85. Ad libitum or ad lib. (L.)-At pleasure; without restraint; to one's heart's content. In music, it signifies that the "time" of the passage may be extended at will according to the taste of the performer. 86. Ad mala quisque animum referat sua. (L.) Ov. R. A. 559.-Let each one call to mind his own woes. 87. Ad minora illa . . . demittere me non recusabo. (L.) Quint. Procem. § 5.—I will not refuse to descend to even the most minute particulars. I will enter into all and every detail, if you desire it. $8. Admonere voluimus, non mordere ; prodesse, non lædere; consulere morbis hominum, non officere. (L.) Erasm. ?—— My object is, to advise, not to wound; to be of service, not to hurt; to cure the failings of mankind, not to obstruct their remedy. 89. Ad morem villæ de Poole. (L.)—After the custom of the town of Poole. Motto of Borough of Poole. 90. Ad ogni santo la sua torcia or candela. (It.)—Every saint his torch or candle. Every one should have his proper honours and precedence allowed him. A compliment should be paid to all. 91. Ad ogni uccello suo nido è bello. (It.) Prov.-Every bird thinks its own nest beautiful. Be it never so humble, there's no place like home. -J. H. Payne, Opera of Clari. 92. Ad ognuno par più grave la croce sua. (It.) Prov.— Every one thinks his own cross the heaviest. 93. Ad omnem libidinem projectus homo. (L.)?—A man addicted to every species of debauchery. Justinus (41, 3, 9), speaking of the Parthians, describes them as in libidinem projecti, in cibum parci (immoderate in gratifying their animal passions, sparing in the use of food). 94. Adornare verbis benefacta. (L.) Plin. Ep. 1, 8, 15.— To enhance the worth of a favour by kind words. Gifts of little or no intrinsic worth are often rendered valuable by the manner or words with which they are given. 95. Ad pœnitendum properat, cito qui judicat. (L.) Pub. Syr. 6.-Who decides hastily, is hurrying to repentance. 96. Ad perniciem solet agi sinceritas. (L.) Phædr. 4, 13, 3. Sincerity is often driven to its own ruin. 97. Ad populum phaleras, ego te intus et in cute novi. (L.) Pers. 3, 30.-Keep your finery for the mob, I know your nature, inside as well as out. Such pageantry be to the people shown, There boast thy horse's trappings and thy own; I know thee to the bottom, from within Thy shallow centre to thy utmost skin. (?) 98. Ad quæ noscenda iter ingredi, transmittere mare solemus, ea sub oculis posita negligimus: seu quia ita compar atum, ut proximorum incuriosi, longinqua sectemur: seu quod omnium rerum cupido languescit quum facilis occasio est. (L.) Plin. Sec. Ep. 8, 20, 1. Foreign travel. We generally cross the sea in order to gain a knowledge of things, neglecting all the while what is under our nose: either because it is part of human nature to be always seeking distant scenes, and to care little for what is near; or, because the greater the facility there is for gratifying a desire, the less is the advantage taken of it. 99. Ad quæstionem legis respondent judices, ad quæstionem facti respondent juratores. (L.) Law Max.-It is the business of the judge to instruct the jury in points of law, of the jury to decide on matters of fact. 100. Ad quod damnum. (L.) Law Term.-To what damage. A writ sued before granting certain liberties (such as the holding of a fair or market), which may be prejudicial to the king granting it, or the public. The sheriff is therefore directed to inquire what damage may possibly result from the grant in question.-Brand and Cox, Dict. of Science, etc. 101. Ad referendum. (L.)-To be referred, or to be left for future consideration. 102. Ad rem. (L.) To the point, or purpose. As, e.g., Nihil ad rem.-It is not to the point; it is beside the question. 103. Adscriptus glebæ. (L.)-Tied to the soil. Term used describing the status of the serf or slave, who, in feudal times, was attached to his lord's demesne, and went with it, like other chattels. 104. Adsit Regula, peccatis quæ pœnas irroget æquas; Ne scutica dignum horribili sectere flagello. (L.) Hor. S. 1, 3, 117. Be just and mete to crime its condign pain; Nor use the murd'rous lash where suits the cane.-Ed. 105. Adstrictus necessitate. (L.) Cic. N. D. 1, 7, 17.—Bound by necessity. Driven by the irresistible force of circumstances to the performance of any act. 106. Ad summos honores alios scientia juris, alios eloquentia, alios gloria militaris provexit; huic versatile ingenium sic pariter ad omnia fuit, ut natum ad id unum diceres, quodcunque ageret. (L.) Liv. 39, 40. The Elder Cato. Some men attain power by their great legal abilities, some by their eloquence, some by military achievements; but he was a person of such versatile talents, and so equally adapted for any and every pursuit, that let him be doing what he would, you would have said that it was the very thing that nature had intended him for. 107. Ad suum quemque æquum est quæstum esse callidum. (L.) Plaut. As. 1, 3, 34.-Every man is naturally alive to his own interests. 108. Ad tristem partem strenua est suspicio. (L.) Pub. Syr. ? -One is keen to suspect quarters from which we have once received hurt. 109. Adulandi gens prudentissima laudat Sermonem indocti, faciem deformis amici. (L.) Juv. 3, 86. Flatterers. A friend, the crafty flatt'ring race will praise; 110. Ad valorem. (L.)—According to the value. Phrase used in imposing duties on articles of merchandise, either at the import or export, when they are to pay so much ad valorem, or according to their value. 111. Adversa virtute repello. (L.)—I repel misfortune by virtue. Motto of Lord Londesborough. 112. Ædificare in tuo proprio solo non licet quod alteri noceat. (L.) Law Max.-No one has a right to erect a new edifice on his ground, so as to prejudice what has long been enjoyed by another, as e.g., a new building, obscuring the light and air from a previously erected house. 113. Egrescitque medendo. (L.) Virg. A. 12, 46.-He destroys his health by the pains he takes to preserve it. The life of the valetudinarian. Cf. the Italian epitaph of a person of this description: Stavo ben, ma per star meglio, sto qui,-"I was well; I would be better; and here I am (Spectator, 25). Cf. Celuy meurt tous les jours, qui languit en vivant. (Fr.) Pierrard Poullet (1595), La Charité.-He dies every day who lives a lingering life. 114. Egritudinem laudare, unam rem maxime detestabilem, quorum est tandem philosophorum? (L.) Cic. Tusc. 4, 25, 55-Pray what sort of philosophy is it to praise melancholy, about the most detestable thing in the world? 115. Egroto, dum anima est, spes esse dicitur. (L.) Prov. ap. Cic. Att. 9, 10, 3.-While a sick man has life, it is said that there is hope. 116. Ægyptum quam mihi laudabas, Serviane charissime, totam didici levem pendulam et ad omnia famæ momenta volitantem. Genus hominum seditiosissimum vanissimum injuriosissimum. (L.) Hadrian ap. Vop. Saturn. 8, p. 960 (Hist. August). Character of the Egyptians. Dearest Servian,-In spite of your commendations lavished upon Egypt, I find the people to be as frivolous and untrustworthy as possible, and fluttering at every wave of rumour. They are the most revolutionary, excitable, and criminal race that can be imagined. The character of the people seems to have undergone little change since the emperor wrote these lines 1800 years ago. 117. Emulatio æmulationem parit. (L.) Prov.-Emulation begets emulation. Nothing like competition. 118. Emulus atque imitator studiorum ac laborum. (L.) Cf. Cic. Marc. 1, 2.-The rival and imitator of the studies and labours of another. 119. Aendern und bessern sind zwei. (G.) Prov.—To change and to better are two different things. 120. Æquabiliter et diligenter. (L.)-Equitably and diligently. Motto of Earl Redesdale and Lord Truro. 121. Æquâ lege necessitas Sortitur insignes et imos; Omne capax movet urna nomen. Even-handed Fate Hath but one law for small and great: (L.) Hor. C. 3, 1, 15. That ample urn holds all men's names.-Calverley. 122. Equam memento rebus in arduis Servare mentem, non secus in bonis Ab insolenti temperatam Lætitia. (L.) Hor. C. 2, 3, 1. Let pleasure make your heart too proud.-Conington. The first line was written by the Constable Montmorency (16th cent.) over his castle gate, and eventually gave, from its initial word, the name to the castle itself-Equam, corrupted in course of time to Ecouen. 123. Equanimiter. (L.) With equanimity. Motto of Lord Suffield. 124. qua tellus Pauperi recluditur Regumque pueris. Earth removes the impartial sod (L.) Hor. C. 2, 18, 32. Alike for beggar and for monarch's child.-Conington. 125. Æquat munia comparis. (L.) Cf. Hor. C. 2, 5, 2.—She discharges the duties of a partner. Motto of the Order of St Catherine (Russia), instituted by Tsar Peter the Great in honour of his consort, Catherine I. 126. Equitas enim lucet per se: dubitatio cogitationem significat injuriæ. (L.) Cic. Off. 1, 9, 30.-Integrity shines by its own light, while hesitancy suggests the idea of wrongful action. 127. quo animo. Penrhyn. (L.)—With equanimity. Motto of Lord 128. Æquum est Peccatis veniam poscentem reddere rursus. (L.) Hor. S. 1, 3, 74. It is but just and right that they who claim 129. Æra nitent usu; vestis bona quærit haberi ; Canescunt turpi tecta relicta situ. (L.) Ov. Am. 1, 8, 51. Brass shines with use; good clothes, unworn, grow old; And empty houses whiten soon with mould.-Ed. 130. Ærugo animi, rubigo ingenii. (L.) Sen.-The rust of the mind is the blight of genius. Cf. Rubigo animorum. Sen. Ep. 95, 36.-The rust of the mind. 131. Estuat ingens Imo in corde pudor, mixtoque insania luctu, Et Furiis agitatus amor, et conscia virtus. Fierce boils in every vein Indignant shame and passion blind, The soldier's high disdain.-Conington. 132. Ætatem Priami Nestorisque Health not long life. The man to whom old Priam's years (L.) Virg. 12, 666. (L.) Mart. 6, 70, 12. |