I better brook than flourishing peopled towns. Thou gentle nymph, cherish thy forlorn swain! - Withdraw thee, Valentine: who's this comes here? Enter PROTEUS, SILVIA, and JULIA. Pro. Madam, this service I have done for you, And less than this, I am sure, you cannot give. Val. How like a dream is this, I see, and hear! Love, lend me patience to forbear awhile. Sil. O, miserable! unhappy that I am! Pro. Unhappy were you, Madam, ere I came; But by my coming I have made you happy. [Steps aside. [Withdraws. Sil. By thy approach thou mak'st me most unhappy. Jul. [Aside.] And me, when he approacheth to your presence. Sil. Had I been seized by a hungry lion, I would have been a breakfast to the beast, Rather than have false Proteus rescue me. O, heaven! be judge, how I love Valentine, Whose life 's as tender to me as my soul; Therefore be gone: solicit me no more. Pro. What dangerous action, stood it next to death, Would I not undergo for one calm look. Sil. When Proteus cannot love, where he 's belov'd Descended into perjury to love me. Thou hast no faith left now, unless thou 'dst two, Pro. In love Who respects friend? Sil. All men but Proteus. Pro. Nay, if the gentle spirit of moving words Can no way change you to a milder form, I 'll woo you like a soldier, at arms' end, And love you 'gainst the nature of love: force you. Sil. O heaven! Pro. I 'll force thee yield to my desire. Enter VALENTINE. Val. Ruffian, let go that rude uncivil touch; Thou friend of an ill fashion! Pro. Valentine! Val. Thou common friend, that's without faith or love; (For such is a friend now) treacherous man! Is perjur'd to the bosom? Proteus, I am sorry I must never trust thee more, But count the world a stranger for thy sake. Pro. My shame and guilt confound me. I tender 't here: I do as truly suffer, As e'er I did commit. Val. Then, I am paid; And once again I do receive thee honest. Who by repentance is not satisfied, Is nor of heaven, nor earth; for these are pleas'd. By penitence th' Eternal's wrath's appeas'd: And, that my love may appear plain and free, All that was mine in Silvia I give thee. Jul. O me unhappy! Pro. Look to the boy. Val. Why, boy! why, wag! how now! what's the matter? look up; speak. Jul. O good Sir! my master charg'd me to deliver a ring to Madam Silvia, which, out of my neglect, was never done. Pro. Where is that ring, boy? Jul. Here't is: this is it. [Gives a ring. Pro. How! let me see. Why, this is the ring I gave to Julia. Jul. O! cry you mercy, Sir; I have mistook : This is the ring you sent to Silvia. Pro. But, how cam'st thou by this ring? At my depart I gave this unto Julia. Jul. And Julia herself did give it me; And Julia herself hath brought it hither. Pro. How? Julia! [Shows another ring. Jul. Behold her that gave aim to all thy oaths, And entertain'd them deeply in her heart: How oft hast thou with perjury cleft the root! O Proteus! let this habit make thee blush: Be thou asham'd, that I have took upon me It is the lesser blot, modesty finds, Women to change their shapes, than men their minds. Pro. Than men their minds: 't is true. O heaven! were man But constant, he were perfect: that one error Fills him with faults; makes him run through all the sins: What is in Silvia's face, but I may spy Val. Come, come, a hand from either. Let me be blest to make this happy close: Pro. Bear witness, heaven, I have my wish for ever. Enter Out-laws, with Duke and Thurio. Out. A prize! a prize! a prize! Val. Forbear: forbear, I say; it is my lord the duke. - Your grace is welcome to a man disgrac'd, Banished Valentine. Duke. Sir Valentine! Thu. Yonder is Silvia; and Silvia 's mine. Val. Thurio, give back, or else embrace thy death. Come not within the measure of my wrath : Thu. Sir Valentine, I care not for her, I. Duke. The more degenerate and base art thou, And leave her on such slight conditions. Val. I thank your grace; the gift hath made me happy. Duke. I grant it for thine own, whate'er it be. Val. These banish'd men, that I have kept withal, Are men endued with worthy qualities: And fit for great employment, worthy lord. Duke. Thou hast prevail'd; I pardon them, and thee: Val. And as we walk along, I dare be bold Duke. I think the boy hath grace in him: he blushes. Val. Please you, I'll tell you as we pass along, That you will wonder what hath fortuned. [Exeunt. |