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180. Al fin se canta la Gloria. (S.) Prov.-At the end the Gloria is chanted. There is an end to all things. A happy termination.

181. Aliæ nationes servitutem pati possunt, populi Romani est propria libertas. (L.) Cic. Phil. 6, 7, 19.-Other nations can put up with servitude, liberty is the prerogative of the Roman people alone.

182. Aliam excute quercum. (L.) Prov.-Go and shake some other oak! Try some one else; you won't get any more out of me.

183. Alias.

(L.)-Otherwise. Thus, Jones alias Smith, alias Robinson, signifies that Jones passes under the assumed name or names (alias or aliases) of Smith or Robinson. (2.) Elsewhere, in another place. Employed in referring to passages in books and documents.

184. Alibi. (L.) Law Term.-Elsewhere.

Defence set up in criminal cases to show that accused was elsewhere when the act with which he is charged is said to have been committed.

"I know'd what 'ud come o' this here mode o' doin, bisness. Oh Sammy, Sammy, vy worn't there a alleybi !"—Pickwick Papers, chap. 33, fin.

185. Aliena negotia centum

Per caput, et circa saliunt latus. (L.) Hor. S. 2, 6, 33.
For other people's matters in a swarm

Buzz round my head and take my ears by storm.-Conington.

186. Aliena negotia curo Excussus propriis.

(L.) Hor. S. 2, 3, 19.

I make my neighbour's matters my sole care,

Seeing my own are damaged past repair.-Conington.

187. Aliena nobis, nostra plus aliis placent. (L.) Pub. Syr.? -We find most pleasure in what belongs to others, while they, again, are most taken with what belongs to us.

188. Aliena optimum frui insania. (L.) Prov.-It is best to profit by the madness of others.

189. Alienatio rei præfertur juri accrescendi. (L.) Law Max. -Alienation of property is favoured by the law rather than accumulation. The law opposes as far as possible any attempt to tie up property beyond a reasonable time. 190. Alieni appetens, sui profusus, ardens in cupiditatibus; satis loquentiæ, sapientiæ parum. (L.) Sall. C. 5, 4.


While coveting the wealth of others, he was at the same time lavish with his own. A man of passionate desires, fluent enough in speech but lacking wisdom.

190A. Alienis pedibus ambulamus, alienis oculis agnoscimus, aliena memoria salutamus, aliena opera vivimus. (L.) Plin. 29, 1, 8, § 19.-We take our walks by means of the feet of others, we recognise a friend through another's eyes, we salute him by another recalling his name, we live by the work of others, etc.

191. Alieni temporis flores. (L.)-Flowers of a bygone time. Villon in his Dames du temps jadis asks, “Mais où sont les roses d'antan?" (Fr.)-But where are last year's roses? Said of the joys of youth of which only the regretful memory remains.

192. Alieno in loco Haud stabile regnum est.

(L.) Sen. Her. Fur. 344.-Sovereignty over a distant kingdom is insecure, such as, e.g., the hold of England over India.

193. Alieno more vivendum est mihi.

(L.) Ter. And. 1, 1, 125.—I have to live according to another's humour.

194. Alienum est omne, quicquid optando venit. (L.) Pub. Syr. ap. Sen. Ep. 8.-Anything which comes to you according to your wishes cannot be called your own.

194A. Alii ventosis follibus auras


Excipiunt redduntque; alii stridentia tingunt
Era lacu. Gemit impositis incudibus antrum.
Virg. A. 8, 449.-Some ply the windy bellows, taking in
and giving forth blasts of air. Others plunge the hissing
metal in the water. The cavern groans 'neath the weight
of the anvils.

195. A l'impossible nul n'est tenu. (Fr.) Prov.-No one can be obliged to do what is impossible.

196. Aliquid facerem ut hoc ne facerem. (L.) Ter. And. 1, 5, 24.—I would do anything not to do this.

197. Aliquis in omnibus, nullus in singulis. (L.)-Having some knowledge of all things and perfect in none. Jack of all trades and master of none.

198. Aliquis non debet esse judex in propria causa, quia non potest esse judex et pars. (L.) Law Max.-No one may be judge in his own case, because no one may be judge

and suitor at the same time. Thus, a magistrate withdraws from the bench during the investigation of a case in which he is personally interested, as, e.g., a charge of trespass upon his own land.

199. Alitur vitium vivitque tegendo. (L.) Virg. G. 3, 454.The evil is fostered and grows by concealment.

200. Aliud est celare, aliud tacere. (L.) Law Max.-Concealment is one thing, silence is another. A dealer may be

innocently silent respecting some vice in a horse on the subject of which he was not interrogated and gave no warranty.

201. Alium silere quod voles, primus sile. (L.) Sen. Hipp. 376.—If you wish to silence another, be silent first yourself.

202. Allá vayas, mal, adó te pongan buen cabeçal. (S.) Prov -Away with you, sickness, to the places where they make you a good pillow to take

your ease.

203. Alle anderen Dinge müssen; der Mensch ist das Wesen, welches will. (G.) Schill. Das Erhabene.-All other things "must," man is the only being who can "will."

204. Alle Frachten lichten, sagte der Schiffer, da warf er seine Frau über Bord. (G.) Prov.-All freight lightens, said the skipper, as he flung his wife overboard.

205. Allegans contraria non est audiendus. (L.) Logical and Legal Max. No one is to be heard who asserts things contradictory to each other.

A rule applicable in testing credibility of witness making contradictory statements in court of justice, in enforcing duties attached to certain benefits, in estoppel, etc.

206. Aller Anfang ist schwer, Sprach der Dieb und stahl zuerst einen Amboss. (G.) Prov.-All beginnings are hard, said the thief, when he began by stealing an anvil.

207. Alles Gescheidte ist schon gedacht worden, man muss nur versuchen, es noch einmal zu denken. (G.) Goethe, Sprüche. Everything wise has already been thought out; one can only try and think it once more.

208. Alles in der Welt lässt sich ertragen,

Nur nicht eine Reihe von schönen Tagen. (G.) Goethe,
Sprüchwörtlich, 1815.-Everything in the world is to be

borne, only not a succession of fine days. Luther, bk. lvii. p. 128, had already said, Gute Tage können wir nicht ertragen, We cannot bear fine days.

209. Alles wäre gut, wär kein Aber dabei. (G.) Prov.Everything would be right if it were not for "Buts."

210. Alles was ist, ist vernünftig.

(G.)-Everything that is, is reasonable. Abbrev. form of Hegel's words (Rechtsphilosophie, Preface, p. 17), Was vernünftig ist, das ist wirklich und was wirklich ist, das ist vernünftig. Cf. Pope, Essay on Man, 1, 294: "Whatever is, is right."

211. Allia vina Venus fumus faba lumen et ignis
Ista nocent oculis, sed vigilare magis.

Garlick, wine, women, smoke, beans, fire, and light
Hurt th' eyes, but most to lie awake at night.-Ed.

212. Allons, allons, saute Marquis!

-Come, come Marquis, jump!


(Fr.) Regnard, Joueur.

213. Allons, enfants de la patrie! (Fr.) Rouget de Lisle († 1836).—Come, children of our country! First words of the famous Republican song, La Marseillaise, composed April 25, 1792, and set to a melody from a mass of Holtzmann.

214. Allwissend bin ich nicht; doch viel ist mir bewusst. (G.) Goethe, Faust, Studirzimmer.

Meph. Omniscient am I not, though I know much.-Ed.

214A. Allzuviel ist nicht genug. (G.)—Too much is not enough. 215. Alma mater. (L.)—A kind mother. Applied to the university, school, or early scenes of any one's education. 215A. Al merito militar. (S.)-For military merit. Order of St Ferdinand (Spain).

216. A l'œuvre on connaît l'artisan.

(Fr.) La Font. 1, 21.

By the work one knows the workman.

217. A los bobos se les aperece la Madre de Dios. (S.) Prov. -The Mother of God appears to fools.

218. Als Adam grub, und Eva spann,

Wer war da der Edelmann?

When Adam delved and Eve span.
Who was then the gentleman?


219. Alta mane; supraque tuos exsurge dolores;

Infragilemque animum, quod potes, usque tene. (L.) Ov. ad Liv. 353.-Be brave, and rise superior to your sorrows, and maintain (for you can) a spirit that cannot be broken.

220. Alta sedent civilis vulnera dextræ. (L.) Luc. 1, 32.— Deep-seated are the wounds of civil war.

221. Alte fert aquila. (L.)—The eagle bears me on high. Lord Monteagle.

221A. Altera manu fert lapidem, altera panem ostentat.



He carries a stone in one hand, and shows you

bread in the other.

222. Alter ego. (L.)—A second self. Said of intimate friends. Cf. the Greek, ò éτaîpos, ëтepos éyw. Clem. Al. 450.—A companion is like a second self. (2.) Alter idem (same signif.). Cf. Amicus est tanquam alter idem. Cic. Sen. 21, 82.-A friend is a kind of second self; like the Greek Tepot ávroí of Arist. Eth. M. 8, 12, 3.

223. Alterius non sit qui suus esse potest. (L.)—Let no one be at the beck of another man who can be his own master. Chosen as motto by Paracelsus, and thought to be of his composing (vide Fournier, L'Esprit des autres, 187).

224. Alter rixatur de lana sæpe caprina

Propugnat nugis armatus.

Your blunt fellow battles for a straw,

(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 5.

As though he'd knock you down or take the law.-Conington. 225. Altiora in votis. (L.)-I wish for what is higher. Highgate School,

226. A.M. (L.)-Abbrev. for, Anno Mundi, Year of the world; Ante Meridiem, Before noon; Artium Magister, or M.A., Master of Arts.

227. Ama l'amico tuo col vizio suo. (It.) Prov.-Love your friend with his faults.

228. Amans semper, quod timet, esse putat. (L.) Ov. A. A. 3, 720.-A lover always believes it to be as he


229. Amantes, amentes.


(L.)-Lovers, lunatics.

In love,

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