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8. You will find some paper in this drawer. 9. No, there is n't any more. 10. Your exercises will be much less difficult than mine. 11. Mine will no longer be so easy as yours. 12. When shall you arrive in Paris? 13. I

shall be in London on the 1st and in Paris on the 11th of next month. 14. Work well, and I am sure you will succeed. 15. We shall have an American newspaper next Saturday. 16. That will be a great pleasure for us. 17. We shall have one sooner than you. 18. You will receive a letter from your friends next week. 19. Shall you come down this morning? 20. Wait a

moment, I shall be ready soon. 21. We shall wait no longer. 22. Whom are you looking for in this street? 23. How much do those scissors cost? 24. They cost three francs a (la) pair. 25. They cost dear. 26. Yes, they are very dear.


The future tense must be used after quand, lorsque, when, aussitôt que, dès que, as soon as, if futurity is implied.

Vous aurez ce livre quand (lorsque) vous aurez écrit votre lettre.
You will have this book when you have written your letter.

Vous aurez cet argent aussitôt que (dès que) vous arriverez.
You shall have that money as soon as you arrive.

Quand must be used for when in direct and indirect questions; otherwise, quand and lorsque are practically interchangeable.

le bout, the end, the extremity.

la fin, the end, the conclusion. la récompense, the reward. gagner, to earn, to win, casser to break.

âgé, old.

simple, simple.

préférable, preferable.
quelque chose, something.
quelqu'un, some one, any one.
le temps, the time, the weather.
avoir le temps, to have time.

passer, to pass, to go by, to fade. passer le temps, to spend the time. passer chez - to call on ——.

passer par, to go through.

par ici, this way.

par là, that way.

passer devant (ou près de), to pass, to alors, then. go past something.

1. Serez-vous bien aise quand vous aurez fini votre travail ? 2. Louise travaille bien, elle gagnera tous les prix. 3. Comment passerons-nous le temps? 4. Nous regarderons les animaux dans le Jardin des Plantes. 5. Dès que leur mère sera ici, elle nous donnera du fil, de la soie et des aiguilles. 6. Vous serez un peu plus aimable quand vous ne serez plus malade. 7. Aussitôt qu'elle sera arrivée, elle aura une tasse de lait, du pain et des fraises. 8. Aussitôt qu'elle arrive, elle dit toujours qu'elle ne restera pas. 9. Elle dit qu'elle n'a jamais le temps. 10. Quand nous aurons préparé notre leçon, nous serons libres. 11. Nous en serons bien aises. 12. Nous jouerons alors avec plus de plaisir. 13. Quand je serai à Londres, je passerai chez votre ami, M. Rainer, 23 Downs Road, Clapton.

j'ai acheté pour vous.

14. Voici quelque chose que

15. Quand on passe devant

quelqu'un, on dit, "Pardon!"

(A) 1. When she is here, we always work well. 2. When they are here, we shall not work any more. 3. Shall you speak of it? 4. I shall speak of it only once. 5. We shall find these books very interesting, I am sure (of it). 6. Won't you have one? 7. How many days shall you stay in Boston? 8. Shall you go through Baton Rouge? 9. When will he have finished his letters ? 10. Will he not finish them at once? 11. His father and brother are very tall, and he will be taller still (still taller) perhaps. 12. When John is older, he will win more prizes. 13. Prizes are the re

wards of labor.

14. The weather is fine to-day, and it 15. Do not take this beautiful

will be finer to-morrow. silk umbrella, you will lose it. 16. When there are fewer words in these rules, they will be simpler. 17. At the end of this book one will find many useful words. 18. He has broken the end of his umbrella. 19. Where will one find you next week? 20. Do not look at me, look at your book; I shall be here when you have finished your sentence. 21. Men fade [away] like (comme) flowers.

(B) 1. Shall you not be at liberty this evening? 2. Shall you be busy to-morrow evening? 3. Shall you play this afternoon? 4. Shall you not have time? 5. Shall you work all the afternoon? 6. How do you

find the weather to-day? 7. Do you often call on your friends? 8. Where will they be next Sunday? 9. Here are two roads; shall we choose this one or that one? 10. When you go1 home this afternoon, shall you go this way or that way? 11. Are you older or younger than I? 12. Will my pupils stay at home to-morrow? 13. Will they be at church or at school? 14. Who will be here

to-morrow morning? 15. Who will be here on Monday next? 16. Who was here last Tuesday? 17. Shall we have the forty-ninth or the fiftieth lesson to-morrow? 18. Show me your pocket-book. 19. Shall you have money enough? 20. How do you spend your time? you work all the time?

21. Do

1 irez, future of aller, to go.


Interrogative Adjectives.

The adjective quel, which, what, what a, has the fol

[blocks in formation]

The noun which quel modifies is usually the next word in the sentence; with the verb être, the noun may stand after the verb.

Quel livre avez-vous pris?

Quel est le nom du livre que vous avez pris?

le nom, the name.

l'exemple (m.), the example.

le dictionnaire (m.), the dictionary. le plancher, the floor.

le bruit, the noise, the report.

l'affaire (f.), the affair.

les affaires, the affairs, business. ramasser, to collect, to pick up. laisser tomber, to let fall, to drop.1

Quelles fleurs avez-vous prises? Which flowers did you take?
Quels livres a-t-il lus? What books has he read?

Quelle femme! What a woman!

Quel dommage! What a pity!

cette ville demeurez-vous? 3. Sur quelle table a-t-il mis

1. Dans quelle partie de 2. De quel pays êtes-vous ? mes gants? 4. Quels gants? l'autre jour au Bon Marché.

5. Ceux que j'ai achetés 6. Quel grand magasin! 8. Quelles chan

7. Quels souliers avez-vous choisis? sons choisirez-vous ? 9. Je choisirai celles-ci; ce sont les meilleures. 10. De quelle chambre a-t-on ouvert les fenêtres? 11. Quels mouchoirs a-t-il donnés à sa sœur? 12. Vous avez laissé tomber quelque chose, monsieur. 13. Merci, madame; c'est ma montre que j'ai laissée tomber sur ce plancher de marbre. 14. Vous l'avez cassée, n'est-ce pas ? 15. Quel dommage! 16. Ra

1 In laisser tomber, tomber remains unchanged and laisser is conju gated.

massez vos livres, vos crayons et votre papier. les laissez pas tomber.

17. Ne

18. Avez-vous entendu ce bruit?

3. Those

1. Whose are these pens ? 2. What pens? that some one has dropped on the floor. 4. I dropped them a moment ago, they are mine. 5. Pick them up, please. 6. I will pick them up immediately. 7. What French books have you read? this? 9. What dictionary? not mine, it is your own (yours).

8. Whose dictionary is 10. This one. 11. It is

12. What a fine book!

or that? 14. This

13. Which pen is the best, this one one is much better than the other. 15. Which pens are the best? 16. These steel pens are the best.

is the name of this book? 18. Who wrote it?

17. What

19. Of

22. What beautiful

what book are you speaking? 20. What lesson have we 21. What a question! 23. Who dropped something?

to-day? pictures!

24. What a noise! 25. You do not work enough; that is why you

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(1) Examine the following models for telling the time

of day:

Quelle heure est-il ?

What time is it?

It is one o'clock.

Il est deux heures,

It is two o'clock.

Il est une heure,

Il est cinq heures et demie, It is half past five.

Il est cinq heures trente,

Quatre heures (et) (un) quart,

Quatre heures quinze (minutes), J

Quarter past four.

Six heures dix, vingt, etc., Six ten, twenty, etc.

Huit heures cinquante,

Neuf heures moins dix (minutes),

),} Eight fifty, ten minutes to nine.

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