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277. An dives sit omnes quærunt, nemo an bonus. (L.)?—Everyone inquires if he is well off, no one asks if he is a good

man or no.

278. A nemico che fugge, fa un ponte d'oro.

(It.)-Make a bridge of gold for an enemy who is flying from you. Don't obstruct the natural disappearance of any evil.

279. An erit qui velle recuset

Os populi meruisse, et cedro digna locutus
Linquere, nec scombros metuentia carmina, nec thus?
(L.) Pers. 1, 41.

Is there a man who can the public mind
Afford to spurn, nor wish to leave behind
Works worthy russia; such as shall not come
To wrap a herring in, or sugar plum ?-Ed.

Cf. Ne... Deferar in vicum vendentem thus et odores,
Et piper, et quidquid chartis amicitur ineptis.

Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 219. Lest I (i.e., my book) should travel down the street where they sell spice and sweets and pepper, and the kind of goods they wrap in waste paper. May my works never descend so low as to reach the public through the grocer !

280. ̓Ανὴρ ὁ φεύγων καὶ πάλιν μαχήσεται. (Gr.) ? Menand. The man who runs away may fight again.

He that fights and runs away
May live to fight another day;
But he who is in battle slain

Can never rise to fight again.

-Ray's Hist. of Rebellion, p. 48 (Bristol, 1752).

Tertullian, de Fuga in Persecutione, cap. 10, quotes

Qui fugiebat, rursus præliabitur.

battle again.

(L.) He who flies will fight in

And Scarron, +1660, has the lines

Qui fuit, peut revenir aussi,

Qui meurt, il n'en est pas ainsi. (Fr.)-He who flies can also return again, which is not the case with him who dies.

281. Anglica gens, optima flens, pessima ridens. (L.) Med. Lat.-The English people are best at weeping, worst at laughing.

282. Anglice. (L.)—In English, or, according to the English fashion or custom.

283. Anguillam cauda tenes. (L.) Prov.-You've got an eel by the tail. Your opponent is a slippery fellow.

284. Animal implume bipes. (L.)—A featherless biped. Plato's definition of a man.

285. Anima magis est ubi amat, quam ubi animat. (L.) S. Aug. -The soul is more where it loves, than where it lives.

286. Animi cultus ille erat ei quasi quidam humanitatis cibus. (L.) Cic. Fin. 5, 19, 54.-That culture of the mind

supplied him with a kind of intellectual food. Said of literary studies, writing, composition.

287. Animo et fide. (L.)—By courage and faith. Motto of the Earl of Guildford.

288. Animo, non astutia. (L.)—By courage, not craft. Motto of Duke of Gordon and Marquess of Huntly.

289. Animorum Impulsu, et cæca magnaque cupidine ducti. (L.) Juv. 10, 350.

Led by the soul's impulsive fire,

By blind and passionate desire !—Ed.

290. Animula, vagula, blandula, Hospes, comesque corporis; Quæ nunc abibis in loca? Pallidula, rigida, nudula

Nec, ut soles, dabis jocos!

(L.) Spart. Hadr. 25.-(Hist. August).

The dying emperor to his soul.

Ah! gentle, fleeting, wavering sprite,
Friend and associate of this clay!

To what unknown region borne,

Wilt thou now wing thy distant flight?

No more with wonted humour gay,

But pallid, cheerless, and forlorn.-Lord Byron.

291. Animum nunc huc, nunc dividit illuc. (L.) Virg. A. 4, 285.

So by conflicting cares distraught

This way and that way whirls his thought.-Conington.

292. Animum pictura pascit inani. (L.) Virg. A. 1, 464. He feeds his fancy on the painted scene.-Ed.

This may be applied either to the delight with which the connoisseur devours an especially captivating work of art, or to the exercise of the fancy and imagination in the pleasing occupation of castle-building.

293. Animus æquus optimum est ærumnæ condimentum. (L.) Plaut. Rud. 2, 3, 71.-Patience is the best remedy for trouble. What can't be cured must be endured.

294. Animus furandi. (Law L.)-The design or intention of stealing. A suspicious character, e.g., enters a house, animo furandi, with the intention of committing theft. 295. Animus homini, quicquid sibi imperat, obtinet. (L.)—The human mind can accomplish whatever it is determined to effect. Patience and perseverance surmount every difficulty.

296. Animus non deficit æquus. (L.)-A calm mind is not wanting. Motto of Lord Willoughby d'Eresby.

297. Animus quod perdidit optat,

Atque in præterita se totus imagine versat. (L.) Petr. 1, 128.-The mind still wishes for what it has lost, and is occupied entirely in conjuring up the past. Useless regrets.

298. Animus sevocatus a contagione corporis, meminit præteritorum, præsentia cernit, futura prævidet. (L.) Cic. Div. 1, 30, 63.-The mind, freeing itself from the influence of the body, recalls the past, examines the present, and forecasts the future.

299. An nescis longas regibus esse manus? (L.) Ov. H. 17, 166. Do you not know that kings have far-reaching hands? It is hard to get out of their clutches. The ramifications of the machinery of State are so widely extended as to be able to track an offender on a distant shore.

300. An nescis, mi fili, quantilla prudentia mundus regatur (or, regatur orbis) (L.) Axel Oxenstierna, † 1654 (Lundblad, Svensk Plut., 2 vols., Stockholm, 1824).-Dost thou not know, my son, with how very little wisdom the world is governed?

From a letter of the illustrious Swedish statesman to his son John, the envoy of Sweden to the Conference at Munster, 1648, where the Treaty of Westphalia, concluding the Thirty Years' War, was signed. John Selden, +1654, in his Table Talk (Pope), has: "Thou little thinkest what a little foolery governs the whole world." (See also Büchmann, p. 352.)

301. Anno Christi. (L.)-In the year of Christ.

This is

synonymous with Anno Domini (In the year of our Lord). The period from which we date the commencement of the Christian Era.

302. 'Annus mirabilis.

ful year.

(L.)—A year of wonders, or the wonder

This may be applied to any particular year which is distinguished by any very remarkable event, or series of events. Thus 1797 is called the annus mirabilis of Coleridge, being that in which he composed his finest poems. 1871 may be called the annus mirabilis of the Papacy, as the year in which the reigning pontiff attained and passed the twenty-five years of St Peter. Dryden has a poem of this name, treating of the events of the year 1666, which witnessed the fire of London, and the gallant attack on the Dutch fleet, led by Prince Rupert.

303. An potest quidquam esse absurdius, quam quo minus viæ restat, eo plus viatici quærere? (L.) Cic. Sen. 18, 66.Can anything be more absurd than to be accumulating

the more provision for the way, the less of it remains to be travelled? Covetousness instead of diminishing increases with years.

304. An quisquam est alius liber, nisi ducere vitam

Cui licet, ut voluit? (L.) Pers. 5, 83. (Dama the enfranchised slave loq.)-Can any man be considered free, except he is free to spend his life as he pleases?

305. An tacitum sylvas inter reptare salubres

Curantem quicquid dignum sapiente bonoque est.
(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 4, 4.

Or sauntering, calm and healthful, through the wood,
Bent on such thoughts as suits the wise and good?—Conington.
What is your favourite occupation in the country? Are you
busy with your pen, or roaming about the pleasant woods and
fields curantem quicquid dignum sapiente bonoque est ?

306. Ante ferit quam flamma micet. (L.) He strikes before the spark flies. Motto of the Order of the Golden Fleece (Spain), alluding to the steels and flints emitting sparks (Arms of Burgundy), of which the collar of the Order is composed. The motto on the badge is Pretium non vile laborum (no poor reward for labour), and on the mantle Je l'ay empris (I have acquired it).

307. Ante mare, et tellus, et, quod tegit omnia cœlum, Unus erat toto naturæ vultus in orbe,

Quem dixere Chaos; rudis indigestaque moles.

(L.) Ov. M. 1, 15.

When sea, and land, and the all covering firmament
As yet were not in being, Nature wore

One uniform aspect, which men have called
Chaos, a rude and undigested mass.-Ed.

308. Ante oculos errat domus, Urbs, et forma locorum; Succeduntque suis singula facta locis. (L.) Ov. T. 3, 4, 57. My home, the town, and each well-known spot moves before my eyes; and each item of the day follows in its proper place. The thoughts of one abroad realising what is taking place leagues away.

309. Ante senectutem curavi, ut bene viverem; in senectute, ut bene moriar. (L.) Sen. Ep. ?-Before I was old, I studied to live virtuously; now I am old, my object is to meet death with fortitude.

310. Ante tubam tremor occupat artus. (L.) Virg. A. 11, 424. He trembles before the signal of battle is given.

311. Ante victoriam canere triumphum.

(L.) To celebrate a triumph before gaining the victory. To count your chickens before they are hatched.

312. Antiquitas sæculi juventus mundi. (L.)?-The olden time was the world's youth.

On this Lord Bacon says (de Augm. Sc. lib. 1): These times are the ancient times, when the world is ancient, and not those which are accounted ancient ordine retrogrado, by a computation backward from ourselves.

Cf. Lord Tennyson, Day Dream (L'Envoi)—

We are ancients of the earth

And in the morning of the times.

See also Pascal, Treatise de Vacuo, Pref.

313. Antiquum obtinens.

of Lord Bagot.

(L.)-Possessing antiquity. Motto

314. A outrance, or à l'outrance.

(Fr.)-To an outrageous extent; to excess. Applied to a contest between two antagonists who were each determined to conquer or to die; also to dress, or to any custom or habit which is carried to an extravagant excess.

315. "Awaέ λeyóμevov. (Gr.)—Only once read, or occurring (viz., in an author, book).

316. Aperit præcordia Liber. (L.) Hor. S. 1, 4, 89.—Wine opens the heart.

317. Aperte mala cum est mulier, tum demum est bona. (L.) Prov. Pub. Syr. ?-When a woman is openly bad, then at least she is honest.

318. Aperto vivere voto. (L.) Pers. 2, 7.-To live with every wish declared. Frankly, openly, without concealing any of our secret desires. Motto of Earl of Aylesford. 319. Apices juris non sunt jura. (L.) Law Max.-Fine points of law are not the law. "The law disallows curious and nice exceptions as tending to the delay of justice."Broom, 188.

320. Apis Matinæ More modoque. (L.) Hor. C. 4, 2, 27.— Like Matinata's busy bee.

321. Apparent rari nantes in gurgite vasto. (L.) Virg. A. 1, 118.-A few appear, swimming in the vasty deep. The line is often used of such authors, or passages of authors, as have survived the wreck of time; or where a good verse is found mixed up with a quantity of trash. few good lines exist here and there, but that is all.


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