GALLAND, in Die Kunsthalle.

"Dr. Türck has the indisputable merit of having established his own opinion on two important literary questions, namely, his conception of the character of Hamlet and his explanation of Faust's blindness caused by 'Care.' The simple language that avoids all unnecessary technicalities, makes

the book, although it treats of the highest and weightiest human problems, intelligible and enjoyable also to every non-professional reader." Dr. H. DONALIES, in Berliner Tageblatt.

"In every respect an important book. The more thoroughly I occupied myself with each of these interesting questions, the clearer and the more comprehensible the high mind and ideal striving of the author became to me. Everywhere the high morality, the beauty, and the indescribable idealism of the book affect the reader agreeably." Landtagsabgeordneter A. BAUDERT, in Erfurter Tribüne.

"Dr. Türck's book has its roots in Goethe's view of the world, it exhibits most brilliantly the problem of humanity as reflected in 'Faust,' 'Hamlet,' and 'Manfred,' and refutes energetically the antipodes of the spirit of Goethe (Stirner, Nietzsche, Ibsen, and Lombroso). It is to be hoped that the work may find its way into every rank of society." Professor Dr. ALFRED BIESE, in Schleswiger Nachrichten.

"The polemic against Lombroso belongs to the most valuable portions of Dr. Türck's book." KARL V. THALER, in Neue Freie Presse.

"An extraordinary fluency of style and a noble simplicity of language that avoids all unnecessary technical expressions, enable the reader to follow without trouble the author's elucidations which combine the perspicuous mode of thought of Schopenhauer with Hegel's dialectic keenness." Dr. FR. JUNGKLAUS, in Neue Stettiner Zeitung.

"The twelve essays contain so much that is interesting, clever, and profound, that the reading of this book is a real enjoyment, nay more, a source of mental invigoration and absorption." Neue Badische Landeszeitung.

"This work may be warmly recommended to every educated man, most specially to every theologian. The book is pervaded by a noble spirit and sentiment that affect me agreeably." Pastor PAUL GRAUE, in Protestantische Monatshefte.

"Dr. Türck's book belongs to the few works of these later years, that one must have read if one wishes to attain an independent judgment of the intellectual currents of the present time." Professor Dr. EUGEN WOLFF, in Hamburger Korrespondent.

"The reading affords a high intellectual enjoyment and is a stimulant to serious thought on questions that are nowadays of far-reaching theoretical and practical interest." Dr. med. F. KÖHLER, in Die christliche Welt.

"In this book speaks the spirit of true humanity and a philosophy of life that exhibits and elucidates, by the light of practical application, the deep thoughts of our greatest philosophers." Kölnische Zeitung.

"The author knows how to present the result of his studies in a manner always interesting, and usually original, and always embodies them in a pleasing and readable form. Dr. Türck belongs to the best armed champions against Nietzsche and also against the erroneous doctrines of Lombroso." ALFR. FREIHERR MENSI V. KLARBACH, in Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung in München.

"Everything written by Dr. Türck is written from the mind of the idealist, every paragraph brings a revelation producing a joyful surprise." Hofrat Dr. FRIEDR. DUKMEYER, idem.

"The high and free standpoint chosen by the author enables him to open many a surprising outlook on the career of all these prominent figures, and to give many a deep insight into their mental life. Nay, even a new light is cast on the activity of Christ, for instance on His relation towards John the Baptist. Dr. Türck's book becomes instructive and valuable by the fact that he succeeds in combining in a clever manner historical speculation with aesthetic criticism. There are few occasions on which one disagrees with him." Vossische Zeitung.


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