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much to say that if fair Florence had shown a predecessor," to quote one of Janey Joy's jeers little more color-which, thanks to her practiced at his expense. A fresh-faced young gentleman, self-control, she did not-the speaker would have with light curling hair, which he supposed gave been proportionally gratified; but at this junc-him an English cast of countenance; and to be ture an incident occurred which diverted the at- English in appearance was one of his ambitions. tention of the company present to a more illus-If he had a fault, perhaps it was that he smiled trious pair.

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This incident was the appearance of a young gentleman of fashionable exterior, who bowed and smiled graciously on the party below while descending the steps. Charlotte, my love," he had said to a lady with a profusion of chestnut ringlets by his side, "here is an unexpected pleasure; the Van Waddlevursts!" And letting fall the glass he had used to assist his vision, advanced not ungracefully to pay his respects.

superfluously often, with rather more complaisance than it is best to indulge openly, where a reputation for candor is desirable; and liked to trifle with his chatelaine, conspicuous from which depended a broad seal engraved with the Gossimer arms. It was a peculiarity in this family to follow his leader, much as the domestic bird on their escutcheon does. The elder Gossimer had begun by practicing law, and still numbered himself with the profession by keeping a weather-worn tin plate to that effect nailed up against the dead-wall as you enter Law Court; and Clarendon, coming in turn to years of discretion, had dutifully caused his name to be inscribed in gilt letters beneath, as junior partner in the labors of the office. The young gentleman was brisk enough in business matters, and, tracking his Hon. progenitor again, had begun by running for the Legislature--and lost his election in St. Jude's, though the thing is scarcely credible. "There are too many nabobs in St. Jude's," was the ex-Senator's counsel on that event. "We must try another campaign in St. Michael's. The democracy may cry out against being bought, Sir, but it has no objection to be

The descent of the two created a sensation. Miss van W. hastened to meet the new-comers half-way; little Kreeper, who like the rest had been momently silent, rattled away and laughed more than ever, perhaps to affect indifference; and the Dowager leaning over, whispered behind her fan to the Captain, that it was Mr. Gossimer and his sister; their father used to be member of Congress, you know." The Captain did not know, not having had the good fortune to vote more than once in twelve years; but he had heard the name-who has not? Every one must have learned at some period of their life that the Gossimers move only in the first circles at the South; and all who have met them must re-ing 'treated' into a favorable mood." member the undoubted aristocracy of their demeanor, and how difficult the most leveling republican finds it to shake off the conviction that honor of some kind has accrued to him from a bow or bit of converse in the streets with one of the name.

But where were the necessary funds to come from? The elder Gossimer had consumed his patrimony and his wife's long ago, and had long been living, as is vulgarly said, on the interest of his debts, which were stupendous for the base they rested on-viz., a city establishment, an At the date of this history the head of the estate yielding a greatly overrated and always Gossimer connection was undoubtedly the ex-forestalled revenue, and the reputation of ownSenator and honorable Robert Gossimer Gossi-ing shares in some bank (what bank nobody mer. He signed himself in full in tavern registers and at the foot of party squibs, although, politically speaking, his reputation might have been then represented by a cipher. Indeed, the distinguished gentleman had overshot his mark in the memorable campaign of '51, and had carried his inflammatory oratory to such a pitch that he fell into disrepute when civil war ceased to be meditated, and common sense and commerce joined hands with patriotism for the maintenance of peace. He had been trying ever since to regain his footing; but the past convulsion had brought to the surface other men, and better, perhaps; and, speechify as he would, the people declined on the whole to restore their former champion his arms. He persevered, however, and attended all political meetings and dinners in his parish; returning home from the latter sittings, when protracted, looking much like himself-he usually went to such places looking very unlike, with hair roughed back, in ostentatious likeness of a GREAT MAN who had been his contemporary, and wearing an honest face. The son of this eminent politician, young Clarendon Gossimer, "was no worse than his

thought of inquiring) of which no cashier could have given account. "You must not tell me about your being in love, or such nonsense," the Hon. gentleman said, during a conference with his son regarding the future prospects of the latter. "If you like remaining a beggarly lawyer without clients you can do so, and marry your Dulcinea, for you are twenty-one, and your lawful master.' "You misunderstand me, Sir," the junior partner had responded, respectfully. "By George, you don't think me such a bread-and-butter man-about-town as all that, Sir! I said she was in love; my meaning might have been somewhat obscure, from my wish not to appear too boastful." The ex-member smiled approval and waved his hand.

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"That alters the case," he said. "Pooh! you're too much of a coxcomb, Sir! No young lady is likely to break her heart for you; you're not such a Romeo. You had much better take my advice, and show your desire to serve the lady in question by addressing her a note, candidly stating your slender expectations; and, now that her aunt has died and left her property to the churches, how heartless a thing it

would be in you-egad!-to condemn her to life- | eration to another-they are famous at interlong poverty. D―n it all, Sir; a man who suf- marriages-were rather unequally divided, Clarfers his engagement with a lovely and interest-endon's superficial style degenerating into mere ing young lady to continue, even at her self-flippancy in the sister, and her voice appearing devoted request, after their united prospects are less capable of being made dulce and modulated blighted, deserves to be drummed out of socie- to suit the subject of conversation than that juty!" dicious young politician's.

"Yours is an older head than mine, and bet- The last meeting between these friends had ter competent to form a judgment in a matter been characterized by a little incident, which, like this," Clarendon had answered, with sub-affording some insight into the private life of mission. "And I will adopt your counsel, Sir; it will be at all events the most humane course, as you say."

"Aha! that's right," the old schemer then replied, rubbing his hands. "And-and-you are a man of fine parts, Clarry (I don't mind saying it before you, for I dare say you've thought it many a time yourself), and may make what position in the world you like, with our family influence to back you-and money. Of course, should you turn your thoughts again to matrimony, you had best couple with a social equal, if you can; but a good fat heiress is not to be despised for want of a vir clarus for her progenitor. We've a standing, Sir, capable of cloaking such a trifling defect. It will not be Miss Tompkins or Miss Smith, egad!-it will be Mrs R. Clarendon Gossimer, once the ceremony is performed."

the Gossimers, may be worth recalling here; but let all who incline to worship our native aristocracy pass over the passage. Miss van W. on a certain occasion had offered a seat in her carriage to the brother and sister who for some reason were in want of a conveyance. The journey was to be a long one, and Florence had driven to the door at an unusually early hour, and was conducted by Clarendon himself to the breakfast-room.


Charlotte, my love, Miss van Waddlevurst," Clarendon had said, with his usual blandness, on the threshold; and Miss Charlotte, draining a coffee-cup with her back turned, hastily set it down and flew to embrace her friend. "Oh, you dear creature," making a feint at unloosing Florence's bonnet; "you rise with the-the birds, I am sure. You can not have tasted one morsel yet. You must sit right down; it is so dreadful to travel fasting."

"I assure you I could not taste any thing more," our quasi heroine answered, smiling.

"Of course," the son echoed, with a sigh; and added, "I think I had best get out of the way of temptation though, Sir; for, jesting aside, I have been as much in love as I'm ever like to "No? Well, then, we will go into the parlor. be; and with the handsome income we looked Oh dear, yes! I've quite finished; I scarce ever to get by the aunt, if she had not played us that have an appetite; I really don't know what suptrick, no doubt we should have been happy to- ports me. And I'll run up stairs and get my gether." So the younger Gossimer wrote and bonnet and have the things brought down," dispatched his note, approved by the elder; and Miss Charlotte had rejoined, briskly; secretly which the unhappy lady who read it first tore pleased there was no occasion for her visitor to into fragments and trampled on, and finally approach the table which she had adroitly intergathered up and wept over, and locked away posed her person to hide while the conversation among her broken or superannuated treasures. lasted; for if pride formed a large ingredient in She was of the Gossimer kind, but more affec- the character of both father and son, it was not tionate and better principled; and having been wanting in the daughter, and the world, generreally enamored of that young gentleman's En-ally so cognizant of one's private affairs, was not glish physiognomy and specious address, never quite recovered the shock of the jilting epistle, although, as Clarendon said himself, "nothing could have been more argumentative and convincing." After which reassumption of freedom young Gos sneaked out of town-leaving an old St. Cecilia card tacked, face in, on his office door, announcing the fact to inquiring clients and duns-accompanied by his sister, a belle of more seasons than I would like to mention, lest the suggestion to invidious minds should be of rouge and pearl powder. Certain it is Miss Charlotte, with all her graces and girlish vivacity, was, let us say, half again as old as her friend Florence, whom she was embracing in the well-house, and nearly a head taller. She was scrupulously tasteful in her toilet (so she said), and wore curls at all hours of the day and evening; indeed it was quite a riddle how the papillotes found time to perform their part. What wits the Gossimers heired from one gen

like to know to what straits the reputed wealthy ex-Senator was reduced to keep up appearances through the indiscretion of those most interested. Our pair of fashionables had been breakfasting on what you won't find in Soyer, and Miss Van's arrival had taken them by surprise. They had risen a good hour before they thought it possible she could call, that every thing of an exceptionable kind might be removed betimes; for the drawing-room, pending repairs in the hall, could be got at only through the breakfasting-parlor, and a fire had been made in the former. Young Gossimer had delayed as long as practicable at the street-door, and on the stair, to give Miss Charlotte time for a general removal; but his essay at strategy had availed nothing, owing to the lady's endeavor-despite her usual lack of appetite-to make the most of her breakfast, such as it was, to which she had that moment sat down.

Perhaps even rich, luxurious Florence was

sagacious enough to see through her friend's manœuvre: you ladies are wondrous sly in unraveling each other's motives, even the most have thought such

demure of you! She might tte's must require something more than air to sustain it; but when the owner of the curls returned, equipped for travel, and the three issued from the parlor in company (where our heroine and Clarendon had been playing at bagatelle and flirting to pass the time) nothing remained to excite a suspicion of poverty.



begins on Sunday, the last week in July, HE Commencement Week at Yale always with a Baccalaureate Sermon to the graduating class-usually preached by the President, sometimes by one of the Professors. It is a sermon of parting counsel, "last words," to those who are about assuming more responsible duties. It gives the student a last look at college life, and supplies him with maxims for scholarly or active pursuits hereafter. It is often the outflow of a rich experience from him who preaches: it contains passages which thrill student hearts and

couched in plain, affectionate words, such as an earnest scholar can alone give to his pupils: these words are often treasured far into the busy years of life. Sunday evening the Yale Missionary Society holds its anniversary meeting in the Centre Church, when some celebrated missionary or other preacher discourses upon the extension of Christianity. It is well attended, but the discourses are often dry and hortatory.

It was Miss Charlotte then who embraced fair Florence, and R. Clarendon Gossimer who smiled and bowed and noticed the "fortunate circumstance of their meeting abroad," and ex-inspire noble feelings: the final address is always pressed his happiness at forming the acquaintance of Captain Rudder when the ceremony of introduction was gone through. The Gossimers in crossing had brushed by the Countess; indeed Miss Charlotte's thirteen flounces had momently eclipsed the opposite party. Both brother and sister had accepted invitations to the house of that little lady while yet in fashion and repute; but it was not until the latter, resolutely watching her opportunity, caught Miss Charlotte's eye, and nodded with a certain degree of familiarity that that young lady thought proper to notice her presence by a distant courtesy. Gossimer also perceived who it was, and touched his hat cavalierly; but appearing to recall something looked back with a remarkably eager expression of face for him and ready to doff his beaver altogether.

Monday and Tuesday of the week are devoted to the examination of candidates for the new Freshman class. The unfledged youth are taken to Alumni Hall, where a round table and a few text-books-Homer, Euclid, and Virgil— are provided for each one, while the professors and tutors speedily question them as to their attainments, and either "admit" or "condition" them. It is a dreaded suspense to the young

But he found no opportunity, for the Count-men; no subsequent examination ever has half ess was answering in her piquant way a question propounded by Trout.

so much terror. Indeed, this ordeal is so much feared that students often prefer to wait till the "Who are they?” she repeated in a whisper, September term and spend the vacation in cramwith a laugh. "Do you really want to know?ming. It is easy to tell the "conditioned," as I am afraid you will run away from poor me, and bow down before them as the Israelites did before their calf."

"Not I!" Trout responded. "I'm not fond of fashionable people. Don't stand here looking on; suppose we go and walk somewhere?"

"I suppose I shall be de trop, eh?" Felt at this juncture put in. He had been sucking the head of his switch-cane, and converting himself, so to express it, into a pair of eyes for the better observation of affairs opposite, and was only restored to consciousness by the lady next him playfully tapping him on the arm before leaving with a "Good-by, I'm sorry to go, for you are so entertaining!"

"Why I thought I was uncommonly mopish and dull this afternoon," the lieutenant said, with simplicity, and asked the question recorded above.

The widow laughed: "I believe we can do without you," she said, looking back. "I declare I wish he would fall in love with Miss Gossimer, for a pair of bigger fools don't exist in Christendom," she added, with characteristic candor to Trout as they tripped up the steps together; and that ardent admirer showed his appreciation of her frankness by a loud haw-haw.

they stand about the entrance, hopeless and forlorn. It seems to them a lasting disgrace to have failed before the Faculty of Yale, and thus to have lost caste even before student life has begun ; yet it sometimes happens that these very men ultimately stand very high in the class-lists. While this examination is going on, the Sophomores of the two rival societies, "Linonia" and the "Brothers in Unity," are waiting their chance to pounce upon the excited youth and "gobble" them, each into his own society. Hence between the examination and the Sophomore the Freshmen have little peace during their first stay at Yale.

The influx of strangers has now begun. They swarm at the hotels, at private houses, and upon the streets. They suddenly transform the city into a busy assemblage of black-coated men and gayly-dressed ladies. Hacks pass swiftly to and fro; booksellers smile blandly upon you as you write your name upon their Commencement Registers; shop-keepers stare kindly as you pass their doors; the whole city seems in attitude to receive the guests of her honored University. The very elements too unite to grace or disgrace the occasion with fervent heat. There are greetings every where-on the streets, on the green,

at the hotels, in the college buildings, at the churches, and wherever the busy foot of man can go. You shake hands, and talk, and talk till you are weary, and then you go to your hotel and talk till you are hoarse and tired, and then you go to your room and talk with a friend or classmate till you fall asleep.

Faster and faster come the strangers. By Tuesday night not a sleeping-room can be had; but still they come; where they go, I can not say. New Haven, or the college, or both, somehow absorbs them during the small hours of the night, only to reappear in greater numbers with the morning light. The city is noted for hospitality; no one comes and goes unhoused and unfed.

Tuesday evening the regular public exercises begin with the Concio ad Clerum at the North Congregational Church. It is a sermon to the clergy by one of their number, selected by the General Association of Connecticut. Hence the audience is mainly clerical, the discourse doctrinal, and profound, and dry; the whole affair rather religious than literary. The dry bones of theology seldom walk and jump and run on this occasion.

Wednesday morning the graduates gather at Alumni Hall; the public exercises of the University begin in earnest. A venerable Alumnus takes the chair, and welcomes his brother graduates to the old Alma Mater. The platform is occupied by venerable, gray-haired men, some graduates, some guests from other colleges. There you always see Benjamin Silliman and President Day, the Nestors of an elder generation, and around them is here a Major-General, there a clergyman (who still retains the Puritanic white neck-tie), now a plain farmer, and then a man eminent in political or physical science. The faculty are grouped near by; throughout the spacious hall graduates sit by classes or haphazard upon rude pine benches, listening as their elders speak for the successive classes. The exercises are varied by the obituary record, by special resolutions, by the announcement of donations, by remarks of men from abroad, by a word of eulogy, by a reminiscence of student life. Often men speak with power and point. Times not a few I have heard that crowd hushed to silence, or burst out in rapturous applause when a live orator stood upon the stage; even when a dull man speaks it is not all in vain; he usually tells some story or strikes a vein of pathos which quiets his rather unruly audience. The Rev. Dr. Bacon, arch-polemic as he is, always has a manly word. The nod of the elder Silliman is equivalent to a speech. President Woolsey knows how to say the right word in the right place, and, careful of words, never says a thing unless he means it. The jolly Dr. Dutton always sits as Secretary by the little round table.

And so time wears briskly on amidst these speeches and cheers till twelve o'clock, when the Alumni hymn (composed one morning by Percival while dressing himself) is sung; then the graduates adjourn to the neighboring church

to listen to the Alumni orator, who speaks often to a somewhat diminished audience upon the duties of the scholar: usually a calm, scholarly production, without eccentricity or special eloquence.

Meanwhile the younger graduates are not idle. The old recitation-rooms ring with youthful shouts from manly voices; the college pumphandle flies away merrily, as man after man comes up to take a drink at the old familiar spout. The classes are holding their business meetings and shaking hands, preparatory to the grand suppers of the night. Good-fellowship is in the ascendant.

The preliminary steps taken-which means that the bills are made out and paid-the classes disperse for dinner, again to meet in the same rooms at late candle-light for nocturnal festivities. How happy these class meetings are! They revive all that is genial and joyous in college life; they make us boys again; we sing the old college songs with hilarious shouts; we roost upon the college fence in "the stilly night," when no tutor is near to give us marks; we recall all the old jokes; we reseat each other upon the familiar benches; we "rush," and "flunk,” and “fizzle," as of yore; but with all this boyishness there is a solid, manly joy in these meetings which invigorates the men who go up to them. They lay aside their toil-worn garments; in the listless, happy mood of freed men they turn with zest to the trivial incidents of college life; but when each one has given his experience, and to some intimate friend has confided his hopes, there rises the nobler feeling of brotherhood, and men feel that they have earnest work to do in life; that this is only a breathing spell, during which they may get new strength for the conflict. And the hopes thus exchanged, the joy of an old familiar face, the words of cheer spoken to those who are working hard and nobly-nay, the very sight of men who are trying to maintain the intellectual life of the nation, is enough to make a manly heart beat high with joy.

Akin to these class-meetings in interest are the society gatherings in Linonia and the Brothers' halls. They come on Wednesday afternoon. Latterly they have been quite a feature of Commencement. An elderly and (if possible) witty man is nominated to the chair. The ball is soon in motion. Speeches, amusement, fun fill up the hours. These meetings are more spirited than those of the Alumni, and less boisterous than those of separate classes. The social element of college life flows out unrestrained. A grave D.D. perhaps begins by relating the stories of his college days, giving them those keen turns which only a student can relish; then the rival society is denounced; a campaign song is sung, with cheers; the names of good speakers are handed in to the President of the day, who takes care to call them out in turn, with significant remarks. Distinguished men can not sit here idle; their audience are pleased with any thing which raises a laugh. The speeches usu

are discussed; the Champagne bottles begin to pop freely, when the attention is called to a speech from the President of the evening; hard

when the doors are opened, and a retinue of ladies files along the richly-decorated tables. Then comes the presentation. The child is placed in a chair upon the table, in view of the whole com

ally run to story-telling, and some of the happiest things of the whole Commencement are said in this careless way. The speaking is natural and to the point. In respect of good speech-ly has he closed, and the midnight hour arrived, es the "Brothers" usually carry the day; but "Linonia" beats the "Brothers" in the electioneering campaign, and generally has the De Forest prize orator. The rivalry between the two societies is a presidential contest in minia-pany, the happy father by his side; and the witture. The talent of the classes is probably about tiest man in the class begins the presentation equally divided. If you chance to be at either speech. of these meetings, and have indulged your ap- This year the child's name was Oliver Wenpetite unduly, all fears of indigestion will speed- dell Holmes, born July 4, 1861, both which facts ily pass away under their tonic influence. The were happily improved by the orator. When, at clergy are often the best at story-telling; they the close, the little boy reached out his tiny hand seem to have had the most lively college expe- to take the cup, the class rose as one man and riences. The under-graduates enjoy the scene cheered their boy. Then came the parent's reply. with perhaps even keener zest than the gradu- And then toasts were drunk and responded toates, since the jokes and wit relate to scenes that to the memory of the dead drunk in silence; which they are enacting every day for them-cheers were given to every speaker, to every stoselves.

ry; songs were sung with the brave chorus of manly voices; men grew merrier and merrier with every toast; it became easier and easier to make speeches; a few began to bow the head upon the breast in heavy slumber; caterwauling broke inharmoniously in upon the merry-makers; cheers and laughter sounded through from adjoining rooms, where other classes were relat

The evening is occupied with the Phi Beta Kappa oration. This often draws a crowded house; but the audience depends very much upon the personal reputation of the speaker. It is rarely that a poem or oration from this Society (which embraces many of the best minds in the country) is worth publishing. Men are very often appointed who have won reputationing their experiences; the distant songs of stuin other ways than by speaking and writing; hence they are taken at a disadvantage; they do not come up to the popular expectation; and Phi Beta Kappa is in disgrace. It may here be said that genuine oratory at the public exercises is seldom found. If Yale violated college traditions, and introduced men upon the Commencement stage who were never before within college walls, as they do elsewhere, the eloquence might be of a higher order. So long as these exercises are confined to scholars, and held as honors conferred for eminent attainments in other walks in life, men will often make failures, and wish they had held their peace. There are indeed very few who can turn from the cares of an absorbing profession and at once win academic laurels.

The Phi Beta Kappa ended, the graduates assemble by classes for their nocturnal festivities.

dents returning from their society halls stole in upon the midnight breezes. But at last the first gray streaks of dawn began to strike through the eastern windows; then the class, giving cheer upon cheer, marched in double file to see the class-ivy, now clambering up the library walls, in the early morning light. Each man plucked a sprig for his button-hole-the last memento of the triennial meeting; the parting song was sung; a circle was formed; there was the solemn leave-taking and good-by, and another class had separated, weary from want of sleep, but stronger for the manly greetings given and exchanged. And yet other classes, long before this morning hour, had said the last adieu.

The réunions are now over. Nothing remains but the Commencement proper, which, like Thanksgiving, always comes on Thursday. It is usually a hot day. You can hardly breathe The dining-rooms at the leading hotels the stifled air; but every body goes to Comare set with sumptuous tables, and around them mencement; it is the great day of the feast. by ten o'clock are gathered, each by itself, the The exercises are held in the Centre Church, classes which this year hold their réunions. The the galleries reserved for the mothers, sisters, elder graduates are generally addicted to good and sweet-hearts of the graduating class, who habits. They finish up their sport by midnight, throw bouquets to the successful speakers; the and go quietly to bed. Not so the younger. It body occupied by graduates; the platform held shall be a night-long work with these, and es- by the professorial and corporation corps. pecially with the class of '60, which now holds it may be called a "highly intelligent" audiits first triennial, and celebrates the presenta-ence. It is an old custom to form in procession tion of the silver cup to the first boy born to any member of the class, who is henceforth known as the "class-boy." This ceremony is recent in origin, and, I believe, peculiar to Yale. It is the main feature in the class-supper. The course of operations is somewhat like this. The class gather-some sixty out of a hundred-around the table; a blessing is asked; the solid viands


on the College green at the ringing of the church bells, and march, juniores priores, to the church, the younger men parting at the entrance with uncovered heads while the Faculty and more venerable alumni pass through. This is repeated in the afternoon. The speaking is about equally divided between the two sessions, though the best men usually come on late in the day.

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