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3869. Perfer et obdura: dolor hic tibi proderit olim :

Sæpe tulit lassis succus amarus opem. (L.) Ov. Am.
3, 11, 7.—Bear and endure: this trouble will one day
prove to have been for your good. Bitter draughts often
restore strength to the weary.
multo graviora tulisti.

Cf. Perfer et obdura: Ov. T. 5, 11, 7.-Bear and endure you have borne much harder things than this. 3870. Perfida, sed quamvis perfida, cara tamen. (L.) Tib. 3, 6, 56.-Faithless one, yet faithless though you are, you are dear to me still.

3871. Pergis pugnantia secum Frontibus adversis componere. Hor. S. 1, 1, 102.-You are attempting to combine things essentially opposite to each other.


3872. Periculosæ plenum opus aleæ.

Tractas, et incedis per ignes

Suppositos cineri doloso.

To an historian.

(L.) Hor. C. 2, 1, 6.

You've got in hand a ticklish task,
A risky game of chance to play :
O'er treacherous ashes lies your way
That underlying fires mask. —Ed.

3873. Periculosum est credere et non credere ;
Ergo exploranda est veritas multum prius

Quam stulta prave judicet sententia. (L.) Phædr. 3, 10 (1, 5, and 6).-It is dangerous to believe too readily, equally so to refuse credence altogether. Therefore one should carefully examine into the truth of any matter, rather than allow ourselves to form a wrong estimate in haste.

3874. Perierunt tempora longi Servitii. (L.) Juv. 3, 124. All my long hours of service thrown away.-Ed.

Said of a client, who had been long waiting for advancement.

3875. Per il suo contrario. (It.)—By its opposite. Motto of the Marquess of Anglesey.

3876. Perimus licitis. (L.)-We perish through indulging in what is lawful, but not expedient. M. of Lord Teignmouth.

3877. Per incuriam. (L.)-Through carelessness.

3878. περὶ ὄνου σκιᾶς [μαχέσθαι]. (Gr.) Ar. Vesp. 191.—[Το fight] for an ass's shadow. To dispute about trifles. See No. 995.

3879. Périsse l'univers pourvu que je me venge! (Fr.) Cyrano, Agrippine.-Perish the universe provided I may be revenged!

3880. Périssons en résistant! (Fr.) Obermann ?-Let us die rather than yield! A glorious minority.

3881. Perjuria ridet amantum Jupiter. (L.) Tib. 3, 6, 49. At lovers' perjuries, they say, Jove laughs.

-Shakesp. Romeo and Juliet, 2, 2.

3882. Per mare per terram. (L.)—By sea and land. Royal Marine Forces. (2.) P. m. p. terras. Motto of Earl of Caledon and Lord Macdonald.

3883. Permissu superiorum. (L.)-By permission of the superiors. Sanction given by the heads of religious orders to any work composed by a member of the body.

3884. Permitte divis catera.

rest to the gods.

3885. Per omne fas et nefas.

(L.) Hor. C. 1, 9, 9.-Leave the

(L.) Liv. 6, 14, 10.-Right or

wrong. By every means possible.

3886. Perpetui fructum donavi nominis: idque Quo dare nil potui munere majus, habes.

The poet to his wife.

(L.) Ov. T. 5, 14, 13.

A name that shall for ever shine,

The greatest I could give, is thine.-Ed.

3887. Per quod servitium amisit. (L.) Law Term.-For loss of services. The injury sustained by the plaintiff, in consequence of the seduction of his daughter.

3888. Per saltum. (L.)-By a leap. Such an one has attained high rank or honours per saltum, skipping over the usual intermediate steps.

3889. Perseverando. (L.)-By perseverance.

Ducie and Viscount Halifax.

Motto of Earl of

3890. Perseverantia. (L.)—By perseverance. Leamington College. 3891. Persicos odi, puer, apparatus.

(L.) Hor. C. 1, 38, 1.

No Persian cumber, boy, for me.-Conington.

3892. Personæ mutæ. (L.)-Mute characters (in a play) that have no parts to speak.

3893. Perturbabantur Constantinopolitani

Innumerabilibus sollicitudinibus. (L.)-The inhabitants of Constantinople were disturbed by countless anxieties.


Motto of

3894. Per undas et ignes fluctuat nec mergitur.
water and fire she tosses but is not submerged.
the City of Paris.

3895. Per varios casus, per tot discrimina rerum
Tendimus in Latium: sedes ubi fata quietas
(L.) Virg. A. 1, 204.
Through chance, though peril lies our way

To Latium, where the fates display

A mansion of abiding stay.--Conington.

The Bishop of Manchester (Fraser) cleverly applied the above to those who sought a solution of their religious disquietude in the peace of the Roman Church.

3896. Per vias rectas. (L.)-By direct ways. Motto of Earl of Dufferin and Clandeboye.

3897. Petite hinc, juvenesque senesque,

Finem animæ certum, miserisque viatica canis. (L.) Pers. 5, 64.-Hence (sc. in the Stoic philosophy) seek ye, young and old, a definite aim for the mind, and a provision for the sad days of old age.

3898. Petitio principii. (L.) Logical Term.-Begging the question. A fallacy in argument by which you assume as true that which has to be proved: one of the premises being the same as the conclusion, or dependent upon it. E.g., "It is true, because I saw it in the paper," where it is assumed that the newspaper is correctly informed. 3899. Peu de chose nous console, parce que peu de chose nous afflige. (Fr.) Pasc. Pens. 24, 11.-Little consoles us because so little afflicts us.

3900. Peu de gens savent être vieux. (Fr.) La Rochef. Max. p. 86, § 445.-Few people know how to be old.

3901. Peu de gens sont assez sages pour préférer la blame qui leur est utile, à la louange qui les trahit. (Fr.) La Rochef. Max. p. 49, § 147.-Few people are wise enough to prefer honest blame to treacherous praise.

3902. Φάγωμεν και πίωμεν· ἄυριον γὰρ ἀποθνήσκομεν. (Gr.)? Ap. N. T. Cor. 1, 15, 32.-Let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die.

3903. Pharmaca das ægroto, aurum tibi porrigit æger,

Tu morbum curas illius, ille tuum. (L.)?—You prescribe for the sick man, he reaches you your fee, you cure his disease, he cures yours. Addressed to a doctor.

3904. Φέιδεο τῶν κτεάνων.

(Gr.)—Husband your resources.

3905. Φήμη γάρ τε κακὴ πέλεται· κούφη μὲν ἀείραι

Ρεῖα μάλ', ἀργαλέη δὲ φέρειν χαλεπὴ δ ̓ ἀποθέσθαι. (Gr.) Hes. Op. 760.-There is evil report: light and easy to raise, but hard to bear, and most difficult to get rid of. 3906. Φημὶ πολυχρονίην μελέτην ἔμμεναι, φίλε, και δή

Τάυτην ἀνθρώποισι τελευτῶσαν φύσιν εἶναι. (Gr.) -I say that habit is a very persistent thing, and at last beCustom is second nature.

comes to men a nature.

3907. Φοβοῦ τὸ γῆρας, ου γὰρ ἔρχεται μονον. age, for it does not come alone.

(Gr.) Fear old

3908. Phoenices primi, famæ si creditur, ausi Mansuram rudibus vocem signare figuris.

The invention of writing.

(L.) Lucan. 3, 220.

Phoenicia first, if fame be truly heard,

Fixed in rude characters the fleeting word.-Ed.

Brébeuf's paraphrase of the above, which Corneille thought so
good that he would have given one of his plays to have written
it, is:

C'est de lui que nous vient cet art ingenieux
De peindre la parole et de parler aux yeux,
Et par les traits divers de figures tracées
Donner de la couleur et du corps aux pensées.

3909. Φθείρουσιν ἤθη χρήσθ' ὅμιλίαι κακαί. (Gr.) Menand. Thaid. p. 78.-Evil communications corrupt good manners. Quoted by St Paul, Cor. 1, 15, 33.

3910. Pia fraus. (L.)—A pious fraud, either in a good sense as a kind deception, or with the idea of veiling rascality under the cloak of religion.

A certain banking firm, some years ago, enjoyed the confidence of the public, and, particularly, of Low Churchmen on account of the religious tone said to pervade the establishment. Business com

menced with prayer. After a time the bank ceased payment, and the principals were convicted of fraudulent misappropriation of their customers' money. The religious pretensions of the firm were not forgotten, and a wit declared that the words with which each day's business commenced, were, "Let us prey!"

3911. Pictoribus atque poetis

Quidlibet audendi semper fuit æqua potestas,
Scimus, et hanc veniam petimusque damusque vicissim.
(L.) Hor. A. P. 9.

Poets and painters (sure you know the plea)
Have always been allowed their fancy free.

I own it: 'tis a fair excuse to plead :

By turns we claim it, and by turns concede.-Conington.

3912. Pie repone te.

(L.)-Repose in pious confidence. Punning

Motto of the Earl Manvers (Pierrepont).

3913. Piger scribendi ferre laborem,

Scribendi recte; nam, ut multum, nil moror.

(L.) Hor. S. 1, 4, 12.

Fluent, yet indolent, he would rebel

Against the toil of writing, writing well,

Not writing much, for that I grant you.-Conington.

3914. Pigmæi gigantum humeris impositi plusquam ipsi gigantes vident. (L.) Didacus Stella in Luc. 10, tom. 2.—A dwarf on a giant's back sees more than the giant himself. An apology for borrowing the thoughts, or improving upon the ideas of older writers.

3915. Piu vale il fumo di casa mia, che il fuoco dell'altrui. (It.) Prov.-The smoke of my own cottage is better than the

fire of another's.

3916. Plato enim mihi unus est instar omnium. (L.) Antimachus ap. Cic. Brut. 51, 190.--To my mind Plato alone is worth them all.

3917. Plausibus ex ipsis populi, lætoque favore

Ingenium quodvis incaluisse potest. (L.) Ov. Ep. 3, 4, 39.-The applause of the public and their genuine favour are enough to kindle the fire in any author's breast. 3918. Plausus tunc arte carebat. (L.) Ov. A. A. 1, 113.—In those days applause was genuine and unaffected. Said of the games held by Romulus. Cf. id. ibid. 106, Scena sine arte fuit, The stage then was devoid of art.

3919. Plebs venit, ac virides passim disjecta per herbas

Potat, et accumbit cum pare quisque sua. (L.) Ov. F. 3, 525.-The people assemble and stretch themselves here and there on the green sward, and drink, each swain reclining by his sweetheart's side.

3920. Plena fuit vobis omni concordia vita,

Et stetit ad finem longa tenaxque fides. (L.) Ov. Am. 2, 6, 13.-There has been perfect harmony between you all your life, and your attachment has remained long and lasting to the end.

3921. Plerumque modestus

Occupat obscuri speciem, taciturnus acerbi.

(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 94.

The silent man is sure



for crabbed, the modest for obscure.—Conington.

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