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540. Bonum magis carendo quam fruendo cernitur. (L.) Prov. We value a blessing more when we are without it, than

when we are enjoying it.

About Nothing, 4, 1, 220:

Cf. Shakesp. Much Ado

"That which we have, we prize not to the worth;

But being lacked and lost-why then we rate its value."

541. Bonum summum quo tendimus omnes. (L.) Lucret. 6, 26.--That sovereign good, at which we all aim. Summum bonum is used to express the ideal, aim, object of existence; greatest possible extent of any mental feeling, e.g., of enjoyment, misery.

542. Bonus animus in mala re dimidium est mali. (L.) Plaut. Ps. 1, 5, 37.-Courage in a bad business is half the battle. 543. Bonus atque fidus

Judex honestum prætulit utili. (L.) Hor. C. 4, 9, 41. -A good and faithful judge prefers what is honourable to what is expedient.

544. Borgen macht Sorgen. (G.)


Prov.-Borrowing makes

545. Borgen thut nur einmal wohl. (G.) Prov.-Borrowing does well for once only.

546. Böser Brunnen, da mann Wasser muss eintragen. (G.) Prov. It is a bad well that you must bring water to. 547. Bos lassus fortius figit pedem. (L.) Prov.-The tired ox treads all the more firmly.

548. Boutez en avant. (Fr.)-Push forward. Motto of Earl of Barrymore.

549. Breve enim tempus ætatis satis est ad bene honesteque vivendum. (L.) Cic. Sen. 19, 70.-Even a short span of life is long enough for a virtuous and honourable


550. Brevis ipsa vita est, sed longior malis. (L.) Prov. Pub. Syr. Life is short indeed, but troubles are shorter. 551. Briller par son absence. (Fr.)—To be conspicuous by one's absence.

Tacitus (An. 3, 76), speaking of the funeral of Junia, wife of Cassius, says: "Sed præfulgebant Cassius atque Brutus, eo ipso quod effigies eorum non videbantur." (L.)—Brutus and Cassius, however, were all the more conspicuous on the occasion, from the fact of the busts of neither of them being seen in the procession. When the Jesuits succeeded in removing the names of Arnauld and Pascal from the Histoires des Hommes Illustres (Perrault), the phrase was in everybody's mouth.

552. Brisant les potentats la couronne éphémère
Trois mille ans ont passé sur la cendre d'Homère :
Et depuis trois mille ans, Homère respecté,
Est jeune encore de gloire et d'immortalité.

(Fr.) M. J. Chénier, Ep. à Voltaire.


'Mid wreck of empires, crowns, and crumbled thrones,
Three thousand years have passed o'er Homer's bones;
Yet Homer now, after three thousand years,
Undimmed in glory and in youth appears.-Ed.

553. Britannia victrix. (L.)-Britain victorious.

Earl of Northesk.

Motto of

554. Brouille sera à la maison si la quenouille est maîtresse. (Fr.) Breton Prov.-There will be discord in the house if the spindle rules.

555. Bruta fulmina et vana, ut quæ nulla veniunt ratione naturæ. (L.) Plin. 2, 43, 43, § 113.-Thunderbolts that strike blindly and harmlessly, such as are traceable to no natural cause.

A brutum fulmen is used metaphorically of any violent act, or denunciatory language, producing more noise than injury. A loud but idle menace. An inoperative law. The idea is of some terrestial Jupiter, whose bolts have lost their potency. 556. Bûche tortue fait bon feu. (Fr.) Prov.-A crooked log makes a good fire. Don't judge from personal appearances. 557. Buen siglo haya quien dijo bolta. (S.) Prov.-Blessings on the man that said, Right about face!

C and the Greek X (CH).

558. Cada cosa en su tiempo, y navos en adviento. (S.) Prov.Everything in its proper season, and turnips in Advent. 559. Cada uno es como Dios le hizo, y aun peor muchas veces. (S.) Cervantes, D. Quijote, 2, 4.-Every one is as God made him, and oftentimes a great deal worse.

560. Cada uno es hijo de sus obras. (S.) Cervantes, D. Quijote, 2, 32.-Every man is the son of his own works. Every one is responsible for his own acts. The child is father of the man.

561. Cadit quæstio. (L.) The question is at an end. The subject requires no further discussion.

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562. Cæca invidia est, nec quidquam aliud scit, quam detrectare virtutes. (L.) Liv. 38, 49.—Envy is blind, and her whole power consists in disparaging the virtues of others.

563. Cæcus non judicat de colore. (L.)—A blind man is a bad judge of colour.

564. Cælitus mihi vires. (L.)-My strength is from heaven. Motto of Viscount Ranelagh.

565. Cælo tegitur qui non habet urnam. (L.) Luc. 7, 819.

The unburied dead.

The vault of heaven

Doth cover him who hath no funeral urn. -Ed.

566. Cælum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt.

Change of scene.

Who fly beyond the seas will find

(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 11, 27.

Their climate changed, but not their mind.-Ed.

Motto of American newspaper Albion.

567. Cæsarem vehis Cæsarisque fortunam. (L.) Or in Greek (see Plutarch, Cas.), Καισάρα φέρεις, και τὴν Καισάρος TUxNv.-You carry Cæsar and his fortunes.

This is the famous traditional reply of Julius Cæsar to the mariner, Amyclus, when overtaken by tempest as he was secretly crossing from Durazzo to Brindisi in an open boat. The sailor declared he would go no further. Cæsar, grasping his hand, bade him fear nothing. Perge audacter, Cæsarem vehis, etc.-Go on boldly, you carry Casar, etc., as above. (V. Suet. Jul. Ed. Delphin. Valpy, Lond. 1826, vol. iii., Notæ Varior., p. 1302.)

Lucan (5, 577) renders the incident in verse.

Fisus cuncta sibi cessura pericula Cæsar
Sperne minas, inquit, pelagi, ventoque furenti
Trade sinum. Italiam si cælo auctore recusas
Me pete. Sola tibi causa hæc est justa timoris
Vectorem non nosse tuum.

Casar and the Mariner.

Reckoning all dangers to surmount
Cæsar replied, Make little count
Of threatening sea or furious gale,
But boldly spread the bellying sail.
And if in spite of Heaven's acclaim

Thou would'st turn back, then ask my name.
There's a just reason for thy fears,

Thou know'st not whom thy vessel bears. -Ed.

568. Calamitosus est animus futuri anxius et ante miserias miser, qui solicitus est, ut ea quibus delectatur ad extremum usque permaneant. (L.) Sen. Ep. 98.-The man who is always thinking of the future is in a deplorable state, and makes himself wretched before his time, in his anxiety to have his enjoyment prolonged to the last day of life.

569. Callidos eos appello quorum, tanquam manus opere, sic animus usu concalluit. (L.) Cic. N. D. 3, 10, 25.I call persons shrewd, whose minds have been toughened by experience, as a man's hands get hard by labour.

570. Calomniez, calomniez, il en reste toujours quelque chose. (Fr.) Beaumarchais, Barbier de Séville.-Keep on abusing, some of it always remains behind.

Cf. Bacon, de Augm. Sc. 8, 2.

Audacter calumniare, semper

aliquid hæret. (L.)-Calumniate boldly, some of it will always remain. An identical saying will be found in Manlius' Locorum Comm. Collectanea (Basileæ, 1563), vol. ii., p. 268, and also in Caspar Peucer's Historia Carcerum (Tiguri, 1605), p. 57, both quotations relating to one Midias (? Medius), a well-known calumniator, who was accustomed to use the say. ing. Archbishop Whately used to say, "If you only throw dirt enough, some of it is sure to stick.

571. Calumniari si quis autem voluerit,

Quod arbores loquantur, non tantum feræ;
Fictis jocari nos meminerit fabulis.

Esop's Fables.

But if the critics it displease

(L.) Phædr. 1, Prol. 5.

That brutes should talk, and even trees,

Let them remember I but jest,

And teach the truth in fiction drest.-Ed.

572. Campos ubi Troja fuit. (L.) -The fields where Troy once stood. Applicable to the site of any ruined or vanished city of antiquity, or of any formerly well-known buildings now no longer standing.

573. Canam mihi et Musis. (L.) Bayle?—I will sing to myself and to the Muses. An unappreciated poet.

574. Can ch' abbaia non morde. (It.) Prov.-The cur that barks does not bite.

575. Candida pax homines, trux decet ira feras. (L.) Ov. A. A. 3, 502.-Smiling peace is becoming to men, and fierce anger to wild beasts.

576. Candida, perpetuo reside, concordia, lecto, Jamque pari semper sit Venus æqua jugo: Diligat illa senem quondam ; sed et ipsa marito, Tunc quoque cum fuerit, non videatur anus. (L.) Mart. 4, 13, 7.

Marriage wishes.

Sweet concord ever o'er their home preside,

And mutual Love the well-matched couple guide:
May she love him when time hath touched his hair,
And he, when she is old, still think her fair.-Ed.

577. Candide et constanter. (L.)—With candour and constancy. Motto of the Earl of Coventry.

578. Candidus in nauta turpis color: æquoris unda Debet et a radiis sideris esse niger.

The sailor.

A fair skin in a sailor's out of place,

The sun and salt sea-spray should tan his face.-Ed.

579. Canis. (L.) A dog. with:

(L.) Ov.?

Proverbial expressions connected

(1.) Cane pejus et angui. (L.) Prov. Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 30.— Worse than a dog or snake. (2.) Canina eloquentia. Quint. 12, 9, 9. (Cf. Canina facundia, Appius ap. Sall. Fragm. 25, 37.)-Dog-eloquence, dog-oratory. Snarling, abusive. (3.) Canis caninam non est. Auct. ap. Varr. L. L. 7, § 32.-Dog don't eat dog. (4.) Canis timidus vehementius latrat quam mordet. Curt. 7, 4, 13.-A cowardly dog barks worse than it bites. (5.) Cave canem. Petr. 29.-Beware of the dog. Inscription of warning to trespassers on doors. (6.) Stultitia est venatum ducere invitos canes. Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 82. -It is folly to take unwilling hounds out hunting. (7.) Ut canis e Nilo. Cf. Phædr. 1, 25.-(To run) like a Nile dog-i.e., quickly to avoid being snapped up by crocodiles. (8.) Canis festinans cæcos parit catulos. Prov.-A dog that hurries too fast will have blind puppies. (9.) Canis a corio nunquam absterrebitur uncto. Hor. S. 2, 5, 83.-You will never tear a dog away from a greasy hide. A dog that has once tasted flesh will be always gnawing anything of the kind. Proverb implying that bad habits stick closely. (Cf. The Greek saying, xaλeñòv Xopiw kúva yeûσai. Theocr. 10, 11.It is dangerous for a dog to taste leather.)

580. Cantabit vacuus coram latrone viator. (L.) Juv. 11, 22. -The traveller, whose pockets are empty, will sing in the presence of robbers.

581. Cantantes licet usque, (minus via lædet) eamus. (L.) Virg. E. 9, 64.

Keep we singing as we go,

It will make the way less slow.-Ed.

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