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1078. Derivativa potestas non potest esse major primitiva. (L.) Law Max.-Derived power cannot be greater than the power of the fountain head from which it springs.

1079. Der Krieg ist schrecklich, wie des Himmels Plagen,

Doch ist er gut, ist ein Geschenk wie sie. (G.) Schill.
Wallenstein's Tod.-War is terrible as the Plagues of
Heaven, still it is good and is a gift as they are.

1080. Der Lebende hat Recht. (G.) Schill. An die Freunde.— The living is right.

1081. Der Mensch erfährt, er sei auch, wo er mag,

Ein letztes Glück und einen letzten Tag. (G.) Goethe, Essex, Epilog.-Man experiences, wherever he may be, a last pleasure and a last day.

1082. Der Mensch ist nicht geboren frei zu sein,

Und für den Edeln ist kein schöner Glück

Als einem Fürsten, den er ehrt, zu dienen. (G.) Goethe, Tasso.-Man is not born to be free, and for the noble spirit there is no greater fortune than to serve a Prince whom he honours.

1083. Der Mensch liebt nur einmal. (G.) Prov.—Man only loves once.

1084. Der Umgang mit Frauen ist das Element guter Sitten. (G.) Goethe, Wahlverwandschaften.-The society of women is the school of good manners.

1085. Descriptas servare vices, operumque colores,

Cur ego, si nequeo ignoroque, poeta salutor?

(L.) Hor. A. P. 86.

Why hail me poet, If I fail to seize

The shades of style, its fixed proprieties ?-Conington.

1086. De scurra multo facilius divitem, quam patrem familias fieri posse. (L.) Prov. ap. Cic. Quint. 17, 55.—It is

much easier to make a rich man of a buffoon than a sober father of a family.

1087. Des dieux que nous servons, connais la différence,

Les tiens t'ont commandé le meurtre et la vengeance:
Le mien, lorsque ton bras vient de m'assassiner,
M'ordonne de te plaindre et de te pardonner.

(Fr.) Voltaire, Alzire.

Of the Gods that we worship the difference see:
To avenge and to kill is enjoined unto thee;
But mine, when I fall 'neath thy murderous blow,
Only bids me feel pity and pardon bestow.-Ed.

1088. Desiderantem quod satis est, neque
Tumultuosum sollicitat mare,
Nec sævus Arcturi cadentis
Impetus, aut orientis Hædi.

Who having competence has all,
The tumult of the sea defies,
Nor fears Arcturus' angry fall,

(L.) Hor. C. 3, 1, 25.

Nor fears the kid-star's sullen rise.-Conington.

1089. Desideratum. (L.)-A thing to be desired.

provement, etc., is a great desideratum.

Such an im

1090. Desinant Maledicere, facta ne noscant sua. (L.) Ter. And. Prol. 22.-Let them cease to speak ill of others, lest they come to hear of their own misdoings.

1091. Desine fata Deum flecti sperare precando.

(L.) Virg. A. 6, 376.

No longer dream that human prayer

The will of Fate can overbear.-Conington.

1092. Desine quapropter, novitate exterritus ipsa, Exspuere ex animo rationem; sed magis acri Judicio perpende, et, si tibi vera videntur Dede manus: aut si falsum est, accingere contra. (L.) Lucret. 2, 1040.

Cease, then, in terror of mere novelty,

To drive all reason from your mind, but rather weigh
With accurate judgment. If the thing be true,
Assent: if false, attack it hardily.-Ed.

1093. Désir de Dieu et désir de l'homme sont deux. (Fr.) Breton Prov.-God's will and man's will are two different things.

1094. Des Lebens Mühe

Lehrt uns allein des Lebens Güter schätzen. (G.) Goethe, Tasso.-The work of life alone teaches us to value the good of life.

1095. Des Menschen Engel ist die Zeit. (G.) Schill. Wall. Tod. 5, 11 (Octavio loq.).-Time is the Angel of humanity. 1096. Des Menschen Wille, das ist sein Glück. (G.) Schill. Wallenstein's Lager.-The will of man, that is his happiCf. Sebastian Franck's Sprichwörter sammlung (1532) No. 16, Des Menschen Wille ist sein Himmelreich, Man's will is his kingdom of heaven.


1097. Des taupes dans chez nous et des lynx chez autrui. (Fr.) D'Esternod, Tableau des Ambitieux, etc., see Variétés hist. et litt. 4, 58.

Moles to our own, lynxes to others' faults.—Ed.

1098. Desunt cætera. (L.)-The rest is wanting. Placed at the end of an imperfect story or sentence.

1099. Desunt inopiæ multa, avaritiæ omnia. (L.) Pub. Syr. ap. Sen. Ep. 108.-Poverty wants many things, avarice every thing.

1100. Détestables flatteurs, present le plus funeste

Que puisse faire aux rois la colère celeste.

(Fr.) Rac. Phèdre, 4, 6.

Detested flatterers! the most fatal gift

Heav'n in its wrath can send to wretched kings!-Ed.

(Phèdre's dying words.)

1101. Det ille veniam facile, cui venia est opus.

(L.) Sen.

Agam. 267.-Who needs forgiveness, should the same extend with readiness.

1102. Detrahet auctori multum fortuna licebit;

Tu tamen ingenio clara ferere meo.

Dumque legar, mecum pariter tua fama legetur;

Nec potes in mastos omnis abire rogos.

To his wife.

(L.) Ov. T. 5, 14, 3.

Let fortune disparage my verse as she will,

Your fame shall shine bright enough thanks to my art.

As long as I'm read, they'll remember you still,

And your mem'ry survive e'en when life shall depart.-Ed.

1103. Detur aliquando otium Quiesque fessis. (L.) Sen. Her. Fur. 925.-Grant at length to the weary ease and rest.

1104. Detur digniori. (L.) Let it be given to the most worthy. (2.) Detur pulchriori.-Let it be given to the most fair. The inscription on the golden apple cast upon the banquet-table of the Gods in the halls of Peleus, and awarded by Paris, son of Priam, King of Troy, to Venus, in preference to Juno and Minerva, who each claimed. the prize.

1105. Detur Gloria soli Deo. (L.) Let Glory be given to God alone. Dulwich College.

1106. Deum cole, regem serva. (L.)-Worship God, preserve the king. Motto of Earl of Enniskillen.

1107. Deus aut bestia. (L.) ?—A god or a brute.

Latin version

of Aristotle's (Pol. 1, 2) axiom on mankind, which is either godlike or bestial according as it curbs or indulges its animal passions.

1108. Deus dat incrementum. (L.)-God gives the increase. Tonbridge Grammar School and Fruiterers' Company.

1109. Deus hæc fortasse benigna Reducet in sedem vice. (L.) Hor. Epod. 13, 7.-God will, perhaps, by some gracious change, restore matters to their former state.

1110. Deus major columna. (L.)-God is the greater support. Motto of Lord Henniker.

1111. Deus mihi providebit. (L.)-God will provide for me. Motto of Lord Keane.

1112. Deus nobis hæc otia fecit. (L.) Virg. E. 1, 6.-This peaceful life (home) came from the hand of God.

1113. Deus vult. (L.)-God wills it.

The Council of Clermont, 1095, held under Urban II. for considering the project of a crusade against the Turks, broke up amid unanimous shouts of Deus vult (It is God's will), and the words became eventually the battle-cry of the First Crusade.

1114. Deux etions et n'avions qu'un cœur. (Fr.) Villon, Ron

deaux. We were two and had but one heart between us. Said of a perfectly mutual friendship or love.

1115. De votre esprit la force est si puissante

Que vous pourriez vous passer de beauté:
De vos attraits la grâce est si piquante
Que sans esprit vous auriez enchanté.

Impromptu of Voltaire.

The sparkle of your wit is such

You'd charm, were beauty wanting:
Your looks and air attract so much

That dumb, you're still enchanting.-Ed.


1116. Dextro tempore. (L.) (L.) Hor. S. 2, 1, 18.—At a lucky


1117. Di bene fecerunt, inopis me quodque pusilli

Finxerunt animi, raro et perpauca loquentis. (L.) Hor. S. 1, 4, 17.—The Gods did well who made me of a poor and feckless spirit that speaks but seldom and little.

Thank heaven that formed me of unfertile mind

My speech not copious, and my thoughts confined. - Conington, 1118. Dicam insigne recens adhuc Indictum ore alio.

(L.) Hor. C. 3, 25, 7.

Sweet and strange shall be my lays,
A tale till now by poet's voice unsung.-Conington.

1119. Dicebam, Medicare tuos desiste capillos: Tingere quam possis jam tibi nulla coma est. (L.) Ov. Am. 1, 14, 1. Cease doctoring your hair, I used to cry:

But now you have no longer hair to dye.-Ed.

1120. Dicenda tacendaque calles. (L.) Pers. 4, 5.-You know when to speak and when to be silent. Cf. Dicenda tacenda locutus. Hor. Ep. 1, 7, 72.-Saying whatever came into his head,-lit., things to be mentioned as well as what should be suppressed. Conversation of a man when the wine has got into his head.

1121. Dicere quod puduit, scribere jussit amor.

(L.) Ov. Heroid. 4, 10.

What shame forbade me speak, Love bade me write.—Ed.

1122. Dic, hospes, Sparta nos te hic vidisse jacentes Dum sanctis patriæ legibus obsequimur.

(L.) Simonid. Epigr. ap. Cic. Tusc. 1, 42, 101. Thermopyla.

Stranger! to Sparta say that here we fell,

Obedient to the land we loved so well!-Ed.

1123. Dicite Tö Pæan, et Iö bis dicite Pæan; Decidit in casses præda petita meos.

(L.) Ov. Art. Am. 2, 1.

Hurrah! Hurrah! and give one cheer more yet!

The game I chased has fallen into my net.-Ed.

1124. Dic mihi, an boni quid usquam est, quod quisquam uti posset Sine malo omni: aut, ne laborem capias, quum illo uti velles? (L.) Plaut. Merc. 1, 2, 34.—Tell me, is there a a single blessing that a man can enjoy free from all evil, or that he must not take great pains to obtain ?

1125. Dico unum ridiculum dictum de dictis melioribus,

Nemo ridet. (L.) Plaut. Capt. 3, 1, 22 and 24.—I repeat a witty saying from among the best bonmots, and no one laughs.

1126. Dicta fides sequitur. (L.) Ov. M. 3, 527.—The words are straight fulfilled. The promise is immediately fulfilled. Cf. Res dicta secuta est. Id. ibid. 4, 550.The deed forthwith followed the word. Instant accom


1127. Dicta tibi est lex. (L.) Hor. Ep. 2, 2, 18.-You know

the conditions.

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