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V. In the opposite extreme of organic beings, the vegetable kingdom, the same principle is illustrated. Plants may be so minute as to have free motion and activity, as in animals. The spores of certain Algae are known to have powers of locomotion, and some so-called Infusoria, are now admitted to belong to the vegetable kingdom. These are examples of locomotive plants. Now, ordinary plants, like Cirripeds, are examples of sedentary species, that have outgrown the limits of activity. The life-system of a plant, is in fact sufficient in power to give locomotion only to the minute plant-individuals alluded to; and infusorial species of plants retain it, as long as they live. But when, as in the Algae, vegetative growth proceeds in the enlargement of the minute infusorial spore, it immediately outgrows its activity, and becomes a sedentary plant. In most other plants, the seed have

never the minute size which admits of motion.

The mean size of the Entomostracan type was stated to be one line; of the Rotatorial type, one-sixth of a line; and we may add, that the mean size of the Plant type-understanding by this, as in other cases, the mean size admitting of the highest activity— if deduced from the size of plant-infusoria, would be about onesixtieth of a line.

We observe, that the smallest size of the perfect Macroura (first type) is very nearly the mean size as to length of the animals of the second type. So also, the smallest size of the perfect animal of the second type (Tetradecapoda) is very nearly the mean size of the most perfect animals of the third type; and the smallest size of the perfect animal of the third type is nearly the largest size in the fifth type.

In order to compare allied animals of different sizes, it should be noted, that while there is some foundation for the conclusion, that under certain limitations, size is a mark of grade, rapidity of movement or action should also be considered; and the more proper comparison would be between multiples of size and activity. This deduction, is, however, true only in the most general sense, and rather between species of allied groups than those of different types. We may occasionally find something like an exemplification of the law among bipeds, ludicrous though the idea may be.

VI. We observe with regard to the passage in Crustacea to inferior grades under a given type, that there are two methods by which it takes place.

1. A diminution of centralization, leading to an enlargement of the circumference or sphere of growth at the expense of concentration, as in the elongation of the antennæ and a transfer of the maxillipeds to the foot series, the elongation of the abdomen and abdominal appendages, etc.

2. A diminution of force as compared with the size of the structure, leading to an abbreviation or obsolescence of some circumferential organs, as the posterior thoracic legs or anterior antennæ, or the abdominal appendages (where such appendages exist in the secondary type embracing the species). These circumstances, moreover, are independent of a degradation of intelligence, by an extension of the sphere of growth beyond the proper limits of the sphere of activity.

VII. A classification by grades, analogous to that deduced for Crustacea, may no doubt be made out for other classes of animals. But the particular facts in the class under consideration, are not to be forced upon other classes. Thus, while inferiority among Crustacea is connected with a diminished number of annuli cephalically absorbed (for the senses and mouth), it by no means follows, that the Insecta, which agree in the number of cephalic annuli with the lower Crustacea, are allied to them in rank, or inferior to the higher species. On the contrary, as the Insecta pertain to a distinct division, being aerial instead of aqueous animals, they can be studied and judged of, only on principles deduced from comparison among insects themselves. They are not subject to Crustacean laws, although they must exemplify beyond doubt, the fundamental idea at the basis of those laws.

The views which have been explained, lead us to a modification, in some points, of the classification of Crustacea. The question, whether the eyes are pedicellate or not, upon which the names Podophthalmia and Edriophthalmia are based, proves to be one of secondary importance. And although still available in distinguishing almost infallibly the species of the first type, it is far from rendering it necessary or natural to embrace together under a common division the species that have sessile eyes (so-called Edriophthalmia), as done by most writers on this subject.

The term Decapoda, in view of these principles, has a higher signification than has been suspected since by expressing the number of feet, it implies the number of cephalic annuli characterizing the species. It would not be employing it inconveniently, therefore, if it were extended to embrace all the Podophthalmia, or all species of the first type, including the Mysis and Squilla groups.

For a like reason, the term Tetradecapoda has a high significance, as applied to the species of the second type. The position of the Trilobita still remains in doubt. The Cirripedia and Entomostraca, third and fourth types, stand properly on nearly the same level.

ART. V.-On the Mode of testing Building Materials, and an account of the Marble used in the Extension of the United States Capitol; by Professor JOSEPH HENRY, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.*

A COMMISSION was appointed by the President of the United States, in November, 1851, to examine the marbles which were offered for the extension of the United States Capitol, which consisted of General Totten, A. J. Downing, the Commissioner of Patents, the architect, and myself. Another commission was subsequently appointed, in the early part of the year 1854, to repeat and extend some of the experiments, the members of which were General Totten, Professor Bache, and myself.

A part of the results of the first commission were given in a report to the Secretary of the Interior, and a detailed account of the whole of the investigations of these committees will ultimately be given in full in a report to Congress, and I propose here merely to present some of the facts of general interest, or which may be of importance to those engaged in similar researches.

Although the art of building has been practised from the earliest times, and constant demands have been made, in every age, for the means of determining the best materials, yet the process of ascertaining the strength and durability of stone appears to have received but little definite scientific attention, and the commission, who have never before made this subject a special object of study, have been surprised with unforeseen difficulties at every step of their progress, and have come to the conclusion that the processes usually employed for solving these questions are still in a very unsatisfactory state.

It should be recollected, that the stone in the building is to be exposed for centuries, and that the conclusions desired are to be drawn from results produced in the course of a few weeks. Besides this, in the present state of science, we do not know all the actions to which the materials are subjected in nature, nor can we fully estimate the amount of those which are known.

The solvent power of water, which even attacks glass, must in time produce an appreciable effect on the most solid material, particularly where it contains, as the water of the atmosphere always does, carbonic acid in solution. The attrition of siliceous dusts, when blown against a building, or washed down its sides by rain, is evidently operative in wearing away the surface, though the evanescent portion removed at each time may not be indicated by the nicest balance. An examination of the basin

* From the Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, held at Providence, R. I., August, 1855. New York: 1856.

which formerly received the water from the fountain at the western entrance of the Capitol, now deposited in the Patent Office, will convince any one of the great amount of action produced principally by water charged with carbonic acid. Again, every flash of lightning not only generates nitric acid,-which, in solution in the rain, acts on the marble,-but also by its inductive effects at a distance produces chemical changes along the moist wall, which are at the present time beyond our means of estimating. Also the constant variations of temperature from day to day, and even from hour to hour, give rise to molecular motions which must affect the durability of the material of a building. Recent observations on the pendulum have shown that the Bunker Hill Monument is scarcely for a moment in a state of rest, but is constantly warping and bending under the influence of the varying temperature of its different sides.

Moreover, as soon as the polished surface of a building is made rough from any of the causes aforementioned, the seeds of minute lichens and mosses, which are constantly floating in the atmosphere, make it a place of repose, and by the growth and decay of the microscopic plants which spring from these, discoloration is produced, and disintegration is assisted.

But perhaps the greatest source of the wearing away in a climate like ours, is that of the alternations of freezing and thawing which take place during the winter season; and though this effect must be comparatively powerful, yet, in good marble, it requires the accumulated effect of a number of years in order definitely to estimate its amount. From all these causes, the commission are convinced that the only entirely reliable means of ascertaining the comparative capability of marble to resist the weather, is to study the actual effects of the atmosphere upon it, as exhibited in buildings which for years have been exposed to these influences. Unfortunately, however, in this country, but few opportunities for applying this test are to be found. It is true some analogous information may be derived from the examination of the exposed surfaces of marble in their out-crops at the quarry; but in this case the length of time they have been exposed, and the changes of actions to which they may have been subjected, during, perhaps, long geological periods, are unknown; and since different quarries may not have been exposed to the same action, they do not always afford definite data for reliable comparative estimates of durability, except where different specimens occur in the same quarry.

As we have said before, the art of testing the quality of stone for building purposes is at present in a very imperfect state; the object is to imitate the operations of nature, and at the same time to hasten the effect by increasing the energy of the action, and, after all, the result may be deemed but as approximative, or, to a considerable degree, merely probable.

About twenty years ago an ingenious process was devised by M. Brard, which consists in saturating the stone to be tested with a solution of the sulphate of soda. In drying, this salt crystallizes and expands, thus producing an exfoliation of surface which is supposed to imitate the effect of frost. Though this process has been much relied on, and generally employed, recent investigations made by Dr. Owen lead us to doubt its perfect analogy with that of the operations of nature. He found that the results produced by the actual exposure to freezing and thawing in the air, during a portion of winter, in the case of the more porous stones, produced very different results from those obtained by the drying of the salt. It appears from his experiments, that the action of the latter is chemical as well as mechanical.

The commission, in consideration of this, have attempted to produce results on the stone by freezing and thawing by means of artificial cold and heat. This process is, however, laborious; each specimen must be enclosed in a separate box fitted with a cover, and the amount of exfoliation produced is so slight, that in good marble the operation requires to be repeated many times before reliable comparative results can be obtained. In prosecuting this part of the inquiries, unforeseen difficulties have occurred in ascertaining precisely the amount of the disintegration, and it has been found that the results are liable to be vitiated by circumstances which were not in view at the commencement of the inquiries.

It would seem at first sight, and the commission when they undertook the investigation were of the same opinion, that but little difficulty. would be found in ascertaining the strength of the various specimens of marbles. In this, however, they were in error. The first difficulty which occurred was to procure the proper instrument for the purpose. On examining the account of that used by Rennie, and described in the Transactions of the Royal Society of London, the commission found that its construction involved too much friction to allow of definite comparative results. Friction itself has to be overcome, as well as the resistance to compression, and since it increases in proportion to the pressure, the stronger stones would appear relatively to withstand too great a compressing force.

The commission first examined an instrument-a hydraulic press-which had previously been used for experiments of this kind, but found that it was liable to the same objection as that of the machine of Rennie. They were, however, extremely fortunate subsequently in obtaining, through the politeness of Commodore Ballard, commandant of the Navy Yard, the use of an admirable imstrument devised by Major Wade, late of the United States Army, and constructed under his direction, for the purpose of testing the strength of gun metals. This instrument

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