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Bangs Experiment in Iron Armor!!


Powder used in the assault.

Foot of the Policeman who put out the SlowMatch and saved Bangs from being blown open!!!

Furnished by Mr. G. BRODIE, 300 Canal Street, New York, and drawn by
VOIGT from actual articles of Costume.

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HE illustration upon the preceding page repre- | enade and other uses. It is well suited to many semiand a braid embroidery forming the ornament.-The is gathered may vary in tint from that of the matetoilet above is a peculiarly neat style for the prom- rial. The fichu is trimmed with black Chantilly lace.

[merged small][merged small][graphic][merged small][merged small]



with the land forces in a second invasion of Canada from the Detroit River. Sad experience had taught the Government the wisdom of Hull's recommendations concerning a squadron to command the Lake.

General Harrison, doubting the efficiency of efforts to give him an army by regular enlistments, called on the Governors of Ohio and Kentucky for volunteers. Their responses were noble and generous. He asked for fifteen hundred Kentuckians, when her Legislature, under the lead of the veteran Shelby, voted three thousand men for the public service. Ohio respond

HE invasion and seizure of Canada formed the chief feature in the plan of the campaign of 1813, and to General Harrison was intrusted the task of recovering all that General Hull had lost, and accomplishing all that he attempted to do. In a former paper we left him in the interior of Ohio in mid-winter, with his advance on the bank of the Maumee River preparing to establish there, at the foot of the rapids, a fortified camp. It was an eligible point. The possessor of it might control, to a great extent, the movements of the whole Brit-ed as nobly, in proportion to her means. Kenish force in the Northwest, professedly Christian, and savage. Under the skillful direction of Captain Wood of the Engineers (whose monument, erected by General Brown at West Point, on the Hudson, tells of his valor and virtues), extensive fortifications were constructed, and named, in honor of the energetic and patriotic Harrison arrived at Fort Meigs on the 12th governor of Ohio, Fort Meigs. At that post of April. Scouts had informed him, on the Harrison attempted to concentrate a force suffi- way, of the frequent appearance of Indians, and cient to keep the enemy in check until a fleet there were indications that the principal events might be created on Lake Erie, to co-operate at the opening of the spring campaign in that Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1863, by Harper and Brothers, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York.

VOL. XXVII.-No. 159.-T

tucky sent fifteen hundred of her sons to Harrison early in April, organized into four small regiments, under the respective commands of Colonels Boswell, Dudley, Cox, and Caldwell, which formed a brigade under General Green Clay.


quarter would be an attack upon and defense of Fort Meigs. The troops there were few, and the lines of intrenchments were unfinished. Rumors were plentiful concerning the intentions of the British to move toward the Maumee on the disappearance of the ice, and Harrison, in the face of instructions from the War Department not to use militia, not only accepted the fifteen hundred men sent from Kentucky, but asked Shelby for the remaining fifteen hundred drafted troops. The seeming peril was Harrison's justification for disobeying Cabinet orders. Expecting to find Fort Meigs invested by the enemy, he took about three hundred troops with him from Fort Defiance, which he had gathered at posts in the wilderness, determined to storm any works which the British might have erected against Fort Meigs. He went down the Maumee in batteaux, and was agreeably surprised to find all quiet in camp and no enemy near.

The infamous Proctor was in command of the British forces, with his head-quarters at Fort Malden. Tecumtha was there with fifteen hundred Indians, drawn chiefly from the country between Lake Michigan and the Wabash. Proctor had fired the zeal of the great Shawnoese and his brother, by promises of future success in all their schemes for confederating the savage tribes, and by his arrogant boasts of his

power to place Fort Meigs, its garrison, its stores, and even General Harrison, in the hands of his dusky allies. These promises and boasts brought a most gratifying response, and Proctor's mind was filled with visions of conquest, personal glory, and official promotion. His arrogance was increased, and he treated the Americans at Detroit with disdain. He ordered the Canadian militia to assemble at Sandwich; and toward the close of April he and his motley army, full two thousand strong, sailed from Fort Malden to the mouth of the Maumee River (the site of the present city of Toledo), accompanied by two gun-boats. On the 28th they landed at Fort Miami (now in ruins), a short distance below Fort Meigs, established a camp there, and proceeded to construct batteries opposite the fort, on the steep bank in front of the present Maumee City. Heavy rains fell almost incessantly, and it was not until the morning of the first day of May that the works were completed, the guns mounted, and every thing put in readiness for a siege of Fort Meigs.

When Peter Navarre (yet living near Toledo), who was one of Harrison's most trusted scouts and messengers, brought intelligence of the appearance of the enemy on the morning of the 28th, the commander sent him and others with dispatches to important posts with the information.



Harrison felt that Fort Meigs was in

He knew that General Clay was approaching, but how near he could not ascertain. Anxious to know and to accelerate that commander's movements, he sent the brave Captain William Oliver, with a white man and Indian, to meet him and urge him forward. Oliver made his way through the hostile Indians who prowled in the woods around the fort, and found Clay at Fort Defiance with twelve hundred Ken



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