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country schools and village libraries, and the death of the famous musician and composer, P. I. Tchaikofski, aged 53; Foreign Review,' by V. A. Goltseff, which notices the Socialist movement in Austria and Germany, the Anti-French demonstrations in Italy, settlement of the Behring Sea controversy, German dissatisfaction at the projected increase of taxation through increased military charges, Spanish and Swedish affairs, Opening of the Corinth Canal, Visit of the Russian fleet to Toulon, ill condition of Italian Finance, Mr. Gladstone's speech at Edinburgh concerning the House of Lords, Passing of the Employers' Liability Bill in the House of Commons and Russian journalistic criticism thereon, and Swiss and other foreign matters; three additional papers by I. I. Ivanyoukoff entitled 'Outlines of Provincial Life'; A Rectification,' by N. F. Malevinski, of some recent utterances of Mr. Djanshieff in the pages of the Mysl; the Bibliographic Division,' which contains notices of 152 works, no one of them English. The Island of Saghalien,' a written Itinerary, by A. P. Tchaikoff; Working of the Siberian Gold Mines in the period of the Fifties,' twothirds of a valuable historical record by V. J. Semefski; Food of the National Masses in Russia,' a report read before the Moscow Statistical branch of the Society of Jurisprudence, 24th Feb., 1893, by L. N. Maress; More concerning National Honour,' a review by V. A. Goltseff of two patriotic works, ' Our Direction,' by V. V., and Basis of National Honour,' by Kablitz; Ministerial Roll of France,' a review by A. P. of the work of M. Dupriez; Les Ministres dans les principaux pays d'Europe' et d'Amerique; Josue Carducci,' his life and poetry, by M. W. Watson; Usury and Robbery in Legal form practised upon the Peasantry,' a piece of awkward reading for the money-lending fraternity. Semitic or other,' by P. N. Obninski; A new book on Paris Society,' a review by Z. of "An Englishman in Paris,' notes and recollections; Military National Honour,' another review of the two works by M. A. Protopopoff; Contemporary Art,' devoted to Moscow theatrical doings; an additional 25 pages of the correspondence between Alexander Ivanovich Hertzen and Natalie Alexandrovna Zakharin ;''Costino's Vengeance,' a complete sketch by Z. N. Gippius, or Hippius; A Bagatelle of Foreign Literature,' a chatty review by M; four foreign tales, one of them English; Labour Questions on the Eve of the French Revolution,' by M. M. Kovalefski; Ministerial Roll of Western Europe,' (Prussia and Germany only), by J. K.; 'The Earth at the Creation of the World,' by V. D. Sokoloff; "The Newest False-Science,' (PsevdoNaoukah), a review of 'La Foule Criminelle,' essai de psycho




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logie, collective par Scipio Sighele; Traduit de l' Italian,' by L. E. Obolenski; Sociology on an Economical Basis,' by V. A. Goltseff; and The New Culture Force,' an exposure of the gradual Socialistic approaches of the great writers in the present day of all countries, by I. I. Ivanoff.




LA NUOVA ANTOLOGIA (November 1st, 1893). The present critical state of Italy naturally gives rise to a number of articles relating to this subject, and so we have a paper by P. Villari, with the suggestive title, 'Where are we going?' The author points out the causes which have led to Italy's troubles, and opines that no party ministry can save the country. It must be a government which unites all parties, supported by a large majority of the people. Then will come a day,' he says, 'when political struggles will be carried on by true and not artificial divisions of politicians. These true parties will be brought into existence by the now menacing social questions, and force the middle classes to unite to avert the peril which directly threatens them.' The necessity of uniting for a common cause will carry all before it, and a government will arise ready for any sacrifice.-A. Fogazzaro writes an interesting account of the priest-poet, Giacomo Zanella of Vicenza, giving many quotations.-V. C. Bianco, under the title of Europe's Hour in Italy,' contributes a page of history. -G. A. Biaggi writes on Gounod and his works, pointing out with pride that the great composer, at the end of his career, recurred to the mother-art of Italy, that is, melody, rhythm and simplicity, which is the natural language of the art of music. A drama in one act, by E. Montecorbola, some idylls by Constantino Nigra, and the usual reviews fill up the number. (November 15th).—A short memoir of Macmahon, by G. Govran; a paper in favour of the Pope's abandoning Rome as his seat, by R. Bonghi, and an article by A. Loria on the progressive tax, commence this number. Follows a paper by I. Valetta on the late Italian composer, Carlo Pedrotti, who died on the same day as Gounod. His decease is a great loss to his country.-G. Finali writes on inductive morals, and G. Sforza commences an account of the fall of the Duchy of Lucca.— (December 1st).-E. Neucioni, reviewing Tolstoi's Le salut est en vous, says that though one may differ from the author, it is impossible not to bow the head in reverence before him.-C. Randaccio writes a short monograph on Father Guglielmotti. -G. M. Salerno, founding his remarks on several French and English works, writes on the nationalization of lands.-'Found

lings' is the subject of some historical notes by P. Bertolini.— 'The Poetry of the Seasons' is the theme plentifully illustrated by quotations from the poets of all times and nations. The writer is G. Morici.

LA NUOVA ANTOLOGIA.-(December 15th.)-Signor Bonghi contributes an important article on the right of a prince in a Free State. At the close of his paper he gives it as his opinion that one of the greatest evils of Italy is the fact that the country exists by means of continual compromises, never resolutely facing the vital questions that are necessary to her well-being. If Italy imitated England in confirming, but moderating, the exercise of the respective rights, duly ceding them to real necessity, the right of her rulers would never be contested, the Senate would not so often abandon its own, the Chamber and the deputes would not continually vacillate between exceeding and abandoning their right, the order of justice would reacquire its ancient reputation, and the country would again begin to have faith in itself, which is the only thing that can restore it to life and prosperity.


LA RASSEGNA NAZIONALE (November 1st).-Besides a continuation of the papers on the Rosminian question, and of others in former numbers, we have here a short tale, The Librarian;' an article by Z. on the Triple Alliance, and some letters on the religious problem in Italy, by F. M. Pasanisi and G. Salvadori. The review of foreign literature notices Dr. Caird's Evolution of Religion,' and Huxley's Evolution and Ethics,' the contents of which are fully described. Also Professor Ramsay's 'The Church in the Roman Empire' is noticed, and Miss Braddon's 'The Venetians,' favourably reviewed. Of Crawford's Pietro Ghisleri,' the critic says that the plot is repugnant and almost incredible, but that such is the mastery of the author that the reader is forced to believe, and the figure of the hero excites interest from the first page to the last.(November 16th).- Woman and Priest,' is a dull-looking story in letters, which is continued in following numbers.Besides continuation of former articles, we have here a short paper by R. de Cesare on Macmahon and the last conclave, recalling the faith which Macmahon had in the assurances of the Italian Government. After the death of Pio Nono in 1877, nothing was done by France or any other Catholic power to limit the action of the Fathers met in conclave, showing a very different state of things to what rules now.-A. Rossi writes about the disturbances at Turin, and the Duke of Gualtieri contributes a long article on 'King and Parliamentarism,' desiring that the King should assume the needed

authority.(December 1st).-A. Solimani writes an interesting paper on Socialism in the Spartan constitution.-'Woman and Priest' is continued, as are also the chapters on the Court and Society in Turin.

LA RASSEGNA NAZIONALE (December 16th.)-The chief articles of previous numbers are continued, and we have besides a few notes from R. Gandolfi on musical history, recording the works of the 16th century composers, Cristofano Malvezzi and Emilio de' Cavalieri.

LA RIVISTA MARITTIMA (December) contains an important article by Dr. Pasqualini on Electric Ventilators in Ships,' describing all that has been done, and remains to be done, in that direction.-Dr. Teso writes on the 'Seal-fishing in the Behring Sea.'-Signor Betteni on the Armour-plating of men-of-war,' and Captain Salvati on the 'Naval Writings of Guglielmotti.'-A letter from Colonel Gorran on the 'Centres of Naval Defence' is of much interest.



L'ARCHIVIO STORICO for the Neapolitan Provinces-(No. 2, 1893)-besides many continuations of articles in former numbers, has a long one, interesting only to classical scholars, on the Satyricon of H. Petronius.'- Signor A. Sambon sends notes, illustrated, on some rare coins of Carlo Durezzo and of Paestum; also an account of a gold staterus of Posidonia.(No. 3, 1893).—B. Maresca commences a 'History of Chevalier Nucherouse during the reactionary movement in Naples in 1799.-E. Pèrcopo publishes some new documents relating to authors and artists in the time of the Aragonese princes.

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LA CULTURA, edited by R. Bonghi (Oct. 7).- The Reform of French Orthography.'-(Oct. 21). The Christologic Dogma. The Parliament of Religions at Chicago. The Brain of Woman.'-(Oct. 28).- Norwegian Dramas.'- The Italians and the moral character of Theophrast.'-(November 6).— On Anthologies.'—(Nov. 13).—Contains only short review of books.―(Nov. 20)-Here is printed Bonghi's speech at the opening of the Dante Society in Florence.-The Literary Review notices B. Nicholson's Ben Jonson.-(Dec. 4).-Bonghi's speech on Moral awakening,' given at the opening of a branch Dante Society at Spoleto.

L'ECONOMISTA (Nov. 5) contains The Condition of the Money-market.'-The Economical Congress at Turin.'-'The of the different countries.' The payment of Salaries.' failures in Italy. The finances of Brazil.'-(Nov.


ncesco Genela.'-Ministry and Parliament. The

Agrarian Rents. The theory of the Cost of Production.'Economical Review.'

L'ECONOMISTA.-(December 10th.)-The Crisis.'-The Banking Laws.'-'The Budget of the Mediterannean Manoeuvres of 1892-3.'

LA SCIENZA DEL DIRITTO PRIVATO-The Science of Private Law-(November).-On Professor Loria's Juridic Socialism.' Juridic Evolution.'-The Roman law in the evolution of modern Private Law.'-'Notarial Residence.'-'The integral reform of Civil Law.'- Legislative Movements.'

RIVISTA ITALIANA DE FILOSOFIA (November, December).'School and pedagogic questions in Germany,' by A. Piazzi. Historic sketch of Gerolamo Cardano,' by G. Vidari.The idea in good Music,' by G. M. Ferrari.-Reviews.

IL GIORNALE STORICO DELLA LETTERATURA ITALIANA.(No. 66, 1893).-L. Frali contributes a learned article on Nicola Malpigli and his shyness.-F. Amati, in the Varieties writes of the Lombardians, and the hatred entertained of them in the 12th century.-A. Belloni writes on some passages of Virgil and Dante, and F. Ceretti on Giovanni Pica della Mirandola.

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LA REVISTA DEGLI SCIENZE POLITISCHE E SOCIALI.-(Dec. 15th.)-After continuations of the papers in previous numbers, there is a varied political chronicle, and many notes on economical and social facts. 'R' reviews David Lubins, A Novel Proposition, contending that the author's proposal for farm products to be moved as mail matter at a uniform rate for all distances, would be nothing but a special form of protection for agriculture.


LA NUOVA RASSENGA.-(December.)- The Pontamiana Academy.' Heredity in Mental Habits.'-In the Studio of Ercole Rosa.'-'The Siege of Osoppo (1848.')-The Skull; Decadence Novel.'The Iron Mask according to recent publications. An Inedited Letter from Giordani.'-' Merry Times. Morbid Morality.'-'Intellectual Life in the Regiments. Caricaturists and Caricatures.'-Our Agriculture.'Electoral Corruption. In the Sulphur Mines.A Process against Tarso.-A New Translator of Pindar.'-'At the FireTrial.'—' Autumn,' (verses.)—The General Inspection of Public Instruction.'-'The Last Marvels of Hypnotism.'-' Diadactic Arrangement of Clerical Institutes.'- A Sixteenth Century Stage. The Man of the Future.'-The Poetic Works of Marradi.'-'The Eruptive Phases and Periods of Volcanos.'

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