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indirect object, according to the construction of the sentence. To prevent confusion, examples of its use will not be given until Lesson 65 is reached. It must not be confused with the disjunctives, lui-même and euxmêmes. For the form soi, see Lesson 96.

(5) A personal pronoun used as the direct or indirect object of a verb always precedes the verb, except in the imperative affirmative.

Il me prête un dollar, he lends me a dollar.

Prêtez-moi1 encore un dollar, lend me another dollar.
Ne lui prêtez rien, don't lend him anything.

Répondez-vous à votre ami, do you answer your friend?
Je lui réponds toujours, I always answer him.

une offre, an offer.

refuser, to refuse.

promis, promised (past part.)

fermer à clef, to lock.

contre, against.

quant à, as for.

selon, according to.

au contraire, on the contrary.

demander quelque chose à quelqu'un,2 to ask something of somebody, to

ask somebody for something.

J'ai demandé un canif à un de mes élèves, I asked one of my pupils for a penknife.

Je lui ai demandé un canif, I asked him for a knife.

2. Je ne

1. Parlez-vous contre moi ou contre elle? parle ni contre vous ni contre elle. 3. Je ne lui aurais pas prêté ma montre. 4. Si nous arrivons avant eux, nous ne fermerons pas la porte à clef. ront certainement pas contre leur intérêt. porte-monnaie que j'ai acheté pour vous.

5. Elles n'agi

6. Voici un 7. Si vous ne

le trouvez pas beau, je le garderai pour moi-même ou je

1 The disjunctives moi and toi are used for me and te in the imperative affirmative.

2 Notice that the thing asked for is in the accusative, and the person from whom a thing is asked is in the dative, whatever be the corresponding English form.

le donnerai à votre frère. 8. Je suis sûr qu'il l'admirera et qu'il l'acceptera avec grand plaisir. 9. Est-ce pour moi ou pour vous-même que vous travaillez ? 10. C'est pour moi-même. 11. Qui avez-vous vu aujourd'hui ? 13. Selon eux, nous ne réussirons pas. 14. Je lui ai donné plusieurs journaux français. 15. Les a-t-elle envoyés à son amie? 16. Est-ce que vous m'apportez

12. Lui.

des lettres ou des livres ? 17. Il leur a demandé de l'argent, mais ils ne lui ont rien donné. 18. Quant à elle, je ne l'aime pas. 19. Sans lui, je ne leur aurais jamais écrit cette sotte lettre.

For Oral Drill. 1. I see you. 2. Do you see me? 3. I am not looking at him, I am looking at them. 4. Is he looking at us? 5. At whom are you looking?

6. Don't look at me.
her. 9. Look at him.
give him nothing. 12. Give them something.
you do it?
14. Have n't you done it?
it. 16. Do it. 17. Do you know it?
19. They have n't said it.

7. Look at her. 8. Don't look at
10. What do you se? 11. I


13. Do

15. Don't do

18. Don't say

1. As for you, my friend, I am certain that you will succeed. 2. He does nothing; she

works all the time. 4. Shall you accept his offer? 5. Certainly, I shall accept it with a great deal of pleasure. 6. Your brother has written me, but I have n't answered him yet. 7. If you had lent me your pen, I should have written to him this morning. 8. Did he speak to you against me? 9. He never speaks against you; on the contrary, he often speaks in your favor (for you). 10. Let us never speak against any one. 11. Is it for their parents or for themselves that these children are working? 12. It is for themselves. 13. If

3. Speak to me; don't speak to her.

he gives me that money, I shall not keep it.

14. Explain

15. Why did you re16. I had promised

to me why you will not keep it. fuse her what she asked you for? it to my neighbor. 17. Ask your neighbor for it. 18. He would punish her severely if she did not obey1 him. 19. I shall give him back his book, when he gives me back mine. 20. I think you will wait a long time. 21. So do I (I too). 22. Is it you who have bought a new house? 23. It is n't I, it is he.


Personal Pronouns: two Objects.

(1) When two personal pronoun objects stand before the verb, the first and second persons precede the third; when both are third person, the direct object precedes the indirect.

Je vous le donne, I give it to you.
Il me le donne, he gives it to me.

Je le lui donne, I give it to him.

Je ne vous le donne pas, I do not give it to you.

Je ne vous l'ai pas donné, I did not give it to you.

Ne me le donnez-vous pas, do you not give it to me?

Ne me l'avez-vous pas donné, did you not give it to me?

(2) When two personal pronouns stand after the verb (imperative affirmative), the direct object precedes the indirect.

Donnez-le-moi, give it to me.

Donnez-les-nous, give them to us.

Donnez-la-leur, give it to them.

Observe that in the imperative negative, the pronouns precede the


Ne me le donnez pas, don't give it to me.

Ne le lui donnez pas, don't give it to him (to her).

1 Remember that obéir takes the dative case.

Briefly: Direct and indirect object pronouns precede the verb, except in the imperative affirmative. Before the verb, the order is 1st, 2d, 3d person; if both pronouns are 3d person, the order is direct, indirect. In the imperative affirmative (pronouns after the verb), the order is always direct, indirect.

un article, an article.

un instant, an instant.

supposer, to suppose.

de ma part, from me, on my part. demander pardon à, to ask pardon of. de sa part, from him, on his part. pardonner, to pardon. de votre part, from you, on your part.

1. Monsieur, je vous ai demandé le Journal des Débats il y a une demi-heure, et vous ne me l'avez pas donné. 2. Pardon, monsieur, je finis un article très intéressant; je vous le donnerai dans un instant. 3. Cet argent est à votre père, rendez-le-lui. 4. Je pense que voici mon verre; remplissez-le-moi, s'il vous plaît. 5. Je vous 6. Quand me prêterez-vous l'ouvrage nouveau


de Winston Churchill? 7. Vous n'avez pas oublié que vous me l'avez promis, je suppose. 8. C'est ma voisine Mme. N. qui l'a à présent, mais elle va me le rendre ce soir. 9. C'est mon crayon que vous avez là près de vous; passez-le-moi, s'il vous plaît. 10. Je trouve que ces règles ne sont pas très faciles, mais je suppose que vous nous les expliquerez. 11. Dites-lui ce qui est arrivé. 12. Ne nous le dites pas. 13. Si vous lui demandez son parapluie, je suis sûr qu'il vous le refusera. 14. Ne le lui demandez pas. 15. Dites-lui bien des choses de ma part. 16. Ces jolies fleurs sont à ma tante; rendez-leslui. 17. Je vous demande pardon, mon ami. 18. Et je vous pardonne avec plaisir.

2. He does

For Oral Drill. 1. He gives it to me. not give it to you. 3. Does he give it to you? 4. Does n't he give it to you?


5. Has n't he given it to 6. Do you give them to him? 7. Give them to

9. I ask you for it. 11. Ask them for it.

us. 8. Don't give them to her. 10. Do you ask me for it?

12. Don't ask us for it. 13. Has n't he asked you for it yet? 14. Ask them for them.

1. I have asked you for your pen-holder, and you have n't given it to me. 2. I know it; I have n't given

it to you, because I have n't it any longer.

3. To whom

have you lent it? asked your pardon? 6. If he asks my pardon, I will forgive him. 7. Forgive me too. 8. This pen is not a very good one; do not give it to him. 9. Give it to me. 10. This pencil belongs to her; give it back to her. 11. Do not give it back to her; give it to her 12. You promised her this French book; why 13. If you had promised it 14. Did you

4. I have lent it to her. 5. Has he

don't you give it to her?

to me, would n't you have given it to me?
ever speak to me of her?

15. I have never spoken to

you of her, but I have often spoken to her of you. 16. Mary has asked her brother for his friend's letter, but he will not give it to her. 17. When you meet your uncle, thank him in our behalf. 18. I will do it with



Personal Pronouns (Continued).

(1) Le (so or it). In English, I am, we are, etc., may be used alone in answer to a question; the French use le, la, or les with the verb, to represent the complement of the verb to be.

(a) If the complement understood is a noun (or an adjective used as a noun, as le or la malade, the patient),

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