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gain the rapid succession of victories which freed Italy from the Hapsburg, and covered the arms of France with glory, he issued a decree naming the Empress "Regente of the Empire." She was to govern absolutely in his absence; to preside at councils of ministers; to administer, in fact, the destinies of the country. The Empress had now reached the pinnacle of her career. Napoleon came back a victor to France. A short period elapsed, and then began the struggles of the Italians for entire freedom, for unfettered unity. This the Emperor opposed: he had other designs for Italy. His incomprehensible policy, his apparent hostility both to the Pope and to the Italians, made him enemies on each side; and, in a moment of anger and annoyance he determined he would put down the power of the clergy in France. When this design became apparent the priests flocked around Eugénie; they besought her aid and influence; they obtained both. She pronounced her sympathies in favor of the Church, and at once found herself in antagonism with her husband. She did not falter for a moment. Giddy with power, placed high on the pedestal he had so diligently reared for her, she made a determined stand; and then began a struggle between the Emperor and the Empress.

riod of this first visit to Brittany was well chosen. | campaign; and ere Napoleon III. left France to The inhabitants of the province are superstitious to a degree, and all over Brittany you find sacred caves, fountains, churches erected upon consecrated spots, places where wonderful miracles were once performed, as the peasants inform you with great earnestness and sincerity. To the most renowned of these venerated spots their Majesties were to make a pilgrimage. The Prefects had, long before the date of the tour, informed the Brétons that the Empress was coming to the shrine of St. Anne d'Auray, to pray for the future welfare and prosperity of her only child, the Prince Imperial, and all the hearts of Brittany's mothers beat in unison with the Empress's proclaimed desire. Her cause was thus half won ere she entered the province. At eight in the morning of a bright sunshiny day the Imperial cortége left Brest. Ere it had proceeded a league from the city a swarm of Bréton peasants, in their picturesque holiday attire, mounted on the sturdy ponies of that region, had formed an escort to their Majesties, and at the top of their horses' speed they raced on beside the dashing and magnificently accoutred thoroughbreds, which were drawing the half hundred carriages containing the Imperial party. Loud and continued cheers rent the air, while the peasants pressed eagerly forward to gaze at the Empress as she leaned out of the carriage window, kiss- In her excitement she pushed herself so far ing her hand to one and all. The universal athwart the plans of Napoleon as to cause secry was, "Long live the Empress!" The Em-rious outbreaks between them. On one occaperor was overlooked; all eyes were bent upon the beautiful woman, whose face was suffused with a glow of pleased surprise, of gratified ambition.

The service at St. Anne d'Auray was a most impressive one. The archbishop went through the grand ceremonies of the Catholic Church in the open space in front of the little building dedicated to St. Anne. The church itself never could have contained one tenth the people assembled to witness that mass. Over one hundred thousand Brétons, men, women, and children, were kneeling there in profound and sincere worship. As the venerable prelate called upon the Almighty to bless and preserve the Empress and her son a murmur of heart-felt assent swept through the assembled crowd. the termination of the mass drums rolled, trumpets sounded, swords clanged, while the loud booming of cannon lent additional solemnity to this stirring scene. I was gazing with wonder at the recipients of all this incense, was reflecting with admiration on the grandeur of their position, when suddenly I observed a gleam of uncontrollable joy and satisfaction flit across the usually calm features of the Emperor. "See! see!" said he, grasping the arm of his wife; "ils sont à nous!" Every man, woman, and child present had donned a tri-colored cockade. Brittany was won to Napoleon, and all through the power and influence of his gentle consort's loveliness and beauty.

sion she left France and traveled through En gland and Scotland. She went without her husband's consent—in direct opposition, in fact, to his wishes-but still she went. He did not prevent her leaving France-"les convenances" would have suffered thereby, and the people would have known that discord reigned in the Imperial household. Eugénie remained absent some weeks, and then returned, as she went, unbidden.

About this time the affairs of the country became much embarrassed, and M. Fould, the Emperor's Minister of State and most devoted adherent, advised the strictest economy in the court expenses. The Empress took umbrage at this, and forthwith launched into such extravaAt gance as frightened even the Emperor himself. He remonstrated: all in vain. Not only did Eugénie continue her reckless course, but she became exacting upon the subject of all those who belonged to the court imitating her example. From that day to this the boundless extravagance of her entourage has surpassed all precedent, and now the courtiers, one and all, are irretrievably indebted. Not even the most wealthy of them could, by a sacrifice of all they possess, pay a tithe of their debts. The Empress intrigued against M. Fould until, offended. beyond measure, he resigned his post.

Years passed by, and Eugénie rose in popularity and influence. Then came the Italian

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ance upon all political questions, and that she was raising up a party, a political organization, to assist her plans. She was and is a determined and energetic ally of the Pope, and for him she plotted and worked with an energy worthy of any cause. She sent him vast sums of money, obtained from irregular sources; she collected from her adherents and surrounders all they could give her; caused contributions to be exacted from even the servants in the imperial household; and at last, when she had exhausted all her means, she pledged to the old Duke of Brunswick-a monomaniac upon the subject of possessing diamonds-the jewels which the great cities of France, Paris, Lyons, Marseilles, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, and others presented to her on the occasion of her marriage to Napoleon. These jewels were, strictly speaking, crown property, but in her overzeal and religious enthusiasm, largely spiced with a spirit of opposition to her husband's wishes, she sold those jewels and sent the sums obtained to Pius IX.

Her old antagonist, M. Fould, has been recalled to office by the Emperor, who is aware of his great worth, and, as Minister of Finance, Fould is once more in direct opposition to the wild extravagance of Eugénie. He pleads and menaces, but prayers and threats are alike ineffectual. The palace of the Elysèes, which their Majesties are to occupy next year, has just been renovated. The apartments destined for the Empress were magnificent. She found them insufficiently so, and has caused changes and ordered additional decorations which will cost millions upon millions.

He demanded permission from His Majesty to found a new paper. This was refused; and then he bethought him of a grand expedient. He persuaded the Empress Eugénie to patronize a journal which should be her organ, and as a natural consequence the organ of the Catholic Church. The idea pleased Her Majesty. She furnished two millions of francs to start the enterprise, and she then demanded from the Minister of the Interior, De Persigny, permission for La Guerronière to commence the immediate publication of the journal.

The Minister sought the Emperor's advice, and was ordered to refuse the required favor. This incensed the Empress, who made several ineffectual attempts to change his Majesty's decision. La Guerronière was not to be beaten in this manner, however; he suggested to the Empress that her journal should be established in Brussels. She caught at the idea, and announced her determination to her husband, who saw that further opposition was useless, and at length gave way, and allowed the journal to appear in Paris. For it to have been carried on out of the empire would have been to expose to the world the antagonism which exists between their Majesties.

The change of character which is so noticeable in Eugénie is not the only one observable in her Majesty. Though but thirty-six years of age her beauty is sadly on the wane. Her cheeks are now pendent, her hair thin and falling, while the nose-formerly so well shaped, so precisely adapted to her style of feature-seems far too prominent. This effect is no doubt produced by the falling of the cheeks. Then her Majesty has resorted to what the French term "maquillage" —that is, painting cheeks, eyebrows, lashes, and lips. Her make-up is scientific, but plainly to be detected; and persons who see the Empress now for the first time exclaim, "Why, she is not nearly so handsome as has been represented!" She is not handsome now. Her brow has lost its bright, amiable look; the cares of her newly-assumed position have wrinkled its once smooth surface; besides, she is a Spanish woman, and they soon fade. She has become capricious and overbearing-jealous she has ever been since her marriage, and with good cause. Her present extravagance is unpardonable; in fact, the woman is totally transformed. The query now is, was she really all she seemed, or was it policy?—were her amiability and sweetness of deportment but assumed as occasion required?

Some time since the Empress founded a journal in Paris which is recognized as Her Majesty's organ. I refer to La France, a daily paper, edited by the notorious Vicomte de la Guerronière, a Senator of the Empire, and famous as the reputed author of numerous pamphlets which from time to time have appeared in Paris, and which were, rumor says, conceived by the Emperor Napoleon, and written by His Majesty, but attributed by common consent to La Guerronière. I can explain the real nature of the transactions in question. The Emperor sketched out the brochures, and then M. de la Guerronière edited the notes given him by His Majesty. This personage was appointed Chief of the "Bureau de la Presse;" that is, he was the controlling power over the Paris Journals. When M. de Persigny was named Minister of the Interior, he entered into a strict investigation of the different departments depending upon that office, the "Bureau de la Presse" being among the Should Napoleon be suddenly deprived of life, number. The transactions of M. de la Guerro- and Eugénie be thus made Regente, the world nière were deemed irregular by Persigny, and will witness strange deeds. It will see the Pope he complained to the Emperor, who told him to controlling the vast empire of France. With dismiss the Vicomte. This was done, and then such an eventuality possible a great interest His Majesty appointed him to the Senate. This centres in Eugénie-the no longer amiable, did not satisfy M. de la Guerronière; he has kind, good, and charitable Empress; but the been a journalist, has always dabbled in litera- madly-extravagant, bigoted, superstitious tool ture, and he wished to continue this career. of the wily Jesuits.



UR Record closes on the 8th of July. It includes events of the highest importance. The last two weeks of June were probably the darkest in our history. The North was invaded by an army comprising the whole available force of the Confederacy, led by an able commander, who was believed by his soldiers to be invincible. In the West affairs hung in a balance so even that no one could predict how the scale would turn. There were rumors of foreign intervention, which bore tokens of probability. Discontent with the conduct of the war was general. Disaffection grew daily bolder if not stronger. Prominent politicians who were thought to be shrewd if not honest, took ground which fell little short of actual treason. One of these had been nominated as Governor of the third State in the Union. The first week in July has wrought a great change in the aspect of affairs.

diate point at which the enemy were aiming. Meanwhile other bodies of the enemy had crossed the Potomac, and were spreading themselves in various directions through the border counties of Maryland and Pennsylvania. They occupied Frederick City, the capital of Maryland, Chambersburg, York, Gettysburg, Carlisle, and came within a few miles of Harrisburg on the 29th, seizing horses, clothing, provisions, and every thing which could be of use to them, levying contributions, and inflicting serious damage upon the railroads, but generally abstaining, in pursuance of strict orders, from the wanton destruction of private property. About the 27th the main body of the enemy crossed the river into Maryland at Williamsport, and Lee took up his headquarters at Hagerstown.

on the 21st, at Middleburg, Virginia, where our cavalry, under General Pleasanton, gained a decided advantage over that of the enemy, under Stuart. It was for a time supposed that a general engagement would take place on the old Bull Run battle-ground. But Lee kept on northward, and succeeded in entering Maryland without encountering our forces. The route of our army was kept carefully concealed, and it was not even known that it had crossed the Potomac until the 27th, when the head-quarters were at Frederick City, which had been abandoned by the enemy. On this day General Hooker was relieved from the command of the army, which was conferred upon General George G. Meade, of Pennsylvania. In his farewell address to the Army, General Hooker says, "In conformity with orders from the War Department, I relinquish the command of the Army of the Potomac. It is transferred to Major-General George G. Meade, a brave and accomplished soldier, who has nobly earned the confidence and esteem of the army on many a well-fought field. Impressed with the belief that my usefulness as commander of the Army of the Potomac is impaired, I part from it, yet not without the deepest emotion." General Meade, on assuming the command, issued the following General Order:

In the mean while our Army of the Potomac had broken up from its encampment on the Rappahannock on the 11th and 12th, and marched northward About the 9th of June the Confederate army un- on a line nearly parallel with that of the enemy. der General Lee began to leave its position near Several brilliant skirmishes between cavalry detachFredericksburg, apparently moving in a northwest-ments took place, the most important of these being erly direction. A few days' march would take them to the Potomac north of Washington; crossing the river they might turn southward, threatening the capital on its undefended side, and menacing Baltimore and Philadelphia. There was at first no means of ascertaining whether this was the plan of Lee, or whether the movement was only a feint under cover of which large reinforcements were to be sent to the relief of the besieged garrison of Vicksburg. Events soon showed that an invasion of the North, with the entire force of the Army of Virginia, was intended. In the Valley of the Shenandoah our advanced position was at Winchester, which was held by General Milroy with about 7000 men, and about as many more were scattered at posts in the vicinity. On the 13th the Confederate General Ewell, with a force estimated at 15,000 or 18,000 men, made an attack upon Milroy at Winchester, and carried his outer intrenchments by storm. During the night a council of war was held, and it was resolved to retreat, leaving behind all the ammunition and stores. But the retreating forces had hardly begun their march when they were assailed by an overwhelming force, and utterly routed. Of the 7000 men only about 2000 succeeded in forcing their way in a body and gaining Harper's Ferry, 32 miles distant, losing every thing except what they carried on their persons. Some others afterward came in; and General Milroy estimated his whole loss at 2000, which is probably below the truth. On the 14th the first body of the Confederate army appear to have crossed the Potomac, and advanced upon Hagerstown, Maryland. On the 15th President Lincoln issued a proclamation calling for an additional force of 100,000 men to repel the invasion. Of these Maryland was to furnish 10,000, Pennsylvania 50,000, Ohio 30,000, and West Virginia 10,000, to serve for six months, unless sooner discharged; and immediately after New York was called upon to furnish 20,000. New York was the first to respond to the call. The Seventh, Eighth, and Seventy-first Regiments left New York on the 17th, followed on the next and subsequent days by other regiments. Most of these were sent to Harrisburg, the capital of Pennsylvania, which appeared to be the immeVOL. XXVII.-No. 159.-DD

By direction of the President of the United States, I hereby assume command of the Army of the Potomac. As a soldier, in obeying this order, an order totally unexpected and unsolicited, I have no promises or pledges to make. The country looks to this army to relieve it from the devastation and disgrace of a hostile invasion. Whatever let us have in view constantly the magnitude of the interfatigues and sacrifices we may be called upon to undergo, ests involved, and let each man determine to do his duty, leaving to an all-controlling Providence the decision of the contest. It is with just diffidence that I relieve in the command of this army an eminent and accomplished soldier, whose name must ever appear conspicuous in the history of its achievements; but I rely upon the hearty support of my companions in arms to assist me in the disconfided to me. charge of the duties of the important trust which has been

The Union army being near Fredericksburg, and that of the Confederates near Hagerstown, a glance at the map will show that our forces were interposed be

tween the enemy and both Washington and Baltimore. On the morning after assuming command General Meade ordered the main body of his army to march northward into Pennsylvania, in the general direction of Harrisburg. The enemy at about the same time advanced in force in the same general direction. Gettysburg, a flourishing town of about 2500 inhabitants, was the point at which these two great armies would probably come into contact. It is 35 miles southwest of Harrisburg, 114 from Philadelphia, and 75, almost due north, from Washington. If we were defeated here, the enemy might select either of these points of attack, as suited his convenience.

ported by the correspondents of the press. For complete and authentic reports, other than those furnished by the brief and modest dispatch of General Meade, we must await the publication of the official reports. On the evening of the 3d he simply announced, "The enemy opened at 1 P.M. from about 150 guns concentrated upon my left centre, continuing without intermission for about three hours, at the expiration of which he assaulted my left centre twice, being upon both occasions handsomely repulsed, with severe loss to him, leaving in our hands about 3000 prisoners. After repelling the assault, indications leading to the opinion that the enemy might be withdrawing, an armed reconnoissance was pushed forward from the left and the enemy found to be in force. My cavalry have been engaged all day on both flanks of the enemy, harassing and vigorously attacking him with great success, notwithstanding they encountered superior numbers, both of cavalry and infantry. The army is in fine spirits." The President thereupon, on the morning of the 4th of July, issued a congratulatory address to the country. The series of actions seem to have been the most desperately contested of any during the war, and our victory far more decisive than was claimed in the brief dispatch of the commanding General. Lee retreated toward the Potomac, leaving behind him his dead and wounded, and all the prisoners whom he had captured. A large number of his army remain in our hands as prisoners. Accounts apparently reliable state that more than 10,000 have been sent to Baltimore, and that these are only a part of the total number taken. The loss on either side during this series of battles has not yet been ascertained. The retreat of Lee was toward Hagerstown and Williamsport, by nearly the same route as that upon which he advanced. As we close the Record of the month we have reports, the reliability of which can not be determined, that Lee has been arrested in his retreat by a sudden rise of the Potomac, that our pursuing forces have overtaken him at Williamsport; and that a battle is now going on at that point.

The First and Eleventh divisions, under Generals Reynolds and Howard, reached Gettysburg on the morning of the 1st of July, and found the enemy in force near the town. Reynolds, with the First, attacked him. He was killed early in the action, and the command of the division devolved upon General Doubleday, who seized a strong position, where he was attacked by overwhelming forces. The Eleventh, to whose flight at Chancellorsville the loss of that battle has been ascribed, were ordered to the support of the First, and nobly retrieved their reputation. They were still, however, outnumbered, both flanks being turned, when General Howard, who had assumed the command, fell back a short distance from the town, retaining a commanding position. Thus ended the indecisive battle of the 1st. During the night the whole of our army, with the exception of the Sixth Corps, came up, and the whole force of Lee was also concentrated. General Meade took up his positions for the battle which was now inevitable. Skirmishing began early on the morning of the 2d. But it was not till 4 o'clock in the afternoon that the enemy commenced the serious attack by a fierce cannonade upon Cemetery Hill, the key of our position, held by the Eleventh. This was a feint, to cover an assault upon our left, directed by Longstreet and Hill. Our men began to give way, when aid was summoned from the right, and the Twelfth was sent. At this moment Sedgwick came up with the Sixth, after a march of thirty-six hours. In spite of their fatigue Vicksburg was unconditionally surrendered to our they rushed into the fight, and the attack was re- army under General Grant on the 4th of July, after pelled. It was now sunset, and the enemy made a a close investment of seven weeks. The several atdetermined assault upon our right, now held by the tacks upon this place, extending over a period of Twelfth, which had been weakened by the supports nearly fifteen months, from May, 1862, to July, 1863, sent to the left. The First and the Sixth were sent form one of the most remarkable chapters in the histo the right and the assault was checked. Thus the tory of war. We have already recorded the failure lines of the two armies were continually changing, of the earlier attempts: the naval attack of June, from dark until half past nine, when the enemy 1862; the cut-off, commenced by General Williams, made their final charge upon our right, which was of Butler's command, in July, subsequently renewed repulsed, and the action ceased. The enemy had, in January, which, if successful, would have left however, gained a little on the right. To General Vicksburg an inland town; the defeat of Sherman Slocum, who had held this lost ground, was assigned in December; the various efforts to reach the rear the task of recovering it on Friday, the 3d. The of the place, by the Yazoo Pass, the Lake Proviaction was commenced at daybreak by a cannonade dence Canal, and the Big Sunflower Bayou. The upon this point, held by the Confederates under expedition under Grant, which, after months of prepEwell. This was responded to by a series of despe- aration, was fully commenced by the landing at rate charges, lasting for six hours. These were of Bruinsburg on the 30th of April, and the battles no avail, and at ten o'clock the enemy had been which followed, closing with the formal investment forced back, and Slocum reoccupied his former posi- on the 18th of May, the attempt to carry the works tion. A brief lull now took place, broken at one by storm on the 21st and 22d, were noted in our last o'clock in the afternoon by a cannonade upon our Record. These assaults proved so destructive to centre, which was kept up for two hours, when a the assailants that it was decided to resort to a regfurious charge of infantry was directed against this ular siege by approaches and parallels. These were point. This was unsuccessful, and our troops charg-pushed on with unrelenting perseverance; our works, ing in turn drove the enemy back. They aban- in spite of the most strenuous opposition of the gardoned the field, and the battle was over. rison under General Pemberton, drawing nearer ev

This is a mere outline of some of the leading feat-ery day, the gun-boats in the river co-operating, by ures of the battles of July 1st, 2d, and 3d, as re- keeping up an almost constant bombardment. The


enemy, it was known, were greatly straitened by swifter than his own, he transferred his whole force want of supplies and ammunition, and their only to her, burning the Clarence, and set off upon a hope of relief was that General Johnston would be cruise along our coast, capturing and destroying sevable to collect an army sufficient to raise the siege eral vessels. Ascertaining that a full description of by attacking Grant in his rear. This had been so the Tacony had been given, and that a large fleet strongly defended that a force of 50,000 men would was in pursuit of her, Lieutenant Reed formed the have been required to make the attempt with any plan of venturing into some eastern port, and cuthope of success, and it does not appear that Johnston ting out an armed vessel-a steamer if possible. He was able to concentrate half of that number. On accordingly burned the Tacony and transferred his the morning of the 4th of July, therefore, General crew to the Archer, which he had captured, and Pemberton proposed to surrender Vicksburg on con- sailed without suspicion into the harbor of Portland, dition that his troops should be permitted to march Maine. The revenue cutter Caleb Cushing was lying Grant refused, demanding an absolute surren- here, provided for a two months' cruise, and heavily der of the garrison as prisoners of war. Upon con- armed, but with only a few men on board. The sultation with his officers, Pemberton acceded to Cushing was boarded on the night of June 26, her these terms. No statement has been forwarded of crew overpowered, and taken out to sea. Two the number of prisoners or of the amount of muni- steamers were next day fitted out in chase. They tions which fell into our hands.- -The siege of overtook the Cushing, whose captors set her on fire, Port Hudson has been vigorously pressed by Gen- and attempted to make their escape to shore in eral Banks. An assault on the 14th of June was boats, but were all captured. There were only 23 repulsed. This was signalized by great bravery on men engaged in this daring and almost successful the part of a colored regiment, being the first in- enterprise.-The Confederate navy has sustained a stance in which our troops of this class have been great and almost irreparable loss in the capture of brought under severe fire. The latest accounts from the iron-clad steamer Atlanta. She was originally Port Hudson come down to the close of June, when the Fingal, an English-built iron steamer, which our approaches were close to the main citadel, and a having run the blockade had been for many months final assault was daily expected.The 4th of July shut in at Savannah. During this time she had was also signalized by an assault by the Confederate been cut down, clothed in iron armor, and thus transGenerals Marmaduke and Price upon General Pren- formed into a battery more formidable than the Mertiss at Helena, Arkansas; they were repulsed, with rimac, being supposed to be not only invulnerable, a loss of 1500 in killed, wounded, and prisoners. but capable of a sea voyage. On the 17th of June she came out through the Wilmington River into Warsaw Sound. Commodore Du Pont, at Port Royal, having been informed of her intention, had dispatched the "Monitors" Weehawken and Nahant to the Sound to oppose her. But so confident were the

In Tennessee General Rosecrans advanced from Murfreesboro against the enemy, under Bragg, on the 24th of June. After several sharp skirmishes the enemy fell back upon Tullahoma, where it was expected that a stand would be made. Heavy rains impeded the advance of our troops, who reached Tul-enemy of the superiority of the Atlanta that she lahoma on the 1st of July, and found that the enemy had hastily abandoned it the night before, leaving behind them strong fortifications, a small quantity of stores, and three siege guns. The result of this advance, thus far, is to drive the enemy completely out of Tennessee, with considerable loss in killed, wounded, and prisoners.

was accompanied by two steamers filled with per-
sons who expected to witness her triumph. When
fairly out into the Sound the Weehawken advanced
to meet her, followed by the Nahant. The Atlanta
opened fire first, without touching her opponents.
When within 300 yards the Weehawken opened fire.
The first shot, from her 15-inch gun, virtually de-
cided the contest. It broke through the four inches
of iron, backed by 24 inches of wood, prostrating 40
of the crew by the mere concussion; three other
shots followed, each taking terrible effect. The
Atlanta then struck her colors, and her crew, 128
in number, were made prisoners. The action lasted
only 15 minutes, and was decided before the Nahant
could come up to participate in it. The Atlanta
was fitted out for a long voyage.
It is supposed
that her intention was to destroy our blockading
fleet at Port Royal, and then to endeavor to enter
the harbor of New York. Had she succeeded in
doing this, she would have held that city at mercy.
Apart from the immediate results of the capture,
this action fully demonstrates the availability of
vessels with Revolving Turrets for the purpose of
harbor defense.

The depredations upon our commerce by the Confederate privateers continue unchecked. During the two years which have passed since the Sumter commenced her operations, fully 150 of our vessels, worth with their cargoes more than ten millions of dollars, have been destroyed. Of these something more than fifty are to be charged to the steamer Alabama, about twenty to the Florida, and a large number to the bark Tacony, whose ravages have been confined to the trading and fishing vessels off our own coasts. We have assurance that the Confederates have now five steamers on the ocean, and there are credible reports of others which have been purchased and fitted out at different ports in the British dominions. Besides these there are known to be several sailing vessels, capablo of doing great damage to our mercantile navy. The career of one of these, the Tacony, commanded by Lieutenant C. Mr. Vallandigham has been nominated by a ConW. Reed, exhibits a remarkable degree of boldness. vention of the Democratic Party for Governor of It appears that Lieutenant Reed left Mobile, on Ohio. The Convention appointed a Committee to board the Confederate armed sloop Florida (to be remonstrate with the President against the arrest distinguished from the steamer of the same name), and banishment of Mr. Vallandigham. The Presion the 16th of January. Up to the 6th of May dent, in reply, after discussing the general question this vessel captured fourteen of our merchantmen. involved in this transaction, proposed that a majorAmong these was the bark Clarence, to which Lieu-ity of this Committee should affix their signatures to tenant Reed was transferred, with a crew. This a paper containing the following propositions : vessel made several captures, the last of which, 1. That there is now a rebellion in the United States, June 6, was the bark Tacony. Finding this vessel the object and tendency of which is to destroy the nation

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