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a privilege to which we are called here on earth. No one who enjoys that privilege can complain of spiritual dearth.

Once more, there will be gladness instead of gloom. It was this that characterised the Apostolic days. "The disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Ghost" (Acts xiii. 52). Nothing carries with it such an attractive power as that of holy joy. Let it be attractive power as that of holy joy. Let it be a reality in the heart; let it be not merely the doctrine, but the experience of the believer; and those who are endeavouring to find happiness in the world will be attracted and led to seek their own joy from the same source.

"He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God; many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord."

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"But the Lord is faithful, Who shall stablish you and keep you from evil."-2 Thess. iii. 3.

THE words are a paranomasia, the commentators say, i.e., a play upon words. St. Paul had said man is without faith, and he goes on to say, not the

direct opposite, God is full of faith, for faith is hardly an attribute possible to deity; but "the Lord is faithful," a much more important thing for Lord is faithful," a much more important thing for

us to know.

The words are a promise. You know that word, if not the longer one; but I want you to remember it, and to recall it for your comfort again and again, whenever you think of the text. It is not a peradventure, but a promise; it is not a problem, but a promise; it is not a prayer even, but a promise; a two-fold promise, founded on the two-fold nature of God in Christ.

The first part of the promise is, "THE LORD SHALL STABLISH YOU." Stablish is but a broken word, a fragment of a word. It means establish. The same thing is said here of the Church which was said of old of Zion-"The most Highest shall establish her." But what does it mean? To stablish is to make stable. Such is the root of the word, and the root of the matter too. An established Christian is a Christian made fast to Christ, confirmed in the Spirit, "strong in the Lord and in the power of His might"; and every Christian should be this.

Stable in Opinion." I have changed my views greatly," said a man to me the other day: "I do not think any longer that when God pardons a man He puts him where he was before." "What of justification then?" " Well, I cannot say; but I think it very important that men should know the inherent consequences of sin." And so it is; but important, surely, also to know that "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Now, this is an illustration of the shifting, shiftless way, some act as to their opinions. I would rather have the way of a gray-haired friend of mine, who, when I asked him about some deep thing, said, "That's on the shelf; asked, and answered, long ago." Try to master momentous questions, not closing your eyes and ears to truth, new or old ; but so to grasp the great verities of Christian doctrine that you shall not be soon shaken in mind (as these Thessalonians were), not carried about as

that friend of mine was, but established in the and the object of faith are united, "Built up in present truth.

Stable in Character.-There are some people that you can trust as you would the Bank of England, and, though now and then God allows us to be disappointed even in such, that we may not put our trust in princes, and that they may not trust in their own righteousness, yet it is a great thing to see these grand, granitic souls, on which you can build with confidence; you can always count upon them, always calculate upon them, can tell just where to find them, and know that you shall find them always good.

"I can never be like that," you say; "I can never be like 'the stones of a crown,' or even the stones of the city, the city of God. Why, I am by nature shifty and unsettled, and unreliable. I am more like the crumbling freestone that will bear no exposure to the air, but is sure to wear away under its abrasion; or if a tree, then not an oak, but a willow." My brother, God is able to graft on to the willow, the oak. "If any man be in Christ he is a new creature;" the old corrupt elements of character, all that disfigure and deform and weaken, are to be removed, and a new man formed within So that to be established is possible to you; yet I must add that very many Christians live as if it were not, and leave us, still lacking strength and grace.


The Blessing begins with Conversion." Thou hast set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings" (Ps. xl. 2.) Have you got that blessing? Have you got on that rock? For not only the views and the character, but the affections of the soul must partake of this quality, if there is to be stability.

You cannot get a vessel that will stand the Atlantic rollers simply because its planks are well put together, and closely caulked; the timbers themselves must be heart of oak. And unless your soul be full of Christ, full of the Spirit, it is in vain to sigh and pray for this type of maturity, so needed, and so longed for; that you may be one of whom we can say, "His heart is established he shall not

be afraid (Ps. cxii. 8).

If this is ever to be the case, there must be faith, so we read in the Old Testament, "Believe in the Lord, so shall ye be established" (2 Chron. xx. 20): and in the New, "The Churches were established in the faith" (Acts xvi. 5); and again, where faith

Him, established in the faith" (Col. ii. 7).

But besides trusting, thinking will do something. "Ponder thy paths, and let thy ways be established (Prov. iv. 26); and again, "Every purpose is established by counsel" (Prov. xxii. 18).

Our thinking, however, must all turn upon God and His doings, not upon self and ceremony; "Established with grace, not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein " (Heb. xiii. 2); and so our ultimate thought about the matter leads to Thee, O God; for it is Thy prerogative: "Establish Thou the work of our hands.” "Now He that establisheth us with you is Christ" (2 Cor. i. 21). "Now the Lord Jesus Christ Himself comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work" (2 Thess. ii. 17). That we should have the stability, the maturity we sigh for, is all impossible with man, but always possible with God. "If He could only be got to take it in hand, if He could only be got to 'that would be glory to me.'" what the text says says He will. It is a promise as we reminded you, and the promise is that the Lord will stablish you.

take me in hand, And that is just

And this is glory, you say, glory begun below; but glory, like gold, will make to itself wings if we do not watch. Glory itself will become gloom if we do not watch; upon the glory there must be a defence, or it and we shall perish. Hence it were little use for God to promise to establish if He left us there; but He will never leave, He will not forsake. So having engaged to establish, He goes on to engage to keep; AND WILL KEEP YOU FROM EVIL," or the evil one (so Bishop Ellicott). Whether it be mischief in the abstract, or the being that stirs it up, in each case it is infinitely precious to be promised to be kept from it. "He will keep." I am not going to trouble you to turn to passages about this as about "establish."

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You remember the prayer of Jabez. It has often helped you. You have prayed it yourself many times

"that Thou wouldest keep me from evil," (so the chronicler, 1 Chron. iv. 10). Here is the answer to it: "And keep you from evil," so St. Paul. Is it not sweet?-the prayer and the promise fit into each other like a cloven tally. You remember the prayer of Jesus, too, the intercessory prayer in St. John xvii., and the petition in it, "Keep them from the evil." There Jesus prays, and here Jehovah answers, and

"By two immutable things in which it was impossible for God to lie;" by the prayer of the Gospel and the promise of the Epistle we have strong consolation. "He will keep you from evil." Yea, beloved, He will keep you. Are you sad, solitary, as a sheep having no shepherd "The Lord is " thy" shepherd," you "shall not want." Are you weak, weary, as a soldier in the battle?"The Lord is thy shield," thy shade. Are you fainting, falling, or, at least, ready to halt? "The Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken." Can you doubt it? Can doubt Him? When Jochebed sent Miriam you to watch the ark of bulrushes, do you think she slept at her post? You know she did not, and yet you appear to think Jesus will. When Miriam ran for Jochebed, and Moses was given her, and she brought him up, do you think she neglected her charge? You know she did not. Do you think the Father will? You do not know God if you think so. Keeping is a habit with Him. He has been keeping Israel ever since the cradle of the world wanted rocking. Keeping is a second nature with Him. He loves the work, yes, just loves it, and lives for it. Keeping is His nature, "For the Lord is thy keeper." "Well," but you say, "I am so hard to keep, I slip away so sadly, and fall so frequently." Perhaps you would slip less if you leant on the Beloved more. It is just that you may fall less we would have you repose in His keeping fully. No doubt it requires constancy of care, but "He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep." It demands delicacy of attention, but " He will keep thee as the apple of the eye." "Well," you say, "I wish God would-may I say it ?-just keep my temper for me, I would believe in His keeping then; or my tongue, which does flash out such dreadful things sometimes; or grosser appetites, only too ready to rise; I wish He would keep these." Well, have you ever let Him, or asked Him, or thought of asking Him? Have you not too often been living as if no keeping were needed; or, if there has been any keeping at all, have you not been trying to do it yourself? Now, honestly, is it not so? Come tell me, when the temptation came, what did you do: parleyed, considered, and then consented? Of course you did: to consider is to consent. But if when it came, you just looked right away to Jesus, and with a touch of faith drew round you His wings of love, methinks Satan would have stayed a good way off. He does not like to get

within reach of those wings, I can tell you. Next time try and trust, and see if you are not kept. Or when temper rose, what did you do? Spoke what you felt, brooded over your wrongs, let the envy, the jealousy, burn in your heart, and then burst from your lips? That is not the way; "Set a the way is to lift up the heart, and pray, watch over my mouth, and keep the door of my lips." Try it, say it, pray it, and you will be kept. For the Lord is faithful." The Lord, i.e., the Lord Jesus Christ (Ellicott). So that, as I said, the double promise is based on the double nature of God in Christ. His Godhead is a guarantee of strength; His manhood, of sympathy-both of faithfulness.

Faithfulness as contrasted with Fickleness.-Do not let me libel a world in which I have found so much love. I have not to complain of the fickleness of parents, or children, or friends; but compared with His, -the fixed stars twinkle: give me the sun. I know that I have tried the faithfulness of many, but never as I have tried the faithfulness of the One. I have tried Him by coldness, but He is kind; by carelessness, but He is gentle; by lovelessness, but He is love.

If we turn to Him, He is faithful to forgive; if we trust Him, He is faithful to fold and enfold in love's embrace; and "if we believe not, He abideth faithful." He is unalterably kind-immutably tender. His love has no moods; and its tense is an eternal tense-an eternal now.

Faithfulness as contrasted with Unfaithfulness. It is required of stewards that they be found faithful. Well, we are stewards, stewards all; but which of us is always and absolutely faithful ? Who is faithful to his opportunities; to his capabilities; to the claims of all relationships? I know only One, that is God. God is never absent, never wanting, never indolent or indifferent. God is love to-day, and He was love yesterday, and He will be love to-morrow. God keeps His word about forgiving sin, about sanctifying the soul, about providing for our need, about everything. I am a father, and try to be faithful to my children; but my conscience tells me that the only faithful Father is my God. I am a pastor, and try to be faithful to my flock; but my conscience tells me that the only faithful Shepherd is my God; and when I think of the Lord as my Beloved, how all thoughts of friendship, of betrothal, of bridal, of wedded love, fail!

"The Lord is faithful." It is the song of the THE HEALING OF THE DIVIDED TONGUE.


"Forever singing as they shine,

The Hand that made us is Divine."

It is the song of the sea, that

"Glorious mirror, where the Almighty's form
Glasses itself in tempest-in all time."

It is the song of the seasons:

"These, as they change, Almighty Father, these
Are but the varied God."

It is the song of the sky. Angels sing it, saints sing it; and shall we be silent? Nay; many a poor man, in the midst of his poverty, provided for, exclaims, "The Lord is faithful." Many a tried soul, in the midst of his trial, comforted, exclaims, "The Lord is faithful." Many a dying soul, in the midst of death living, exclaims, "The Lord is faithful." It rings down the narrow alleys of time; it reverberates above the everlasting hills of eternity. "The mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee." "The Lord is faithful."

We can all proclaim this truth, and wax warm in proclaiming it; but God wants something more than this. God wants, not our flattery, but our faith. That, methinks, is the best acknowledgment of faithfulness. If the Lord be faithful, then believe His word, believe this word, that He will stablish you and keep you from evil. Nothing else will be so fond to His faithful heart as that. And believe it, not only now, but always; not only here, but everywhere. Things are quiet here and now, perhaps; but when they are unquiet, believe that the Lord will stablish you then.

When the waves are high, when the demons are desperate, when temptations are strong, believe it then, believe Him rather, for "faithful is He that calleth you, Who also will do it."

"THE JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH."The heart filled with gloom cannot be strong. As the sunshine is needed to bring about the fruitful harvest, so joy in God is needed to effectual distinguished service in His cause. He who is whipped to duty will never accomplish great things. The volunteer is ever more brave, and daring, and successful than the conscript. But of all duties,

the service of God is the noblest in which man can engage, and if gladness should fill the heart in any service, it should be the service of the Lord of hosts.


(ACTS 11.)


THE Day of Pentecost unfolded a memorable epoch in the history of the Church and of the world. Many a one, who three years before had stood on the banks of Jordan, and heard the strange preacher of the wilderness speak of the One coming after him, who should baptize with the Holy Ghost and with fire, now instinctively called these words to remembrance. As they beheld the tongues of flame which crowned the meek brows of Christ's disciples, they could not fail to be reminded of the Baptist's prophetic utterance. It was a memorable day in the life-history of the Apostles. They had seen the risen Jesus, and He had breathed within them the spirit of His own risen life. They had received His commission to preach the Gospel to every creature ; and the keys of the spiritual kingdom had been entrusted to their keeping. Yet still its gates of blessing were closed; they were powerless to speak one of the words of life, until they were endued with power from on high. The gift of the Faithful Promiser had not yet been bestowed: "I will give you a mouth and wisdom." This was what they wanted-a mouth, to speak of Jesus-wisdom, to witness for Him persuasively and willingly. And that was why the spirit of blessing appeared in the guise of tongues, divided, not in judgment, but in manifold gifts of grace and utterance. The fiery symbol indicated the zeal and power in which they should speak words that should burn down to the depths of the sinner's heart, and kindle there a heavenly fire that should consume the power of sin and cleanse from guilt. This was the power of the personal Spirit, bringing down the fire of God's holiness to the polluted altar of man's heart, and transforming it into a shrine-a holy temple, consecrated to the service of Jehovah.

Pentecost, with its divided tongues, its splendid gifts of grace, its ministry of glory to God in the highest, carries us back in thought to the scene pictured in Gen. xi. There we behold the builders of Babel-man's building-seeking to rear up an enduring monument of man's power, in opposition to the power and sovereignty of God. Man wanted to be independent of God, to make himself a fame in the earth, in place of ministering to the glory of God. This tower was to be the centre, the rallying

point of the human race, in revolt against the rule of Jehovah. It was to preserve the unity of mankind, in confederacy against his Creator, and in defiance of His power of judgment, though the tradition of the Flood was yet fresh in the world's recollection. It was to be a centre of man's habitation not a city of God for God's habitation. Its top was to reach unto heaven, whether in proud defiance of the Most High, reared up in sight of His palace gates, or in the vain attempt to scale the heights of heaven, by the might of man's unaided will, without acknowledging the hand of God. But see the ease, the speed, with which God confounds this daring design. He has but to speak the word, and man is scattered to the four quarters of the globe, in fulfilment of his appointed destiny; and the monument of his might, the pride of his impious will, is laid in ruins. So will it be again in the end of time, when the world will be once more in open revolt against the sovereignty of its Maker, and the spirit of rebellion will come to a head in the person and reign of Antichrist. As on this occasion God crushed man's rebellious will by the word of His mouth, so will He then with the breath of His lips destroy that wicked one, and take vengeance on His adversaries. "Thou shalt dash them in pieces as a potter's vessel,"-prophetic of ruin instantaneous, complete, and irretrievable. The confusion of tongues was here designed as a curse: it was a token of the Divine wrath visited upon man's daring combination against the sovereignty of his Maker. Hitherto Earth, like Heaven, had but one language: now Earth's tongues are divided, that man's rebel concert against the power of Jehovah may be broken. Yet it is the province of God to bring good out of seeming evil. The curse is employed in the furtherance of His grand design for the regeneration of a sinning world, and we shall see how He presently makes use of it for the declaration of His goodwill to man.

For here, on the day of Pentecost, we see God coming, in the Dispensation of the Spirit, and the gospel of grace, to show His power to man. Man had displayed his power, in opposition to the Kingdom of God, and it issued in the bringing in of a God now comes down to manifest His power, not in the immediate removal of the curse, but (what is infinitely more glorious), in converting the curse into a minister of blessing. He comes to heal the curse. The nations that were scattered in


the judgment of the division of tongues, are now gathered to His allegiance, in the gospel of His grace. The heralds of glad tidings are sent forth to proclaim its message to each listening ear, in the tongue wherein they were born. Though there were here diversities of tongues, yet was it "the same Spirit, the same God which worketh all in all." Thus out of diversity God hath wrought unity. There are a thousand tongues, and yet all are comprehended within one Church of the living God: and with one heart and voice confess "one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all.” And thus, in the Divine hands, has the very curse become the channel of blessing.

No Scripture sets in more striking contrast the will of unregenerate man and the work of the Holy Spirit of God, than that which records the building of Babel. It was built (we have seen) to band man together against God, and to deify his proud will. The work of the Spirit is to gather mankind around God in Christ, as the centre of worship: to bring them within the Church of Christ, which is the city of the living God, never more to be scattered again. The tower of Babel, the top of which was designed to reach unto Heaven, had its origin in a basis of man's creation, and was reared upward from the ground by man's effort, in contempt of God's power, and in defiance of His will. The Church of Christ, which is the city of the Spirit's building, has its foundations laid in Heaven. Silently, without the noise of man's handiwork, and the confusion of Earth's Babel-tongues,-silently, and slowly, yet surely, this glorious city is being reared, day by day, by the Master-Builder's hands, to be the dwellingplace of Jehovah: designed and completed, not for the praises of man, but for the glory of God. “In Whom (Christ) ye are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit."

And see the marvellous unity (a unity traced in diversity) which distinguished the early Church of Christ. It was the beautiful characteristic of that day of rich Gospel blessing. They were all gathered together "with one accord in one place,"-not Babel, the centre of man's rebellious will, but Jerusalem, the city of God. Hither, to the City of the Great King were drawn men "of every nation under heaven," a grand representation of the tribes of earth, summoned by the Great Head of the Church, to take part in the inauguration of the Spirit's reign; surely in deep and prophetic significance of

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