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21. Where do they play? 22. Where do they play in the country? 23. Are the pupils playing in the yard or are they working in their class-room? 24. You are making a great deal of noise, what are you doing? (I am closing the window.) 25. Is autumn the season of

fruits or flowers?


Ages. Dimensions.

(1) In asking or stating ages, the following construc

[blocks in formation]

(2) Dimensions are expressed as follows:

De quelle hauteur est cette église?

Quelle est la hauteur de cette église ?

What is the height of this church?

A garden a hundred feet long.

Une église haute de cent pieds, A church one hundred feet in height.
Une maison d'une largeur de trente pieds, A house thirty feet wide.
Un jardin de cent pieds de longueur, 2
L'escalier est large de dix pieds,
L'escalier a dix pieds de largeur,2
L'escalier a une largeur de dix pieds,

The staircase is ten feet broad.

Cette table a six pieds de longueur sur quatre de largeur, This table is six feet by four.

Cet arbre-ci est plus haut que celui-là de vingt pieds, This tree is twenty feet taller than that.

1 Observe that the years must always be expressed in French. If ans has already occurred in the sentence, en takes its place.

2 Long, large, and haut may be used for longueur, largeur, and hauteur m this construction; épais and profond are not so used instead of épaisseur and profondeur.

[blocks in formation]

3. Est-ce

5. Quel

1. On a bâti encore un grand édifice dans la rue du Temple. 2. Vraiment? je ne le savais pas. une église ou une école ? 4. C'est une école. grand édifice! 6. De quelle hauteur est-il? 8. Est-ce que cette

cent pieds de déjà occupée ? en a six cents.


7. Il a

école est

9. Combien d'élèves y a-t-il ?
10. Il y
11. Quel âge ont-ils ? 12. Les plus

dix-huit ans, et les moins

âgés ont peut-être dix-sept ou âgés en ont treize ou quatorze. 13. Quel âge avez-vous ? 14. J'ai dix-neuf ans et demi. 15. Savez-vous quel âge a votre sœur? 16. Elle a seize ans, et mon frère en a treize. 17. Je ne sais pas pourquoi nos amis ne sont pas encore revenus. 18. Nous le saurons bientôt, je pense.

1. How high is this table? 2. It is three feet high. 3. What are the other dimensions?

wide by five and a half feet long.

4. It is four feet 5. I knew that it was

a foot longer than ours. 6. Here is another table; this one is thirty inches in height. 7. What a pretty little box! 8. It is a square one, is n't it? 9. This water is very deep. 10. What is its depth? 11. It is said that it is a hundred feet deep. 12. I know that it is over 13. How old are you?

(more than) forty feet in depth. 14: Don't you know how old I am (my age)? 15. I know that you are two or three years older than I. 16. How old is your brother? 17. Is he only six? 18. He is over six; he will be seven the first of next month. 19. Is Charles fourteen or fifteen years old? 20. He is neither fourteen nor fifteen, he is only twelve and a half. 21. Really? Are you sure of it? 22. Yes, sir, I know it. 23. What is the length of this room? 24. What a thick book!


The interrogative pronoun lequel, which, which one, has the following forms:

[blocks in formation]

Observe the difference between the use of quel (adjective) and lequel (pronoun):

Quel homme? Which man?

Quel est ce livre? What is this book?

Lequel de ces hommes? Which of these men?

Dire (irregular), to say, to tell.



je dis, I say, I am saying, je disais, I was saying, I said,

tu dis. il dit.

I do say.

tu disais. I used to say.

il disait.


je dirai, I shall tu diras. [say. il dira.

[blocks in formation]

une jeune personne, a young lady. garder, to guard, to keep.

[blocks in formation]

Notice: (1) The adverb bien is irregularly compared. (2) In the superlative of an adverb, le is invariable. (3) In the idiom aimer mieux, mieux is not usually separated from aimer, except by a second negative such as pas, jamais, plus, etc.

2. Dites

3. La

1. Lequel de ces jeunes gens est sourd? vous que c'est celui qui est près de la table? quelle de ces jeunes personnes est votre cousine? 4. Elle n'est pas ici, elle est sortie. 5. Duquel de ces romans parliez-vous ? 6. Disiez-vous que vous aimiez mieux celui-ci ? 7. De laquelle de ces jeunes filles avez-vous reçu ce joli miroir? 8. De Jeanne; c'est la plus chère de mes amies. 9. A laquelle de ces jeunes personnes a-t-il envoyé les choses qu'il a achetées ce matin? 10. De quelles jeunes personnes parlez-vous ? 11. Je parle de celles que nous avons vues l'été dernier à la campagne. 12. Auxquels de ces messieurs doiventils de l'argent? 13. Lequel de ces deux écrivains aimez

1 Fille, daughter, girl, is rarely used in the latter sense without an adjective.

vous le mieux ? 14. J'aime mieux celui qui a écrit Les Misérables. 15. Moi aussi. 16. Tout le monde aussi, n'est-ce pas ? 17. Cela va sans dire.

2. Are

For Oral Drill. - 1. I am going; I am making. you doing? Are you saying? 3. Is he not going? Is he not making? 4. Who is making? Who is going? 5. Who says? Who knows? 6. Do you go? Do you know? 7. They are saying; they are doing. 8. We never know; we never do. 9. They always say; they always go. 10. Does she ever know?

Change the tenses of the above sentences to the imperfect (I was going, I was making, etc.); then repeat in the future (I shall go, I shall make, etc.).

in that school.

6. The

ones? 8. Which of those 9. This is much higher than

(A) 1. Here are six hats; which one is the best? 2. I do not know which one is the best, but I know which one I like the best. 3. There are a great many pupils 4. They say it is our neighbor's children who carry off all the prizes. 5. Who says it? pupils say it. 7. Which arm-chairs is the highest? the others. 10. Which [of them] shall you choose? 11. I prefer this one. 12. So do I. 13. Which of these needles shall you keep? 14. This one; carry away the others. 15. Which of the horses they have bought are the strongest and finest ? 16. My father says that these, to which the man is giving some water, are the best. 17. How many persons are there here?

(B) 1. Here are 2. Which is mine? table; are they yours? of these pencils is

several pens; which is yours ? 3. There are six books on my

4. Whose are they? 5. Which yours? 6. Haven't you any?

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