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Galileans, to our own times in which the world has been blessed with the labours of such men as Fuller, and Scott, and Buchanan, and Worcester, and Mills, a majority of the most able and successful ministers has been com

posed of those whose early life was spent

in neither ease nor affluence.

Such young men as these, the society aims to search out and to bring forward into the service of the

of permanent funds for objects of Christian charity. We trust the hour will never come when the American Bible Society, or the American Board of Foreign Missions, shall become a monied corporation, or shall feel itself in any measure independent of the constant contributions of the churches.

But in the present instance it seems to us that if permanent funds should ever be solicited, they may be solicited here. And the present constitution of the Society affords every security which the nature of the case admits against the perversion of these funds.

church. It takes them in the earliest stages of a course of liberal education, and leads them on from the grammar-school to the college, and from the college to the school of Theology. And throughout this course, it exercises over them a Respecting the present system of guardianship which we are happy to learn is becoming more thorough appropriations adopted by the sociand systematic. The present SecThe present Sec-ety, we must say, with all deference to the wisdom by which that sysretary-a man in all respects admitem was matured, that we have our rably fitted for his work-is expectdoubts. But before expressing ed, we believe, to devote a considthese doubts, we prefer to let the erable portion of his time to this Directors speak for themselves, and single object. We have long been exhibit the reasons by which they waiting in hope of such a measure. Each beneficiary is to be watched have been induced to adopt the over not only by his instructers and friends, but by the representative of his patron society. Thus the relation which the beneficiary sustains to the institution which assists him will have more of the affectionateness of a relation to an individual and personal benefactor; and the society and the public will have every possible assurance that their bounty is not misapplied.

The pamphlet before us announces to the public two important changes which have taken place in the arrangements and plans of the American Education Society. The first is, that henceforward all the money appropriated to beneficiaries shall be loaned, not given. The second is the introduction of a system of permanent funds, in scholarships of one thousand dollars each.

Respecting the last mentioned change, we need only say that it has our cordial approbation. We are not the advocates, in general,


beneficiaries, is another subject upon The mode of rendering assistance to which the thoughts of the directors have been frequently and anxiously employed. On the one hand, they have felt it to be important that so much assistance should be rendered as to prevent discouragement and distressing embarrassment; and on the other, that it should be given, if possible, in such a manner as not to weaken the motives

to personal effort. Among all the means of exciting the mind, and preparing it for difficult enterprizes, that of throwing it upon its own resources, at an early period of life, and compelling it to seek alone, the means of inprovement, is perhaps the most effectual. The discipline is severe, but it rarely ever fails of being salutary. Not a few of the most active and influ

ential men in every profession owe their elevation and their usefulness

to this cause, more than to any other. The Directors of the American Education Society would be the last to destroy the necessity of per

sonal effort in those whom they are training up for the ministry. Here, if any where, the mind should be vigorous and active, and preparation should be made for arduous and self-denying labours. On this account, they became early convinced that it was injudicious to make their appropriations so large as to cover all the ordinary expenses of their beneficiaries; and subsequent experience has taught them that it is wisest that what they do appropriate should be granted not as a charity, but as a loan. Beneficiaries were accordingly required not long after the Society was established to give their notes for one half of all which they received; and hereafter they will be required to give rotes for the whole. This is regarded as an important and highly auspicious change in the system of conducting Education Societies. Although the loan is in many respects a paternal one, being made without a surety; and without interest, until a reasonable time after preparation for the ministry is completed; and with the further expectation of its being cancelled by the Directors in case it should be impossible or unsuitable to refund; -although it is a loan upon these peculiarly favourable conditions, it possesses many obvious advantages.

1. It exerts a salutary influence upon the character of the beneficiaries themselves. They cease to be in the strict and proper sense charity students. All those associations which belong peculiarly to ideas of charity, and which have often been observed to have an unhappy effect on the character, are in this manner avoided. youth is taught to look to his own efforts as the ultimate means of his education, and is permitted to cherish in some degree those feelings of independence which, when properly regulated, exert a wholesome influence on the mind.


2. The system is also fitted to promote economy. Every degree of aid which is received increases a debt for which the beneficiary is responsible. Of course there is a strong inducement to take as little from the funds as possible, and to make that little go as far as possible. Self-interest, the most powerful of motives, is made a continual check to extravagance. The relatives and friends of the beneficia

ries experience also, for a similar reason, new inducements to contribute to their necessities, in proportion to their ability. Few parents will withhold their aid, when the smallest gift which they can bestow lessens a burden which is accumulating upon a child.

3. Another advantage of the system is, that it furnishes a better test of character than can be had where the assistance is entirely gratuitous. A youth whose motives are questionable, or who is greatly wanting in efficiency of character, will be less likely to apply for a loan, than for a gift; and if he should so far succeed in imposing upon the Directors as to obtain access to the funds, they would hold his obligation for all which he might receive, and be in a situation to recover it again, whenever he should have the means of repaying it. At least the encouragement which is held out by a loaning fund to persons of an improper character to seek an education is far less than that which is afforded by a charity.

4. Another important benefit of the system is, that it renders the funds more extensively and permanently useful. A single donation of a benevolent person may afford assistance to a succession of young men; for when one has had the benefit of it, he refunds it and it is appropriated to another-and that one does the same, and it is again appropriated, and thus the benevolence of the giver is made to extend from youth to youth, and probably from generation to generation, long after he has gone to his rest.

5. Young men who are most worthy of the patronage of the Society will be better pleased with this mode of receiving aid, than with one which makes them entirely dependent on charity. If their hearts are warmed with the same spirit of benevolence which prompts Christians, many of whom are themselves poor, to patronize them, they will wish to add as little as possible to the burdens which are sustained on their account, and will ask no more than to be assisted till they shall have it in their power to refund what they have received. Certainly they will ask no more when it is considered on what favourable conditions the loans are made to them, and how completely they are guarded from being ultimate

ly oppressed, if they exercise the proper self-denial and do their duty.-If they finish their preparatory course and enter upon their destined profession, they are indulged with sufficient time to repay, before any interest has begun to accumulate; and if they devote themselves permanently to the service of Christ in the most destitue regions, where a scanty subsistence is all which they can ever hope to receive for their labours, or if, in any other way, they are deprived of the power of refunding, the directors will exercise the right entrusted to them, of abating or cancelling obligations at their discretion.

The Directors have received the fullest assurances from their beneficiaries that this system is not less agreeable to them, than it has been proved to be acceptable to a large part of the friends and benefactors of the American Education Society. As evidence of this, it will be sufficient to quote a single

extract from one of the letters addressby the beneficiaries of the Society to a person appointed to confer with them on this subject. That extract is as follows-"As the Directors have seen fit to regard the approbation of the beneficiaries, we can only say we are perfectly satisfied with the measures they have adopted, and do unanimously prefer our present, to our former situation." To this testimony there is a general assent among all the beneficiaries of the Society, so far as their feelings are known to the Directors.

Now we are by no means insensible to the force of these considerations. But at the same time we are not entirely satisfied respecting the conclusion to which the Directors would lead us. And we say so not because we would diminish in the least the public confidence which they so justly possess; but because we consider the system at present adopted, as something which is still subject to alteration and amendment and therefore fairly open to discussion. minds we confess are undecided; and therefore we doubt, though we can hardly venture to object. We doubt in the first place whether, in


the "evil days" upon which Christian ministers at this period are fallen, it is the wisest policy to replenish the vacancies of the church with ministers whose operations shall be impeded, their spirits oppressed, and their independence of character restrained, by a heavy load of debt. There are few, very few churches in the land, who give their pastors more than is barely necessary for their support from year to year; and out of this pittance each minister must not only support himself; but he must also be, as becomes a Christian bishop, "given to hospitality;" he must be an example, in many things, of liberality and public spirit; he must, in these days of inquiry and reading and constant investigation, expend much for the attainment of those periodical and other publications without which he will soon find himself, in respect to knowledge, far behind the world which it is his business to instruct and influence; he must be so far independent of his people as that he can decamp and leave them whenever they shall say so; and in addition to all this, he must-if he has been a beneficiary of this society

refund the expenses of his education. We doubt the policy of filling the church, in these days, with ministers who must be burthened and distressed with this peculiarly painful embarassment. We doubt, in the next place, whether it is quite so generous or kind as it seems to be, to take up young men, and call them beneficiaries, and subject them to whatever is unpleasant in the name, and in the complicated liabilities to public inspection and public criticism, and in the manifold responsibilities of charity students, and after all to make them support themselves. The annual appropriations of the Board are only seventy-two dollars to each beneficiary; and for the loan of seventytwo dollars a year the student con

sents to be called a beneficiary, and to endure whatever is embarrassing in the supposed dependence and in the actual accountabilities of that relation in which all his actions become the subject of public watchfulness, and all his mistakes and indiscretions the theme of public remark. We would not be understood as intimating that there can be anything uncomfortable in being subjected to the paternal guardianship of such a man as the Secretary; on the contrary we know that the intercourse of the beneficiaries with him must be full of affection, and a source of mutual pleasure. But who does not know that a beneficiary stands a mark for folly to shoot at, and that those who hate the cause of benevolence and those who would find an excuse for indulging their avarice at the expense of that cause, are eager to catch at all his imprudences and all his failings, and blow the trumpet to proclaim whatever in his conduct, or his manners, or his speech, or his dress, can be distorted into ridicule. We doubt, thirdly, whether it is good policy to withdraw the beneficiary from his studies for three months or more in each year for the sake of teaching school. This is a part of the system to which the Directors have often referred in their reports without any apparent scruples respecting its wisdom. But it seems to us highly questionable. To send out two or three hundred young men every winter from the recitation rooms of colleges to teach school for a short period as a convenient expedient for raising a little money, does not seem to us like the best way of elevating the character and usefulness of our common schools. It is coming to be generally acknowledged that till the business of instruction is made a distinct profession, till it shall cease to fall into the hands of those men only who make it a merely temporary expedient, there VOL. I.-No. II.


can be no essential improvement in our system of general education. And whether the policy of setting all the beneficiaries of the American Education Society to teach school does not tend to retard a consummation so desirable, admits of no debate. But on the improvement of the beneficiaries themselves, the operation of this part of the system seems hardly more favourable. All the time and strength which they expend in teaching is necessarily withdrawn from their studies. It is idle to say that in most colleges long vacations extend over most of the school-keeping season; for it is as important to the student that he spend his vacations in relaxation, as it is that he spend his terms in study. All the time then which is devoted to teaching is withdrawn from studying; and if the beneficiaries teach, on an average, three months in every year, their course of college study is cut down from four years to three. In some colleges, for aught we know, they may on this plan maintain a good relative standing for scholarship without sacrificing their lives or their health. In other colleges this cannot be done. If those who leave the walls of college at any time to engage in other occupations form any considerable portion of the classes, there will be substantially a vacation during the period of their absence, the classes will insensibly linger for the return of the absentees, or march with slower steps while the loiterers are coming up in the rear. If on the other hand those who go away bear so inconsiderable a ratio to those who remain as hardly to be missed, then obviously when they return, they will find that the former companions of their studies are far ahead, and while perhaps some two or three of them wear out their lives or ruin their constitutions as with flushed cheek and sunken eye they pursue their midnight studies

to regain their standing,-the others probably fold their hands in hopelessness and submit to the destiny of being inferior to their classmates. The tendency of the system seems to be that instead of giving to the beneficiaries the best education, it gives them that which shall be the most convenient and most tolerable substitute for the best.

the principles on which their institution rests, remain inviolate, they shall always share in our contributions and our prayers, and they shall never lack our loudest voice of approbation. We would rather found one scholarship for the American Education Society than leave a round million to be the inheritance of our children. The former might bless the church and the world with a long succession of min

tion to generation; the latter would be squandered in a few short years, and might ruin the souls of our children and of our children's children. The former might be the means of bringing thousands to the paradise of God; the latter would in all probability replenish hell with the souls of those whom our influence ought to have saved from ruin.

We know the peculiar difficulties which embarrass the conduct-isters reaching down from generaing of this charity. We know the complaints which some vulgar and niggardly minds are ever ready to make against the extravagance of taking young men from the field and from the work shop and bestowing upon them such appropriations as will enable them to live, as they, the complainers think, in idleness. But we know too that from men of that class little or nothing can be expected in aid of such a charity as this; and therefore we doubt whether it is needful to conduct the enterprise in such a manner as to square with their prejudices or to silence their complaints. The Society must depend upon men of the most liberal feelings and the most enlightened views; and therefore it needs to approve itself only to such men and to God.

We have expressed these doubts not because we feel any distrust of the Society or its Directors, but because we do feel the strongest confidence in their benevolence and wisdom. If there be in their system the error which we have intimated, it is an error on the safer side. And whether they adhere to their present system of appropriations or adopt some other which would seem to us more liberal in its aspect and happier in its tendencies, we bid them God speed. They are engaged in a great and arduous work of Christian patriotism and Christian benevolence. And though we claim the privilege of canvassing their measures in the fraternal spirit of Christian affection; yet while

The Canon of the Old and New

Testaments ascertained; or the Bible Complete without the Apocrypha and unwritten Traditions. By ARCHIBALD ALEXANDER, Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology in the Theological Seminary at Princeton, N. J.G. & C. Carvill, New-York. pp. 418, 12mo.

THIS volume was designed, the author tells us in his preface, as a supplement to his former work on the "Evidences;"* for it seemed essential to the completeness of the argument for the truth of divine revelation, that it should be ascertained what books do justly claim to contain that revelation. A compendious work on this subject, which should be neither too learned for common readers, nor too voluminous for general use, the author deemed a desideratum. We think he judged correctly. Every intelligent Christian must wish to be possessed of all the evidence

*For a review of which, see our former series, vol. vii. p. 458.

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