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time does the train for


7. Do you get up

9. What do we

early? 8. Do you enjoy playing?

live on?

10. Do you take after your father or your

mother? 11. Are you proud of it?

[blocks in formation]

12. Do you know

14. Why do you

make fun of your friends? 15. Have you nothing better to do? 16. May I congratulate you on what has happened? 17. Have n't you anything new to tell us? 18. Are you surprised at it? 19. Are you glad of it? 20. Can some of these sentences be expressed in more

than one way ? 21. Express l'an dix-huit cent soixante

in another way.


The Use of À

Besides the uses of à already given (to, at, in, with infinitives, etc.), we may also note the following:

(1) After many adjectives such as accoutumé, attentif, sourd, docile, supérieur, etc.

(2) With the definite article to denote a physical quality, a habit, the dress, etc.

un homme au regard timide, a man with a timid look.

une femme aux cheveux châtains, a woman with dark-brown hair. du potage au lait, milk soup.

(3) Between two nouns to denote use, purpose, fitness, or style.

[blocks in formation]

Compare un pot à fleurs, a flower-pot, with un pot de fleurs, a pot of flowers; un verre à vin, a wine-glass, with un verre de vin, a glass of wine; etc.

[blocks in formation]

à merveille, wonderfully.

au plus, at the most.

au plus vite, as quickly as possible. au contraire, on the contrary. au fait, indeed; in fact.

à droite (gauche), on (or to) the right (left).

comme à l'ordinaire, as usual. à genoux, on one's knees, kneeling. au doigt, on the finger.

à mes dépens, at my expense. à bon marché, cheap.

à l'œil nu, with the naked eye. être à la mode, to be in style. à table, to (at) the table. au rez-de-chaussée, on the ground floor.

au premier (étage), on the first story.

à travers, across, through.
à côté de, beside.

à l'exception de, except.
au delà de, beyond.
au-dessus de, above.
au-dessous de, below.
au lieu de, instead of.
autour de, around.
à moi!

au secours!

} help!

au voleur! thieves! or stop thief! au feu! fire!

à l'assassin! murder!

à la bonne heure! all right! good! à nous deux, monsieur! now, sir!

[blocks in formation]

1. Prenez la peine de vous mettre à table, monsieur. 2. Marie, apportez-nous trois verres à vin et trois tasses à thé; nous resterons ce soir dans la salle à manger. 3. Est-ce que vous consentez à lui donner ce joli papier à lettres ? 4. Non, certainement, je ne le lui donnerai pas. J'en ai besoin moi-même. 5. Je placerai sa photographie au-dessus de ce tableau, et la vôtre audessous. 6. Il fait froid aujourd'hui; il n'y a que deux degrés au-dessus de zéro. 7. Mon oncle a marié sa fille la semaine dernière, et j'ai assisté aux noces. 8. Avec qui s'est-elle mariée ? 9. Avez-vous jamais lu La Dame aux Camélias ? 10. Je l'ai lu et je l'ai vu jouer par Mme. Bernhardt. 11. Etes-vous accoutumé à voir les pièces françaises ? 12. Préférez-vous les comédies ou les tragédies? 13. Vous avez vu les deux Coquelins, n'est-ce pas ? 14. Je n'ai pas vu Coquelin aîné, mais j'ai vu Coquelin cadet plusieurs fois. 15. Cet accident a été fatal à toutes mes espérances. 16. Quel dommage! 17. A-t-il gagné ou perdu à faire cela? 18. Comment!

il touche du piano?

être honnête homme. ble est mort!

19. On peut toucher du piano et 20. Courage, camarade, le dia

(A) 1. That beautiful child with large black eyes and black hair is my little nephew. 2. Here are some books I bought cheap; I paid only two dollars apiece for them. 3. It strikes me they were dear. 4. There are a great many windmills in Holland. 5. Don't touch! 6. We are amusing ourselves at your expense. 7. Butter is always sold by the pound. 8. How much does it cost a pound? 9. What kind (espèce, f.) of boat is that? 10. It is a steam-boat. 11. It arrives at ten o'clock and 12. What is that grayis selling flower-pots.

it is on time, to-day, as usual. haired man doing?

13. He

14. Beyond the Alps lies (se trouver) Italy. 15. One must always be ready to die for one's country (patrie, f.). 16. His friends are deaf to all his prayers (prière, f.) 17. They used to share in his good fortune, but now that he is unfortunate, that is to say, now that he is poor, they never come to see him. 18. They used to take pleasure in his company. 19. It seems to me they avoid meeting him. 20. Alas, how true that is! 21. On the contrary, sir, his old friends do not neglect him; they often go to his house, but he is never at home. 22. It is thought that he keeps his door locked purposely. 23. It is probable that he is too proud to see them.

(B) 1. Do you like to read aloud? 2. Why don't you work a little instead of playing all the time? 3. Did you ever find a horse-shoe when you were (while) out walking? 4. When you go home do you turn to the right or to the left? 5. Do you live on this side of the street? 6. Have you any letter-paper to lend me? 7. What instrument do you play? 8. Is it easy to learn

to play the piano? 9. What is a sewing-machine for? 10. Are you always attentive to what is being said to you ? 11. Who is the gentleman with the broad shoulders? 12. Do you believe in ghosts? 13. Who has ever been present at a wedding? 14. What time is it by your watch? 15. What is a pen used for? 16. When you travel do you find that the trains are always on time? 17. Explain to us the difference between adieu and au revoir. 18. If we were playing cards and if I said to you C'est à vous, would you understand what I meant? 19. Do you live on the first or second story?


The Prepositions En and Dans.

En has a vague and general meaning and is rarely used with the definite article; dans has a precise and limited meaning and takes an article.

Observe: en prison, dans cette vieille prison; en danger, dans un grand danger; en voiture, dans une belle voiture; en France (pas en Angleterre), dans la France (pas hors de, outside of, la France); docteur en philosophie or en médecine, but docteur or bachelier ès lettres, ès sciences (ès contraction of en les); en haut, upstairs, en bas, downstairs, en l'air, in the air.

Also: agir en chrétien, en prince, to act like a Christian, like a prince; il a parlé en maître, he talked like a master, but il m'a traité de prince, he treated me as if I were a prince.

A, dans, and en.

A la maison, at home, dans la maison, in the house (pas hors de la maison); à Paris, at or in Paris, dans Paris, inside of Paris; à la ville, in the city (not in the country), dans la ville, inside the city, en ville, in town (not at home).

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