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" I wis all their sport in the park is but a shadow to that pleasure that I find in Plato. Alas, good folk, they never felt what true pleasure meant. "
Poems - Page 231
by Samuel Rogers - 1845
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The Schoolmaster: Or, A Plain and Perfect Way of Teaching Children to ...

Roger Ascham - Latin language - 1711 - 294 pages
...found her in her Chamber, reading fheedn Platonis in Greek, and that with as much Delight, as fome Gentlemen would read a merry Tale in Boccace. After Salutation, and Duty done, with Ibme other Talk, I asked her, why fte would lofe fuch Paftime in the Park ? Smiling, fhe anfwer'd me...
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General biography; or, Lives, critical and historical, of the most ..., Volume 1

John Aikin - 1799 - 790 pages
...household were hunting in the park, reading in her chamber Plato's Phaedo in Greek, " and that (says he) with as much delight as some gentlemen would read a merry tale in Boccace." (Schoolmaster, p. 34. ed. Upton, 1711). During his foreign expedition, -which lasted three years, he...
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The Harleian Miscellany: Or, A Collection of Scarce, Curious, and ..., Volume 1

William Oldys, John Malham - Great Britain - 1808 - 594 pages
...houshold, gentlemen and gentlewomen, were hunting in the Park ; I found her in her chamber, reading P/uedon Platonis in Greek, and that with as much delight as...pastime in the Park ? Smiling, she answered me, I know, all their sport in the Park is but a shadow to that I find in Plato : Alas ! good felk, they...
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The Harleian Miscellany: A Collection of Scarce, Curious, and ..., Volume 1

William Oldys, Thomas Park - Great Britain - 1808 - 586 pages
...and gentlewomen, were hunting in the Park ; I found her in her chamber, reading Pfttedun Platoiiis in Greek, and that with as much delight as some gentlemen...some other talk, I asked her, why she would lose such pas^ time in tbe Park? Smiling, she answered me, I know, all their sport in the Park is but a shadow...
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The Harleian Miscellany, Or, A Collection of Scarce, Curious, and ..., Volume 1

Great Britain - 1808 - 588 pages
...houshold, gentlemen and gentlewomen, were hunting in the Park ; I found her in her chamber, reading Phtrdtm Platonis in Greek, and that with as much delight as some gentlemen would read a merry tale in Boceare. Afier salutation, and duty done, with some other talk, I asked her, why she would lose such...
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The gamester, by E. Moore. The tragedy of Jane Shore, by N. Rowe. The London ...

James Plumptre - English drama - 1812 - 480 pages
...gentlemen and " gentlewomen, were hunting in the park. I found her " in her chamber, reading Phoedo Platonis, in Greek, " and that with as much delight,...done, with some other talk, I asked her, " why she should lose such pastime in the park ? " Smiling she answered me, " I wist all their sport in " the...
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The Enquirer: Or, Literary, Mathematical, and Philosophical ..., Volume 2

William Marrat, Pishey Thompson - 1812 - 490 pages
...Lady Jane at Broadgate, in Leicestershire, to take his leave, whom he found reading Plato in Greek, with as much delight as Some gentlemen would read a merry tale in Boccacc, whilst the whole of the family were hunting in the Park. Being asked by him; why she would...
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The English Works of Roger Ascham: Preceptor to Queen Elizabeth

Roger Ascham - Archery - 1815 - 426 pages
...household, gentlemen and gentlewomen, were hunting in the park. I found her in her chamber, reading Pluedo Platonis in Greek, and that with as much delight as...tale in Boccace. After salutation, and duty done, * This is the passage, I suppose : "ETrerfou ?> 8oxt~ pfaitTx rij fyapiffTttJ ij avaiffyuvTtx. xa)...
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A Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High ..., Volume 1

Trials - 1816 - 788 pages
...gentlemen and gentlewomen, were hunting in the park ; ' I found her in her chamber, reading Phxdon Platonis in Greek, and that with as much delight, Boccace. After salutation, and duty done, with sume other talk, I asked her, Why VOL. I. taunted, so cruelly threatened, yea presently sometimes,...
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The British Plutarch: Containing the Lives of the Most Eminent ..., Volume 1

Francis Wrangham - Great Britain - 1816 - 606 pages
...Broadgate in Leicestershire. He found her studying the Phaedo of Plato in Greek, and " that (he adds) with as much delight, as some gentlemen would read a merry tale in Boccace;" and he discovered such learning and good sense in her conversation, that he pronounces her in his works...
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