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370. Ars artium omnium conservatrix. (L.)-The art that preserves all other arts-viz., printing. Inscription on façade of Laurent Koster's house at Haarlem, 1540.

371. Ars est celare artem. (L.)?—The perfection of art consists in concealing it. Cf. Ov. A. A. 2, 313. Si latet ars prodest.-If the art is hidden it succeeds.

In every department of art the artist must not allow the labour, required for the perfection of his work, to appear on the surface. The verse of the poet must not betray the hacking and polishing it has gone through in its production; the painting must not show any technical artifice; the audience must not be able to detect professional trickery in the actor. All must appear easy, unlaboured, in a word, natural.

372. Ars longa, vita brevis. (L.)—Art is long and life is fleeting.-Longfellow. The original (Hippocrates Aphorism.) reverses the order. ὅ βίος βραχύς, ἡ δὲ τέχνη μακρή. (Gr.) -Life is short, but art is long: translated by Seneca (de Brevit. Vit. 1), vitam brevem esse, longam artem.

373. Ars varia vulpis, ast una echino maxima. (L.) Prov.The fox knows many tricks, but the hedgehog only one, though it is the greatest,—viz., to roll itself up in a ball. (2.) Multa novit vulpis, sed felis unum magnum. Prov. The fox knows many tricks, the cat only one great one, -viz., to run up a tree.

374. Arte magistra. (L.) Virg. A. 8, 442.—By the aid of art. 375. Artus confecti languent. (L.) Lucret. 3, 959.-Their wasted limbs become languid.

376. aoßeσTos yéλws. (Gr.) Hom. Il. 1, 599.-Unquenchable ἄσβεστος γέλως. laughter, or, Homeric laughter.

377. As in præsenti perfectum format in avi. (L.)—First words of the part of the Eton Latin Grammar treating of the conjugation of verbs. That which deals with the genders of nouns begins: Propria quæ maribus, etc. Hence the lines would express the earliest rudiments of Latin. A boy would be said to be beginning his as in præsenti, or his propria quæ maribus.

378. Asinus asino, et sus sui pulcher. (L.)—An ass to an ass, seems beautiful: a pig to a pig.

379. A soixante ans il ne faut pas remettre

L'instant heureux qui promet un plaisir.

(Fr.) Désaugiers, Dîner de Madelon.

At sixty years old 'tis not well to postpone
E'en a moment that promises joy.-Ed.

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380. Asperis facetiis quæ ubi multum ex vero traxere, acrem sui memoriam relinquunt. (L.) Tac. A. 15, 68. -Cutting jokes, especially when they have a large foundation of truth, leave a sore which is not soon forgotten.

381. Asperitas agrestis et inconcinna gravisque,

Quæ se commendat tonsa cute, dentibus atris
Dum volt libertas dici mera veraque virtus.

(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 6.

A brutal boorishness, which fain would win
Regard by unbrushed teeth and close shorn skin,
Yet all the while is anxious to be thought

Pure independence, acting as it ought.-Conington.


382. Asperius nihil est humili, cum surgit in altum. Cuncta ferit, dum cuncta timet: desævit in omnes Ut se posse putent: nec bellua tetrior ulla Quam servi rabies in libera terga furentis. (L.) Eutr. 1, 181.-Nothing so odious as a clown that has risen to power. He beats all while he fears all: and is in a rage with all that they may think him mighty: nor is there a monster fouler than a slave venting his fury on free men. "Set a beggar on horseback," etc.

383. Aspettare e non venire, Stare in letto e non dormire, Ben servire e non gradire,

Son tre cose da morire.

To wait for one who never comes,
To be in bed and sleepless lie,

To do one's best and not to rise,

Are reasons three to make one die.-Ed.

(It.) Prov.

384. Assai ben balla, a chi fortuna suona. (It.) Prov.-He dances well enough who has fortune for his fiddler. Prosperity lightens the heels as well as the heart."

385. Assez dure. (Fr.)-Hard enough. Motto of Ironmongers' Company.

386. Assumpsit. (L.) Law Term.-He undertook.

A claim of damages sustained through the breach of a simple contract (i.e., a promise not under seal), and alleges that the defendant assumpsit, undertook, to perform the acts specified. (Brand and Cox, Dict.)

387. A tatons. (Fr.)—Groping, feeling the way in the dark. Often applied to those who guide themselves in their affairs more by chance than judgment.


388. At est bonus ut melior vir

Non alius quisquam; at tibi amicus, at ingenium ingens Inculto latet hoc sub corpore. (L.) Hor. S. 1, 3, 32. But he's the soul of virtue: but he's kind;

But that coarse body hides a mighty mind. -Conington.

389. At hæc animos ærugo et cura peculi

Quum semel imbuerit, speramus carmina fingi
Posse linenda cedro, et levi servanda cupresso.

(L.) Hor. A. P. 330.

O, when this cankering rust, this greed of gain,
Has touched the soul and wrought into its grain,
What hope that poets will produce such lines

As cedar-oil embalms, and cypress shrines?-Conington.

390. At hæc etiam servis semper libera fuerunt, timerent, gauderent, dolerent, suo potius quam alterius arbitrio. (L.) Cic. Even slaves have always been free to fear, rejoice, or grieve at their own pleasure, and not at the wish of another.

391. ̓Αθανάτους μὲν πρῶτα θεούς, νόμῳ ὡς διάκειται Τίμα. (Gr.) Pythagor. Pay reverence, first of all, to the immortal gods, according as it is laid down by law. The established religion. Motto of Spectator, 182 (Sunday at Sir Roger's). First in obedience to thy country's rule,

Worship the immortal gods.

392. At nihil est dotis quod dem.

Ne duas.

Dummodo morata recte veniat, dotata est satis.

(L.) Plaut. Aul. 2, 2, 61.

Euclio. But I have nothing to give in the way of dowry. Megadorus. There's no need. Provided a woman comes with virtuous principles, she has dowry enough of her own.

393. At non ingenio quæsitum nomen ab ævo Excidit ingenio stat sine morte decus.

(L.) Prop. 3, 2, 23.

Time cannot wither talents' well-earned fame:
True genius has secured a deathless name. -Ed.

394. A tort et à travers. (Fr.)-Wrong and across. At random,

by chance.

395. A tout seigneur tout honneur. (Fr.) Prov.-To every lord his due honour. Give every one his due. Grant

each their proper rights.

396. At pulchrum est digito monstrari et dicier, Hic est. (L.) Pers. 1, 28.--It's a fine thing to be pointed out with the finger, and for people to say, There he is! Love of popularity and public notoriety.

397. Atque in rege tamen pater est.

(L.) Ov. M. 13, 187.

And yet he feels the father in the king.-Ed.

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Though a king, he has a father's feelings. Said of Agamemnon, unwilling, even at the behest of Diana, to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia.

398. Atque utinam his potius nugis tota illa dedisset


(L.) Juv. 4, 150.

Would that he'd spent that wretched life of his

On harmless trifles such as these!-Ed.

Said of Domitian, who would turn from the occupation of banishing and murdering his subjects, to the question of how a turbot ought to be cooked.

399. At qui legitimum cupiet fecisse poema,

Cum tabulis animum censoris sumat honesti :

Audebit, quæcunque parum splendoris habebunt
Et sine pondere erunt, et honore indigna ferentur,
Verba movere loco.

But he who meditates a work of art,

(L.) Hor. Ep. 2, 2, 109.

Oft as he writes will act the censor's part:
Is there a word wants nobleness and grace,
Devoid of weight, nor worthy of high place?

He bids it go though stiffly it decline,

And cling and cling like suppliant to a shrine.-Conington.

400. Atqui vultus erat multa et præclara minantis. (L.) Hor. S. 2, 3, 9. And yet your (his) looks were of one that promised many fine things.

401. At reditus jam quisque suos amat, et sibi quid sit

Utile, solicitis supputat articulis. (L.) Ov. Ep. 2, 3, 17. But nowadays each loving naught but pelf,

Counts on his fingers what'll enrich himself.-Ed.

402. At scio, quo vos soleatis pacto perplexarier;

Pactum non pactum est; non pactum pactum est, quod vobis lubet. (L.) Plaut. Aul. 2, 2, 81.-I know the way you have of confusing things; a bargain's no bargain, or no bargain's a bargain, just as it pleases you. Euclio to Megadorus when the latter announces that his daughter is to have no portion.

403. At secura quies, et nescia fallere vita,

Dives opum variarum; at latis otia fundis,
Speluncæ, vivique lacus; at frigida Tempe,
Mugitusque boum, mollesque sub arbore somni
Non absunt.

(L.) Virg. G. 2, 467.

The pleasures of a country life.

But tranquil ease, a life untaught to cheat,
Rich in its varied wealth: a calm retreat

'Mid ample fields; cool grots, and running lakes,
Valleys like Tempe's shaded lawns and brakes;
And lowing herds, sweet sleep beneath the plane,—
These are the pleasures of the country swain. —Ed.

404. At sermo lingua concinnus utraque

Suavior, ut Chio nota si commista Falerni est. (L.) Hor. S. 1, 10, 23.-But a style (composition) elegantly composed in both languages (Latin and Greek) is all the more charming, just as wine of the Falernian brand is sweeter for being mixed with Chian. This applies to any mixture of languages, e.g., the use of French expressions in a piece of English writing. To use Horace's simile, the richer tongue is coupé (mixed) with the poorer one. 405. At si cognatos, nullo natura labore

Quos tibi dat, retinere velis, servareque amicos,
Infelix operam perdas, ut si quis asellum
In campo doceat parentem currere frænis.

(L.) Hor. S. 1, 1, 88

Nay, would you win the kinsmen Nature sends
Made ready to your hand, and keep them friends,
"Twere but lost labour, as if one should train

A donkey for the course by bit and rein.-Conington.

406. At spes non fracta. (L.)-Yet hope is not broken. Motto of Earl of Hopetoun.

407. Attendez à la nuit pour dire que le jour a été beau. (Fr.) Prov. (Brittany).—Wait till night before you say whether the day has been fine or not.

408. At te nocturnis juvat impallescere chartis. (L.) Pers. 5, 62.But your delight is to make yourself pale with midnight compositions.

409. At vindicta bonum vita jucundius ipsa.

Nempe hoc indocti, quorum præcordia nullis
Interdum aut levibus videas flagrantia causis;
Quantulacunque adeo est occasio, sufficit iræ.

Revenge is sweet.

(L.) Juv. 13, 180.

Revenge is sweet, dearer than very life:
At least fools think so: folks so fond of strife
That none or little cause sets them on fire;
However slight it serves to raise their ire.-Ed.

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