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statute must give place to a later one. (11.) Lex rejicit superflua, pugnantia, incongrua.- The law rejects all superfluities, contradictions, and irrelevant matter. (12.) Lex semper dabit remedium.— The law always gives a remedy, i.e., for recovery of rights given. (13.) Lex spectat naturæ ordinem.-The law respects the order of nature. It will not compel any one to demand what he cannot


2797. L'exactitude de citer. C'est un talent plus rare que l'on ne pense. (Fr.) Bayle, Dict. Art. SANCHEZ, Remarques. -Exactness of quotation is a rarer talent than is commonly supposed.

2798. L'exactitude est la politesse des rois.

is the politeness of kings.


Maxim of Louis XVIII.

2799. Lex non scripta. (L.) The unwritten law, i.e., the Common law established by precedent and custom, as opposed to Equity and Canon law. (2.) Lex scripta.— Statute law, contained in the Statute Book. (3.) Lex talionis. The law of retaliation. An eye for an eye,


2800. L'expérience de beaucoup d'opinions donne à l'esprit beaucoup de flexibilité, et l'affermit dans celles qu'il croit les meilleures. (Fr.) Joubert?-An acquaintance with a wide range of opinions gives the mind great flexibility, and confirms it in the view which it believes to be the best.

2801. L'heure est à Dieu, l'espérance à tous. (Fr.)—The hour is in God's hands, Hope is in the reach of all. Inscription on sundial.

2802. L'histoire n'est que le tableau des crîmes et des malheurs. (Fr.) Volt. L'Ingénu, ch. 10.—History is indeed little else than a picture of human crimes and misfortunes. Gibbon (Decline and Fall, ch. 3) says: ". History, which is, indeed, little more than the register of the crimes, follies, and misfortunes of mankind."

2803. L'homme est de glace aux vérités,

Il est de feu pour les mensonges. (Fr.) La Font. 9, 6.
Where truth's concerned men are as ice,

But fire, when they're telling lies.-Ed.

2804. L'homme est toujours l'enfant, et l'enfant toujours l'homme. (Fr.)-The man is always the child, and the child is always the man.

2805. L'homme est un apprenti, le douleur est son maître;

Et nul ne se connaît, tant qu'il n'a souffert. (Fr.) A. de Musset, Nuit d'Octobre.-Man is an apprentice, sorrow is his master; and none knows himself until he has suffered.

2806. L'homme n'est jamais moins misérable, que quand il paroît dépourvu de tout. (Fr.) J. J. Rouss. Man is never less miserable than when he appears to have lost everything.

2807. L'homme n'est qu'un roseau le plus faible de la nature, mais c'est un roseau pensant. (Fr.) Pasc. Pens. 23, 6. -Man is but a reed, the weakest thing in all nature, but it is a reed that thinks.

2808. L'homme propose et Dieu dispose. (Fr.) Prov.-Man proposes and God disposes. Cf. Cor hominis disponit viam suam, sed Domini est dirigere gressus ejus. (L.) Vulg. Prov. xvi. 9.-A man's heart deviseth his way, but the Lord directeth his steps; and, Homo proponit, sed Deus disponit. A Kempis, Imitat. J. C. 1, 19, 2.

2809. L'homme, sujet ondoyant et divers. (Fr.) Montaigne, Essays, 1, 1.—Man is a wavering and inconstant thing. 2810. L'honneur acquis est caution de celui qu'on doit acquérir. (Fr.) La Rochef. Max. p. 68, § 278.-Honours acquired may be regarded as an earnest of those which are to follow.

2811. L'honneur sans argent n'est qu'une maladie. (Fr.) Rac. Plaid. 1, 1.-Honour (or title) without money is nothing else than a disease.

2812. L'hypocrisie est un hommage que le vice rend à la vertu. (Fr.) La Rochef. Max. p. 60, § 223.-Hypocrisy is the homage which vice renders to virtue.

2813. Libera chiesa in libero stato.

free State.

(It.)-A free church in a

The maxim of Cavour, and his last audible

words on his deathbed, June 6, 1861

2814. Libera Fortunæ mors est: capit omnia tellus
Quæ genuit cælo tegitur qui non habet urnam.

(L.) Luc. 7, 818.

Death's beyond Fortune's reach the earth finds room
For all she bare: and he that has no urn
Has heav'n to cover him.-Ed.

2815. Liberius si Dixero quid, si forte jocosius, hoc mihi juris

Cum venia dabis. (L.) Hor. S. 1, 4, 103.-If I have been too free or joking in my talk, you will, I trust, forgive me. 2816. Libertas. (L.)-Liberty. Motto of Lord Carbery. 2817. Libertas est potestas faciendi id quod jure licet. (L.) Law Max.-Liberty consists in the power of doing that which the law permits.

2818. Libertas in legibus. (L.)-Liberty in the law. Motto of Lord Wynford.

2819. Libertas inquit populi quem regna coercent
Libertate perit; cujus servaveris umbram
Si, quicquid jubeare, velis.

A people's liberty, where kings are strong,
Is lost through the abuse of it to wrong:
But you may keep the shadow of the word

(L.) Lucan.?

By doing what's ordered of your own accord.-Ed.

It will be the wisdom of the weaker party to save their dignity by a willing compliance with commands which they will in any case have to submit to.

2820. Libertas: quæ, sera, tamen respexit inertem

Respexit tamen, et longo post tempore venit. (L.) Virg. E. 1, 28, and 30.-Liberty, which late in life, yet at length regarded my helpless condition, and after a long while came to me.

2821. Libertas scelerum est, quæ regna invisa tuetur,

Sublatusque modus gladiis.

(L.) Luc. 8, 491.

Full range of crime and daggers freely drawn,

These are the props of hated governments.-Ed.

2822. Libertas sub rege pio. (L.)—Liberty under a pious king. Motto of Viscount Sidmouth.

2823. Libertas ultima mundi Quo steterit ferienda loco.


(L.) Lucan. 7, 580.

Where liberty had made her final stand,

There must she be assailed with impious hand.-Ed.

2824. Liberté toute entière. (Fr.)-Complete liberty. Motto of

Earl of Lanesborough.

2825. Libito fè licito. (It.)

pleasing she made law.

Dante, Inf. 5, 56.-What was

Like is law. Said of Semiramis.

She in vice

Of luxury was so shameless, that she made
Liking be lawful by promulged decree.-Cary.

Cf. Chaucer, Monkes Tale :

His lustes were as a law in his degree.


2826. Liceat concedere veris. (L.) Hor. S. 2, 3, 365.—Let us confess the truth.

2827. Licet superbus ambules pecunia,

Fortuna non mutat genus. (L.) Hor. Epod. 4, 5.— Although you may strut about, proud of your money, fortune does not change your low birth.

Fortune cannot change your blood,

Although you strut as if it could. (?)

2828. Liebe kennt der Allein, der ohne Hoffnung liebt. (G.) Schiller, Don Carl.-He only knows what love is, who loves without hope.

2829. Lieb ohne Gegenlieb ist wie eine Frage ohne Antwort. (G.) Prov.-Unrequited love is like a question without

an answer.

2830. Ligna crucis palmes cedrus cupressus oliva. (L.) The wood used in making the cross was vine, cedar, cypress, and olive.

2831. Limæ labor ac mora. (L.) Hor. A. P. 291.-The labour and tediousness of polishing (any work of art, poetry, painting, etc.) as though with a file.

2832. L'imagination est la folle du logis. (Fr.) Malebranche.— Imagination is the mad creation of the brain. Lit. the madwoman of the house.

2833. L'imagination galope, le jugement ne va que le pas. (Fr.)? -The imagination gallops, the judgment merely walks.

The former is impatient for the issue, which the latter patiently awaits.

2834. L'impossibilité où nous sommes de prouver que Dieu n'est pas, nous découvre son existence. (Fr.)?—The utter impossibility which we feel of proving that there is not a God, proclaims His existence.

2835. L'industrie des hommes s'épuise à briguer les charges, il ne leur en reste plus pour en remplir les devoirs. (Fr.) D'Alembert?-The energies of men are so exhausted in soliciting places, that they have none left to aid them in performing the duties which belong to them.

2836. L'influence féminine devient l'auxiliaire indispensable de tout pouvoir spirituel, comme le moyen âge l'a tant montré (Fr.) Comte-The influence of woman is the natural and indispensable auxiliary of all spiritual power, as the middle ages have so abundantly testified.

2837. Lingua mali pars pessima servi. (L.) Juv. 9, 120.-The tongue is the worst part of a bad servant.

2838. Lingua, sile; non est ultra narrabile quicquam. (L.) Ov. Ep. 2, 2, 61.-Silence, my tongue! not a word more must be spoken.

2839. L'injure se grave en métal;

Et le bienfait s'escrit en l'onde. (Fr.) Jean Bertaut († 1611).-Wrongs are engraved in metal, and kindnesses written in water.

Cf. Shakesp. Hen. VIII. 4, 2:

Men's evil manners live in brass: their virtues

We write in water.

and Sir T. More, Richard III., For men use, if they have an evil tourne, to write it in marble, and whoso doth us a good tourne we write it in duste.

2840. Linquenda tellus, et domus, et placens

Uxor, neque harum, quas colis, arborum,

Te, præter invisas cupressos,

Ulla brevem dominum sequetur.

(L.) Hor. C. 2, 14, 21.

Your land, your house, your lovely bride

Must lose you of your cherished trees

None to its fleeting master's side

Will cleave, but those sad cypresses.-Conington.

2841. L'institut des Jésuits est une épée dont la poignée est à Rome et la pointe partout. (Fr.) Dupin (Procès de tendance, 1825).-The order of the Jesuits is a sword the handle of which is at Rome and the point everywhere. Cf. L'Anti-coton, p. 73, 1610, "La Société de Jésus est une épée dont la lame est en France et la poignée a Rome." 2842. Lis litem generat. (L.)-Strife genders strife. 2843. List geht über Gewalt. (G.)


2844. L'Italia farà da se.

Prov.-Cunning outwits

(It.)-Italy will act by herself. Motto of the Italian Revolution of 1849, and attributed to Charles Albert, Gioberti, Cola di Rienzi, and others. (V. Büchmann, Gefl. W. 358.)

2845. Literæ Bellerophontis. (L.)-Bellerophon's letter.

Bellerophon was sent by Prætus, at the instigation of his wife
Sthenoboea, with a letter to Iobates to put the bearer to death.
Hence the bearer of any missive unfavourable to himself (like
Uriah's letter to Joab) is called a Bellerophon, and the letter, literæ
Bellerophontis. Cf. Plaut. Bacch. 4, 7, 12.

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