victory. Lunes, mad fits. Lustick, joyous. Lym, a species of dog. Lurch o' the garland, to gain the Momentany, for momentary. Montanto, a fencing term. Morisco, Morris-dancer. Mot, word, motto. Motion, puppet-show. Motley, the fool's dress. Mouse, a term of endearment. Moused, mouthed. Maculate, defiled, spotted. Mouse-hunt, stoat. Mail'd up, armed. Mouth, sweet, sweet tooth. Make, to do. Mowe, for mouth. Make, mate. Muset, small muse. Male, bag or wallet. Mutines, mutineers. Mutton, courtezan. Mandragora, mandrake, a soporific. Mutine, to mutiny. pointment. Mated, confounded. Mean, middle state. Merchant, a term of abuse. O'ercrows, subdues. Of all loves, by all means. Once, sometimes. Opal, changeable. Ordinant, governing. Over-scutched, scored over. Over-shut, shut in. Ouphes, elves. Owe, to own. Pack, to concert, to contrive. Pact, bargain, contract. Paction, contract. Paddock, toad. Palabras, words. Pale, to impale, to encircle. Pall, to wrap as in a pall. Parcel-gilt, partly gilt. plished. Prest, ready. Paritor, an officer of the Bishop's Pretence, intention. court. Pretend, to intend. Prevent, to anticipate. Pricket, a stag of the second year. Prime, spring. Primero, a game at cards. Print, in, exactly, with nicety. Proface, much good may it do you. Peg a' Ramsey, a tune. Peised, poised, weighed. Pelting, petty, trifling. R Pugging, cheating. Pun, to pound. R Punk, prostituta. Perdy, par Dieu. R Perjure, perjurer.. Purchase, booty. Put on, to incite. Puttock, a degenerate hawk. R R Quart d'ecu, fourth part of a Rivo, a drinking term. Rabbit-sucker, a young rabbit. Raught, reft. Ravin, to swallow greedily. Rayed, made dirty. Read, advice, counsel. Ready, dressed. Rear-mice, bats. Reason, doubt. Rebato, a kind of ruff. Ronyon, scabby person. Rother, ox, cow, or bull. Round, plain, unceremonious. Rouse, carouse. Roynish, scurvy, scabby. Ruddock, red-breast. Sad, grave. Safe, to secure. Sag, swag. Said, done. Sallet, helmet. Saltiers, satyrs. Samingo, a drinking term. Scaled, exposed. Scaled, dispersed. Scaled, weighed. Scambling, scrambling. Scarre, rock. Scathe, to injure. Sconce, head. Scotch'd, wounded, hack'a. Recheat, recall, a term of the chase. Scroyles, scabs. Reck, to care for. Record, to sing. Recorder, a musical instrument. Reechy, smoky, dirty. Regiment, government, command. Reguerdon, reward. "Guerdon." See also Remorseful, compassionate. Renege, to deny. Repured, purified. Resolveth, dissolveth. Respects, considerations. Rest, to set up, a phrase from gunnery. Riding the mare, being hanged. Scrimers, fencers. Sculls, shoals. Seam, grease. Seeling, blinding. Seething, boiling. Sennet, sounding of trumpets. Serpigo, the tetter, Servant, lover. Shales, shells. Shards, broken tiles. Sheen, shining, bright. Shekels, pieces of money. Shent, destroyed, ruined, rebuked scolded. Ship-tire, a kind of head-dress. Riding the wild mare, the game of Shive, slice. see-saw. Rigol, circle. Rim, the vitals. Rivage, shore. Shovel board, a game. Shove-groat, a game. Shrive, to confess. Side-sleeves, long sleeves. Speaking thick, speaking rapidly. Sperr up, to bar up. Sport alone, excellent. Sprag, active, nimble. Square, to quarrel. Squash, an unripe peascod. Take, to blast, to infect. Take in, to conquer. Taking up, dealing. Tall, bold, courageous. Tarre, to provoke, to incite. Task'd, tax'd. Squire or square, a measure or Taste, to try. rule. Stain, tincture, colour. Stale, a decoy, bait, pretence. Stannyel, a kind of hawk. Star, sphere. Starkly, stiffly. Steld, steeled? Tawney-coats, a bishop's livery. Teen, sorrow. Tent, to reside, to dwell. Tent, to search a wound. Tercel, male goss-hawk. Thewes, strength. Thickly, rapidly. Touze, to pull about, to pull from. Touch, touchstone. Trash, to check, or beat back. Tray-trip, a game. Trol-my-dames, a game. Trossers, trowsers. Truepenny, a mining term. Tucket, sound of a trumpet. Vinewd'st, most mouldy. Turk, to turn, to change com- Violenteth, compelleth? pletely. Twire, to peep. Unanel'd, without extreme unction. Unavoided, unavoidable. Unbated, not blunted. Unbolted, unsifted, course. Uncape, to unearth. Under-wrought, undermined. Wage, to remunerate. to contend. Wan, to grow pale. Wanton, a trifler, a feeble person. Warn, to suттоп. Water-work, water-colours. Web and pin, cataract in the eye. Unear'd, unploughed. See also Weet, to wit, to know. "Ear." Weird, fatal. |