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4352. Rapiamus, amici, Occasionem de die. (L.) Hor. Epod. 13, 2.-Friends, let us take advantage of the day.

4353. Rara avis in terris, nigroque simillima cygno. (L.) Juv. 6, 165.-A bird rarely seen on the earth, and very like a black swan. Anything extraordinary or unique is called

a rara avis.

4354. Rara est adeo concordia formæ

Atque pudicitiæ.

So rare a thing is it to find

(L.) Juv. 10, 297.

Beauty and modesty combined.-Ed.

4355. Rara temporum felicitate, ubi sentire quæ velis, et quæ sentias dicere licet. (L.) Tac. H. 1, 1.—A period, as rare as it was happy; when it was allowable not only to think as we chose, but to give free utterance to one's opinions, viz., the reigns of Nerva and Trajan, 96– 117 A.D.

The character of Trajan's government is testified to by the sentiment, afterwards proverbial, with which each new successor to the throne of the Caesars was greeted. The wish expressed was that he might be Felicior Augusto, melior Trajano, As happy as Augustus, as good as Trajan.

4356. Rarement à courir le monde on devient plus homme de bien. (Fr.)-Seldom does he who is always running about the world turn out a more honest man.

Last couplet of lines on the Danube, which rising in a Protestant
country flows into a Catholick one and, finally, empties itself
amongst the infidels.

4357. Rari quippe boni; numero vix sunt totidem quot
Thebarum portæ, vel divitis ostia Nili. (L.) Juv. 13, 26.
Few are the good: their numbers scarce compile
As many gates as Thebes, or mouths as Nile.-Ed.

4358. Raro antecedentem scelestum

Deseruit pede pœna claudo.

(L.) Hor. C. 3, 2, 31.

Though vengeance halt, she seldom leaves

The wretch whose flying steps she hounds.-Conington.

4359. Raro sermo illis, et magna libido tacendi. (L.) Juv. 2, 14.


Seldom they speak and silence much prefer.-Ed.

4360. Rarus enim fere sensus communis in illa


With such a fortune, it were rare
If common-sense were also there.-Ed.

(L.) Juv. 8, 73.


4361. Ratio justifica. (L.)-The reason which justifies.
Ratio suasoria.-The reason which persuades. (3.) Ratio
decidendi.—The reason upon which any decision is
grounded; the reason for so deciding.

4362. Rebus angustis animosus atque
Fortis appare,-sapienter idem
Contrahes vento nimium secundo
Turgida vela.

(L.) Hor. C. 2, 10, 21.

Be brave in trouble; meet distress

With dauntless front: but when the gale
Too prosperous blows, be wise no less

And shorten sail.-Conington.

4363. Rebus in angustis facile est contemnere vitam; Fortiter ille facit qui miser esse potest.

True courage.

(L.) Mart. 11, 56, 15.

The coward flies to death his woes to cure :

The brave is he who can his woes endure.-Ed.

4364. Receditur a placitis juris potius quam injuriæ et delicta maneant impunita. (L.) Law Max. (Bacon).-The law will dispense with legal technicalities rather than that crimes and wrongs should go unpunished.

4365. Recepto Dulce mihi furere est amico. (L.) Hor. C. 2, 7, 27. Oh! 'tis sweet to fool, when friends come home again.


4366. Recherché. (Fr.)-Sought for. Il n'y a rien de plus recherché, There is nothing more esteemed, more in request.

4367. Recipiunt fœminæ sustentacula a nobis. (L.)- Women receive support from us. Motto of the Patten-makers' Company.

4368. Recta et vera loquere, sed neque vere neque recte adhuc Fecisti unquam. (L.) Plaut. Capt. 5, 2, 7.--(Hegio to Stalagmus, loq.) You speak right and true enough, but you have never acted rightly or truly yet.

4369. Recte et suaviter. (L.)-Uprightly and mildly. Motto of Lord Scarsdale.

4370. Rectius vives, Licini, neque altum

Semper urgendo, neque dum procellas
Cautus horrescis, nimium premendo
Litus iniquum.

(L.) Hor. C. 2, 10, 1.

Avoid extremes.

Licinius, trust a seaman's lore;
Steer not too boldly to the deep,

Nor fearing storms, by treacherous shore
Too closely creep.-Conington.

4371. Reculer pour mieux sauter. (Fr.)?—To go back a step in order to make a better leap.

This is said of any change of tactics, attitude, or position adopted preparatory to taking some decided step.

4372. Reddere personæ scit convenientia cuique.

A good dramatist.

(L.) Hor. A. P. 316.

He can assign with nicely judging art

The sentiments peculiar to each part.-Ed.

4373. Reddere qui voces jam scit puer, et pede certo Signat humum, gestit paribus colludere, et iram Colligit, ac ponit temere, et mutatur in horas.

(L.) Hor. A. P. 158.

The boy who just knows how to talk,

And feels his feet beneath him in his walk:
He, like his young companions, loves a game,

Soon vexed, soon soothed, and not two hours the same.

4374. Redit agricolis labor actus in orbem,

Atque in se sua per vestigia volvitur annus. (L.) Virg. G. 2, 401.-The husbandman's work runs its round again, and the circling year revolves in its former foot steps.

4375. Refricare obductam reipublicæ cicatricem. (L.) Cic. Agr. 3, 2, 4.-To open afresh a wound in the State which had healed over.

4376. Reges dicuntur multis urgere culullis,

Et torquere mero, quem perspexisse laborent
An sit amicitia dignus.

(L.) Hor. A. P. 434.

"Tis said when kings a would-be friend will try, With wine they rack him and with bumpers ply.-Conington. (L.) Ov. Ep. 2, 9, 11.-Believe me it is an act worthy of a king to succour the fallen.

4377. Regia, crede mihi, res est succurrere lapsis.

4378. Regibus hic mos est, ubi equos mercantur, opertos Inspiciunt; ne si facies (ut sæpe) decora

Molli fulta pede est, emptorem inducat hiantem;

Quod pulchræ clunes, breve quod caput, ardua cervix.

(L.) Hor. S. 1, 2, 86.- When great men buy a horse, it is their custom to look at it with its cloths off; so that if, as often happens, a fine forehand is supported by a soft hoof, the buyer may not be taken in, who is gaping in admiration because the animal has handsome hind quarters, a small head, and arching neck.

4379. Regi et patriæ fidelis. (L.)—Loyal to king and country. Motto of Earl of Norbury.

4380. Regium donum. (L.)-A royal gift. An annual grant of public money for the maintenance of the Presbyterian clergy in Ireland.

4381. Regnare nolo, liber ut non sim mihi. (L.) Phædr. 3, 7, 27. The Dog and the Wolf.

I would not care to be a king
To lose my liberty.-Ed.

4382. Regula est, juris quidem ignorantiam cuiquam nocere, facti vero ignorantiam non nocere. (L.) Law Max.-The rule in civil law is that ignorance of the law does not excuse a man from the consequences of his actions, but ignorance of a fact will stand him in such excuse 4383. Regum æquabat opes animis, seraque revertens

Nocte domum, dapibus mensas onerabat inemptis. (L.) Virg. G. 4, 132.-His contented spirit equalled the wealth of kings, and returning home late at night he would load his table with unbought dainties.

Late returning home, he supp'd at ease,

And wisely deem'd the wealth of monarchs less;

The little of his own, because his own did please.-Dryden. 4384. Re infecta. (L.) Cæs. B. G. 7, 17, 5.—The business being unfinished. Without accomplishing the object desired.

4385. Re ipsa repperi,

Facilitate nihil esse homini melius, neque clementia. (L.) Ter. Ad. 5, 2, 6.-Experience has taught me, that nothing is more advantageous to a man than mildness and complaisance.

4386. Reipublicæ forma, laudari facilius quam evenire, vel si evenit, haud diuturna esse potest. (L.) Tac. A. 4, 33.— To praise a republican form of government is more easy than to establish it, and even if established, it cannot be of long duration.

4387. Relata refero. (L.)-I tell the tale as told to me. I do not vouch for its truth.


4388. Rélever des bagatelles. (Fr.)-To give consequence to trifles; corresp. with the Lat. Nugis addere pondus, q. v. 4389. Religentem esse oportet, religiosum 'st nefas. (L.) Poet. ap. Gell. 4, 9, 1.-A man should be devout but not a devotee. Religious, without being superstitious.

4390. Rem facias: rem,

Si possis, recte; si non,quocunque modo rem.

(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 65.

Make money, money, man;

Well, if so be,-if not, which way you can.-Conington. 4391. Remis velisque. (L.) Sil. 1, 568.-With oar and sail, i.e., with might and main; so also, Remis ventisque, Virg. A. 3, 563, With oars and wind. Cf. Armis et castris, Cic. Off. 2, 24, 84 (With arms and camps), and Equis virisque, Liv. 5, 37 (With horse and foot), in same sense, i.e., with vigour, tooth and nail.

4392. Rem tu strenuus auge. (L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 7, 71.—Do your utmost to get on.

4393. Renascentur. (L.) They will rise again.

Viscount Avonmore.

4394. Renovate animos. (L.)-Renew your spirits.
Earl of Kinnoull.

4395. Re opitulandum non verbis. (L.)

should be given in deeds, not in words.

Motto of

Motto of


4396. Repperit Deus nocentem. (L.)-God finds out the guilty. 4397. Requiem æternam dona iis, Domine, et lux tua perpetua illuceat iis. (L.)—Grant them eternal rest, O Lord, and let thy perpetual light shine upon them. From the office for the dead, and short customary form of prayer for the rest of departed souls.

4398. Requiescat in pace, or R.I.P. (L.)-Let him rest in peace. Inscription on tombstones.

4399. Res dura, et regni novitas me talia cogunt

Moliri, et late fines custode tueri. (L.) Virg. A. 1, 563.

An infant realm and fortune hard

Compel me thus my shores to guard.—Conington.

4400. Res est blanda canor, discant cantare puellæ.

(L.) Ov.

A. A. 3, 315.-Singing is a charming accomplishment, and girls should learn to acquire it.

4401. Res est magna tacere, Mathon. (L.) Mart. Ep. 4, 81.Silence is an admirable thing, Matho.

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