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This cathedral, begun in 1220, is one of the most impressive of existing medieval structures. The façade, with its three porches covered with rich sculpture and its statues of kings, is of remarkable beauty.

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Using these four verbs as models, be prepared to conjugate the present subjunctive of any of the regular verbs previously given.

There is no future subjunctive. The present subjunctive is used to express both present and future time.


1. On me dit qu'il est essentiel que vo arriviez à Londres avant le 1er avril. 2. Il est bien import nt que je finisse, le plus tôt possible, tout ce que j'ai déjà comencé; alors il sera possible que j'y arrive à temps (in time). désobéi: il est juste qu'on vous punisse. que l'on nous attendra. 5. Il me sem tain qu'on nous attende.

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6. Il est prefé

7. Il vaut mieu

3. Vous lui avez

4. Il est évident

u'il n'est pas cerible que vous lui

que nous restions

rendiez ce livre vous-même. ici ce soir. 8. Il est temps que vous fermiez vos livres. 9. Il est juste que vous me payiez ce que vous me devez. 10. Est-il possible que je vous doive quelque chose? 11. Il est certain que vous m'avez emprunté dix francs, il y a plus de six mois. 12. Se peut-il que vous l'oubliez? 13. Il faut que nous nous le rappelions, n'est-ce pas ? 14. Il est probable que ma sœur sera ici bientôt. 15. qu'elle soit avec nous.

I importe peu

1. Is it possible that you relate false stcries? transpires that the story I was telling is not false.

fortunate for you that it is true. well, but I am not sure.

2. It

3. It is

4. It seems as if you worked 5. It seems to him that you are his

friend. 6. It is possible that you are mine too, but it seems to me that you are not 7. It has been decided at last that we will give you the first prize. 8. Is it fitting that I should receive it? 9. That letter must be sent [express two ways] before 1.30. 10. We must begin as soon as she gets here. 11. Children must obey their parents. 12. It is probable that they will not always do it, and their parents must have a great deal of patience. 13. It is urgent that she answer the letter she received a few days ago. 14. It is time for you to go to bed; it is eleven o'clock. 15. At what time must I get here to-morrow morning? 16. It is evident that you study several hours a day. 17. It is good that you prepare your lessons so well. 18. If my father accepts your invitation, it will be possible for us to be at your house on Saturday next.

Lesson 78: Subjunctive of Doubt.

Je donne wa tague aux of ato

Je jette ma langue aux chiens. I give it up.

Verbs used negatively or interrogatively and implying uncertainty are followed by the subjunctive with the conjunction que; if, however, there is no doubt in the mind of the speaker, the indicative is used.

1. Je crois qu'il est malade, I believe that he is ill.

2. Croyez-vous qu'il soit malade, do you believe that he is ill?

3. Je ne crois pas qu'il soit malade, I do not believe that he is ill.!

4. Il n'est pas certain qu'il soit malade, it is not certain that he is ill.

5. Oubliez-vous qu'il est malade, do you forget that he is ill?

6. Saviez-vous qu'il était malade, did you know that he was ill?

7. Ne croyez-vous pas qu'il est malade, do you not believe that he is ill? 8. N'est-ce pas qu'il est malade, isn't he ill?

Remarks on the Foregoing Examples.

1. I do not know that he is ill, but I do not doubt it.

2. I am asking for information because I am in doubt, hence the subjunctive. If, however, I believed that he was ill and if I were merely trying to find out if you also believed it, the indicative would be used. Croyez-vous que je suis malade? Il ne croit pas que je suis ici. Croyezvous que je ferai cela? In these three examples there is no doubt in the mind of the speaker.

3. I do not believe he is ill-doubt of the strongest kind.

4. Impersonal verbs implying certainty or probability when used negatively or interrogatively imply doubt and require the subjunctive. Il ne me semble pas qu'il soit malade, but ne vous semble-t-il pas qu'il est malade? See 7 and 8.

5 and 6. I have no doubt as to his being ill.

7 and 8. A negative-interrogative calls for an affirmative answer. Ne dites-vous pas qu'il a tort? Ne trouvez-vous pas que cette petite fille est gentille ?

The subjunctive is not used after est-ce que ? n'est-ce pas que? nor generally after such verbs as savoir, to know, faire savoir, to let know, dire, to tell, apprendre, to learn, to hear, to inform, informer, to inform, when they are used interrogatively or negatively, if there is no doubt in the mind of the speaker. The verb espérer takes the subjunctive only when used negatively or interrogatively.

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