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1. Mes frères sont sortis. 2. Leurs sœurs sont parties hier soir. 3. Son père et sa mère sont morts. est tombée.

5. Elle est née en 1899. 6.

4. La petite fille

Vos amis sont-ils

restés à la maison? 7. Ils ne sont pas encore arrivés.1 8. Mes élèves sont devenus très grands. 9. Elles sont reve

nues ensemble. 10. Elles sont allées à Paris. 11. Nous sommes entrés dans la maison. 12. Nous avons acheté ces deux maisons blanches. 13. Je suis né en 1869, et mon amie

en 1868.

1. The letters arrived an hour ago. that I bought.

2. Here is the pencil

3. Your friends went away Friday morning,

and ours Saturday evening. 4. His father and mother went

5. This family

to London June 1st and returned on the 21st. has become rich. 6. John's pen is lost. 7. He has lost his pen-holder too. 8. This man's daughters have grown (become) very tall and have also grown to be (become) very pretty and agreeable. 9. I received a pretty little present last evening. 10. Two men fell dead that morning. 11. The leaves of these trees have become yellow. 12. Our neighbors left a week ago. 13. Two of our large trees have fallen. 14. His letters are not written yet.

Oral Drill.

2. Vos deux

1. Qui est arrivé il y a un quart d'heure? amis sont-ils allés à Londres? 3. Où sont-ils allés? 4. Quand sont-ils partis? 5. Sont-ils revenus ensemble ? 6. Quand votre petite cousine est-elle née? 7. Où êtesvous né? 8. Qui est tombé malade (sick) mercredi dernier ? 9. Avez-vous visité votre tante et vos cousins la semaine dernière ? 10. Quand Napoléon est-il mort? [May 5, 1821.]

1. Did your sister go to school to-day? 2. Did you see the boys who came in? 3. Haven't the pupils come into the

1 Note the position of pas encore.

[graphic][merged small]

This is a handsome square Gothic tower 175 feet high, erected in 1508-22. It is now used as an observatory. A statue of Saint James the Great crowns the summit.

class room yet?

you stay at home?


Did you come to school yesterday or did 5. Did she come last Friday, the 11th? 6. Did they set out together? 7. Have you seen the house and gardens? Not yet. 8. Is his uncle dead? 9. Is his aunt dead also? 10. Where and when did she die? 11. Did

they (f.) go into the house? 12. Is he out (gone out)?

Lesson 26: Personal Pronouns.

Après la pluie, le beau temps. — After a storm comes a calm.1

The personal pronouns used with prepositions have the following forms:

disjunctive pronoun

nous, us.

moi, me.

[blocks in formation]

Chez means also to the house of, in the house of, at the office or place

of business of.

De is not used after chez or malgré, but is used with près.

chez le médecin, at the doctor's.

malgré son père, in spite of his father.

près de nous, near us.


1. Les enfants sont allés chez leur oncle. 2. Ils ne sont pas restés chez eux. 3. Ne sont-ils pas encore revenus? 4. Les élèves sont assis sur les bancs derrière les pupitres. 5. Cette femme est très pauvre; toutes (all) ses amies sont

1 Literally, After the rain, fair weather.

mortes avant elle.

6. Elles sont sorties malgré moi. 7. Ils sont venus à nous. 8. Ils sont arrivés il y a une heure et demie. 9. Je suis devant la classe, et la classe est devant 10. Qui est derrière elles? 11. Notre école est près

de l'église.

1. For them (m.), for them (f.). 2. Of me, of him. 3. Of you, of her. 4. At my house, at our house. 5. At his house, at her house. 6. At your house, at their house. 7. At the lawyer's, at the doctor's.

8. She came to our

house without them and in spite of them. 9. He fell sick on Thursday morning and died before the evening. 10. Our neighbors are not at home to-day; they went away last evening and haven't returned yet. 11. My father is at home; he is not out. 12. We went away after them and returned home before them. 13. After you, my friend. 14. He is standing by (near) the table, and she is sitting near the door. 15. Have you seen the garden behind the church?

Oral Drill.

1. Etes-vous chez vous (à la maison) ou à l'école ? 2. Où est la classe ? 3. Suis-je devant la classe? 4. La classe estelle devant ou derrière moi? 5. Etes-vous entré dans la salle de classe avant ou après moi? 6. Suis-je debout ou assis? 7. Etes-vous près de la table? 8. Suis-je assis entre la porte et la fenêtre ? 9. Votre mouchoir est-il dans le tiroir ou dans votre poche? 10. Votre amie Jeanne est-elle allée chez sa tante malgré le médecin ?

1. Is the table between the class and me? 2. Where am I standing? 3. Is my grammar on the 'table ? 4. Are your cousins at the doctor's? 5. Did they go to his house

together? 6. Are they ill? 7. Did you come into this room before or after I did (after me)? 8. Is she sitting in front of you? 9. Am I standing behind you? 10. Did you

go out without her?

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