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633. Cela va sans dire. (Fr.)—That is a matter of course. I It is unnecessary to add.

need not say.

(L.)—Active and daring. Motto of 60th

634. Celer et audax.


635. Ce livre n'est pas long, on le voit en une heure ;

La plus courte folie est toujours la meilleure. (Fr.)
This book is not long, one sees that at a glance,

And shortness does always a folly enhance.

(From the frontispiece of a collection of Joyeux épigrammes of La Giraudière, 1633.)

636. Celsæ graviore casu Decidunt turres, feriuntque summos Fulgura montes. (L.) Hor. C. 2, 10, 10.

High places.

The higher the tower, the worse the crash
When to the earth it headlong drops;
And smites the dreaded lightning-flash

The mountain tops.-Ed.

637. Celui-là est le mieux servi, qui n'a pas besoin de mettre les mains des autres au bout de ses bras. (Fr.) Rous.? He is the best served who does not need to have other people's hands at the ends of his own arms. If you want a thing done, do it yourself.

638. Celui qui a de l'imagination sans érudition a des ailes, et n'a pas de pieds. (Fr.) Joubert ?-The man who has imagination without learning, has wings without feet. 639. Celui qui a trouvé un bon gendre, a gagné un fils; mais celui qui en a rencontré un mauvais, a perdu une fille. (Fr.) Prov.-The man who has got a good son-in-law has found a son, but he who has met with a bad one has lost a daughter.

640. Celui qui dévore la substance du pauvre, y trouve à la fin un os qui l'étrangle. (Fr.) Prov.-He who devours the substance of the poor will meet, in the end, with a bone to choke him.

641. Celui qui met un frein à la fureur des flots,

Sait aussi des méchants arrêter les complots.

(Fr.) Rac. Athalie, 1, 1.

For He who can bridle the rage of the waves

Can hinder the mischievous plottings of knaves.—Ed.

642. Celui qui veut, celui-là peut. (Fr.) Breton Prov.-He

who wills, can.

643. C'en est fait. (Fr.)—It is all over.

644. Ce n'est pas être bien aisé que de rire. (Fr.) St Evremond Laughing is not always a sign of a mind at ease.

645. Ce n'est plus qu'à demi qu'on se livre aux croyances; Nul dans notre âge aveugle et vain de ses sciences, Ne sait plier les deux genoux.

(Fr.) V. Hugo, Les deux Archers.

The decay of faith.

We believe but by halves in this vile age of ours

So blind, and so vain of its science and powers;

None will bend both his knees to the ground.-Ed.

646. Censor morum. (L.)—Censor of morals and conduct.

Title of two officers appointed at Rome to take care of the public morals, and to punish moral and political offenders by degrada. tion to the ararii, or lowest class of citizen. The term is now applied to any rigid censurer of morality. Sallust is called by Macrobius (2, 9, 9), Gravissimus alienæ luxuriæ objurgator et censor.-A most severe reprover and censor of the luxury of others.

647. Cent 'ore di malinconia non pagano un quattrino de' debito. (It.) Prov.-A hundred hours of repining will not pay one farthing of debt.

648. Centum doctum hominum consilia sola hæc devincit dea Fortuna, atque hoc verum est: proinde ut quisque fortuna utitur

Ita præcellet; atque exinde sapere eum omnes dicimus.


(L.) Plaut. Ps. 2, 3, 12.

This goddess Fortune will of herself upset the plans

Of a hundred wiseacres, and that's the truth.

The man who knows how to use her aright
Excels accordingly; and then we all exclaim
How wise, how clever, what a prudent man!-Ed.

649. Centum solatia curæ

Et rus, et comites et via longa dabunt.

(L.) Ov. R. A. 241.

A hundred ways you'll find to soothe your care; Travel, companions, fields, and country air.-Ed. 650. Ce que l'on concoit bien s'énonce clairément Et les mots pour le dire arrivent aisément.

(Fr.) Boil. A. P. 1, 153.

A felicitous thought is as quickly exprest,

And the words are not wanting in which it is drest.—Ed. 651. Ce qui est moins que moi m'éteint et m'assomme; ce qui est à côté de moi m'ennuie et me fatigue; il n'y a ce qui est au dessus de moi qui me soutienne, et m'arrache

à moi-même. (Fr.)—What is beneath me crushes and oppresses me; what is on a level with me wearies and fatigues me; it is only what is above me that can support and lift me out of myself.

652. Ce qui fait qu'on n'est pas content de sa condition, c'est l'idée chimérique qu'on se forme du bonheur d'autrui. (Fr.) —That which makes us so discontented with our own condition, is the false and exaggerated estimate we are apt to form of the happiness of others.

653. Ce qui manque aux orateurs en profondeur,

Ils vous le donnent en longueur. (Fr.) Montesquieu ? -What orators fail in, as to depth, they make up to you in length.

654. Ce qui ne vaut pas la peine d'être dit, on le chante. (Fr.) Beaumarchais (Mar. de Figaro), Figaro loq.-What is not worth saying, often sounds very well when it is sung. 655. Ce qui vient par la flute, s'en va par le tambour. (Fr.) Prov.-What is earned by the flute, goes with the drum. Light come, light go.

656. Ce qu'on donne aux méchants

Toujours on le regrette:

Laissez-leur prendre un pied chez vous

Ils en auront bientôt pris quatre.

(Fr.) La Font. La Lice et sa compagne.

What one gives to the wicked

One is sure to deplore:

In your house give them one foot,

They will soon have got four.-Ed.

Said of those who abuse privileges and encroach on their friends' good nature. Give them an inch, etc.

657. Ce qu'on fait maintenant, on le dit; et la cause

en est

bien excusable: on fait si peu de chose. (Fr.) A. de Musset? Whatever we do nowadays, we tell it; and the reason is a very excusable one: we do so very little.

658. Ce qu'on nomme libéralité, n'est, souvent, que la vanité de donner, que nous aimons mieux que ce que nous donnons. (Fr.) La Rochef. Max. p. 66, § 271.-What is called liberality, is often nothing more than the vanity of giving, a feeling which we are fonder of than the actual bestowal of alms.

659. Ce qu'on possède double de prix, quand on a le bonheur de le partager. (Fr.) Bouilly-Whatever one possesses,

becomes of double value, when we have the opportunity of sharing it with others.

660. Cereus in vitium flecti, monitoribus asper,

Utilium tardus provisor, prodigus æris,

Sublimis cupidusque et amata relinquere pernix.

(L.) Hor. A. P. 163.

Pliant as wax to those who lead him wrong,
But all impatience with a faithful tongue;
Imprudent, lavish, hankering for the moon,

He takes up things and lays them down as soon.-Conington.

661. Cernis ut ignavum corrumpant otia corpus; Ut capiant vitium, ni moveantur, aquæ.

(L.) Ov. Ep. 1, 5, 5.

You see how ease impairs an idler's strength:
And water unless stirred grows foul at length.-Ed.

662. Certa amittimus dum incerta petimus: atque hoc evenit In labore atque in dolore ut mors obrepat interim. (L.) Plaut. Ps. 2, 3, 19.-We lose what is sure, while we are seeking what is not sure; and so it happens that between labour and sorrow death meanwhile steals upon us.

663. Certe ignoratio futurorum malorum utilius est quam scientia. (L.) Cic. Div. 2, 9, 23.-Certainly our ignorance of impending evils is more advantageous than would be a knowledge of them.

664. Certiorari. (L.) Law Term.-To certify. Writ issuing out of Chancery or King's Bench, directed to the judges or officers of inferior Courts, commanding them to certify or return the records of a cause depending before them. By this writ indictments may be removed from inferior Courts to the King's Bench.

665. Certum est quod certum reddi potest. (L.) Law Max. That is sufficiently certain which can be made certain. If, e.g., a lease for so many years be granted after three lives yet in being, the uncertainty depending on those lives ceases when the remaining life comes to an end, and id certum est quod, etc.

666. Certum quia impossibile. (L.) Tert. de Carne Christi, 5. -It is certain because it is impossible. Said of the resurrection of Our Blessed Lord, in answer to Marcion. Another form is, Credo quia impossibile-I believe because it is impossible.

667. Certum voto pete finem. (L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 56.-Put a fixed limit to your wishes.


668. Cervi luporum præda rapacium Sectamur ultro, quos opimus Fallere et effugere est triumphus. (L.) Hor. C. 4, 4, 50. Weak deer, the wolves' predestin'd prey,

Blindly we rush on foes, from whom

"Twere triumph won to steal away.—Conington.

669. Cervius hæc inter vicinus garrit aniles

Ex re fabellas. (L.) Hor. S. 2, 6, 77.-Between these matters my neighbour Cervius talks his old women's tales,

as occasion serves.

670. Ces malheureux rois

Dont on dit tant de mal, ont du bon quelquefois. (Fr.) Andrieux, Meunier de Sans Souci.—These miserable kings of whom so much evil is said, have their good points sometimes. Said of Frederick 11. and the miller.

671. Ce sont là jeux de prince :

On respecte un moulin, on vole une province! (Fr.) Andrieux, Meunier de Sans Souci.-Such is the sport of princes; they spare a windmill and steal a province! The king had threatened to seize his neighbour, the miller's, windmill, to which the latter replies, "Oui, si nous n'avions pas de juges à Berlin:" in the end the mill is spared. 672. Ce sont toujours les avanturiers qui font de grandes choses, et non pas les souvrains de grands empires. (Fr.) Montesquieu ?-It is by adventurers that great actions are performed, and not by the sovereigns of great empires. 673. Cessante ratione legis cessat ipsa lex. (L.) Law Max.— When the reason for any particular law comes to an end, the law itself expires. Thus, a Member of Parliament may not be arrested during session, but the reason for such privilege ceases when the session is over, and cessante causa, cessat effectus, the cause ceasing, the effect likewise comes to an end.

674. C'est ainsi que je poursuis la communication de quelque esprit fameux, non afin qu'il m'enseigne, mais afin que je le connaisse, et que le connaissant, s'il le faut, que je l'imite. (Fr.) Montaigne ?-It is thus that I study the mind of any famous author, not necessarily to be instructed, but in order to embrace his meaning, and having arrived at this, then, if necessary, to imitate him.

675. C'est double plaisir de tromper le trompeur. (Fr.) La Font. Le coq et le Renard.-It is a double pleasure to deceive the deceiver.

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