Moved every heart. And now in opener skies And on the bright wave fling the trembling mast! Singly or clustering, round the Southern pole! 'Twas the mid hour, when He, whose accents dread Still wandered through the regions of the dead, The Cross of the South; 66 una Croce maravigliosa, e di tanta bellezza," says Andrea Corsali, a Florentine, writing to Giuliano of Medicis in 1515, " che non mi pare ad alcuno segno celeste doverla comparare. E s'io non mi inganno, credo che sia questo il crusero di che Dante parlò nel principio del Purgatorio con spirito profetico, dicendo, I'mi volsi a man destra, e posi mente All' altro polo, e vidi quattro stelle," &c. It is still sacred in the eyes of the Spaniards. Un sentiment religieux les attache à une constellation dont la forme leur rappelle ce signe de la foi planté par leurs ancêtres dans les déserts du nouveau monde.' (MERION, Commissioned with his host to sweep To elude the seraph-guard that watched for man, In pomp of plumage sailed, deepening the shades of night. Roc of the West! to him all empire given!* Mountains and seas fled backward as he passed O'er the great globe, by not a cloud o'ercast From the ANTARCTICK, from the Land of Firet To where ALASKA's wintry wilds retire; § * Le Condor est le même oiseau que le Roc des Orientaux. Buffon. “By the Peruvians,” says Vega, “ he was anciently worshipped; and there were those who claimed their descent from him." In these degenerate days he still ranks above the Eagle. As the Roc of the East is said to have carried off the Elephant. See Marco Polo.-Axalhua, or the Emperor, is the name in the Mexican language for the great serpent of America. Tierra del Fuego. § Northern extremity of the New World. See Cook's last Voyage. From mines of gold,* and giant-sons of earth, That hourly come with blessings from the skies; * * Mines of Chili; which extend, says Ovalle, to the Strait of Magellan. I. 4. † A custom not peculiar to the Western Hemisphere. The Tunguses of Siberia hang their dead on trees; terre ne se laisse point ouvrir."-M. Pauw. parceque la CANTO VII. A Mutiny excited. WHAT tho' Despondence reigned, and wild Affright— * Pizarro used to dress in this fashion; after Gonsalvo, whom he had served under in Italy. A species of Bat in South America; which refreshes by the gentle agitation of its wings, while it sucks the blood of the sleeper, turning his sleep into death. Now other, as their shape served best his end. Undoubtedly, says Herrera, the Infernal Spirit assumed various shapes in that region of the world. He came, and, couched on ROLDAN's ample breast, * Thrice, with a cry that thrilled the mortal frame, Not long to slumber! In an evil hour It starts, it speaks! "We live, we breathe no more! -magnum si pectore possit Excussisse deum. Euripides in Alcest, v. 255. |