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" SWEET MEMORY, wafted by thy gentle gale, Oft up the stream of Time I turn my sail, To view the fairy-haunts of long-lost hours, Blest with far greener shades, far fresher flowers. Ages and climes remote to Thee impart What charms in Genius, and refines... "
Poems - Page 27
by Samuel Rogers - 1845
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Monthly Review; Or Literary Journal Enlarged

Ralph Griffiths, George Edward Griffiths - 1792 - 614 pages
...reprefents, under an image Ħi riutly accurate and exquifitely beautiful, in the following lines : ' Ages and climes remote to Thee impart What charms in Genius, and refines in Art; Thee, in whofe hand the keys of Science dwell, The penfive portrefs of her holy cell ; Whofe conilant vigils...
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The Monthly review. New and improved ser, Volume 8

1792 - 640 pages
...reprefents, under an image ftrialy accurate and exquifitely beautiful, in the following lines ; 4 Agei and climes remote to Thee impart What charms in Genius, and refines in Art; Thee, in whofe hand the keys of Science dwell, The pcnfive porirefs of her holy cell %. Whofe confiant vigils...
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The Pleasures of Memory

Samuel Rogers - 1793 - 136 pages
...turn my fail, To view the fairy-haunts of long-loft hours, Bleft with far greener fhades, far frefher flowers. Ages and climes remote to Thee impart What charms in Genius, and refines in Art; Thee, in whofe hand the keys of Science dwell, The penfive portrefs of her holy cell ; Whofe conftant vigils...
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The Pleasures of Memory

Samuel Rogers - English poetry - 1801 - 222 pages
...a conjecture, that superior beings are blest with a nobler exercise of this faculty. ; 38 PART II. SWEET MEMORY, wafted by thy gentle gale, Oft up the...impart What charms in Genius, and refines in Art; clouds the smiling prospect close, orn thy star serenely glows : fcrb, she gilds the brow of night...
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The Pleasures of Memory, with Other Poems

Samuel Rogers - English poetry - 1801 - 208 pages
...with a conjecture, that superior beings are blest with a nobler exercise of this faculty. PART II. SWEET MEMORY, wafted by thy gentle gale, Oft up the...Thee impart What charms in Genius, and refines in Artj Thee, in whose hand the keys of Science dwell, The pensive portress of her holy cell; Whose constant...
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The Pleasures of Memory: With Other Poems

Samuel Rogers - English poetry - 1802 - 310 pages
...with a conjecture, that superior beings are blest with a nobler exercise of this faculty. PART II. SWEET MEMORY, wafted by thy gentle gale, Oft up the...charms in Genius, and refines in Art; Thee, in whose hand the keys of Science dwell. The pensive portress of her holy cell; Whose constant vigils chase...
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The Edinburgh Review: Or Critical Journal, Volume 104

1856 - 634 pages
...the commencement of the second part, was the belt suggestion he ever received from a reviewer — ' Sweet Memory, wafted by thy gentle gale, Oft up the stream of Time I turn iny sail.' The critic's suggestion was that, to complete the alliteration, the line should stand thus...
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The Pleasures of Hope: With Other Poems

Thomas Campbell - Hope - 1804 - 182 pages
...faculty. THE PLEASURES OF MEMORY. PART II. SWEET MEMORY, wafted by thy gentle gale, Oft up the tide of Time I turn my sail, To view the fairy-haunts of...Blest with far greener shades, far fresher flowers. A. . .. Ages and climes remote to Thee impart What charms in Genius, and refines in Art : Thee, in...
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The Pleasures of Memory, with Other Poems

Samuel Rogers - 1810 - 180 pages
...relates to man and the animal world, the Poem concludes with a conjecture, that superior beings arc blest with a nobler exercise of this faculty. SWEET...charms in Genius, and refines in Art; Thee, in whose hand the keys of Science dwell, The pensive portress of her holy cell; Whose constant vigils chase...
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Samuel Rogers - English poetry - 1816 - 276 pages
...sentiment is introduced a Tale illustrative of her influence in solitude, sickness, and sorrow. And tlie subject having now been considered, so far as it relates...charms in Genius, and refines in Art; Thee, in whose hand the keys of Science dwell, The pensive portress of her holy cell; Whose constant vigils chase...
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