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2987. Maxima quæque domus servis est plena superbis. Juv. 5, 66.-Every great house is crowded with insolent


Every big house has a crowd of

Supercilious servants.-Shaw.

2988. Maximus in minimis. (L.)-Very great in very little things. A person who gives great attention to trifling objects.

2989. Mea culpa! (L.)-My fault! I am to blame.

2990. Mecum facile redeo in gratiam. (L.) Phædr. 5, 3, 6.—I easily effect a reconciliation with myself.

2991. Medice, cura te ipsum. (L.) Prov. Vulg. Luc. 4, 33.Physician, heal thyself.

2992. Medicus dedit qui temporis morbo curam,

Is plus remedii quam cutis sector dedit.


physician who allows time for the cure of a disease, gives a better remedy than if he used the knife.

2993. Mediocria firma. (L.)-The middle station is the most secure. Motto of Earl of Verulam, and inscribed over his door at Gorhambury by Sir N. Bacon.

2994. Médiocre et rampant, et l'on arrive à tout. (Fr.) Beaum. Mar. de Figaro.-Be second-rate, cringe, and you may attain to anything. Cf. Omnia serviliter pro dominatione. (L.) Tac. H. 1, 36.-Servile in all things so it might lead him to power. Said of the Emperor Otho.

2995. Mediocribus esse poetis

Non Dii, non homines, non concessere columnæ.

(L.) Hor. A. P. 372.

But gods and men and booksellers agree

To place their ban on middling poetry.-Conington.

2996. Mediocritatem illam tenere, quæ est inter nimium et parum.

(L.) Cic. Off. 1, 25, 89.-To observe that mediocrity which is the mean between too much and too little.

2997. Medio tutissimus ibis. (L.) safer to go in the middle.

tene.-Hold your course

Ov. M. 2, 137.-You will be And id. ibid., Inter utrumque between the two. Avoid ex

tremes. Phoebus' directions to Phaethon for guiding the chariot of the Sun.

2998. Me focus et nigros non indignantia fumos

Tecta juvant, et fons vivus et herba rudis.

Sit mihi verna satur: sit non doctissima conjux,

Sit nox cum somno, sit sine lite dies.

(L.) Mart. 2, 90, 7.

Earthly bliss.

Give me my hearth, my roof-tree well-defiled
With welcome reek, a spring and herbage wild,
A well-fed slave, and not too learn'd a wife,

Sound sleep by night, and days devoid of strife.-Ed. 2999. Méya Biẞdióv péya kakóv. (Gr.) Callim.-A great book is a great evil.

3000. Meglio amici da lontano che nemici d'appresso. (It.)—It is better to be friends at a distance, than enemies near to

each other.

3001. Meglio è un magro accordo che una grassa sentenza. Prov.-Better a lean agreement than a fat judgment.


Esto consentiens adversario tuo cito dum es in via cum eo. (L.) Vulg. Matt. v. 25.—Agree with thine adversary quickly whilst thou art in the way with him.

3002. Meglio solo che mal accompagnato. (It.) Prov.-It is better to be alone than in bad company.

3003. Meglio tardi che mai. (It.) Prov.-Better late than never. 3004. Mehr Licht! (G.) Goethe.-More light! His last words. 3005. Μὴ κακὰ κερδαίνειν· κακὰ κέρδεα ἶσ ̓ ἂτῃσιν. (Gr.) Hes. Op. 352.-Do not make evil gains: they are equal to losses.

3006. My Kível Kapapívav. (Gr.) Prov.-Do not stir Camarina. Let well alone.

3007. Meλéry To Tav. (Gr.)-Practice is everything.


Saying of Periander, one of the seven wise men of Greece.
word also includes the notion of attention and application.
Tâv=the whole; all that can be conceived or expressed; the

3008. Me liceat casus misereri insontis amici. (L.) Virg. A. 5, 350.

Let me be suffered to extend

Compassion to a helpless friend.-Conington.

3009. Mel in ore, verba lactis,

Fel in corde, fraus in factis.

Words of milk, and honied tongue :

Heart of gall and deeds of wrong.-Ed.

3010. Melior (or Potior) est conditio possidentis.


(L.) Law

Max. The claim of the party in possession is the better of the two. Cf. Favorabiliores rei potius quam actores habentur, The case of the defendant shall be favoured rather than that of the plaintiff. Where it appears that the plaintiff has no cause of action, the Court will never favour his suit.

3013. Melius omnibus quam singulis creditur.

3011. Melioribus auspiciis. (L.)—Under better auspices. 3012. Melius est cavere semper, quam pati semel. (L.) Prov.It is better to be always on one's guard, than once to suffer. This saying Julius Cæsar used to reverse, holding that it was better to suffer once than to live in continual apprehension. Melius est pati semel, quam cavere semper. Singuli enim decipere et decipi possunt: nemo omnes, neminem omnes fefellerunt. (L.) Plin. Sec. Pan. -More credence is reposed on united than on particular testimony. viduals can both mislead and be misled: but no one man ever yet succeeded in imposing on the whole world, nor has the whole world ever combined to deceive one man. The universal consent of mankind must be taken as the final decision on any given point.


3014. Melius, pejus, prosit, obsit, nil vident nisi quod lubet. (L.) Ter Heaut. 3, 41.-Better or worse, help or hurt, they see nothing but what suits their humour.

3015. Melius te posse negares

Bis terque expertum frustra: delere jubebat

Et male tornatos incudi reddere versus.


(L.) Hor. A. P. 439.

Tell him you found it hopeless to correct:

You've tried it twice and thrice without effect;

He'd calmly bid you make the three times four,

And take the unlicked cub in hand once more.-Conington.

3016. Membra reformidant mollem quoque saucia tactum : Vanaque sollicitis incutit umbra metum.

(L.) Ov. Ep. 2, 7, 13.

Of the least touch a wounded limb's afraid:
And timorous souls are frightened at a shade. -Ed.

3017. Me, me (adsum, qui feci) in me convertite ferrum
O Rutuli: mea fraus omnis: nihil iste nec ausus,
Nec potuit cælum hoc et conscia sidera testor.
(L.) Virg. A. 9, 427.

Nisus and Euryalus.

Me! me, he cried, turn all your swords alone
On me! The fact confess'd, the fault my own!
He neither could nor durst, the guiltless youth:

Yon heaven and stars bear witness to the truth.-Dryden.

3018. Memento mori. (L.)-Remember you must die. Motto of the Order of the Death's Head.

A reminder of our latter end. The Egyptians passed round a skull at their feasts for this purpose: and behind the Roman general in his triumphal chariot stood a slave whispering in his ear, Respice post te, hominem memento te, Look behind you, remember that you are but a man. The Russian Tsars used to be presented with specimens of marble at their Coronation, from which to select one for their tombs.

3019. Meminerunt omnia amantes. (L.) Ov. Her. 15, 43.Lovers remember everything.

3020. Memini etiam quæ nolo: oblivisci non possum quæ volo. (L.) Themist. ap. Cic. Fin. 2, 32, 104.—I remember things I had rather not: and I am unable to forget those I would.

3021. Memorabilia. (L.)-Things to be remembered. worthy of record.


3022. Memorem immemorem facit, qui monet quod memor meminit. (L.) Plaut. Ps. 4, 1, 30.-Who is for ever reminding a man of good memory of what he remembers, makes him forget.

3023. Memoria pii in æterna. (L.)—The remembrance of the just is eternal. Motto of Lord Sudeley.

3024. Memoria technica. (L.)-Artificial memory. Lines or sentences so composed as to contain any series of things necessary to be remembered, such as dates and principal


3025. Menace-moy de vivre et non pas de mourir. (Fr.) Sallebray (1640), Troade.—Threaten me with life and not with death. Andromache, Hector's wife, thus retorts on Ulysses in words that might well have been hurled in the face of Fouquier Tinville by the last survivor of some aristocratic house during the Reign of Terror.

3026. Mendacem memorem esse oportet. (L.) Quint. 4, 2, 91. -A liar should have a good memory. Corneille borrows the line for his Menteur, 4, 5: Il faut bonne mémoire, après qu'on a menti.

3027. Mendici, mimi, balatrones, hoc genus omne. (L.) Hor. S. 1, 2, 2.-Beggars, buffoons, and jesters, all this class. Id genus omne, All that class, is often used in the same way to denote in a comprehensive manner any category or description of people or things.

3028. Mene fugis? per ego has lachrymas, dextramque tuam te (Quando aliud mihi jam miseræ nihil ipsa reliqui) Per connubia nostra, per inceptos Hymenæos ; Si bene quid de te merui, fuit aut tibi quicquam Dulce meum, miserere domus labentis, et istam Oro, siquis adhuc precibus locus, exue mentem. (L.) Virg. A. 4, 314.

Dido's appeal to Æneas.

See whom you fly, am I the foe you shun?
Now, by those holy vows so late begun,

By this right hand (since I have nothing more
To challenge, but the faith you gave before);

I beg you by these tears so truly shed,

By the new pleasures of our nuptial bed;

If ever Dido, when you most were kind,

Were pleasing in your eyes, or touch'd your mind,

By these my pray'rs, if pray'rs may yet have place,
Pity the fortunes of a fallen race.—Dryden.

3029. Me nemo ministro Fur erit. (L.) Juv. 3, 46.—No man shall have my help to play the thief.

3030. Me non solum piget stultitiæ meæ, sed etiam pudet. (L.) Cic. ?—I am more than annoyed, I am ashamed at my


3031. Mens æqua rebus in arduis. (L.)-Self-controlled in difficulties. Motto of Viscount Hardinge and, omitting rebus, of Warren Hastings.

3032. Mens agitat molem. (L.) Virg. A. 6, 727.—A mind moves the mass. Said of the celestial principle of life supposed to animate the universe in all its parts. The disciples of St Simon adopted the words as motto for their scheme of regeneration of the masses by the lights of the "New Christianity."

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