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that you are speaking? I am speaking now? 11. Is it their turn? 12. Is it John's? 13. Have you ever read Walter Scott's works? 14. How do you like (find) them? 15. Is he a celebrated author? 16. Have n't

10. Is it to her or to you that

you read Ivanhoe? 17. Is it possible? 18. Here is an interesting novel; is it yours? 19. Are you sure of it? 20. Is it the one you bought at Brentano's ? 21. It is is n't it? 22. Who is knocking? admire courage ? 25. Do courage more or less than talent?

24. Do you

a French novel, 23. Is it you?

we (on) admire


Who, whom, whose.

(1) The nominative who is qui for either the relative or the interrogative pronoun.

La femme qui est entrée, the woman who came in.

Qui est là? who is there?

C'est vous qui avez fait cette boîte, it is you who made that box.

C'est nous qui demeurons ici, it is we who live here.

Notice the agreement of the verb with the antecedent of qui.

(2) The objective case, whom, is que for the relative pronoun, and qui for the interrogative.

Les dames que vous avez rencontrées, sont mes meilleures amies.
The ladies whom you met are my best friends.

Qui avez-vous vu? whom did you see?

(3) The interrogative whom, governed by a preposition, is expressed by qui.

A qui parlez-vous? to whom are you speaking?

Pour qui travaille-t-il ? for whom is he working?

(4) The interrogative whose 1 is expressed by à qui (to whom) and the verb être.

A qui est cette maison? Whose house is this? To whom does this house

[blocks in formation]

le salon, the drawing-room, the parlor. le paquet, the package, packet.

[blocks in formation]

2. Elle est à ma cou 4. Ce sont ceux de

1. A qui est cette ombrelle? sine. 3. A qui sont ces manchons? Marie et de Louise. 5. Qui est la dame que j'ai vue hier soir au théâtre avec vous ? 6. Vous l'avez rencontrée bien des fois. 7. L'avez-vous oubliée ? 8. Voilà des fourrures magnifiques. 9. Ce sont celles de madame S. 10. Nos amis étaient très laborieux. 11. Quand nous sommes allés chez eux, ils étaient occupés. 12. Ils n'étaient jamais libres. 13. C'est dommage, n'est-ce pas ? 14. Est-ce vous qui les amusez 15. C'est nous qui les amusons toujours.


1 For the relative whose, see Lesson 54.

16. Ce

sont eux que nous amusons. 17. Avec qui êtes-vous sorti hier soir?


(A) 1. Here is a beautiful bracelet; whose is it? 2. From whom did you buy it? 3. I did not buy it. 4. She has an uncle whom she has never seen. 5. Is it he who bought it? 6. Yes, he is the one. 7. Is it you who lost this key? 8. It is not I. 9. Show it to John. 10. It is his perhaps. 11. No, it is n't his. 12. Where you find it? 13. I found two of them in the library this morning. 14. Those are the keys to (de) my house. 15. With whom did you go to the opera last evening? 16. I went with my father. 17. Light the lamp in the parlor, please. 18. I have no matches. 19. Here is a package of them. 20. They (on) have already lighted the fire (made some fire). 21. Who is the richest man 22. They say that it is he.

in town?

(B) 1. Whose umbrella is that? 2. For whom is this one? 3. Is it the one I bought several days ago? 4. To whom does this handkerchief belong? 5. It is your own (yours), is n't it? 6. Has your sister forgotten the parasol she borrowed? 7. Whose is it? 8. Whose

said that your

gardens are those? 9. Are you busy or unoccupied this morning? 10. This house is very high; is it the highest in the street? 11. Whose is that pencil? 12. To whom do those books belong? 13. It is neighbors have gone away; is it true? little gold button; who has lost one? a dollar for you; you accept it, do you not? that question amuse you? 17. From whom have you

received a letter?

14. Here is a

15. Here is

16. Does


The Future Tense.

The future of a verb may be formed by adding -ai to

the infinitive.


porter, to carry.

finir, to finish.



je porterai, I shall carry.

je finirai, I shall finish.

je recevrai.

je vendrai.

Drop oi from the infinitive ending of the third conjugation and e from that of the fourth, when adding the terminations of the future. Avoir and être are irregular:

[blocks in formation]

The terminations of the future are alike in all verbs: -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont.

[blocks in formation]

Conjugate the future of each of the above verbs, using

that of porter as a model.

un moment, a moment.

le bord, the edge, shore, border.

la mer, the sea.

l'après-midi (m. or f.), afternoon.
bientôt, soon.

plus tôt, sooner.

au bord de la mer, at the seashore. tout de suite, immediately, at once.

demain, to-morrow.

prochain (adj.), next.

jeudi prochain,1 next Thursday. la semaine prochaine, next week. le mois prochain, next month. l'année prochaine, next year.

prêt, ready.
fatigué, tired.
bien aise, glad.
coûter, to cost.

réussir, to succeed.

ne (...) plus, no more, no longer, not again.

il y aura, there will be.

y aura-t-il, will there be?

1 Compare with dernier, Lesson 24 (4).

2. Aurons.

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3. Vous

1. Votre père arrivera demain, j'en suis sûr. nous aujourd'hui les lettres que nous attendons? recevrez aussi beaucoup de jolies choses. 4. On vous · donnera une petite montre, une jolie chaîne et un beau porte-monnaie avec des pièces d'or. 5. Aurai-je aussi un cheval blanc ? 6. Vous n'aurez pas de cheval; ces animaux-là coûtent très cher.1 7. Nous ne choisirons ni chevaux ni chiens. 8. Je pense que nous visiterons nos amis français l'année prochaine. 9. Elle ne rendra à sa cousine ni sa bague ni ses gants. 10. Ne m'écouterezvous plus? 11. Je vous écouterai et je vous obéirai. 12. Etudierez-vous la langue française? 13. Vous la trouverez la plus belle des langues. 14. Marie sera plus belle que sa sœur. 15. Vous travaillez trop aujourd'hui, vous serez malade demain. 16. N'êtes-vous plus fatigué ?

For Oral Drill. 1. We shall have; we shall be; we shall find. 2. He will have; he will be; he will find. 3. You will have; you will be; you will receive. 4. Shall I have? Shall I be? Shall I sell? 5. They will have; they will be; there will be. 6. We shall have found; we shall be found; we shall have arrived. 7. She will give; she will succeed; she will sell. 8. They will for get; they will have forgotten; they will be forgotten.

Repeat the above sentences, making them negative.

1. Shall you be busy this afternoon?

2. We shall be

at liberty soon. 3. I shall be glad of it. 4. She will answer her friend's letter to-morrow morning. 5. Shall you stay here next month? 6. I shall be at the seashore next month. 7. Who will be in the country?

1 Notice the adverbial use of cher; hence, no agreement.

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