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Fashions for November.

Furnished by Mr. G. BRODIE, 300 Canal Street, New York, and drawn by
VOIGT from actual articles of Costume.

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HE PROMENADE DRESS on the preceding page | Matelassée, which presents a quilt-like appearmay be made of any single-colored material, at

the pleasure of the wearer. The trimming is of velvet passamenterie.


Pardessus are now sometimes seen of the most brilliant colors-scarlet, blue, etc., ornamented with The GIRL'S PARDESSUS is of crimson cloth, with embroidery in silk, silver, or gold, with velvet apbraided ornaments. pliques of elaborate design. Good taste will of course confine these to the carriage, opera, or festive occasions.

The SACQUE may be either of cloth or silk. The one figured above is of a heavy silken fabric styled

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