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they saw between themselves and the English the hollow road of Ohain. It was a frightful ravine, two fathoms deep. Horses and riders fell into that grave and crushed one another. When the abyss was full of men and horses, the others marched on them and passed over. Napoleon did not see this ravine when he ordered the charge, and the peasant of whom he asked the question replied that there was no hollow road. Why was it not possible that Napoleon should win the battle? Because a new series of facts was preparing. The moment had come for that man to fall. His weight was disturbing the equilibrium of human destiny. cemeteries, mothers' tears were complaining. was settled.

Reeking blood,
Napoleon's fall

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a [a], 3 sg. pres. indic. avoir. à [a], to, towards, at, for, in, into, around, by, with, from; votre montre, by your watch. abaisser [abɛse], to lower; s'—, to lower one's self, fall, sink, be lowered.

abandonner [abãdone], to abandon, forsake.

abattre [abatr], to throw down, knock down, cast down, dishearten; abattu, p.p., disheartened, discouraged, depressed. abécédaire [abesedɛ:r], m., , primer, spelling-book.

abîme [abi:m], m., abyss. abondamment [abɔ̃damã], abundantly.

abondant [abɔ̃dã], abundant. abord (d') [d abo:r], at first, first (of all), at the outset. abreuver [abræve], to water, fill, soak.

abri [abri], m., shelter, cover; à - de, in the shelter of. abriter [abrite], to shelter, shield. absorber [apsorbe], to absorb, engross.

absurde [apsyrd], absurd.

abuser [abyze], to make a bad use (of, de), abuse.

académique [akademik], academic. accent [aksã], m., accent, tone. accepter [aksɛpte], to accept. accident [aksidã], m., accident, incident.

acclimater [aklimate], to acclimatize; s', to become acclimatized.

accompagner [akopaɲe], to accompany.

accorder [akorde], to grant, concede.

accoster [akoste], to come alongside (nav.).

accoupler [akuple], to couple, fasten.

accourir [akuri:r], § 164, to run or hasten up; run or hasten to

one's aid.

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acier [asje], m., steel. acquérir [akeri:r], § 162, to acquire.

acquis [aki], p.p. acquérir. acteur [akto:r], m., actor. action [aksjɔ̃], f., action. actuellement [aktчɛlmã], now, at this very time.

addition [adisjɔ̃], f., bill, reckoning. adieu [adjø], m., good-bye, farewell.

adjurer [ad3yre], to adjure, beseech.

admettre [admetr], §198, to admit.

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admirablement [admirabləmã], admirably.

admirer [admire], to admire. admission [admisjɔ̃], f., admittance.

adosser (s') [s adose], to lean one's back (against, à, contre). adresse [adres], f., address, skill, dexterity.

adresser [adrese ], to address; s', to address one's self, be addressed or directed, apply,

have recourse.

adversaire [adverse:r], m., adversary, opponent. affaire [afe:r], f., affair, business,

matter; pl., things, business. affectueux [afɛktчø], affectionate. affiche [afis], f., placard, poster. afficher [afife], to post up. affliger [aflize], § 156; to afflict, vex, grieve; s'-, to grieve, be troubled, be sorrowful, fret. affreux [afrø], frightful, horrible. afin de [afe dǝ] + infin., in order to. afin que [afe kǝ], in order that,

that (takes subjunctive). âge [a:3], m., age, century, time; ende, of an age to; quel — a-t-il?, how old is he? âgé [ase], aged, old.

agile [a3il], nimble, swift.

agir [a3i:r], to act, operate, work, move, manage.

agiter (s') [s azite], to stir, move, be or grow restless. agneau [aɲo], m., lamb. agréable [agreabl], agreeable, pleasant.

ah! [a or a:], ah!, hah!, oh! ai [e], 1 sg. pres. ind. avoir. aide [ɛ:d], m., helper; -de camp, aide-de-camp.

aider [ɛde], to aid, help, assist. aie [], 1 sg. pres. subj. and 2 sg. impve. avoir.

aigu [egy], acute; shrill, penetrating.

aile [el], f., wing.

aimable [ɛmabl], kind, amiable.

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airain [ɛrē], m., brass, bronze. aise [cz], f., gladness; ease, convenience; à ton —, comfortably, at your ease, just as you like, suit yourself. aisé [ɛze], easy. aisément [ɛzemã], easily. ait [e], 3 sg. pres. subj. avoir. ajouter [asute], to add. Albret (d') [d albrɛ]; Henri

father of Henry IV. of France. Allah [alla], m., Allah. allemand [almã], adj., German ; l-, m., German (the language). aller [ale], § 160, to go; -+infin., to go to, go and; y-de bon cœur, to go at (a thing) with spirit ; s'en to go away, depart, set allez-vous-en, go away; qu'elle s'en aille!, let her go (away)!; allons!, come!, courage!, up!, arise! ; à la rencontre de, to go to meet ; -chercher, go for, go and get; trouver, go and find, go to; (of garments), fit.


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américain [amerike], American. amertume [amɛrtym], f., bitter


ami [ami], m., friend; mon my good fellow.

amie [ami], f., friend, loved one. amical [amikal], friendly. amirauté [amirote], f., admiralty. amitié [amitje], f., friendship, affection.

amour [amu:r], m. in sing. and f. in pl., love, affection; un de petite chèvre, a dear little goat. amoureux [amurø], enamoured, in à la folie, madly in



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amusant [amyzã], amusing. amusement [amyzmã], m., amuse


amuser, [amyze], to amuse; s' to amuse or enjoy one's self, play.

an [ã], m., year; avoir quarante -s, to be forty years old, forty years of age; le jour de l'An, New Year's day.

ancien [ãsje], ancient, old; former, un —, m., an ancient. âne [an], m., ass, donkey. anecdote [anegdot], f., anecdote. Angelus [ãzelys], m., Angelus (a prayer in honour of the Incarnation), ringing bell for ditto. anglais [ãgle], adj., English; n. m., Englishman; l'—, m., English. anglaise [ãgle:z], f., runninghand (of writing).

angle [gl], m., angle, corner. animal [animal], m., animal, beast. animer (s') [s anime], to become animated, become lively. anneau [ano], m., ring. année [ane], f., year, twelvemonth; l'- dernière, last year. annoncer [anɔ̃se], § 156,. to announce, usher in; s'-, to announce one's self, be indicated, be evident.

annotation [anɔtɑsjɔ̃], f., annotation, note.

antichambre [ãtifã: br], f., antechamber.

antique [ãtik], ancient. août [u], m., August.

apercevoir [apersǝvwa:r], § 213, to perceive, see, observe, notice; s'-, ditto.

aperçoit [aperswa], 3 sg. pres. indic. apercevoir.

aperçu [apersy], p.p. apercevoir. aperçut [apersy], 3 sg. p. def. apercevoir.

apôtre [apo:tr], m., apostle. apparaître [apare: tr], § 188, to


appartement [apartəmã], m., apartments, suite of rooms. appartenir [apartoni:r], § 177, to belong (to, à).

appel [apel], m., call. appeler [aple], § 158, to call; call in, summon; name; s'-, to be called, named; comment s'appelle-t-il?, what is his name?; il s'appelle Jean Bart, his name is Jean Bart.

applaudir [aplodi:r], to applaud, clap (the hands). appliquer [aplike], to apply; s'—, to apply one's self, work, set to work, take pains.

apporter [aporte], to bring (to, à). apprendre [aprã:dr], § 202, to learn; teach.

apprenti [aprati], m., apprentice. apprêter [aprete], to prepare, get ready.

apprivoiser [aprivwaze], to tame (animals).

approche [aprof], f., approach. approcher [aprofe], intr., to ap

proach, draw near; de, ditto; s'-, to approach, draw near (to, de).

appuyer [apчije], § 157, to prop,

support, lean, rest, press on; appuyé, p.p., leaning or supported (on, à); s'-, to support one's self, lean.

après [apre], after, next (to); adv., afterwards, after.

après-demain [aprɛ dmɛ̃], the day after to-morrow.

après-midi [aprɛ midi], m. f., after


aquilon [akilɔ̃], m., north-wind. arabe [arab], Arabian; Arabe, m., (an) Arabian.

Arabie [arabi], f., Arabia. arbre [arbr], m., tree. arbuste [arbyst], m., shrub. Arc de Triomphe [ark də triɔ̃:f], name of an arch in Paris. arçon [arsɔ̃], m., saddle-bow. ardent [ardă], fiery, eager, intense. ardeur [ardo:r], f., heat, burning heat.

argent [arz], m., silver, money. argument [argymã], m., argument. arithmétique [aritmetik], f., arithmetic.

arme [arm], f., arm, weapon; aux -s! to arms!

armée [arme], f., army. armer [arme], to arm, equip, fit out, provide; s'-, to arm, fortify, secure one's self.

armoire [armwa:r], f., cupboard, clothes-press.

Arnault [arno], French author, b. 1766, d. 1834.


arracher [arafe], to pull out, snatch (from), extract (a tooth). arranger [arã3e], § 156, to arrange. arrêter [arɛte], to stop, delay, stay, check, arrest; s'—, stop, pause, give heed (to, à); du monde arrêté, people standing. arrière [arje:r], m., back part; en-, back(wards).

arriver [arive], to arrive (at, à, dans, sur); come, come to, come up; happen, occur; les voilà qui arrivent, see them coming (there). arroser [aroze], to sprinkle, water (a garden, etc.).

article [artikl], m., article. articuler [artikyle], to articulate,


artillerie [artijri], f., artillery. as [a], 2 3g. pres. indic. avoir.

ascension [asãsjõ], f., ascension; a fête de l'Ascension, Ascension day. assassiner [asasine], to assassinate, murder.

asseoir(s') [s aswa:r], § 215, to sit down, seat one's self, be seated. asseyant(s') [s asɛjã], pres. part. s'asseoir.

assez [ase], enough, sufficiently; pretty, rather, quite, very; bon, good enough.

assied(s') [s asje], 3 sg. pres. indic. s'asseoir.

assiette [asjɛt], f.,


assis [asi], p.p. s'asseoir, seated, sitting.

assistant [asistã], m., person present, bystander.

assister [asiste], to be present (at, à), look upon.

assit(s') [s asi], 3 sg. past def. s'asseoir.

associé [asɔsje], m., partner. assommer [asome], to knock down, beat to death.

assomption [asɔ̃psjɔ̃], f., assumption; la fête de l'Assomption, Assumption day.

assujettir [asy3ɛti:r], to subdue, enthral, subject.

assurer [asyre], to assure. astracan [astrakã], astrakhan (a kind of fur).

attacher [atase], to fasten, tie, make fast.

attendre [atã:dr], § 210, to wait; wait for, expect. attentif [atãtif], attentive. attention [atãsjɔ̃], f., attention; faire to pay attention. attentivement [atãtivmã], attentively.

attestation [atestasjɔ̃], f., certifi


attirail [atira:j], m., apparatus, gear, paraphernalia.

attirer [atire], to attract, draw. attrait [atre], m., attraction, charm.

au [o], contr. of à + le.

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