Go — you may call it madness, folly ; You shall not chase my gloom away. There's such a charm in melancholy, I would not, if I could, be gay. Poems - Page 276by Samuel Rogers - 1845Full view - About this book
 | English poetry - 1806 - 560 pages
...Country, and your God I There's such a charm in melancholy, I would not, if I could, be gay. Go—you may call it madness, folly, You shall not chase my gloom away, Oh ! if you knew the pensive pleasure, That fills my bosom when I sigh, You would not rob me of a treasure,... | |
 | English literature - 1809 - 682 pages
...Nor pollute this fair temple, Felicity's shrine. Graflon-itrtrt, JG Id May, 1808. - / . MELANCHOLY. Go— you may call it madness, folly, You shall not...my gloom away, There's such a charm in melancholy, 1 would not, if, I could, be gay. Ph ! if you knew the pensive pleasure, That fills my bosom when I... | |
 | Panorama - Epigrams, English - 1809 - 368 pages
...hence the paradox of Fortune's reign, The fixt are gone; the uusteady still remain. CHERISHED LOVE, GO — you may call it madness, folly, You shall not chase my gloom away, There's snch a charm in melancholy, I would not, if I could, be gay. Oh ! if you knew the peusive pleasure,... | |
 | 1809 - 672 pages
...pollute this fair temple, Felicity's shrine. Graflon-ttreH, ¡. G. id May, 1808. MELA4CHOLY. Go— yotr may call it madness, folly, You shall not chase my gloom away, There's sucn a chirm in melancholy, I would not, if I could, be gay. Ob ! if you knew the pensive pleasure,... | |
 | Thomas Campbell, Samuel Carter Hall, Edward Bulwer Lytton Baron Lytton, Theodore Edward Hook, Thomas Hood, William Harrison Ainsworth, William Ainsworth - 1818 - 624 pages
...ISIS.] [Sept. 1, From which there a no doubt but Rogers borrowed the following1 well-known lines: — Go, you may call it madness — folly, You shall not...knew the pensive pleasure That fills my bosom when 1 sigh, You would not rob me of a treasure, Monarchsare too poor to buy. The following sonnet is by... | |
 | 1819 - 504 pages
...Sir/. Moore. From which there is no doubt bar Rogers borrowed the folio wing well-knout lines : — Go, you may call it madness— folly. You shall not chase my gloom awav» There's such a charm in ffelancft»ly I would not, if 1 could, be gay ! Oh if you knew the pensive... | |
 | English literature - 1847 - 556 pages
...stray articles were sometimes furnished by men of rank and likelihood. The well-known lines of Rogers, Go — you may call it madness, folly, You shall not...charm in melancholy, I would not, if I could be gay, &c. appeared originally in the Cabinet. Sir Thomas Lawrence, whose dalliance with the Muse, was then... | |
 | Horace Smith - English essays - 1825 - 370 pages
...the language of Rogers — " Go, you may call it madness, folly, You shall not steal away my rest ; There's such a charm in melancholy, I would not, if I could, be blest. Oh if you knew the pensive pleasure That fills my bosom when I sigh, You would not rob me of... | |
 | Horace Smith - English essays - 1825 - 374 pages
...language of Rogers — " Go, you may call it madness, folly, You shall not steal away my rest ; There 's such a charm in melancholy, I would not, if I could, be blest. Oh if you knew the pensive pleasure That fills my bosom when I sigh, You would not rob me of... | |
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