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le drap, the cloth, the sheet (of a bed). presque, almost, nearly.

votre cousine? 3. Oui, presque

frère, je perds

1. Répondez-vous aux lettres de 2. Répond-on toujours à vos questions? toujours. 4. Quand je joue avec mon souvent. 5. Oui, quand on joue avec lui, on perd presque toujours. 6. Où vend-on des rubans ? 7. On en vend ici. 8. On vend aussi des aiguilles, des épingles et du fil, n'est-ce pas ? 9. Pourquoi attend-on ici? 10. On attend des lettres. 11. Il attend des réponses

14. Cer

aux lettres qu'il a déjà écrites. 12. On trouve que la vie est chère dans les grandes villes. 13. Trouve-t-on des livres intéressants dans ce grand magasin? tainement, on en trouve beaucoup. 15. On a apporté des pommes et des poires. 16. On les a apportées à ma 17. On a perdu mes ciseaux bien des fois.


For Oral Drill.

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- 1. You are losing; are you not losing? 2. She loses; is she not losing? 3. One loses; one is lost. 4. She loses; she is not lost. 5. I am waiting; are you waiting? 6. Wait; do not wait. 7. Is he waiting? 8. Are people waiting? 9. Let us wait; 11. Do I not hear?

let us not wait. 10. Do I hear?

12. Have they heard? 13. They hear; they wait.

1. Is he waiting for your brother? 2. He always waits for him. 3. I am waiting for mine. 4. I am waited for too sometimes (one waits for me, etc.).

5. Where do they sell gloves and hats? 6. Do they sell them near here? 7. Where are scissors sold? 8. Where do you find beds, tables, and chairs? 9. We

find iron, copper, and several other metals at Mr. Jacob's. 10. Return these books to-day. 11. Certainly. 11. Certainly. 12. Do your friends always return yours? 13. Almost always.

14. When people have friends, they are fortunate. 16. I do. 17. Are you waiting 19. Give me back those needles

15. Do you hear me?

for me? 18. I am.

you borrowed. 20. Here they are. 21. There are pins, thread, and a thimble in that box.

bought lace, muslin, ribbons, and wool.

answered all your questions.


22. She has

23. Now I have

Exception to Rule for Use of the Partitive Article.
After a Negative.

(1) When the noun is the direct object of a negative verb, some or any (expressed or understood in English) is expressed by de without the article.

Je n'ai pas d'argent, I haven't any money, or I have no money.
Elle n'a pas de souliers, she has n't any shoes, or she has no shoes.
Vous n'avez pas de livre, you haven't a book.

(2) After ni . . ni, neither . . . nor, and sans, without, both de and the article are omitted.

Il n'a ni amis ni argent, he has neither friends nor money.

Il est sans amis, he is without friends.

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(3) After ne que, only, both de and the article are used.

Nous n'avons que des pièces de cinq sous, we have only five-sou pieces.

Il n'a que des amis, he has nothing but friends.

(4) Jamais without a verb means never; with a verb preceded by ne, it means never; with a verb without ne, it means ever.

Avez-vous jamais vu des lions, have you ever seen lions?
Jamais, never.

N'en avez-vous jamais vu, have you never seen any?

Notice the position of jamais: before the past participle in a compound tense.

(5) Ni... ni, without a verb, have a negative meaning: ni l'un ni l'autre, neither one; used with a verb, the verb must be preceded by ne.

Je ne parle ni anglais ni français.
I speak neither English nor French.

Notice the omission of pas as in the case of ne... jamais.

que and

2. Je n'en

7. Je n'ai pas de soie, mais en avez beaucoup. 9. En

1. N'attendez pas de réponse à vos lettres. attends jamais. 3. M. Jacob vend-il de la dentelle et de la mousseline? 4. Il ne vend ni dentelle ni mousseline. 5. Il ne vend que des rubans. 6. Ce garçon n'a jamais lu de livre français. j'ai du fil blanc. 8. Vous avez-vous jamais assez ? 10. Jamais. 11. N'en avezvous jamais assez? 12. Presque jamais. 13. M'apporte-t-on du pain et du beurre ? 14. Nous n'avons pas de thé. 15. Apportez-nous du lait. Merci (thank you), madame. 16. En voulez-vous deux ou trois verres? 17. Mon père n'a ni porte-monnaie ni argent.

1. These men are very poor; they have neither friends nor money. 2. She has n't any muslin; she has only lace. 3. Has she enough? 4. That is (there is) the question. 5. We have no books. 6. Have you paper only ? 7. We have neither books nor paper. 8. I have not an umbrella. 9. Take mine. 10. Thank you, I have already borrowed one. the umbrellas you borrow?

11. Do you ever return 12. Almost never. 13. Not

(pas) always, but sometimes. 14. Have you returned

Thursday? 15. Not yet.

17. My friends never re18. Now I have only

the one you borrowed on
16. Return it to-day, please.
turn those that they borrow.
one. 19. He has money, but I have n't.
21. I have. 22. How much have you?
good deal. 24. One never has enough.
this question: have I as much as you?
waiting for an answer?

but you never do (wait).

20. Have you?

23. I have a 25. Answer

26. Are you

27. I always wait for an answer,


Exception to Rule for Use of the Partitive Article. Adjective before the Noun.

When an adjective stands before the noun in French, some or any (expressed or understood in English) is expressed by de without the article.

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1 The position of adjectives must be learned largely by observation. For

a more complete treatment of this subject, see Lesson 43.

le cirque, the circus.

la cage, the cage.

le lion, the lion.

un éléphant, an elephant.
le tigre, the tiger.

le léopard, the leopard.
un ours, a bear.
le loup, the wolf.
le singe, the monkey.
le serpent, the snake.
le rat, the rat.

tous les autres animaux.

la souris, the mouse.

la vache, the cow.
le bœuf, the ox.

le mouton, the sheep, mutton.
la brebis, the sheep, the ewe.
un agneau, a lamb.

une bête, a beast, an animal.
un troupeau, a flock, a herd
la grange, the barn.
mordre, to bite.
fournir, to furnish.

1. Vous n'avez pas encore vu de lion, je pense. 2. J'ai vu des tigres, des léopards, des loups et des serpents. 3. Nous avons vu de gros éléphants. 4. Les lions, les éléphants et les loups sont des animaux. 5. Les éléphants sont de gros animaux. 6. Ils sont plus gros que 7. Que regardez-vous ? 8. Je singes. 9. Les aimez-vous ? 10. Je les trouve très intéressants. 11. Les chats aiment les rats et les souris. 12. Notre vache fournit de bon lait. 13. Ce chien ne nous mord jamais. 14. On n'aime pas les mauvais fruits. sont de petits moutons.

regarde cette cage de

15. Les agneaux

16. Ces hommes portent de

grands chapeaux mais de petits gants.

1. The man has cows and sheep in his barn. 2. He has no oxen, but he has fine horses. 3. Has he a pair of them? 4. That horse is biting one of your young trees. 5. Sheep furnish wool. 6. Mice and rats are small animals. 7. Do you like snakes? 8. I do not. 9. He always has good friends and beautiful books. 10. Good books are always good friends. 11. There are many old men and women who live in this town. 12. Here we are at the circus. 13. Are there animals in these cages? 14. There are a great many. 15. How

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