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2394. J'ai bonne cause. Marquess of Bath.

(Fr.)-I have good reason. Motto of

2395. J'ai failli attendre. (Fr.)-I was all but kept waiting. Told of Louis XIV. upon some trifling unpunctuality

being shown him, but probably fabulous, and ill-suiting the naturally restrained character of the King.

2396. J'aime mieux ma mie. (Fr.)—I love my sweetheart better. Refrain of an old song, beginning "Je dirais au Roi Henri," and attributed to Antony de Bourbon, father of Henry IV.

2397. J'ai vécu. (Fr.)—I existed. Famous mot of Sieyes when asked what he did during the "Terror" of the Revolution (Mignet, Notices Hist. 1, 81).

2398. Jamais arrière. (Fr.)—Never behind. M. of Earl of Selkirk. 2399. Jamais la cornemuse ne dit mot si elle n'a le ventre plein. (Fr.) Prov.-The bagpipe will never utter a word unless

it has its belly full. A man wants his dinner before he can sing or speak.

2400. Jamais l'innocence et le mystére n'habitèrent long tems ensemble. (Fr.)?—Innocence and mystery never dwelt long together.

2401. Jamais on ne vaincra les Romains que dans Rome. (Fr.)? -Never will the Romans be conquered but in Rome. 2402. Jam dudum animus est in patinis. (L.) Ter. Eun. 4, 7, 46. My thoughts have for some time been among the stewpans. I am hungry. My stomach is crying cupboard.

2403. Jam non ad culmina rerum

Injustos crevisse queror: tolluntur in altum

Ut lapsu graviore ruant.


Claud. Ruf. 1, 21.

Prosperity of the wicked.

I grieve no longer that ungodly men

Are raised to Fortune's highest pinnacle:

They're lifted high, on purpose, that they may

Be hurled, with crash more awful, to the ground.-Ed.

2404. Jam pauca aratro jugera regiæ

Moles relinquent.

(L.) Hor. C. 2, 15, 1.

Few roods of ground the piles we raise

Will leave to plough.-Conington.

Great tracts of land withdrawn from cultivation to form extensive demesnes around the habitations of the rich.

2405. Jamque opus exegi quod nec Jovis ira, nec ignis, Nec poterit ferrum, nec edax abolere vetustas. (L.) Ov. M. 15, 871.

Completion of the Metamorphoses.

And now I've finished a work that not Jove's rage
Nor fire nor sword can kill, nor cank'ring age.-Ed.

2406. Jamque quiescebant voces hominumque canumque;
Lunaque nocturnos alta regebat equos.


(L.) Ov. T. 1, 3, 27.

Now men and dogs were silent; in the height
The Moon drove on the horses of the night.-Ed.

2407. Jam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna.

(L.) Virg. E. 4, 6.

Return of the Golden Age.

The Virgin now returns, and Saturn's blissful reign.—Ed.

2408. Jam seges est ubi Troja fuit, resecandaque falce Luxuriat Phrygio sanguine pinguis humus.

The site of Troy.

(L.) Ov. H. 1, 53.

The scythe now reaps the corn where Ilion stood,

And fields are fattened with the Trojan's blood.-Ed.

2409. Januis clausis. (L.)-With closed doors. The sitting was held januis clausis, with all secrecy.

2410. J'appelle un chat un chat, et Rolet un fripon. (Fr.) Boil. S. 1, 57.—I call a cat a cat, and Rolet a cheat. As we say "Call a spade a spade.”

Half afraid of the consequences (Rolet was an attorney whom it was dangerous to provoke), B. appended a note to the name,. "Innkeeper at Blois;" but, oddly enough, there was an innkeeper at Blois of the same name, who immediately threatened proceedings against the poet.

2411. Jasper fert myrrhum, thus Melchior, Balthazar aurum. Hæc quicum secum portet tria nomina regum, Solvitur a morbo, Domini pietate, caduco.

The Three Kings of Cologne.

Jasper brings myrrh, and Melchior incense brings,
And gold Balthazar to the King of Kings:

Whoso the names of these three monarchs bears
Is safe, through grace, of Epilepsy's fears.-Ed.


Mediæval Latin verse. The names of the three Magi borne by anyone, or worn as an amulet, were anciently believed to act as a preservative against the falling sickness.

2412. Je allseitiger, je individueller. (G.) Mme. Varnhagen.The more many-sided a man is, the greater his individuality. The more a person extends his sympathies and broadens his feelings, the more original does he become.

2413. Jean s'en alla comme il était venu,
Mangeant le fonds avec le revenu.

John went home as he had come,
Spending capital and income.-Ed.

2414. Je cognois tout, fors que moy-mesme.
know everything, except myself.

(Fr.) La Font.?

(Fr.) Villon-I

2415. Jede Periode des Lebens hat ihre Leidenschaften; das Alter, das man für die weiseste halten sollte, hat gewöhnlich die schmutzigsten. (G.) Seume-Every period of life has its passions: old age, which one would imagine to be the wisest, has generally the nastiest.

2416. Jeder muss ein Paar Narrenschuhe zerreissen, zerreisst er nicht mehr. (G.) Prov.-Every one has to wear out one pair of fool's shoes, if he wear out no more.

2417. Jedes Weib will lieber schön als fromm sein. (G.) Prov.Every woman would rather be pretty than pious.

2418. Jejunus raro stomachus vulgaria temnit. (L.) Hor. S. 2, 2, 38.-A hungry stomach does not often despise coarse food. 2419. Je le tiens. (Fr.)-I hold it. Motto of Lord Audley. 2420. Je maintiendrai. (Fr.)-I will maintain it. William III. and the Earl of Malmesbury.

2421. Je m'estonne fort pourquoy

La mort osa songer a moy

Qui ne songeais jamais à elle.

Motto of

(Fr.) Regnier (his own epitaph).

I wonder Death should think of me

Who never thought of death.-Ed.

2422. Je me fie en Dieu. (Fr.)—I put my trust in God. Motto of Lord Windsor.

2423. Je n'ai fait celle-ci plus longue que parce que je n'ai pas eu

le loisir de la faire plus courte. (Fr.) Pasc. Prov. 16. -I have made this letter longer than usual, only because I had not the time to make it shorter.

2424. Je n'ai merité

Ni cet excès d'honneur, ni cette indignité. (Fr.) Rac. Britann. 2, 3 (Junia loq.).-I have deserved neither such excessive honour, nor such excessive indignity.

2425. Je ne cherche qu'un. (Fr.)—I seek but one. Motto of Marquess of Northampton.

2426. Je n'en ai point d'ennemis que ceux de l'Estat. (Fr.) Richelieu, Test. Pol.-I have no enemies but those of the State. The reply of Richelieu on his death-bed, when asked by the priest if he forgave his enemies.

2427. Je ne suis pas la rose mais j'ai vécu près d'elle. (Fr.)?—I am not the rose, but I have lived near her.

2428. Je n'oublierai jamais. (Fr.)—I will never forget. Motto of Marquess of Bristol.

2429. Je pense. (Fr.)-I think. Motto of Earl of Wemyss and March. (2.) Je pense plus.—I do not think any more. Motto of Earl of Mar.

2430. Je plie et ne romps pas. (Fr.) La Font. 1, 22.—I bend, but do not break. This may be said of a good steel blade, or of a person who is obliging without being weak. 2431. Je sais à mon pot comment les autres bouillent.


Prov.-I can tell by my own pot how the others are boiling. I know what others feel from my own feelings. 2432. Je suis assez semblable aux girouettes, qui ne se fixent que quand elles sont rouillées. (Fr.) Volt. to M. d'Albaret. -I am very like the weathercocks which only stand in one position when they get rusty. Versatility, variety are essential to an author's well-being. Cf. Barthélemy's Ma justification. "L'homme absurde est celui qui ne change jamais," The absurd man is he who never changes.

2433. Je suis prêt. (Fr.)—I am ready. Motto of Lords Farnham and Lovat.

2434. Je t'aime d'autant plus que je t'estime moins. (Fr.) Collé, Cocatrix.-I love you all the more that I respect you but little.

2435. J'étais poête, historien,

Et maintenant je ne suis rien. (Fr.) Boudier (his own epitaph).—I once was poet and historian, and now I am nothing at all.

2436. J'étais pour Ovide à quinze ans,

Mais je suis pour Horace à trente. (Fr.) Ducerceau. -I was all for Ovid at fifteen, but I am for Horace at thirty.

2437. Jeter le manche après la cognée. (Fr.) Prov.-To throw the helve after the hatchet. To yield to despair and, after one misfortune, to throw away all means of recovery. (Fr.)-Horse-play is vulgar play. (2.) Jeu de mots.-Play upon words; pun, quibble. (3.) Jeu d'esprit.-A witticism. théâtre.-Stage effect; clap-trap.

2438. Jeu de main, jeu de vilain.

(4.) Jeu de

2439. Jeune, et dans l'âge heureux qui méconnait la crainte. (Fr.)-Young, and at that happy age which ignores fear. 2440. Jeune, on conserve pour sa vieillesse: vieux, on épargne pour la mort. (Fr.) La Bruy. Car. vol. i. p. 117.-In youth men save for the period of old age; in age, they hoard in prospect of death.

2441. Je vais quérir un grand peut-être. (Fr.)-I am going in search of a great may be."

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Message of Rabelais on his deathbed to the Cardinal de Chatillon (see Sketch of author prefixed to Œuvres de Rabelais, by M. Dupont, 1865, vol. 1, p. xvii.). The phrase is sometimes varied to Je m'en vay chercher un grand peust-être.

2442. Je veux de bonne guerre.

Motto of Lord Wenlock.

(Fr.)-I desire fair fighting.

2443. Je veux que le dimanche chaque paysan ait sa poule au pot. (Fr.) Henry IV.-I desire that every French peasant may be able to have his chicken in the pot for the Sunday's dinner.

2444. J'évite d'être long, et je deviens obscure. (Fr.)


A. P.-In avoiding diffuseness, I become obscure (1004). 2445. Je vive en espoir. (Fr.)—I live in hope. Motto of Earl of Stradbroke.

2446. Joindre les mains, c'est bien : les ouvrir, c'est mieux. (Fr.) Prov. To close one's hands is well; to open them is better. Prayer is good, alms are better.

2447. Jour de ma vie.

Lord Sackville.

my life!

(Fr.)-The day of my life. Motto of Used by the French as an oath, “By

2448. Jovis omnia plena. (L.) Virg. E. 3, 60.-All is full of Jove (God). The whole universe attests the power and presence of the Most High.

2449. Jucunda memoria est præteritorum malorum. (L.) Cic. Fin. 2, 32, 105.-The remembrance of past misery is sweet. Cf. Jucundi acti labores. Id. ibid.-Completed toil is pleasant to look back upon.

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