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not ?"

Answer me! do you, or do you tention, and I thought, "He means kindly after all." But it was only a flash.

Mr. Crackthorpe spoke in an excited, indignant tone, and with much gesticulation. I was frightened and confused by his energetic manner of putting the question before me. "Oh, if I were only the 'Benicia Boy' for five minutes!" This I murmured in the secret recesses of my soul. But aloud I could only stammer a few words of my disinclination to trespass on his goodness; my unfitness, physical and mental, to be a sharer in his active pleasures, and my entire guiltlessness of intentional offense. "Your unfitness to participate in my mode of life, eh? Why, that's exactly what I am trying to remedy, my friend. I am going to rehabilitate you. I'm going to make a new man of you, Weeks! And you want to relapse into your miserable valetudinarianism just as you are beginning to get used to it here. You shall not do it, Weeks; I tell you you sha'n't do it. You shall be cured in spite of yourself! Take another room? Where do you think you'll get another room, pray? Didn't I tell you, didn't North tell you, there wasn't so much as a candlebox vacant in the place? You don't believe us, I suppose? Let me feel your pulse [he seized my hand]: you've got a slight fever, my friend. Now undress yourself, get into bed, and I'll send you up a cup of tea and a plate of toast. And to-morrow morning, to convince you of my sincerity, we'll go together and search for a room, if you choose, just to satisfy you, Weeks, of the utter folly of your attempting to throw away my society. Come now-that's a good fellow! go to bed, and we'll go on a tour of discovery in the morning, 'pon honor!"

Mr. Crackthorpe had gradually changed his tone to a most kind and persuasive one, and though I felt still the most earnest desire to stick to my resolution, I could not for my life screw my courage to the sticking-point.

In a few moments, with his officious, but irresistible aid, I was once more abed, and he left the room, locking the door, as before, on the outside. When he had gone, I confess that I burst into tears. "Was ever a poor devil thus bewitched and tyrannized over?" I groaned. "It is intolerable. What a coward I am! I won't stand it. I won't be bullied and wheedled by this big man any longer. I'll complain to Mr. North the very first thing in the morning. I'll ask his protection. I'll leave the place. What an eye he has! And if he discovers I have complained of him, he'll assault me, perhaps; or suppose I hire some big fellow to thrash him? But he will be all the more incensed afterward, and I can't keep having him thrashed all the time. And he knows my name and address. Oh, how I wish I were the 'Benicia Boy' now. If I were to tell any body about this, no one would believe me, I'm sure."

At this juncture the door opened and Mr. Crackthorpe reappeared, carrying my tea and toast himself. For a single instant my heart relented toward him, at sight of this delicate at

"Hello!" cried he, looking keenly at me; "what, blubbering? Weeks, you're a precious baby. You've been crying because you can't make a fool of yourself, and you've, no doubt, been resolving to go and do it in spite of me. Yes, and you are determined to get some one to help you. Mr. North, perhaps-ha!" (How on earth could he have divined that, thought I, in terror.) "Yes! I see you have; you needn't deny it. You are going to complain to the landlord. Now, see here, Mr. Weeks"-and he came close to me, and looked me straight in the eyes-"I've made you my friend and companion; and my friend and companion you are going to remain till we leave this island. It is not the duty of a friend to slander his friend. And you won't slander me. Of course not. You won't even think of such a thing. For if you should so much as breathe a whisper to North, or South, or East, or West, ha! ha! you'll repent it the longest day you live, Mr. Weeks. You will, upon my honor. Pooh! pooh! my friend, you've got a fever. Here, drink your tea, eat your toast, take a good nap, and tomorrow morning you'll feel like a totally different man."

I obeyed him, for two reasons; first, because I was too weak and trembling to oppose him; and, secondly, because the flavor of the tea was specially grateful to my nostrils, and my ex hausted stomach craved the toast imperiously. I ate and drank, and with every morsel I chewed the cud of my wrath; with every spoonful I swallowed fresh determination to escape him somehow. Having finished, I sank to sleep in a mist of half-formed plans and airy schemes to outwit my bugbear.

The next morning I felt better, and ate a substantial breakfast, though my limbs were still very sore and the skin of my face presented a curious parboiled appearance. After breakfast, Mr. Crackthorpe, with his usual appropriation of my arm, sought the landlord.

"Good-morning, Mr. North," said he, bland

ly. "My good friend Weeks here, fancies he should feel easier if he had a room to himself; he is so ridiculously afraid of incommoding me. Of course, that's all humbug, you know; but if he will change, why he must, and, no doubt, he at least will gain by the operation. So please hunt up your most comfortable room, and-"

"I am very sorry," replied Mr. North, looking first, quickly, at my companion, and then benevolently at me-"very sorry, but there isn't a vacant room in the house. Even the attics are full, and the servants sleep in the kitchens and dining-rooms. I couldn't give Mr. Weeks a closet. In another week, perhaps―"

I involuntarily groaned. Mr. Crackthorpe looked quickly at me. "Oh, it's of no material consequence," said I, hastily. "I shall leave, I think, to-morrow or next day—"

Mr. C.'s eyes were still on me, but he turned them upon the landlord and exclaimed, before I

could finish my sentence-" Yes, we may leave in a day or two, as Weeks says, but still-however, we will wait and see what can be done; some one might go, suddenly, to day—"

"Oh, there's no danger of—"

men, and that I am making a new man of you. North has told them, probably, how inseparable we are, and how famously you are getting used to rough it. That's all, old fellow."

This did not entirely satisfy me; but it was all I could obtain.

Mr. Crackthorpe interrupted the landlord quickly, and giving him, as I thought, a pecu- As to being "made a new man," this was, in liar look-"As you observe," said he, "there is a degree, true; for I had certainly shed my skin no certainty of that; but it might be that some to a considerable extent. My face, neck, hands, accidental departure would-" and part of my back had blistered, and then "Oh yes! very possibly, very possibly some peeled, and were now covered with a tender one might leave unexpectedly-"

pellicle, something akin to that of a very soft

"And in that case-?" rejoined Mr. C., in- shelled crab. I must also confess that I was terrogatively. "getting used to rough it;" at least as far as "The room shall be at Mr. Weeks's command, being able to keep my mouth shut in the breakof course." ers, and to "roll the big balls for an hour," "All right! Come on, Weeks, let's have a without unusual fatigue. But I can not, with short walk."

I see that my "statement" is becoming prolix. I must endeavor to sum the details more rapidly.

Suffice it to say, then, that Mr. Crackthorpe walked me to each of the hotels in turn, introduced me to each of their landlords, with all of whom he seemed acquainted, in turn, as "his particular friend Mr. Weeks, who fancied he should like a separate room," etc.; and that the reply of each was, in substance, to the same effect, viz.: "that a room was not to be had at any price in less than a week, unless by some unforeseen departure, which was not likely, though, of course, within the range of possibility;" and that I returned to our hotel thus, with my chain more firmly riveted than ever.

Let me add, that in each instance of our dialogues, or, rather, Mr. Crackthorpe's dialogue with a landlord, I noticed, or thought I noticed, the same curious signs of intelligence pass between them, and that I felt very much mystified and worried thereby; but, with my usual want of resolution, did not venture to ask any explanation.

my utmost desire to be partial, assert that my general health or happiness was improved, as I understand the term. And still less my personal appearance.

I was more resolved than ever to "break my bonds and flee" the moment I saw a chance. Bonds! I'd have changed places with any "contraband" in rebeldom.

It came at last! And in the most extraordinary and unexpected manner.

On the fifth morning, after breakfast, we walked, arm in arm as usual, to the post-office. My clerk had written me a letter, and sent me a couple of newspapers. One was the Morning Inquirer of the day before; the other, the New York Times, three days old.

I handed them to Mr. Crackthorpe, while I read my letter. Looking up presently, at an exclamation that escaped my companion, I saw him with the Times spread out before him, gazing with dilated eyes upon a particular spot in the paper, and very pale.

"What-what's the matter, Sir?" I asked,


"Matter! Matter enough, by!” cried he, savagely, crushing the paper in his hands. "I must be gone! I must be gone!" and without waiting an instant for me (we were sitting on the veranda of the hotel) he rushed into the house, carrying the Times with him.

For the next three days Mr. Crackthorpe had me at his mercy. He never left me-I should say, he never let me leave him—a moment, and my torture grew in proportion. My horror and aversion had reached a point that I can not find For an instant I thought of following him. language to express. A dozen times I had tried But suddenly it occurred to me that I was alone to slip him-in vain! A dozen times I had en--alone, that is, free! free for the moment at deavored to get a chance to say a word in Mr. North's ear, or even in that of a clerk, a waiter, any body-in vain! His eye-the "glittering eye" always arrested me in the instant of suc


Now I

any rate. I rose up, drew a long breath, and sat down again. How delicious it felt to be free! He would come back again, of course. But what of that! Now I was alone! could feel, think, act for myself! What should I do? Ha! a brilliant thought! It is half past ten. At eleven-twenty the train leaves for Philadelphia! I never travel by rail if I can avoid it; but now! now I would cheerfully go in a balloon to escape him! Yes, I would go at once! But how get my valise? If I went to my room he was doubtless there. He would never let me go. Oh, never! What was a paltry valise full of clothes after all to my free"Interest, Weeks, interest," said he. "They dom? Freedom! Think of that! Hang the see how you're improving under our daily regi- clothes! But my bill? I must pay my bill.

I was utterly, hopelessly miserable! And I began to observe that people looked at me queerly. On the piazza, on the beach, in the dining saloon, ladies and gentlemen would gaze with a sort of compassion on me, and occasionally whisper their neighbors as they gazed. There was nothing absolutely offensive in this, but it added to my nervous irritability. I finally mustered courage to ask Mr. Crackthorpe what it meant.

Well, I could do that by-or, stay! He was the paymaster. The landlord would look to him for it, not to me. And, once at home, I would re

news items, marriages, deaths, stock-boards, and
even advertisements, in vain.
At last I lit upon
the following paragraph :

mit my share to the care of Mr. North for Mr. LEFT his friends, a gentleman of infirm mind. He is Crackthorpe.

Yes, that arranged it all. And now to get off. I walked off the veranda, over the sandy road toward the stables. I walked rapidly, firmly, proudly. I trod on air. I felt "myself again." I felt glorious, almost intoxicated with my sudden deliverance. Strange to say, a doubt of my success in leaving my tyrant never smote me for an instant. I walked into the coach-office.

about fifty years of age, tall, stout, somewhat bald, with Roman nose and blue eyes. His manners and address are those of a cultivated gentleman. He is perfectly harmless, and a stranger would not suspect his infirmity, though he is fond of calling himself, as if in jest, "Mad Anthony." His hobby is physical training, and he is very fond of acting as guardian to some person of feeble health, promising to "make a new man of him."-Any informa tion concerning the gentleman will be gratefully received and liberally rewarded by his friends. Address PETER CRACKTHORPE, M.D., Brookside on the Hudson, N. Y.

A MADMAN! I had actually, for five days, been the victim of a monomaniac! Great Heaven! He might have murdered me! "Perfectly harmless!" Ugh! My emotion was so great that I am not ashamed in the least to confess this-I fell upon my knees and prayed in gratitude for my deliverance. Then, much comfortCoach be ed, I went down stairs. Mr. North met me in the hall.

"Can you drive me to the railway station immediately-in time for the eleven-twenty train?" "Yes, Sir, certainly. Any baggage ?" "No. I've ordered it sent after me. pressed for time."

"All right, Sir. Take a seat. ready in ten minutes."


I sat down, and the man went out to give the "Hello! here you are, eh?" cried he. "Why, orders. "What could there be in that paper?" Mr. Weeks, you have played your-your friend I thought, as I sat in a corner of the small, am- a pretty trick. He has been forced to go withmonia-smelling room, among old harness, horse-out you; but never fear, Sir; he left you in my blankets, prints of racers, whips, and greasy drivers' garments. As I thought this a shadow passed the window, and a moment after I heard a voice saying, in a hurried, peremptory tone, outside,

"I want a carriage at the hotel in fifteen minutes, to take two gentlemen and baggage to the station. Fifteen minutes exactly, mind."

Good Heavens! It was the voice of Mr. Crackthorpe!. He was going then? Yes, and evidently expected to drag me with him. For he said "two gentlemen." The second gentleman could be no other than myself. Even now he had doubtless gone to look for me. There was no time to be lost. What should I do? Not go at all events; that was positive.

I rushed out into the yard. "Mr.," said the stable-keeper, coming up to me, "would you object to take a seat with two other gentlemen that be a goin' over to the station? see I've only got a-"




I interrupted him. "Never mind. changed my plan. I'll go by the boat. forgotten something." And without waiting for his reply I left the place.

After a moment's reflection, I concluded to hide myself until after his departure. He was evidently bound to go, with or without me; I could tell that by his manner. I hid myself accordingly, no matter where; but for two full hours I did not venture from my concealment. Then I entered the hotel, and by good fortune was able to ascend to my room without attracting special observation. I found it in great disorder; my things scattered about, as if there had been an attempt to pack them suddenly given up. But on the bed lay the copy of the Times.

care. I will see that-"

I cut him short by putting the paper into his hand, and saying, "Read that, Sir, and thank God there has been no murder committed in • your house!"

He started back, but took the paper and looked at the paragraph.

"My God! is it possible ?" cried he, when he had read it. "Why-I beg your pardon, Mr. Weeks; but he- Well, it's the queerest thing I've known this long time. Would you believe it, Sir, he actually represented you, Sir, as a gentleman of weak mind, but perfectly harmless, and himself as your guardian!"

"Ah!" said I, a light breaking upon me"and that was the cause of your looks of mutual intelligence, and the stories about the rooms, both here and at all the other hotels, where he must have made the same statement in advance, while he kept me abed. This accounts, too, for the whisperings and gazings of the guests. I see it all now. What an escape!"

"You had better write to his friends, Mr. Weeks," observed the landlord.

"No; I'll leave that to you, Sir. I'll have no more to do with him in any shape. Be good enough to make out my bill. I shall return to the city this afternoon."

"He paid your bill with his own, Sir, and left his address, to which you were to be forwarded when we caught you. Ha, ha, ha!”

My share of the bill, together with my address, and a brief statement of what I have here, at too much length perhaps, related, were duly forwarded to Dr. Crackthorpe by the landlord.

It is partly, if not chiefly, because neither he nor I have ever heard of the arrival of the package, nor any thing further of "Mad Anthony," I eagerly seized it, and, sitting down, pro- that I offer to the public this plain statement ceeded to go carefully over its columns. For a respecting my connection with Mr. Cracklong time I read editorials, correspondence, thorpe.

VOL. XXVII.-No. 162.-3 H

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Monthly Record of Current Events.


ber of guns captured, and the loss of the enemy somewhat exceeding ours. But they had the advantage of numbers, and might be expected to renew the attack the next day with good hope of success. The attack was renewed on the morning of the 20th. Upon our right and centre it was altogether successful. Here we were broken and shattered, and M'Cook's and Crittenden's forces were driven back in full retreat-almost rout-upon Chattanooga. The heavy columns of the enemy were now massed against our left. Thomas had gathered his forces into a strong position which he was resolved to hold against all odds. Unless he could be forced from this the success of the enemy elsewhere was practically useless to him. The position was held during the long summer afternoon, and the Army of the Cumberland was saved from what had before seemed an irretrievable defeat. On the following days our forces fell back to Chattanooga, the enemy having been too sorely cut up to follow. The defenses which they had thrown up were enlarged and strengthened; and as we write are pronounced to be unassailable, and behind them we await rein

UR Record closes on the 7th of October. The leading events of the month are connected with the movements of General Rosecrans's army in Southern Tennessee and Northern Georgia, and the great battles fought on the 19th and 20th of September near Chattanooga. About the middle of August Rosecrans commenced his advance from Middle Tennessee toward Northern Georgia. General Bragg, the Confederate commander, whose forces were greatly weakened by desertions and other losses, fell back, as Rosecrans advanced, abandoning, without a struggle, points where a stand was anticipated. He retreated leisurely, carrying with him the greater part of his munitions, and only abandoning strong positions, such as Tullahoma, as we approached. Rosecrans followed southeastward, through two hundred miles of mountainous country, but never coming within striking distance of his retreating enemy. It was thought certain that Bragg must make a stand at Chattanooga-an important position on the Tennessee River, close by the Georgia line. Rosecrans's advance reached the Tennessee River opposite this place on the 21st of August, and began a slight bom-forcements which will enable us to resume the ofbardment, but made no determined assault; the direct assault was really but a feint to mask an attack from a different quarter. It was kept up for nearly three weeks, while the main force, making a wide detour, appeared in the rear of Chattanooga on the 6th of September; the object being to shut up the army of Bragg in that place. This commander meanwhile had demanded reinforcements from other divisions of the Confederate army, which were on their way to his assistance. These were drawn from the army of Virginia, from North Carolina, and from Johnston's army, which had vainly endeavored to raise the siege of Vicksburg. But they did not come up in time to aid him to hold Chattanooga. He accordingly abandoned this place, of which Rosecrans took undisputed possession on the 9th of September, Bragg falling back some 25 miles southward to Lafayette, in Georgia, to meet his reinforcements. Rosecrans wished to hold and fortify Chattanooga as a base for further operations, but was ordered by the General-in-Chief to advance. He accordingly pushed forward some 10 miles to the south, and took up a position on the Chicamauga, a small stream which, running northward, falls into the Tennessee River near Chattanooga. Bragg, whose forces heretofore had been quite inferior to ours, had in the mean while received his reinforcements and was now decidedly superior, and on the 19th of September commenced the offensive. At this time the best accounts give Bragg 70,000 men opposed by 55,000 of Rosecrans. We held a strong position on the west bank of the Chicamauga, our right, under General Thomas, being about six miles from Chattanooga; the centre and left, under Crittenden and M'Cook, reaching five miles to the south. The object of the enemy was twofold: to crush our army by superior force, and to cut it off from the strong position which The expedition into Arkansas appears to have met it had won at Chattanooga. Two attacks were thus with uninterrupted success. The telegraphic remade on the 19th: one by Longstreet upon Thomas ports of the various encounters are so confused that on our left, which was gallantly repulsed, the other we must await the full official reports before endeav upon Crittenden and M'Cook on our right and cen- oring to detail them. The essential point of the tre, which was successful. The action of the 19th campaign is contained in a dispatch of September was fairly drawn, the main positions being un-10, from General Steele, dated at Little Rock, the changed, we having a slight advantage in the num- capital, stating our forces had just entered the place,

fensive. The net results of the battles of Chicamauga, or Chattanooga, as they are most likely to be called in history, are that the enemy remain in possession of the battle-field; that they have captured about 40 guns and many small-arms; that they have taken about twice as many prisoners as we have; but that they utterly failed in gaining the object for which their enterprise was undertaken, and for which their forces were pushed from every quarter. The reconquest of Chattanooga seems to be beyond their power; if we hold that point, we have gained more than we have lost. The actual losses on each side are as yet only to be roughly estimated. A semi-official statement, which is probably nearly correct, gives ours at 1800 killed, 9500 wounded, and 2500 prisoners, a total of 13,800. General Bragg, however, reports to his Government that he had taken 7000 prisoners, of whom 2000 were wounded. The loss of the enemy can only be conjectured; but as they were the assailants throughout, and as they were repulsed in the most severe fighting, there can be no doubt that their losses in killed and wounded exceeded ours. -Knoxville was occupied by General Burnside, as noted in our last Record. The commanding general, in person, then took two regiments to Cumberland Gap to reinforce General Shackelford, who was menacing that important strategic point. The march of sixty miles was accomplished in fifty-two hours. Confederate garrison, numbering 2000 men, with 14 pieces of artillery, surrendered unconditionally on the 9th of September, the day on which Chattanooga fell into the hands of Rosecrans. It is hoped that Burnside has been able to reinforce Rosecrans at Chattanooga, although no certain intelligence to that effect has been received.


harbor of Charleston are now completely covered by my guns."-Fort Sumter, however, which appeared to have been completely ruined by our fire, and rendered useless for offensive purposes, remains in the hands of the enemy. On the afternoon of the 8th a naval boat expedition was dispatched to take

from which the enemy had retired without fighting, and that they were in full retreat southward, pursued by our cavalry under General Davidson. General Blunt issued a proclamation to inhabitants of Western Arkansas, informing them that the occupation of the country by him in force would be permanent, and advising them to organize a civil gov-possession of what was supposed to be the abandoned


ruins of the fort. It was found to be still held by a considerable force, while the walls, though in ruins, were so steep as to prevent scaling. The dispatch of General Beauregard gives the result of the undertaking. He says: "Thirty of the launches of the enemy attacked Fort Sumter. Preparations had been made for the event. At a concerted signal all the batteries bearing upon Sumter, assisted by one gun-boat and a ram, were thrown open. The enemy was repulsed, leaving upon our hands 113 prisoners, including 13 officers. We also took four boats and three colors."-During the four weeks that have passed since the capture of Wagner the operations of the besiegers of Charleston have been confined to the strengthening of the works on Morris Island. This has been carried on under a vigorous fire from the enemy's batteries; but the direct bombardment of Charleston has not as yet been resumed.

Of the Army of the Potomac there is no intelligence of sufficient importance to be placed upon record. We only know that our forces under Meade, and those of the enemy under Lee, confront each other upon the Rappahannock; that encounters which a few months ago would have been called battles, but which are now classed merely as skirmishes, have occurred. Of these, and of their bearing upon the campaign, it is yet too early to speak.

An unsuccessful expedition has been undertaken toward the frontiers of Texas. The object was to occupy Sabine City, situated on the Texas bank of the Sabine River, the boundary between Louisiana and Texas. This place is important as a base of operations against Western Louisiana or Eastern and Central Texas. The expedition, under General Franklin, left New Orleans on the 4th of September, and reached Sabine Pass, nearly 300 miles from the mouths of the Mississippi, on the evening of the 8th. Accompanying the land-force were four light gunboats, the Clifton, Arizona, Granite City, and Sachem. The plan of the action was that these should silence the batteries and cover the landing of the troops. But upon reaching the place designated for the landing it was found to be impossible to land the troops, owing to the shallowness of the water and the marshy nature of the shore. The attack then devolved wholly upon the gun-boats. Late in the afternoon the attack was opened. The vessels fired upon the forts, eliciting no response until they had reached point-blank distance, when a hot fire was opened upon them. The Sachem endeavored to pass the front of the batteries, and engage them in the rear, which was supposed to be unprotected; she had got almost out of the range of the enemy's guns when a shot struck her amidships, crushing in her side, piercing her boiler, and utterly disabling her. The flag was lowered, and she became a prize to the enemy, who now turned their whole fire upon the Clifton, which was also endeavoring to pass the front of the batteries. She had almost succeeded in turn-oners of war, spies, abettors of the enemy, persons ing the point of danger when, in rounding a turn, she plunged into the soft mud of the shore and became immovable, exposed to a galling fire, which was vigorously returned, until a shot from the enemy's battery passing through her side and penetrating her boiler left her, like her consort, a helpless wreck, fast aground. Her flag was struck, and she also became a prize to the enemy. The Arizona, whose draft was too great to enable her to take an active part in the operations in the shallow waters, was withdrawn, and the attempt was abandoned. We lost the two gun-boats, with all their crews, besides about a hundred soldiers who were on board as sharp-shooters.

The siege of Charleston is still carried on. Fort Wagner, and Battery Gregg, on Morris Island, so long held by the enemy, fell into our hands on the 7th of September. General Gilmore, in a dispatch of that day, writes to the General-in-Chief that "last night our sappers crowned the crest of the counterscarp of Fort Wagner on its sea front, masking all its guns, and an order was issued to carry the place by assault at nine o'clock this morning, that being the hour of low tide. About ten o'clock last night the enemy commenced evacuating the island, and all but 75 of them made their escape in small boats. Fort Wagner is a work of the most formidable kind. Its bomb-proof shelter, capable of holding 1800 men, remains intact after the most terrible bombardment to which any work was ever subjected. We have captured 19 pieces of artillery and a large supply of excellent ammunition. The city and

On the 15th of September the President issued a proclamation suspending the force of the writ of habeas corpus in all cases wherein by the authority of the President military, naval, and civil officers of the United States hold persons in custody, as pris

drafted, enrolled, or enlisted as soldiers or seamen, or in any way amenable to military law. This suspension of the writ of habeas corpus is to continue "throughout the duration of this rebellion, or until this proclamation shall by a subsequent one, to be issued by the President of the United States, be modified or revoked." The issue of this proclamation was rendered necessary by the action of certain disloyal judges, mainly in the city of New York, who had endeavored to pervert the privileges secured by the writ to the advantage of the enemies of the country.

In Missouri, especially in the border counties, affairs are in a very disturbed condition. The whole region is ravaged by bands of guerrillas. On the 1st of September a mass meeting was held at Jefferson City, which appointed a large committee to wait upon the President and lay before him the situation of the State. This committee, 70 in number, proceeded to Washington, and on the 30th of September presented a long address to the President. They claim to represent a large majority of the people of the State. They say that those whom they represent demand the immediate abolition of slavery in Missouri, for in this institution they find the cause of the evils which for more than three years have afflicted the country. They are opposed by a party styling itself Conservative, which comprises all the disloyal men in the State, and all the enemies of the present National Administration. They claim that the late ordinance for gradual emancipation was the act of a convention under the control of this party, not rep

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