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importance were not quite in accordance with God's mind and will as I now saw it. A brother had told me some time before, when talking to him on the subject of fulness of blessing and power for service, that my ideas of service would change, when I trusted Jesus fully. This I found to be true, and slowly I found many of my own notions of service beginning to change. The enemy of souls finding himself repulsed on one side, now transformed himself into "an angel of light," and sorely tried me. Under the idea that I was under the influence of the Holy Spirit I was led to do many foolish things, and especially to speak to people about their souls in a very unwise way, and under a sense of great bondage. This continued for some time, and I was often led by mere impulse to do things which I deemed God required me to do, and which I feared to omit doing, for fear of losing His presence, or grieving the Holy Ghost. God graciously set me free from this species of bondage by the words of Psalm xxv. 9, "The meek will He guide in judgment, and the meek will He teach His way." I saw that I had been mistaking impulse for the special direction of the Holy Spirit, and that I was being led into bondage, instead of into liberty. "Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty," and I rejoiced again that the yoke that the Lord had given me was an easy one, and His burden light. Walking closely with Him, and in step with Him, it will never gall the shoulder. But walking with Him I saw that we are not meant to shirk service, or even difficult service, for Him, but first of all to make sure that it is His yoke, and service for Him, and not merely something taken up to ease our conscience, and then to realise that He is at our side to help us, and to be with us in the work. Where this is the case there will be perfect liberty, and, fully surrendered to Him, all our service will be found pleasant service. I believe that many, as I did then, fall into bondage through not seeing that not only does the Lord Jesus guide us, but that those who are in His hands "He guides in judgment," and that we need " a sound mind," and the leading of Providence, with His special direction. For instance, if you enter a room full of people, many of them worldly people, and you wish to witness for Christ in the best way, the only true way remembering that you are in His hands, to keep looking to Him for guidance, and follow where He leads. He may wish you to speak to someone for Him, or


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I found, too, that great watchfulness was required, lest "the fine gold" should become dim, and the old habits and sins spring into power again; but the power of Jesus was always sufficient as I rested in Him and submitted myself, again and again, to His keeping. I learned to watch. Asa of old walked before God with "a perfect heart," but yet maintained a careful watch against his enemies, and a large standing army to resist them in case of attack (2 Chron. xiv. 6-8). So we must be watching, looking diligently "lest any root of bitterness spring up, and thereby many be defiled." We are not only weak vessels, constantly needing fresh supplies of grace, but we need constant emptyings of self, who, in his various and subtle forms, is seeking to assert his rights and regain his lost power. And so I found it well, and find it so increasingly, not only to endeavour, daily and hourly, to put off the old man with his deeds, but to have special times as well for prayer, confession, and heart-searching before God. Doubtless, we most of us feel this, but it is safe to be reminded of it.

Before there could be any fresh revelation of Jesus, I found there must be a fresh revealing of self. "He maketh poor, and maketh rich. He bringeth low and lifteth up"; and I found there must be first a making of us poor in our own estimation before the riches could be poured in. Oh for newer views of ourselves, that there may be newer views of Jesus and His power, enabling us to walk in newness of life!

I have written this in the hope that some, seeing another one's mistakes, may avoid them, and praying that some may trust themselves more unreservedly to that Saviour who "saves always" those who abide in Him. May He have all the glory.


FAITH lies not in bringing forth some great things by your own power, but in employing the power of God to work all your works in you and for you.Ralph Erskine, 1777; Works, vol. i., p. 80.


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MY DEAR M -I am so glad to hear that the thing that has been hindering your spiritual life has been put away at last. It is wonderful how foolish we Christians are, and how long sometimes we will go on making ourselves miserable for the sake of what we fancy we should be miserable without. Now you have surrendered it, and you "hope" God will keep you from going back to it. Of course He will keep you, if you trust Him. He will do it for His own sake. It saves Him so much pain, to have His children really for His own, instead of always grieving Him by their disloyalty; only He won't force them. That would be for Him to assume a false position. He never meant to be a slave-driver, but the Leader of a "willing people," who serve in freedom-from love, not compulsion.

And then about work for God. It seems to me, that committing a thing to God just means committing it to Him, and then taking whatever comes as His doing in the matter. You asked Him, if He wanted you to speak to the housemaid, to send her to you, that you might have an opportunity of speaking; and He sent her. You believed that, because you saw it. He did more than you asked, for He made her ready to listen, which was a great thing. Then you asked Him to give you the message for her; and He gave it. He must have done, unless He dealt falsely with you; for how could He send the girl to you, and then give you nothing to say to her? But you were unhappy, because you thought you had "made a mess of it"; as if He would let you do that, when you were doing His will-was that faith? Was is not rather disappointment, because He did not let you walk by sight? If He told you "to say it," the results are His business.

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I don't think you need be the least troubled about your future. F. R. H. gives a quotation somewhere to this effect that, even when other people do some things contrary to the will of God, which affects me, yet by the time it reaches me, it is God's will for me." So, whether E-'s thoughts agree with God's or not, yet as the decision has been made for have no choice in the matter, havand you, you ing committed it to God, you are safe in taking this decision as God's choice for you, and therefore the very best. He has something better in store for you than what you had hoped might be, as you will see when His "purposes ripen." Who knows

that there is not a lonely heart somewhere, to which He means to send you as a messenger direct from Himself, perhaps a great gap made by His own hand, of which as He made it, He said "There is another child of mine, who has given herself fully to me; she shall come here as my representative and fill up the void; " and so, while it seems to you that "nothing is happening," He is getting a career ready for you, and you ready for the career, and when both are fully prepared He will take care to bring them together. He went in the way before you, to search you out a place to pitch your tents in. “That implies careful looking, not just taking the first place that appeared pleasant, and saying, "She may try this," but searching out, discarding one here and another there, that you would have thought very nice indeed, because they were not just what He wanted, and at last fixing upon the one, and the only one, which would exactly answer His purpose. If you are His, He will take care to put you where He can use you best; anyhow, it will be close by Him.


July, 1882.

1. TEXT: The King's daughter is all-glorious within" (Ps. xlv. 13).

The most important place in the Jewish temple was that "within the veil." Here was the Ark of the Covenant, with its Mercy-seat, and the overshadowing Cherubim; but, more than all besides, the Shekinah, or visible symbol of the Divine Presence. Special directions were given by God as to this "most holy place"; amongst them, that it should be purified from all defilement of sin by the blood of atonement. How supremely important it was that God's mind as to His temple should be rightly apprehended, especially that it should be "all glorious within." Of what avail altars, sacrifices, and priests outside, if the Shekinah be not between the Cherubim "within the veil"? And what blessing could be expected from external observances, if any defiling thing desecrated the Holy Place? No, it was to be "all glorious"; its arrangements in exact accordance with the Divine instructions; the atoning blood cleansing it from every stain of sin; and, above all, the Presence there.

God tells us in His Word that the believer is a temple of the Holy Ghost.* Alas! sin utterly defiled it, so that it became "altogether abominable" in God's sight. That which should be-as the place "within the veil" in the Jewish temple-God's abode is described as “deceitful above all things and desperately wicked," all its thoughts and imaginations being "only evil continually." The heart thus losing its primal "glory," became a stronghold of sin, and was Ps. lxxx. 1.

* 1 Cor. ix. 19.

Thou merciful Redeemer,


filled with "enmity against God" in all invincible strength. Oh, what a mighty change must be wrought ere the sinner become "all glorious within"! Nothing less than a creation" will give effect to God's mind as to His temple. "Ye must be born again," are the express words of the Lord Jesus. And God's gracious promise is: "A new heart will I give you; and I will take away the stony heart." And He adds: "From all your filthiness will I cleanse you." As it was with the place" within the veil," so must it be with us: the Blood of atonement which "cleanseth from all sin" must be sprinkled; and then God, dwelling in His temple, will manifest Himself in power and grace and love. "Be filled with the Spirit," is His injunction to all true believers, and the words of the Apostle are for them, "The very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." Oh, surely, the teaching of the Word of God is most clear and definite on this subject. The believer, according to God's mind, is to be "all glorious within." The expression must not be explained away or weakened. It is God's. It definitely sets forth His will. It is in harmony with the rest of His Word. It can be accomplished. "Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it," is the assuring word of the Apostle. And, doing it, ob, the grand result! The mind will, surely, be filled with holy thoughts, the heart with holy affections, the lips with holy words, and the life with holy worship and service.

Christians frequently deplore their frequent failures and repeated falls, their scanty realisation of blessing and very limited success in God's service. Must it not ever be thus when God's mind is not accepted as to the character and extent of the sanctification "within"? David, scourged by the remorseful consciousness of dreadful sin in his life, laid his axe to the root of the matter when he said, "Create in me a clean heart, O God." Oh, for a simple, childlike spirit, to receive the mind of God on this subject. Oh, for the response, too, of willing acquiescence and eager desire: "Be it unto me, even as Thou wilt." Should we not, then, prove that Christ died to "redeem us from all iniquity;" and that it is possible to be "delivered from all the power of the enemy," to "put off the old man, with his deeds," and to "lay aside" the sin that "doth so easily beset" us, to "walk even as He walked," and to be holy in all manner of conversation"? The life and experience intensely longed for by God's people every where, may surpass the limit to which the hand of the human teacher may lead us; but, oh for the hand of God!


One day, just before a mission commenced, a young Christian, who had heard of the "Rest of Faith," came to the mission preacher with the earnest longing words on her lips: "I want this blessing." She had but to receive it, for the Lord had it awaiting her acceptance. Is not this a further possibility to be made "all glorious within"? And will not the readers of this Notice, recognising an intimation of the mind of God, and trusting His willingness and power to "do it" according to His word; cry "Lord, I want this blessing?"


(Song of Sol. iv. 7.)

O give to me this blessing,
So sweet beyond compare;
O let me hear Thy whisper-
"My love, thou art all fair!"

* πληρᾶνθε, “ made full."

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(a) The Union. That God may be pleased to use it for His glory.

(b) The Members. That each one may be enabled to live All for Jesus faithfully and fully. (c) All Christians. That God may fulfil in them all the good pleasure of His goodness and the work of faith with power.

(d) Parochial Missions held this day, that many souls may be saved.

(e) Meetings held this day for the promotion of Holiness amongst God's people. REQUESTS:

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Bible Study.

Passover one male lamb was to be the burnt-offering; now at the Pentecost seven lambs, a bullock, and two rams were to be offered. To receive the gift of

THE FIRST-FRUITS OF THE PENTECOST. pardon is one act. The work of the Holy Ghost, in

(LEV. XXIII. 15-21.)

FROM the "Sabbath of deep rest"-for that is the meaning of the word used for the "high-day" which intervened between the Crucifixion and the Resurrection of our Lord, fifty days were to be counted, before the second of the Great Festivals was to be kept, and a new Meat-offering was to be presented. The Green Ears had been offered, and during the interval the corn had ripened. The beginning of that vast harvest, the result of the corn of wheat which had fallen to the ground and died, but which was to bring forth much fruit (John xii. 24), was now to be seen.

Let us notice some of the peculiar directions given respecting this new Meat-offering, and their lessons:

1. It was not a Sheaf, but flour ground from the ripe corn. The Sheaf stood alone, in its freshness, its beauty, its brightness and its glory! Now the flour was to be extracted, and the chaff scattered. This is our first emblem and picture of the Church of the First-born. The sufferings of the throes of that New Birth by which we are introduced into the family of God, is indicated by the pounding of the ears of corn, and the separation of the flour from the chaff. As we know from the record in Acts ii., the Spirit of Life and Fire descended like a rushing, mighty wind, and the first utterance of the convicted "Men and brethren, what shall we do?" (Acts ii. 37). This heart-searching was followed by a mighty resurrection of three thousand souls on that memorable day.

men was,

2. However, the fine flour, though separated from the chaff, was to be taken with leaven. Unlike the first-fruits of the Passover-which represented the perfect One in all His fulness-the leaven, which is always the emblem of evil, was to be mixed with it, indicating that the subtle influence of sin would still be seen, even in those who were born again, purified by the blood, and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Nothing can be more significant. Not the dominion of sin, nor even its tolerance, but its presence would still be detected, even in the regenerated.

3. But the abundance of the Burnt-offering shows how complete was the provision for the subjugation of sin, as well as for its pardon. Whereas for the

restoring God's image to us, is a life-long course. The work of Christ was manifold-the provision complete and far-reaching. So the one and the many offerings were to be presented. Perfect was the burnt-offering, and it ascended to God as a savour of rest-satisfying to God and soul-satisfying to all that believe.

4. But a Sin-offering was presented also. How complete is God's estimate of our condition--how fully unfolded to us in all its aspects. No sin-offering at the Passover, but one at the Pentecost. In all the life-giving processes of renewal we are reminded of the cost at which we have been redeemed.

5. A Peace-offering was also provided. This was the offering of which the priest, the offerer, and God Himself all partook. Here we see the altar and the table brought into close contact (Lev. vii). There was food for the altar-which was God's part-for the priest, and also for the offerer. The Father meets the offerer in Christ, and peace and satisfaction and joy are all fulfilled. Blessed provision ! Let us not forget it in all our service and in all our longings after the mind of Christ.

6. It was then waved before the Lord-in token of the wide-spread provision and of its acceptance. It was thus constituted holy unto the Lord.

7. But one final thing must be briefly noted. It was the joyful gathering-in of the harvest. Then the heart, melted by the goodness of the Lord, was to flow out in loving unselfish recognition for the poor and the stranger. The harvest was not to be selfishly appropriated, but a share of the costly and much-valued blessing was to be communicated to others (Lev. xxiii. 22). "Freely ye have received, Pentecost," The promise is unto you and to your freely give" (Matt. x. 8.) So we see on the day of children, and to them that are afar off" (Acts ii. 39). Those who had received were full of joy, which welled over in the fulness of their hearts towards all around them. And so it should ever be. Receivers of the blessing, let us witness to its power, and testify to all with whom we come in contact, that the Resurrection life of which we have been made partakers-as a part of the first-fruits of the Pentecost is a great reality. "Holiness is the gold of becometh Thine house, O Lord, for ever" (Ps. heaven," writes old Bunyan. Amen. xciii. 5).






AUGUST, 1882.

[No. 44.

its resources. It is one thing to own the property, but another thing to know what it contains. Just under your feet, hidden a few inches beneath the surface, there is, let us say, an immense deposit of mineral wealth. It has been there for centuries, but you have only just discovered the fact. You at once become the possessor of great riches. But in what way ? Has any addition been made to your estate? Surely not; but by the uncovering of the surface, the hidden treasure has become available.

GOD has graciously visited His people. We sive estate, but you may never have explored have seen the manifestation of His power, not only in the conversion of sinners, but also in the reviving of saints. We have seen His hand put forth in bringing multitudes from darkness to light, and we have seen Him call those who are His children, often in a very brief space of time, into an experience of joy, liberty, and power they have never known before. So God has been showing us what He means not only by the blessing, but by the fulness of the blessing of Christ. To those who know anything experimentally of this experience, these words have no mere shadowy meaning, but are full of power.

"The fulness of blessing," you say. "But have I not all in Christ? At conversion what did I receive? Was it not God's unspeakable gift? Did I not receive Jesus Christ the Lord, and in that Gift is not every spiritual blessing comprehended? 'All fulness dwells in Him;' I received Him. Salvation would have been nothing to me apart from Him. I received Christ. It was not that I received a part of Christ. It was not that I received something out of Christ. But it was that I received Christ Himself. How then," you ask, "can I expect to receive something more, something in addition to Him? Why press on me the necessity of seeking another blessing, when God has blessed me with all spiritual blessings in Christ?"

Is that your objection? Is this the difficulty in the mind of any? I would say in answer, it is one thing to receive a gift, it is another thing to know its worth. You may possess an exten

Just so with Christ. You have received God's unspeakable gift, and yet you may be comparatively ignorant of the riches of grace and glory stored up in Him. What, then, is needed? Any addition to Christ? Not so: but the unfolding of the treasures hid in Him, the unveiling of His resources provided to meet your need, not only of pardon and acceptance, but also of purity and power. You have received Christ as your salvation, your justification; have you trusted the same Christ as your sanctification? It is the office of the Spirit of God to reveal Him thus to us. "Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God." Thus things bestowed become things revealed, that the things revealed may become things enjoyed.

But another objection. "Is not this blessing progressive? If by the fulness of blessing you mean sanctification or holiness, surely I must not look on it as something to be received at once? Surely I am not taught that this gift is

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